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How To Use Modern world In A Sentence

  • In the modern world, we are used to the washed-out whitness of the underlying marble or stone used to create the work of art, and so seeing replicas of the originals in full color is breathtaking. Archive 2008-01-01
  • He has been eulogized as the savior of the modern world. Saad Khan: Why Steve Jobs Is Not My Hero?
  • A few unexpected moves push these time-honored forms into the modern world: extreme angles to the roof pitches, compressed fenestration with staggered window sizes, and square dormers.
  • 'Hindu tradition and history is replete with stories and references to' bhumi ', to mother earth, and we want to help Hindus re-learn these sacred teachings and find new relevance for them in the modern world,' said Centre director Shaunaka Rishi Das, who helped formulate the project. India eNews
  • The aim is to identify the principal aesthetic sources of the continent, both within local culture and the modern world.
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  • An increasing disenchantment with the artificial and man-made aspects of the modern world. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • Moreover there has been an insuperable gap between cognitive factors of ancient and modern world.
  • Death is the unforgivable sin of modernity, and the modern world will have nothing to do with her.
  • He didn't know why, but it seemed like trust was becoming a thing of the past in the modern world of people today.
  • The group of them got into a happy conversation, and like a pot set vigorously aboil, the waiting room was soon splattered by the frolicsome four: "radical secular left," "cultural relativism run amok," "post-modern world," "the mushy middle," etc. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The large waves of migration of the modern world, along with the instant technology we've devised (television, radio, movies, the Internet), encourage verbal cross-fertilization.
  • As The Economist recently observed, For something so central to the modern world, the Internet is shambolically governed. Joe Waz: Internet Governance at a Crossroads
  • To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world. Anthony Burgess 
  • The United States was created by migration and the modern world has been sculpted by migration.
  • The modern world takes a strangely ambiguous position on violence.
  • Actually, it seems to me that in medievalism (depictions of the medieval in the modern world), non-adulterous obstacles are more common. Literary Adultery
  • For most people the modern world is a wondrous place full of medicine and food and fizzy drinks in vending machines. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the modern world Pythagoras is best remembered for the mathematical theorem that he is said to have created - the one about the square on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.
  • Nuclear war is one of the horrors that face the modern world.
  • But that's about it, problem-wise, as the novel opens – so Harry should really be bracing himself, hands over head and head between knees, because he should know by now that the rest of this novel is going to present him with relationship breakdowns, tug-of-love battles for his children, lots of reasons to lament "the lousy modern world" (©T Parsons) and at least one fatalcancer. Men from the Boys by Tony Parsons
  • Special attention is give to tensions that run through many of the other chapters, between traditional and modern worlds, elite and mass culture, things cosmopolitan and things French.
  • Within the city too the modern world is bursting in, though in a gentler way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Niche cars are out of control in the modern world and if you want a two-seater Sports Utility MPV Hatchback Turbo, you'll find it somewhere.
  • These are all crude little ways to express ourselves in the busy modern world. The Sun
  • But the question, as Mr. Phillips puts it in his introduction to "Holy Warriors," is this: Why does something that happened 900 years ago, and that ended "ignominiously," "resonate so powerfully across the modern world"? Rescuers, Not Invaders
  • Aids has been described as the scourge of the modern world.
  • There is a melancholy in the modern world which looks with nostalgia to the days when magic ruled the world, and sunrise was a time of aubade, dusk a time for the canticles of evensong, when the elfin ships can be glimpsed by those with second sight against the fiery clouds, setting sail away from the mortal shores for worlds beyond the sunset, beyond the seas we know. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • Couture's new relevance has emboldened its designers, who are challenging convention and reinventing the haute genre for the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are genuinely concerned about the effects of religious divisiveness in the modern world.
