How To Use Modern times In A Sentence

  • Our nearest relatives, the chimps tend towards matrilinear, while patrilinear seems more prevalent in a majority of the different aboriginity groups in more modern times. Discovered: the basis of human civilization.
  • This apart, in modern times the western musical instruments like the Tambourin and the Tambour are adaptations of the Indian Tambora and Tanpura.
  • In modern times, bronze is an alloy of copper and any metal except zinc.
  • In modern times interest has centred around what it is about the owl that makes it the target for this hostile treatment.
  • While this may sound self - evident or commonsensical to readers of this journal, it is the case that the idea of human beings as a positive influence on the world has increasingly been displaced in modern times.
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  • 'Modern Times' is a classic comedy starring Charlie Chaplin, the grandaddy of comic film actors.
  • As a result, students of the left face the most hostile political environment in modern times. Smithsonian Mag
  • She will leave after achieving the greatest performance in British middle-distance running of modern times.
  • However, in modern times many of these old cooperatives have demutualized and converted into stock companies to pursue higher profits.
  • Palaeopathological and comparative studies show that health deteriorated in populations that adopted cereal agriculture, returning to pre-agricultural levels only in modern times.
  • James Dillon in his heyday was about the only orator of modern times to match such eloquence.
  • I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.
  • Paulicians, that pity for their speculative errors, which modern times might think had been well purchased by the extent of the temporal services of these unfortunate sectaries. Count Robert of Paris
  • That Kobe quake surprised experts because there had not been a megaquake in the Kobe region in modern times, said Kathleen Tierney, director of the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • However, these feathered theropods are clearly just one small group of dinosaurs, and if they were all transported to modern times, they are so similar we would put them all in the same small group.
  • This is not how voters perceive political alignments, at least not in modern times.
  • The situation is unprecedented in modern times.
  • Like all women, she suffers from male-dominated historiography in both ancient and modern times and was often seen merely as an appendage of the men in her life or was stereotyped into typical chauvinistic female roles such as seductress or sorceress, one whose primary accomplishment was ruining the men that she was involved with. NPR Topics: News
  • Less than an entire page was devoted to the most notorious murder of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time "The Modern Times" directed by Chaplin was being remade in their film studio.
  • The president has ably led us through the uncertain days following the worst attack on our country in modern times.
  • Now you will notice that both those countries severed their connection with the past in comparatively modern times. Canada's Heritage of British Traditions
  • How the backward, Oriental tsardom of Muscovy has been transformed into the huge empire of Russia, now comprising one-sixth of the land surface and one-twelfth of the population of the earth, is one of the most fascinating phases of the history of modern times. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • In modern times, when society is more tolerant, new national characters are neither so strong, so featurely, nor so uniform. Physics and Politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society
  • They are the youngest children in modern times to face murder charges.
  • Having once lived in AZ, and for a good many years, I can say with resolute authority that AZ is one of the best reasons anywhere to suggest a close reexamination of the second amendment, possibly with an eye to amending it to more appropriately fit modern times. Think Progress » Arizona militia recruiting veterans with ‘kill records’ to patrol border.
  • He is one of the most erudite scholars of Islam in modern times.
  • The space enclosed by the walls was very large; and as in modern times many new buildings and ranges of buildings have been erected within, with streets and courts between them, the place has now the appearance of being a little town enclosed by walls, and surrounded by a ditch with bridges, and standing in the midst of a _large_ town. Rollo in London
  • Everything he had done, things no other president in modern times had managed to do, had been vilified by Republicans as an arrogation of power that stole by degrees the liberty and property of the American people. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Blood vitalizing, which has often been used in modern times for its ability to penetrate congested tissues, may be valuable in overcoming tissue resistance, as well.
  • It was perhaps the closest the country has come to a state funeral in modern times.
  • In modern times, cotton cloth has come to replace cowskins as a means of draping the body.
  • From this desk, some of the great classical works of modern times would emerge through billowing tobacco clouds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only one desert civilization, out of dozens that grew up in antiquity, has survived uninterrupted into modern times.
