How To Use Modern era In A Sentence

  • This ascription has notoriously become a matter of debate and controversy in the modern era.
  • In recent years, buildings of the modern era are also coming under the protective wing of historic preservationists.
  • The body is fleshy, squeezable, and totally unreliable thanks to the proliferation of sharp-edges and cancers in the modern era.
  • In the modern era, women of the Nubia-Kush in Sudan are intentionally scarified with facial keloids as a means of decoration.
  • In the modern era, however, neither astronomy, nor surveying, nor gunnery, nor gnomonics (the making of sundials), nor most of the other disciplines represented in this collection of instruments, could be called a branch of mathematics in any straightforward or unqualified way, even though they all make some use of mathematical techniques.
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  • Scepticism has been the dominant epistemological problem in the modern era.
  • The exciting modern era was on its way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, then, at the opening of the modern era, we have a quite well developed doctrine of popular sovereignty.
  • In part, McKenna sees this as a natural reaction to the ecological crisis brought on by the modern era.
  • They roughly fit conventional periodization, marking off the early modern era. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The exciting modern era was on its way. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the liberal truth is forgotten, we see the horrors of nationalist dictatorship, fascism, communism, cult fanaticism, terrorism and the many savageries that have defined all too much in the modern era. Literature and the Search for Liberty
  • The implications of the Creed for Christians in the postmodern era are staggering.
  • Before our modern era most people who had encounters knew that what they were dealing with were daemons, dragons, gnomes, fairies and trolls.
  • In the modern era, players of their calibre would surely have followed the professional trail.
  • Many say we are way too commercialised in the modern era for any gift to portray the true meaning of giving.
  • The exciting modern era was on its way. Times, Sunday Times
  • In our modern era, rapaciously expanding industry and a growing population continue to threaten the world's delicate ecological balance, proof of a relationship out of kilter with nature and the elements.
  • That’s the difference between governing in the modern era and governing in the 19th century. Smithsonian Mag
  • It's what happens in this modern era when social conditions deteriorate enough to produce what Franklin Roosevelt spoke about in the Great Depression years of the 1930s when he said "I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished. THE US GULAG PRISON SYSTEM - THE SHAME OF THE NATION AND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY
  • The same intertropical convergence zone shifts in response to periodic El Nino events, which weaken monsoon rains in Southeast Asia in the modern era.
  • The modern era was about to arrive with its cars, oil and revolutions, the end of the nomadic way of life. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • In the modern era, women's identity moved from being fixed and essential - something ‘in your character’ - to being exteriorised and manipulable, formed by clothing and makeup.
  • We can sometimes forget in the modern era that some eternal truths remain unchanged; rugby is a game for hard men and hard-nosed men.
  • The first Democratic president in the modern era to be elected on an anti-war ticket is also, to the relief of neocons and the liberal belligerati, a hawk. The Guardian World News
  • Despite growing unease, more refined procedures such as cingulotomies were developed and the modern era of psychosurgery was born. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until the era of "medievalism," in which modern representations of the medieval came to be considered fair game for medieval scholars, Tolkien's fiction was not a proper subject for a medieval scholar to study -- not because he was producing fantasy, but because he clearly falls into the modern era. Defending the Tolkien Snobs
  • In the modern era, the Olympic Flame first appeared at the 1928 Amsterdam Games.
  • Seeing it also in the radical imams at the heart of Muslim fundamentalism, and in the major forces of 20th Century politics, I wonder if the demagogue is perhaps the most adaptive form of the latter-day Pentheus in the Modern era, the age of mass-communication. Archive 2006-09-01
  • But they were up against the most prolific, incisive attack of the modern era. Times, Sunday Times
  • The full reformation of Muslim politics awaited the great upheavals of the modern era.
  • She has been one of the most venerated saints of the modern era.
  • As soon as the president left the podium Wednesday night, we started shifting into our familiar spin-dry post-tragedy cycle of the modern era - speedy "closure," followed by a return to business as usual, followed by national amnesia. NYT > Home Page
  • And they had a team generally regarded as one of the best of the modern era. The Sun
  • As I explain further in the following chapter, Kojève is known for ascertaining two different types of possible social formation in the postmodern era: the animalization of society as seen in the U.S. model and the spread of snobbery as illustrated in the Japanese model. Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Azuma Hiroki on Postmodernism
  • But as they struggled to adapt to the modern era, dissolution, decadence and decay set in. Times, Sunday Times
  • These tomes impart an enormous amount of information about medieval astronomy, astrology, tidal theory, and geostatics, again presenting many sources for the first time in the modern era. Pierre Duhem
  • In purely technical terms, that makes him one of the biggest British musical acts of the modern era.
  • Players from the modern era feature in the voting as well as older stars. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the modern era, players of their calibre would surely have followed the professional trail.
  • Of the six point agenda by Fancis Boyle for an international legal response on the ongoing crimes committed by Israel, here is point 4: "We must move to have the U.N. General Assembly impose economic, diplomatic, and travel sanctions upon Israel pursuant to the terms of the Uniting for Peace Resolution (1950), whose Emergency Special [...]" The first Democratic president in the modern era to be elected on an anti-war ticket is also, to the relief of neocons and the liberal belligerati, a hawk. Body on the line
  • The hairstyle for men in Okinawa (as well as Japan) prior to the modern era was to tie long hair in a knot on top of the head and secure it with a single hairpin, as shown here, or with two hairpins pushed through the topknot from different angles.