  • As with California's Supreme Court, many of the berobed judiciary take it as their solemn duty to do the people's thinking for them on the modern world's most difficult and divisive social issues. Gay Marriage Returns
  • The Channel Tunnel is the longest undersea tunnel in the world with the section under the sea is 38km long and in 1996 was nominated as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Christian Desplat, Cultures en Béarn (Librairie des Pyrénées et de Gascogne, 2001), excellent on the persistence of ancient and medieval folkways in the modern world, and the interplay of French and Bearnaise language and culture; Nicolas de Bordenave, Histoire de Béarn et de Navarre (Paris, 1873), a fine work of scholarship. Champlain's Dream
  • We were confronted by an almost Martian environment of stark rock in a wide assortment of hues and a silence completely unnatural to our modern world of beeps, buzzes and designer cell phone rings.
  • Eugene O'Neill, in his Nobel Prize Acceptance speech, spoke highly of Strindberg's contribution to the development of modern world ...
  • The large waves of migration of the modern world, along with the instant technology we've devised (television, radio, movies, the Internet), encourage verbal cross-fertilization.
  • Yet it is coal, far more than its swishier carbon cousins, that has created the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • He explained about the process of adapting to globalization and how we should administer our human resources in the modern world.
  • It was epically hilarious/bizarre/epic with a great cast of mid 20s and, later mid teens who were seemingly semi-driftless Britishers in the modern world. “Scary Go Round” Ends
  • In fact, he is rather sweet-tempered as he inveighs against the stupidities of the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed a gauntlet thrown down to the modern world. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • The professions brought into the modern world ideals that were premodern and predemocratic.
  • Allnations are interdependent in the modern world.
  • Given these changes, it would seem logical that the survey would become an obsolete, archaic technology in a postmodern world.
  • He also seems to have felt that the oral epic still had a presence in the modern world. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The book is a timely reminder of the complexity of international politics, and the nuanced balance of forces that have shaped our modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the title suggests, Ferguson believes that the British Empire shaped the modern world.
  • When supernatural artifacts from the Homelands begin surfacing in the modern world, it falls to Cinderella, Fabletown†™ s best kept (and best dressed) secret agent to stop the illegal trafficking. MSP#150: Yeah, we can't believe it either... | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • A guide can bring her (for a small fee, of course) through its labyrinthine winding laneways and streets, few of which still exist in the modern world.
  • When supernatural artifacts from the Homelands begin surfacing in the modern world, it falls to Cinderella, Fabletown†™ s best kept (and best dressed) secret agent to stop the illegal trafficking. MSP#150: Yeah, we can't believe it either... | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Wouldn't it be great if we weren't exporting body hatred around the world by implying that the bodies on our billboards are the only ones that let you engage with the modern world? Ad men today are wrong on body size
  • In the shrinking modern world, the relationship between sport and war seems to be getting closer.
  • But the moral assessment of persons with respect to their ‘sexuality’ that is so ubiquitous in the modern world would have seemed to the ancient Greeks peculiar, arbitrary, and unmotivated.
  • Such companies must change if they are to compete in the modern world .
  • It allowed for more elaborate plots with more technology, gave the show the freedom to explore some of the modern world rather than having to pretzel backwards to fit the '40s.
  • According to E.D. Hirsch, Jr., to be culturally literate is to “possess the basic information needed to thrive in the modern world”. Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know « Books « Literacy News
  • Their relationship is a metaphor for the failure of communication in the modern world.
  • Such companies must change if they are to compete in the modern world .
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • It's about a certain kind of sensibility - fear and sensitivity in the modern world.
  • Moreover, in discussing spinning with a wheel, she notes how much change there was in working conditions as the middle ages continued into the early modern world.
  • You adapted the monarchy successfully to the modern world - and that has been a challenge because it is a world that can pay scant regard to tradition and often values passing fashions above enduring faith.
  • People often say painting died in the modern world, that the age of mechanical reproduction made it a relic, of value only to conservative fetishists of fine art.
  • Their relationship is a metaphor for the failure of communication in the modern world.
  • For Bierce , Christianity was an antiquated superstition with no place in the modern world.
  • The archbishop explained, "The Divine Mercy devotion is a reminder for us in the modern world to be mindful that God's mercy is always there and stronger than our sinfulness or our limitations.
  • The income from admission fees helps the monks finance a lifestyle that might otherwise be impossible in the modern world.
  • It's one of the mushroom industries of the modern world... Anything's stealable nowadays," she said, smiling down at him. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • They are expected suddenly to adapt to the modern world after a century of colonial domination and outside interference.