  • It was also a strategy for systematically unconcealing everything that Beaux-Arts architects had tried to cover up or avoid talking about - the bones of concrete and steel I just mentioned, the reach for the sky made possible by elevator technology, along with the new transparency and lightness urgently called for by modern times. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Written in a discursive Middle English, it has inspired several rewrites in modern times, including T.H. White's "The Once and Future King" (1958), the first part of which became the 1963 Disney movie "The Sword in the Stone," and John Steinbeck's "Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights" (1976). Arthurian Glories Renewed
  • In more modern times, they have run non-stop in relay teams from Chihuahua City to El Paso, a distance of 230 miles, to open the Pan-American Road Races. Ojo Del Lago - The Tarahumaras: And Endangered Species
  • She was, and remains, the most divisive political figure of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • What began life as a joke at the expense of a junior TV researcher was to become one of the largest media deceptions in modern times, along the way pricking the pomposity of the many intellectual pseuds who descend on Edinburgh every August.
  • One group of historians, known in modern times as the vulgate tradition, used Cleitarchus as its primary source but supplemented his work with other authors. Alexander the Great
  • ROTFLMAO - In modern times which presidency had the most felonie convictions for it's high ranking officials? Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • In premodern times, the limitations of military logistics acted as a restraint on the ability of states to interact with each other.
  • As a man of learning, in which capacity the name of Usher became celebrated throughout Europe, and is especially known to modern times, his principal services to the cause of literature were in the departments of eccle - siastical history and chronology, which, in - deed, in his writings go hand in hand. The lives of John Selden, Esq., and Archbishop Usher; with notices of the principal English men of letters with whom they were connected
  • The book treated in colourful detail the supposed survival into modern times of dinosaurs and ape-men - and included a tantalising line about bones being as easy to fake as a photograph.
  • We should create new gods, new cosmologies, rather then just update old beliefs for modern times.
  • A distant sound, like that of the roaring of a lion, or not unsimilar to a large and deep gong of modern times, intimated the commencement of the ceremonial. Count Robert of Paris
  • He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.
  • As a result, students of the left face the most hostile political environment in modern times. Smithsonian Mag
  • I refer to the first vice-presidential nominee in modern times to run for office without holding a single press conference. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here we chart some of the biggest bureaucratic blunders of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • It blanches the complexion to think that this sort of thing could be going on in ‘civilized’ society in modern times.
  • In modern times the ethics of the bushi have been analysed under the name "bushido A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • He does not pursue into modern times his lively thought about the connection between commerce and art; wisely, perhaps.
  • I count it as one of the most spontaneous gavottes of modern times, one that is buoyant with the afflation of the olden days. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Nor is it merely wasted wealth or distempered conception which we have to regret in this Renaissance architecture: but we shall find in it partly the root, partly the expression of certain dominant evils of modern times -- over-sophistication and ignorant classicalism; the one destroying the healthfulness of general society, the other rendering our schools and universities useless to a large number of the men who pass through them. The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1, April, 1851
  • In modern times, all significant bouts of inflation have been generated by a war or exogenous oil price shocks, not by a peacetime economy that expanded beyond its sustainable limits.
  • Modern times had not, fortunately, effaced from the Japanese conscience the The Marriage of Jinyo
  • Examples also abound in the Middle Ages and more modern times. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • This magnificent monarch, who may even be called the Marcus Aurelius of modern times, openly declared that there was nothing in North America that he wished so much to see as the poet Sketches from Concord and Appledore
  • The contradictory attitudes towards intoxicating drinks continue into modern times.
  • Harvey is one of my favorite films and worth seeing just for Stewart's performance...a remake, even a 're-imagining' is a very bad idea - you can't make the same film because audiences have changed and changing the film for more modern times just doesn't make any sense - a guy like Dowd would be locked up in an instant today and all the crazy stuff with his sister wouldn't happen. atiptoe Tom Hanks Won’t Star In Spielberg’s Harvey; Who Will? | /Film
  • Here we chart some of the biggest bureaucratic blunders of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • The decision, he wrote, was destined to be “marked as the baldest attempt by judges in modern times to spin their own philosophy into the fabric of the law.” Colossus
  • The idea of a classical republic inspired a tradition of thought which, overtaken by the new politics of reason of state in early modern times, was preserved largely in the writings of philosophers, utopians, and pamphleteers.
  • One painting I saw in a show at the Honolulu Academy of Arts - Modern Times, by Chris Campbell - shows a young Hawaiian woman dressed in a red pareo, her black hair knotted atop her head to reveal a tattoo on one shoulder.
  • Plutus in modern times appears endlessly in different forms such as in teleplays, dancing, and in computer games.