  • By reading BUFFET FROID as part of the postmodernist project, it seems to me, we close off these "totalising" interpretations and leave only one valid reading of the text: as an autotelic artefact of darkly comic absurdity, the ironic distance of its vision the only tenable response in a postmodern era. Notes on Strange Fiction: Postmodern(ism)
  • In a sense, the modern era of fusion research dates from that measurement in 1969.
  • That levy on your telly is an absurdly old-fashioned concept in the modern era of digital subscriptions. The Sun
  • Have we ever looked towards the multi-dimensional career field like liberal art in the modern era, which will be more demandable in future? Liberal arts----- A new dimension towards career opportunities
  • Players from the modern era feature in the voting as well as older stars. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was at sea level so the question remains whether the Wallabies can win on the highveld, where they are winless in the modern era.
  • And, in this modern era, the squad sessions are not restricted to instruction on technique.
  • The Manuscript Division also contains antiphonaries and missals from the Catholic Church from the Medieval and early modern eras.
  • He is the greatest exponent of marketing of sport in the modern era there has been.
  • Before our modern era most people who had encounters knew that what they were dealing with were daemons, dragons, gnomes, fairies and trolls.
  • But any implied criticism of players as heartless mercenaries or of club managers and financial backers as self-interested manipulators ignores the commercial realities of rugby in the modern era.
  • The modern era of phishing is exemplified by emails messages from Nigerians posing as business partners trying to move money out of the African country.
  • Why then are these messiahs of the modern era being persecuted?
  • This ascription has notoriously become a matter of debate and controversy in the modern era.
  • If the Modern Era was a rage for order, regulation, stability, singularity, and fixity, the Postmodern Era is a rage for chaos, uncertainty, otherness, openness, multiplicity, and change.
  • Most of us in the pluralist postmodern era can see that both are wonderful in different ways.
  • In part, McKenna sees this as a natural reaction to the ecological crisis brought on by the modern era.
  • Yet this fascination with emotion trapped in pigment is pursued most powerfully and strikingly in British art of the modern and early modern era. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the modern / postmodern era, the perduring problem is relativism.
  • It was the beginning of the modern era of geomagnetism and geophysics.
  • And, in this modern era, the squad sessions are not restricted to instruction on technique.
  • It is a compelling answer in the post-modern era of nonhierarchical thinking, chaos theory, Wikipedia, the Internet and collective intelligence -- or collective folly. In Richmond, a Civil War expert seeks to emancipate history's narrative
  • But as they struggled to adapt to the modern era, dissolution, decadence and decay set in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before our modern era most people who had encounters knew that what they were dealing with were daemons, dragons, gnomes, fairies and trolls.
  • To show that bumping off rivals is a universal feature of power politics, the food taster persists into the modern era. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hypocrisy, though not evident regarding Bennett, is far superior to its replacement in the modern era, relativistic amoralism, as pure behavior seems lacking amongst our fellow humans. "For Republicans, there's only one candidate of hope: Hillary Rodham Clinton."
  • Players from the modern era feature in the voting as well as older stars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, then, at the opening of the modern era, we have a quite well developed doctrine of popular sovereignty.
  • The body of a mountaineer recognised as one of the greatest climbers of the modern era has been brought to Kathmandu after he died while making a solo attempt on a treacherous Two coasteering instructors are recovering after picking up leg injuries in Torbay while considering new sites for courses. - Articles related to 'Surviving the Holidays with Lewis Black' on History Channel is a Monday TV pick
  • Here, then, at the opening of the modern era, we have a quite well developed doctrine of popular sovereignty.
  • We are now in the postmodern era. Christianity Today
  • Secondly, the modern era has not yet been through any comprehensive "canonisation" yet whilst the material, building on the longer history of SF, is less likely to be self-similar. Help Needed!
  • He laments the death of progress in the modern era.
  • Curse of the modern era, people trying to be ironic all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The post-modern era taught us to respect styles as languages and codes for messages of social value.
  • Serving these constituencies—the historiographical equivalent of the “identity politics” vogue—may carry a certain moral value, but it does little to advance our understanding of the chaotic events and pivotal decisions that gave rise to the first democracy of the modern era. Robert Morris
  • These were tough, tough men, and their supremacy in world rugby continued unabated into the modern era.
  • They build on and support changes that have been developing in critical theory during the postmodern era.
  • And amnesia is the most cliche plot contrivance of the modern era. Heroes Season 2 Officially Sucks
  • The modern era of golf ball covers was dominated by balata, a natural rubber that provided high spin rates and soft feel but lacked durability.
  • In the modern era of full-face crash hats Senna's helmet was the daddy of them all.
  • He is not a conventional goalscorer in the modern era either. The Sun
  • That’s the difference between governing in the modern era and governing in the 19th century. Smithsonian Mag
  • Backed, in the early days at least, by a farsighted, philanthropic publisher, and harnessing the possibilities afforded by new technology as they became available, he brought musicology into the modern era.
  • Despite growing unease, more refined procedures such as cingulotomies were developed and the modern era of psychosurgery was born. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the relentless ossification of the Post-Modern era, things are beginning to stir again.
  • The architecture of the modern era aspires to evoke an air of ageless youth and of a perpetual present.
  • It is about Catholic revivalism during the early modern era, yet the point Chatellier is making is that this revivalism is best understood by reference to medieval models of religious enthusiasm.

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