  • Their relationship is a metaphor for the failure of communication in the modern world.
  • There is, in his view, too much angst about the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the most significant aspect of the technical and rational mastery of the modern world has been bureaucracy.
  • What further amazes Verner, a macro-economist, is the deftness with which the indigenous people navigate the modern world while retaining fidelity to their traditions and customs.
  • Aids has been described as the scourge of the modern world.
  • Having stagnated for untold ages in an evolutionary backwater, they now had the modern world thrust suddenly upon them.
  • Is monarchy relevant in the modern world or should it be abolished?
  • He talks about how man cannot rely on his own skills to survive in the modern world, how he's reliant on many others for his sense of self.
  • Coupons and special ‘cheap times’ are just the beginning of customer promotions in the modern world of sex purveyance.
  • He told The Times newspaper that ‘living in disguise as a politician in the modern world simply isn't an option’.
  • The income from admission fees helps the monks finance a lifestyle that might otherwise be impossible in the modern world.
  • In a modern world filled with megacities, the logistics are still impressive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each of the four movements that cumulatively created the modern worldview arose in response to a noble quest.
  • Civil society is assaulted in the most criminal way by the most pitilessly reactionary force in the modern world.
  • Watchmen was the first film to reinvigorate the beleaguered genre, and this adaptation of Mark Millar’s revered graphic novel brings the super-hero – sometimes quite literally – kicking and screaming into the modern world, grounding costumed vigilantes in the laws of reality more than any film before and thus making the notion of caped crusaders absolutely enthralling again. Darren says KICK-ASS really does KICK-ASS!!! | Obsessed With Film
  • `It seems to me that there is little basis in the modern world for an essentialist and moralizing language of lost or future purity. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • He had read widely and variously in Darwin, Spencer, Mill, Muller, and Taine; he had, in short, scaled the "lofty mountains" that had so hemmed in his early view, and made his way into the intellectual kingdoms of the modern world that lay beyond. Bjornstjerne Bjornson
  • It is a sad fact that, because of comfort, complacency, a morbid fear of communism, and our proneness to ad just to injustice, the Western nations that initiated so much of the revolutionary spirit of the modern world have now become the arch anti-revolutionaries. Chris Weigant: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Vietnam Speech
  • Some of our sources are Shiites and Sunnis from non-Wahhabi traditions -- people condemned as "polytheistic" or "deviant" or "bad" in these texts -- others are simply frustrated that these books do so little to prepare young students for the modern world. This is a Saudi textbook. (After the intolerance was removed.)
  • I imagine you inspecting "vintage" erotica for any hints of the modern world — or even anything post-World War I — that, if found, instantly kill the fantasy.
  • In the modern world it is only despotisms which have recourse to the firing squad or the noose.
  • The income from admission fees helps the monks finance a lifestyle that might otherwise be impossible in the modern world.
  • They argue that attitudes were highly favorable to the aged in "preindustrial" society, before a spirit of "gerontophobia" appeared in the modern world. Growing Old: An Exchange
  • A modern world "Coach House" for the automobile aficionado with two bedroom Guest House that has been designed to spoil your quests both with stunning Ocean and mountain Views.
  • Because you will never be able to hack it in the modern world.
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • While many scholars focus on the incorporation of the globe into the modern world system, a few, such as Thomas Hall, call for research on "precapitalist" (that is, premodern) incorporations. 13 The fact that the Chinese were extraordinarily successful as an imperial power in East Asia and Southeast Asia will provide a better understanding of precapitalist incorporations in world history. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • But the changes unleashed by the rise of the modern world cannot be stopped.
  • But how often in our frenetic modern world do we take the time to consider anything with such careful, scrupulous, meditative intensity? Times, Sunday Times
  • He extolled the virtues of Aranda belief, and disdained the modern world that had replaced traditional sanctities.
  • The modern world-view, he thought, would 'unweave a rainbow'. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the time that I went to West Point, another reason why I stayed, was that West Point made a decision in the mid - ` 90s to kind of rejoin the rest of the modern world all at once. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
  • David S. Landes's Revolution in Time treats ‘clocks and the making of the modern world’ in earlier historical periods, with a good emphasis on economic history as well as horology and philosophy.