  • Uruguay is a very thinly covered country, entirely settled from Europe in comparatively modern times; a grazing country, not ordinary agriculture, almost all pastoral pursuits, a very prosperous, a very hardy people, a little fond of turning their political differences into fights, but otherwise a stable people, bound to be heard from in an important way as the world grows older. A Trip Through South America
  • In these modern times, the word "chef" has taken on a lot of meanings. José Andrés Wants to Feed the World (And You)
  • Just as President Díaz is vilified by so many in modern times, Juárez is almost universally loved as Mexico's favorite President (who ironically was able to remain in power through the military victories of Díaz). The Isthmus: Stories from Mexico's Past, 1495-1995
  • In modern times, commercial banks are still able to create money, but only in the form of bank deposits.
  • Many - including its dedicatee and first conductor, Hans Richter - considered not only the greatest English symphony to that point, but the greatest symphony of modern times.
  • Indeed, the term prophet is regularly used even in modern times for people like Martin Luther King Jr., and it is in this overall sense that I use the word. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: In The Discussion Of Jesus, Jews Should Go On Offense
  • Murphy will argue that "the current divide ... on defence that distinguishes between pro Europeanism and Atlanticism is unsustainable and unsuited to modern times. Labour: UK should integrate key defence decisions with Europe
  • In medieval and early modern times, male dress was opulent and highly erotic, as the Renaissance codpiece attests.
  • He can talk of sausages and silkworms, and forestry and agriculture and sheep-grazing, and how they catch porcupines and cure warts and manufacture manna; he knows about the evil eye and witches and the fata morgana and the tarantula spider, about figs in ancient and modern times and the fig-pecker bird -- that bird you eat bones and all, the focetola or beccafico (garden warbler). Alone
  • From 1915 Laski had worked to construct a theory of the state appropriate to modern times.
  • In modern times, interest-free loan societies were a staple of Eastern European Jewish life. When Religion Restricts Lending
  • The Commissioner is a recognizable national figure, in modern times invariably a career police officer of high ability.
  • Seriously, I would argue that in modern times it is the wealthy Americans who have the time and the money to shope for and pay for locally grown wonderful foods. The World's Best Non-Fat Yogurt
  • Less than an entire page was devoted to the most notorious murder of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the fact that the generality of barrister pupils have been unpaid, not just in the distant past but also in modern times, is in our view of significance in determining whether a relationship of or equivalent to apprenticeship exists.
  • The increase is being driven by public sector organisations, which are gearing up for the most draconian spending cuts of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other phobias that persist intomodern times may have been fixed much more recently than snakes and spiders, say in the late Paleolithic age, about 100, 000 years ago, or even morerecently.
  • The heroic battle for freedom is being fought almost exclusively by the Russian working-class under the intellectual leadership of Russian socialists, thus once more demonstrating the fact that the class-conscious workingmen have become the vanguard of all liberating movements of modern times. Revolution
  • An auction sale in Perth last week was the largest in modern times of the tough native breed, and drew record prices, with a three-year-old heifer going for 1,400 guineas.
  • Many get their income from performing at ceremonies, begging, or prostitution — an occupation of eunuchs also recorded in premodern times. The Hijras « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Anethole, the principal essential oil in the seeds, is what gives the flavour to drinks such as the French pastis, ouzo in Greece, and arak in Turkey; and this use has been dominant in modern times.
  • On this latter occasion the ministers are said to have "uttered reiterated cries of 'banzai'" *, which has come into vogue once more in modern times as the equivalent of "hurrah. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • The Harbor Tunnel is one of the most ambitious engineering projects of modern times.
  • She has assumed the role of a musical Charlie Chaplin trapped in the giant gears of Modern Times, as well as a keyboard-sampler artist with the deadpan efficiency of Buster Keaton commandeering The General. Rodney Punt: Annie Gosfield in Concert -- The Industrial Age Goes Avant-Garde
  • Movement and migration is evident along this coast in ancient and modern times.
  • Before his present comical manoeuvrings, he had made a series of thoughtful speeches on how Britishness could be recast for modern times, an issue of importance to unionists in every part of the UK.
  • He draws attention to survivals of shamanistic cults from early modern times to the present.
  • I have the chance to study it in great depth and to experience things in their original context as much as is possible in modern times.
