How To Use Moderating In A Sentence

  • Because the Easterners are acting as a moderating, sensible influence on the rampant anti-American nouveau socialism of the EU elites.
  • Turkey can play a positive role in moderating Middle East attitudes towards Israel. Israel intercepts Gaza blockade runners: 14 dead. | RedState
  • The statement said that Tunisia played "a moderating role in international relations" and was ready to "work, in concertation with other nations and all those of goodwill to promote the rights of all the world's citizens to a decent and dignified life ... ANC Daily News Briefing
  • England is thus made a nullity; the "celsa sedet in Eolus in arce," which Canning delighted to quote, to express the moderating function which he wished to reserve for his country, is now a meaningless phrase. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • No one could have anticipated that a president who "presided" over a fraudulent war, a disgrace in the Attorney General's office, an epic natural disaster outdone only by the epic futility of the response to that disaster, an economic downturn that shows no sign of moderating, stagnant wages, creeping unemployment, tainted food sources, skyrocketing energy prices and a stock market in need of serious psychoactive drugs would have such low approval ratings by the time he's ready to leave office. Obama Entering White House With High Favorables -- And Bush Leaving With High Disapproval
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  • Because research shows that divorced parents often interact in unsupportive ways, we also hypothesize that the moderating influence of these indicators of commitment to an identity would be stronger for divorced fathers.
  • Down on the factory floor, automatic control had the expected virtue of moderating high-powered energy sources as mentioned earlier.
  • E - learning Incentive Systems is moderating effect onelearning Performance.
  • I do not believe that CNN did a very good job in moderating the previous ones, this will be the way to go. McCain pushes for town hall debates
  • Though a warming trend had been moderating its worst effects-an interstadial period lasting several thousands of years-the glacial ice was regrouping for one last assault on the land before the retreat would be turned to a rout thousands of years later. The Plains of Passage
  • As most of you know, I am often found at comic conventions moderating panels and interviewing the great and near-great.
  • A proper schooling in grammar and gymnastic being the foundation for the growth of virtue and character in the young, and knowledge of music, astronomy, and natural philosophy having a moderating effect on the appetitive passions of youth, it is the considered opinion of the servants of the Hippocrene Springs that proper equipment for a physics lab will allow such instruction to take place ... Orphans of Chaos
  • In these times, we must return to the idea of fraternity -- as in the French slogan "liberte, egalite, fraternite" -- as a force for moderating the danger inherent within freedom. Yukio Hatoyama: Japan Must Shake Off U.S.-Style Globalization
  • However, it would be an enormous mistake to believe that the anti-social attacks have been thwarted and a new government will adapt to the voters' verdict by moderating its policies.
  • I don't know whether I ultimately succeeded in moderating Akh. Perhaps the forces pushing him in the other direction were stronger or more persuasive. Avi Steinberg: Conversations With A Young Islamist In A Prison Library
  • Media figures seemingly unmoored from the moderating influence of superego, revealing cheerily oblivious chauvinism (Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann) and impressively mettlesome candor about gender bias (Couric, Campbell Brown). AJ Rossmiller: Brilliant New Book About Gender and 2008 Election
  • It is not a system for aggregating information and reaching a rational decision about what we should do - it is a system for moderating conflicting interests.
  • It seems that she is moderating her tone, at least a hair.
  • Since the company's last conference call, Asian freight markets have slowed and yields on transpacific cargo are moderating, as has the domestic U.S. Express parcel market and U.S. industrial production," Sterne Agee analysts Jeff Kauffman and Salvatore Vitale wrote in a report. FedEx seen cutting outlook with economy stalled
  • All moderating influences were ejected from the organisation or quit of their own accord.
  • When Barack Obama won Florida last November — the first Democrat to take the Sunshine State since FDR — many saw it as a sign of centrist GOP governor Charlie Crist's moderating influence.
  • What, have you got Roland Martin moderating and can only post nasty remarks from Obama supporters? don Clinton adds third new superdelegate in 24 hours
  • CBD evidently bolsters the pain-killing effects of THC while moderating its psychoactivity. CounterPunch
  • This makes moderating a debate almost as complicated as doing your taxes or buying a house.
  • My only commitment for the weekend is moderating a panel on microcontent on Tuesday.
  • I don't see moderating a debate as a journalism function in a pure way.
  • The first ignating and moderating link in this chain, burning hydrogen to deuterium, is based on the weak force, which could then be called the Sunignator and The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 - Presentation Speech
  • In moderating, not satisfying, desires, lies peace. 
  • David gregory will be moderating the Florida Senate debate on Tuesday, so get ready for all of that hairstyling! TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • Plus this time I have the added excitement of moderating my first panel.
  • Forests play a key role in moderating the climate, regulating water systems, preventing erosion, alleviating air pollution, and providing wildlife habitat.
  • I know all the keyboard shortcuts, but marking and moderating coursework is a non-ICT job, for the most part. Reefer Madness « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • In any case, it is clear from his comments when moderating the debate that he picked up many compromise views at his seminary.
  • Some of these odd-couple partnerships have their roots in symbiotic benefit: Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Bill Frist all made common cause with Clinton as a means of moderating their partisan image, just as she has used alliances with previous conservative critics to moderate hers. Take Two: Hillary's Choice
  • All moderating influences within the party have been weeded out.
  • England should be "a moderating and mediatorial Power. From Disraeli to 'the Bang-Bang'
  • Despite lower growth in input prices according to the official PMI, economists at Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a note on the PMI data that volatility in the subindex could be affected by seasonality, and inflation, especially producer price inflation, will be elevated before moderating later. China March Official PMI Up; Price Index Eases Slightly
  • Now for our next week's e-mail question of the week - if you were moderating the presidential debates, what would you like to ask each candidate?
  • Frank's note: Keith, the approach I'm trying to take in moderating this discussion is to get everyone's ideas out there. How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
  • Market Indicators 6 The slide "Market Indicators" shows that in North Market Indicators America, growth is moderating as evidenced by the 2Q 2006 (change from 2Q 2005) estimated second quarter GDP figure of about 3.4 U.S. Real GDP* 3. 4\% percent year-over-year. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • (I'm moderating this one, gosh I hope it goes okay * nervus*.) AND A JAY-Z SONG WAS ON. AND A JAY-Z SONG WAS ON. AND A JAY-Z SONG WAS ON.
  • In addition to the liquid desiccant system, the team has also used a Energy Recovery Ventilator ERV, a commercially available product from Ultimate Air, which provides ventilation and air filtration while moderating the heat and moisture exchange from the outside air. Susanna Murley: The DOE's Solar Decathlon Prepares Graduates for Green Jobs
  • Sounds to me like the panel organizers need to take a lesson in moderating from, well, any science fiction convention. 2008 Hugo Nominees
  • We are gettiing close to the time when I can use the term warm-up, rather than moderating temperatures. News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio
  • I realize the difficulty in moderating a popular blog and I agree that there can't really be any 100 percent safe places on a forum like this, but consider this: What if the show ridiculed gay people instead and was structured in a way that sought to turn them straight. I want you to stop stalking "overweight" women. - Feministing

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