  • Her ideas have lost all relevance to the modern world.
  • To exist in a modern world, we must often ignore its indecorous parts: the rivers of waste we produce, the intersexual fish we create. Pipe Dreams
  • Software, is though, a cultural artifact of the modern world.
  • All I have to say about This Modern World is "Crapulent snurf machine knob knobbler! Firedoglake » Face the Snark
  • Heritage Week or Day, established in recognition of the term rainbow nation, coined by former president Mandela in 1996, came to an end in pomp and fashion on Friday night and the hundreds that came over the week witnessed culture blend with the modern world in colour, sound and taste. Fiji Times Online - Local News
  • Sheridan said: ‘This is the 21st century and we have got people running about in garters and tights and that just doesn't fit with the modern world.
  • Thus although not as technologically driven as the modern world, the ancient and classical world none the less possessed all of the requisites for a realist international relations of power politics.
  • We live in a postmodern world, a dangerous world. Times, Sunday Times
  • That dehumanisation is a by-product of the modern world - an effect to the modern world's cause - is a given.
  • A speakeasy. What could be more timely ?A place to escape the modern world And violate its rules. Legality of course.
  • But beneath it all is the realisation that the modern world doesn't owe the trade union movement a future, and indeed, the trends of global capital are actively working against it by making the flow of capital so footloose and amoral.
  • Does the modern world owe its very existence to the humble spud?
  • The mere existence of such a throwback in the modern world suggests an inviolate timelessness.
  • The modern world-view, he thought, would 'unweave a rainbow'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taine; he had, in short, scaled the "lofty mountains" that had so hemmed in his early view, and made his way into the intellectual kingdoms of the modern world that lay beyond. Bjornstjerne Bjornson
  • But through the mists of all these conflicting theories and probabilities two facts of tremendous importance for our modern world emerge in clear relief, namely, that the grand law of the conservation of matter still holds true, and hence that _the matter of our world must have had an origin at some time in the past wholly different in degree and different in kind from any process going on around us that we call a natural process_. Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
  • In the modern world, wars are won by the side with the most money and the best technology.
  • The valley is completely shut off from the modern world.
  • In the post-modern world, preoccupied with contesting every perceived centre of power, the severest casualty has been our ability to judge between right and wrong, beautiful and ugly.
  • These are all crude little ways to express ourselves in the busy modern world. The Sun
  • Their influence has faded in the modern world, but the need for a sound base for moral judgments has not.
  • Further, the council called on the entire church to evangelize the modern world through renewal of the laity's role.
  • Whereas the legislation and practice of United States, Europe and other countries in the modern world show that in the insolvency proceedings, the bankruptcy courts usually compel arbitration.
  • Such comics tend to portray a noirish and Kafkaesque version of the modern world.
  • As Scoones agrees, a vital component of their success has been the sense of awe they inspire, which is a vanishingly rare commodity in the secular, postmodern world.
  • The Dalai Lama once said that simplicity is the key to happiness in the modern world.
  • Depending on your predilection, you can say that's a good thing or bad thing, but, for the likes of me, the modern world is often execrable.
  • Without question, the Internet and e-mail are essential tools for conducting business in a modern world.
  • A foreign policy that would estrange the United States and perhaps even throw its support to Germany would not only lose the war to Great Britain, but it would be perhaps the blackest crime in history, for it would mean the collapse of that British-American cooeperation, and the destruction of those British-American ideals and institutions which are the greatest facts in the modern world. The Life and Letters of Walter H Page
  • The poser and attitudinizer whose] individuality remains undeveloped might become all too common in the sophisticated, complicated modern world, he feared.
  • Quite simply, France has been responsible for most of the modern world's big ideas.
  • And he cautions that all examples of behaviors that benefit individuals in the modern world are not necessarily products of evolution.
  • Opposed is the apparent liberalism, individualism and anarchy on offer in a postmodern world.
  • But medicine's immovable vested interests are now meeting the modern world's most irresistible forces - consumerism and globalisation.