  • From this desk, some of the great classical works of modern times would emerge through billowing tobacco clouds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many get their income from performing at ceremonies, begging or prostitution — an occupation of eunuchs also recorded in premodern times. 2006 October 14 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Their argument was that a whole new set of poetic strategies was needed to keep poetry alive in modern times.
  • The Harbor Tunnel is one of the most ambitious engineering projects of modern times.
  • These are made by applying to the face a soft material such as wax, plaster, or, in modern times, agar, a vegetable gelatine.
  • The five sided star, known as a pentagram, is one of the most powerful yet misconceived symbolic representations of our modern times, although the shape has been around for thousands of years. Four Star | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • His fiction celebrates the virtues and self-advancement of hard-working craftsmen, especially in the cloth trade, and has been much admired in modern times for its effective use of dialogue.
  • We must stop calling this the closest election of modern times, because it wasn't-not by a long chalk.
  • The appointment marks the first occasion in modern times that volunteers have been led by a two-star Major General.
  • I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.
  • He pays a call on his friend and we take off on a journey discovering the life of one of the most important British artists of modern times.
  • Until modern times it had no sort of cricketing culture outside white society. Times, Sunday Times
  • She believed she had come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times.
  • But he came out an admirer, one who believes that he took on a city that seemed all but ungovernable and came closer to governing it than any mayor in modern times.
  • Of this malady, known in medical science by the term diapedesis, there have been examples recorded in both ancient and modern times. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • The Conservative and Reform movements started out of more internescine warfare concerning adjusting dress, non-Torah mandated codes of conduct, and outdated rabbinic decisions into modern times and modern terms.
  • Hence the casuistical or other questions which arise out of the relations of friends have not often been considered seriously in modern times. Lysis; or Friendship
  • We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.
  • Le Corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures.
  • The rate of deforestation and habitat loss is so great that some scientists are predicting that the orangutan will be the first great ape to go extinct in modern times. TreeHugger
  • Palgrave-macmillan has recently republished a new edition of the two-volume Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times edited by Richard G. Hovannisian.
  • And so much for the grandest histrion of modern times, as near as I can deliberately judge (and the phrenologists put my “caution” at 7) —grander, I believe, than Kean in the expression of electric passion, the prime eligibility of the tragic artist. The Old Bowery. November Boughs
  • Descending the spiral staircase into the "fosse," or pit, is like stealing onto the set of "Modern Times," Charlie Chaplin's 1936 vision of industrial society. Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
  • The worst example in modern times was in Hungary where, by 1946 you'd have needed 130 million trillion ‘pengös’ to match the spending power of just one pengo 15 years earlier.
  • Murphy will argue that "the current divide ... on defence that distinguishes between pro Europeanism and Atlanticism is unsustainable and unsuited to modern times. Labour: UK should integrate key defence decisions with Europe
  • Haunted Land takes us from pre-history to modern times, from Shamanism, through the wild hunt of Europe, to witches, werewolves and vampires and ends with road ghosts, spectral figures and phantom hitch-hikers.
  • There are older and possibly better ways of conveying supplications to God, and in these modern times a silent prayer by way of wireless telegraphy might have been more appropriate and up-to-date than a form-letter printed by photo-offset. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • She was, and remains, the most divisive political figure of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • This eclecticism has often been confused with tokenism, but it speaks to the growing cultural fluidity of the postmodern times in which we live.
  • Examples also abound in the Middle Ages and more modern times. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • The theory of "panspermism," originating with the Abbé Spallanzani in modern times, and still stoutly advocated by M. Pasteur and some few others, is manifestly defective in this, -- that it goes beyond the inorganic limit in assigning vital units to all matter, even to its elemental principles. Life: Its True Genesis
  • Our increased concern for production in modern times would be remarkable in itself.
  • Polio created an epidemic of fear unlike any other in modern times.
  • The sociolinguistic situation of Arabic in modern times provides a prime example of the linguistic phenomenon of diglossia, which is the normal use of two separate varieties of the same language, usually in different social situations. The Volokh Conspiracy » Arabic Language Expertise in the Military
  • Another Japanese tradition of long standing is known in modern times as Bushido, which is identical with a deep-rooted conception having its origins in the early feudal system of Japan. China and the Post-War World
  • On the contrary, I expect to treat of various fallacies, delusions, and deceptions in ancient and modern times, which, according to Webster's definition, may be called "humbugs," inasmuch as they were "impositions under fair pretences. The Humbugs of the World An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages
  • From the mid-twelfth century until modern times the Sufi brotherhoods flourished all over the Islamic world, from rural outbacks to the dense human fabric of the cities.
