How To Use Moderate-size In A Sentence
The pair sensibly attempted a less ambitious integration of moderate-size compositions in the more restricted space upstairs.
Big quakes do trigger local aftershocks, but researchers found no sign of setting off moderate-sized events beyond about 600 miles away.
Big Earthquakes Study Indicates They Don't Set Off Others Far Away
From 2004 to 2008, there was a broad, moderate-sized shift to the left.
Matthew Yglesias » Elections Getting Duller
In general, for airport needs, ash-dispersion and trajectory models should have the capability to: indicate where ash would go in the first one to two hours after an eruption; estimate arrival time of ash at a particular location in addition to ashfall thickness; and deal with small - to moderate-sized recurring eruptions with little ashfall as well as major ash-producing events.
Impact of Volcanic Activity on Airports
The neck in thickness equaled the bole of a moderate-sized tree.
I have a moderate-sized TV and am supposed to be working toward a bigger one, and then an even bigger one.
Revolution and Evolution, Part 2 (The Dean Koontz edition) | Johnny B. Truant
Rain had filled the excavation to create a moderate-sized pond.
Fire The Sky
The usual length of this moderate-sized bullhead is 20 to 36 cm.
Now, if I have a moderate-sized project, I might use UML and a tool that supports UML to create enough class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and others to convey the design.
It should be possible to take a good economics argument and write it out on the back of a moderate-sized postcard.
Tyler Cowen Practices Reverse Psychiatry, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
As carbohydrate intake dictates the post-meal glucose/insulin response, limit sweets in favor of moderate-sized portions of unrefined carbohydrates, like whole grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, low fat milk and unsweetened yogurt -- spread out over smaller meals and snacks.
Hillary Wright: The Most Common Hormonal Disorder For Women
The rate of moderate-sized earthquakes is quite high, and there is a considerable likelihood that a magnitude 6 earthquake will cause damage if it strikes near a city.
The firm, widely regarded as the cream of the creamy cream of Wall Street, was already sunk into the mortgage market for an amount that was the equivalent of the GDP of a moderate-sized country.
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