  • The monarchy is seen by many people as an anachronism in the modern world.
  • the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world
  • It is the received wisdom of the modern world that all wild creatures, including snakes, should suffer no curbs on their freedom or on the indulgence of their natural instincts, however distasteful those instincts may be.
  • In today's society our environment and culture has shaped what was once a brute drive to reproduce, into skills and expertise which secure prominence and survival in the modern world.
  • Reading Johns's study, I was repeatedly struck by continuities between the early modern world he describes and the present day.
  • For most people the modern world is a wondrous place full of medicine and food and fizzy drinks in vending machines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such companies must change if they are to compete in the modern world .
  • In contemporary Canada the environmentalists tell us the automobile is the bane of the modern world and economists tell us it is at the core of the modern economy. The Auto Industry From A Supplier's Perspective
  • These are all crude little ways to express ourselves in the busy modern world. The Sun
  • By adding a selection of pieces by artists who were inspired by da Vinci, including Cy Twombly, George Grosz, Andy Warhol and Marcel Duchamp, the show also explores the impact that Leonardo and his thinking have had on the modern world. What's On Around Europe
  • When did I join the Amish community, sitting with my wimple on, shaking my head sadly at the waste and dissipation of the modern world?
  • He had become a very skilled hunter, trapper, and woodsman, despite the fact that he was beginning to live in a more and more modern world.
  • And all have been notably successful in the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • But how often in our frenetic modern world do we take the time to consider anything with such careful, scrupulous, meditative intensity? Times, Sunday Times
  • Typically, the final Bosnian peace accord - that remarkable achievement in modern world history - was reached at the very moment when Speaker Newt Gingrich was, typically, busying himself with what he had called, when threatening it, a "train wreck" - closing down the U.S. Government! Nigel Hamilton: Rahm Is Going
  • Their relationship is a metaphor for the failure of communication in the modern world.
  • So how should policymakers respond to the unchartered waters of the modern world? Times, Sunday Times
  • If a search for such a unique truth is constitutive of history, then history is impossible and, in a post-modern world, we need to move to ‘imaginaries’.
  • For we live, musically, in a genuinely postmodern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heysham is also no stranger to the trappings of the modern world with its two nuclear power stations and ferry port, which has frequent car ferry sailings to the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland.
  • Suddenly you are aware of all the terrible dangers this modern world presents to the barely-walking.
  • But the godless modern world of money and machines has never been uncomplicated; its complexities and inconsistencies have simply been clarified by the order that modern political institutions have been able to bestow on it.
  • Like slavery and piracy, terrorism has no place in the modern world. George W. Bush 
  • Yes, I do think that it is time we stepped away from the blind worship that has resulted in the adultescent, binge drinking and a high proportion of the stuff that blights our modern world. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The modern world has urbanized to an unprecedented degree, and it is inconceivable that future military contingencies will not involve urban operations.
  • For most people the modern world is a wondrous place full of medicine and food and fizzy drinks in vending machines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Theories of intimate relationships in the modern world view passionate love as a problem to be managed.
  • Like punk artists, I began to draw connections and think about a postmodern world where people viewed their fears and fantasies in front of a TV screen or behind a guard rail.
  • Britain played a major role in helping to bring about the new modern world.
  • It does seem incredible to me that having emerged from the sixteenth century to a modern world of science, that there is an urge among some in the population to return to soothsayers, crystal-ball gazers and quacks of all descriptions.
  • The Empire has gone and imperialism is now regarded as a crime against humanity, a system based on brutalism and greed responsible for much of the mess of the modern world.
  • A quiet, deep pathos surrounds the story of each Aboriginal language in its individual encounter with the modern world.
  • In short, Stalin took an immense, feudalistic nation, and based upon the political theorists of his party forcibly communalized agricultural production to support modern industrial production in preparation for modern warfare against the entire modern world, and succeeded in defeating that foe. On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record
  • They feel that their own values are especially threatened by the modern world, and they are somewhat readier to rid library collections of unpopular books. American Grace
  • A handsome full-length portrait had been presented to the poet by the municipal authorities of Agen; and a letter from M. Lamartine, framed, above the chimney-piece, avowed the writer's belief that the Troubadour of the Garonne was the Homer of the modern world. Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist
  • [He] invented a mobile kitchen, which virtually took military cookery from the Middle Ages into the modern world. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • In our modern world, after all, power rarely lies hidden behind, say, Roman flat or the caprice of royal edict, at least not in the colonizing countries.