  • One newspaper said yesterday that they were proof that he is ‘one of the most reactionary occupants of his office in modern times’.
  • Collections of vintage writing treasures: ink wells, fountain pens, obsolete office supplies rarely if ever seen in modern times. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Office Overhaul for Mental Overhaul
  • In modern times, they are generally alienable, devisable and inheritable.
  • This all fits with Jessica Mitford's contention in The American Way of Death that thanks to professional embalmers, funeral homes and crematoria, death in modern times has become increasingly remote and sanitised.
  • In modern times the house of the clergy is frequently called the presbytery (presbytère). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Such a cake was commonly brought in at the end of a marriage feast; and hence the bridecake of modern times has taken its origin, though the result of eating this is rather to provoke dyspepsia than to prevent it. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • This approach renders the system incompatible with modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only sign of modern times was the boulangerie van that hooted outside every morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • But computerised turnstile operations have made it almost impossible to fiddle the attendance figures in modern times.
  • In modern times, the town's main employers were coal mining and associated heavy engineering, the loss of which created a void in the economy.
  • This lobola traditionally involves cattle or other livestock, but in modern times money settlements have been accepted.
  • And this is about the processes that entrench a society and maintain its autism and uncommunicativeness with the world and modern times.
  • They are people who make it their goal to keep a skateboarding tradition vital and vibrant in these modern times of wooden ramps and video games.
  • The big fellow was Jim Thorpe , the greatest American athlete of modern times.
  • Emissaries in modern times had to negotiate through institutions, ministries and established delegations. KARA KUSH
  • Casual Rex is a prequel to Garcia's debut novel Anonymous Rex, which was an excellent hard-boiled detective story set in modern times, but with a slight difference: dinosaurs still exist.
  • In these exciting postmodern times, the old school elemental weapons of wand, pentacle, sword and cup are just no longer relevant to our 21st century lives.
  • How would she stiffen the resolve of the wobbliest president of modern times? Times, Sunday Times
  • They belonged to a generation of hard-working people whose priorities were well focused and who steered a steady course in a world far more at ease with itself than in modern times.
  • In modern times, the distinction between "aesthetic" and "nonaesthetic" senses supplements this rank ordering. Tastes and Pleasures
  • Even in modern times some traditions still call for wedding ceremonies where both the man and women wear nuptial wreaths.
  • 'Modern Times' is a classic comedy starring Charlie Chaplin, the grandaddy of comic film actors.
  • It was one of the great coups of modern times. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • Let's admit that in modern times, this ‘sin’ has become mired in a theological cul-de-sac: sloth is bad because it impedes progress; progress is good because it enables us to be slothful.
  • He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.
  • Yunnan's interactions with other mainland Southeast Asian polities in premodern times have been mostly neglected and its significance in cross-regional trade and commerce has not received proportionate attention. 11 The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia does not mention either Nanzhao or Dali in its discussion of ancient Southeast Asian kingdoms. 12 Chinese scholars, though producing many works mainly based on Chinese sources, reflect a northern Sinocentric bias, and maintain the arbitrary conclusion that Yunnan has been part of China since the Qin-Han period. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • She believed she had come up with one of the greatest innovations of modern times.
  • Until modern times it had no sort of cricketing culture outside white society. Times, Sunday Times
  • And speaking of cutesy, it feels impossible to resist calling it the I'm Okay, I'm Okay of modern times.
  • We need modern temples to cater to the requirements of modern times.
  • In addition, the authors offer the psychology of miracles, alchemy, ESP, Nazi occultism, Gnosticism and UFOs as instruments of alternative belief in modern times.
  • Christmas even in more modern times has not always been remembered with gaiety and good cheer.
  • Even more relentless! posted by the song is about "incommunicability" because in modern times people are not able to communicate to each other anymore, and "prisencolinensinainciusol" is supposed to stand for "universal love. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • In more modern times, thanks to Betty Friedan and her followers, housecleaning is deemed total drudgery and demeaning work -- something that evidently should be relegated to the untouchable class of India. January Organizing and Housecleaning
  • The very interesting article from which the quotation has just been made seems to think the term "deaconess" a misnomer for the Kaiserswerth deaconess, as she belongs to a community, whereas the deaconess of the early Church was attached to a congregation and belonged to a single church as an officer; but it may well be questioned whether the class of duties assigned to the deaconess of the early Church and of modern times alike, that is, the nursing of the sick, the care of the infirm in body and mind, the succoring of the unfortunate, and the education of children, are not the main characteristics of the office of a deaconess, while the fact of her connection with a number of like-minded women in community life is merely an external feature of the office as it has developed in the nineteenth century. Deaconesses in Europe and their Lessons for America
  • Examples also abound in the Middle Ages and more modern times. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • Napoleon is presumably the greatest militarist of modern times.
  • They went out and abolished the most barbaric practice man has known in modern times. Christianity Today
  • Because these are modern times we live in. The Sun
  • The problem in modern times usually does not arise because most testators who have infant children appoint an executor and also appoint the executor guardian.
  • Janos' argument convincingly explains the mainsprings of politics and economics in modern times.
  • The pozzolana concrete structures at Cosa are our earliest examples of this revolutionary building material invented by the Romans and used until the invention of Portland cement in modern times. Portus Cosanus
  • If he does win, he will be the first businessman to rule Mexico in modern times after a succession of generals, lawyers and latterly US Ivy League-trained economists.
  • One of the more persistent LoL anon stalkers of modern times has drawn attention to this BBC page which has some wallah from LSE saying around twice as many 16 to 17 year olds are Not in Employment Education of Training aka NEET as the government figures show. Covering Statistics: Like With Like, Fair Summary
  • The following is a brief summation of acupuncture's innovations and developments and their socio-political context from the end of the Han dynasty through modern times.
  • In modern times, our special relationship as allies and partners has been the firm foundation of our shared security and prosperity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Harbor Tunnel is one of the most ambitious engineering projects of modern times.
  • On the one hand, you're a bold and fearless maven of modern times, but on the other, slings and arrows hurt!
  • in modern times like these
  • It provides a perceptive insight into one of the great maritime mysteries of modern times.
  • After alluding to the support given to the popular belief by poets and philosophers of ancient and modern times, the question of periodicity, or "lucid intervals," is again discussed, this time in its mental aspect, and the hygienic or sanatory influence of light is allowed its meed of consideration. Moon Lore
  • This is an achievement without parallel in modern times.
  • The British Museum exhibits the works of man from primitive to modern times with a collection from all around the world.
  • Or that a Cherokee inventor created the first syllabary in modern times? Jeff Biggers: Diane Sawyer: You Should Watch Tonight's Big PBS Series on Why Appalachian Mountains Matter
  • So is this going to be a "re-imagining" in the sense that it's brought to modern times or in the sense that the character will be explored from a different point of view? Guy Ritchie, Surprisingly, Will Adapt Sherlock Holmes «
  • Neither actual mating of blue whales nor birth of a calf have been observed in modern times, and the breeding grounds for some populations are still unknown.
  • The freedom is the highest tribute a borough can bestow, and although in modern times it is an honour only and confers no legal rights, honorary freemen are often invited to important ceremonial occasions.
  • In modern times, bronze is an alloy of copper and any metal except zinc.
  • We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.
  • Anything for a ‘feel good’ image, for a simulacrum, in these postmodern times
  • Many of the most ancient gold mines, and some of the more famous ones from modern times, were simple gold-bearing quartz - pyrite veins in faults and other fractures in rocks.
  • Because these are modern times we live in. The Sun
  • While the United States pass laws and create walls between its territory and Mexico to prevent foreigners from entering the country and Israel isolates Palestinian communities, President Lula gives the world proof that in modern times we can live multiculturally. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Amnesty for illegal immigrants sparks hope and controversy
  • Here we chart some of the biggest bureaucratic blunders of modern times. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was in fact, evidently a piece of the skin of a mylodon, which had survived in this region until modern times.
  • From this desk, some of the great classical works of modern times would emerge through billowing tobacco clouds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the class there is none of the pedagogical chumminess, the cozy fireside attitude of modern times.
  • The word "painless" is important: the idea of euthanasia began gaining ground in modern times not because of new technologies for agonizingly prolonging life but because of the discovery of new drugs, such as morphine and various anesthetics for the relief of pain, that could also painlessly induce death. Whose Right to Die?
  • We had no history of the so-called "plantocracy" that was present in other Caribbean Islands and racial discrimination has thankfully been largely unknown in modern times. Cayman Net News Daily Headlines

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