  • They do not have the mental wherewithal to find their way around the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even today, in the modern world, India retains its position of pre-eminence in spiritual leadership.
  • Cultural anthropology has shown the modern world, the presumed apex of progress, to be often more cruel than supposedly barbaric societies. Christianity Today
  • The errors are often funny, but always an insight into the babel of the modern world.
  • It would be a mistake to allow feelings aroused by contemplating the harsh deeds and extravagant assertions that have accompanied the Fascist process to obscure the potentialities and the lessons of the adventure—no, not adventure, but destiny riding without any saddle and bridle across the historic peninsula that bridges the world of antiquity and our modern world. A Renegade History of the United States
  • the modern world with its quick material successes and insolent belief in the boundless possibilities of progress
  • Dialogue, collegiality, ecumenism, and positive engagement with ‘the modern world’ began to take concrete form.
  • It explains the confluence of factors that made this corner of the West Midlands a place in which the modern world was forged. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is needed is a more flexible health insurance system to meet the needs of the modern world.
  • These are all crude little ways to express ourselves in the busy modern world. The Sun
  • In today's ultramodern world of multigenre hybrids and high-intensity actioners, titles with strong ties to the past are a rarity.
  • The modern world-view, he thought, would 'unweave a rainbow'. Times, Sunday Times
  • LIPSKY: Well, because, for me, Whitey in the book really kind of crystallizes one of the things about West Point, kind of how West Point is facing being part of the modern world, because Whitey is someone -- and again, the reason why Whitey Herzog is called Whitey Herzog is that during your first year at West Point, you don ` t have a first name. Absolutely American: Four Years at West Point
  • It is only a few miles, but it's a transition from a dowdy, reactionary, seaside resort to a busy, wired-up entrepôt, connected to Europe and the modern world.
  • Postcolonial criticism bears witness to the unequal and uneven forces of cultural representation involved in the contest for political and social authority within the modern world order.
  • His meditative films reflected an unease with the modern world and a feeling of malaise in western society.
  • In short, the collapse of the cowry system in Yunnan revealed that the globalizing modern world-system, while incorporating the Indian Ocean precapitalist world-system, pushed Yunnan, part of the Indian Ocean precapitalist world-system, or a peripheral region overlapped by two world - economies, to be incorporated into the Chinese world-system. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • It is a true cliche that the modern world is a pre-eminently scientific and technological one.
  • What do you think is the role of religion in the modern world?
  • For example, many of the tribes that organize tourist packages attempt to portray the tribes as dynamic, vibrant cultures proud of their autochthonous identities but equally proud of their accomplishments in the modern world.
  • To a large extent, the modern world exists thanks to cumulated rational knowledge: the Greeks' recipe has worked.
  • For a place so famous for its roads, Chaco is connected to the modern world tenuously at best: The only access is over washboard dirt roads that can turn to gumbo after a storm.
  • Now I have someone else to talk to besides Melinda about the indecencies of money in the modern world.
  • For Lukacs, Dostoevsky was strictly speaking uninterpretable, an incomprehensible dead end within the modern world or a harbinger of something new that only ‘later artists will one day weave into a great unity’.
  • Are there some principles upon which it is worth making a stand - or is everything negotiable and flexible in this post-modern world?
  • The siblings, raised in the bucolic idealism of a Saskatchewan hippie commune, are suddenly forced to reckon with the cruel shallowness and hypocrisy of “Legoland”- the name given to the modern world by their aquarian parents. Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » Theatre review: Legoland
  • These therapeutic and cosmetic uses of waste persisted well into the sphere of our modern world, and Laporte refuses to mark a clear division between the barbarity of ancient civilization and the manufactured reality of our own.
  • I do not think I changed my mind about theology or ecclesiology or the fate of Christianity in the modern world.

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