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How To Use Modem In A Sentence

  • At a time when they were still singing soupy Victorian hymns in churches, this choir performed relatively modem music.
  • I've traveled by modem vehicle from south Texas to the Kansas cow town of Dodge City.
  • Check to make sure you meet the minimum requirements for using a cable modem.
  • Instead, political interest groups reach out directly, using computerized mailing lists and modems in addition to the old-fashioned campaign techniques.
  • Computers that don't share a local network talk to each other through telephone lines using modems.
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  • A very good measure to consider is permitting system troubleshooting to be done via dial-up modem.
  • The palmtop edition will offer enhanced modem dialling and screen handling and will be streamlined to conserve memory.
  • It was a simple peer-to-peer network where users' computers would just call each other at night through their old-fashioned modems, exchange information and then move on.
  • You can also attach the modem to a laser printer to form a receive-only fax.
  • With some notable exceptions, modem developments along the Thames have failed to respond to the scale of the river and wide flat sweep of the estuary landscape.
  • The sidewheeler was as modem a steamship as any, but she was still a ship, one that would soon put to sea. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • This is neither surprising or unique, as nation and state have been closely intertwined concepts in the modem world.
  • It supports a wide variety of communication protocols such as telnet, rlogin, serial port and modem. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Another device that is very handy is a voice modem with telephone recording software.
  • But this is impossible without a thorough grounding in history, both ancient and modem.
  • The package includes a broadband modem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
  • Delrina says it will exploit the signal processing capabilities that some facsimile modem manufactures are just beginning to build into their products.
  • The Pulse property contains the command string used to instruct the modem to use pulse mode for dialing. Pulse dialing is necessary for phone lines that are unable to handle tone dialing. Example: P.
  • A modem dials, pages of information and images flash across a computer screen.
  • The modem is $20 with a two-year contract commitment, so the difference is $110. T-Mobile Chips Away at Tyranny of Cell Contracts « PubliCola
  • This contribution cleans up echoes on telephone lines and reduces transmission errors on modems.
  • So the contributions of foreign missionary to the Chinese opening of newspapers are ineffaceable from which the Chinese modem periodicals are originated and developed.
  • Flackware's Zmodem is simply the best implementation we have seen of this powerful file transfer system.
  • Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
  • If you go offshore, you may need modems and programs that work with a single sideband or HAM radio, and/or a satellite phone for data transmissions.
  • Through the dialer, users' modems are silently disconnected, then reconnected to the internet through an international long-distance number.
  • He estimates that about 300,000 people modem daily.
  • All come with a free modem and those who opt for the 29.99 deal can claim a free wireless router. Times, Sunday Times
  • So now that the cable modem's working again I can tell y'all more about the play.
  • Modem military thinkers may make a tripartite classification of topics of military thought into strategy, military operations, and tactics, but such categories were alien to the Byzantines, who knew of such ones as strategy, tactics, stratagems, poliorcetics or the art of besieging a city, and naval warfare. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » The Strategy of Heraclius
  • This suggests the spammers are using Internet connections at work or connecting modems to worklace telephone lines.
  • A modem translates the computer's outgoing data into a form that can be transmitted through the phone hookup.
  • We do advise you to dig out the manual that came with your modem to help make sense of the relevant commands.
  • Run a report of the tally from the polling place before phoning, modeming or driving anything to the county.
  • It's odd that feeling that seizes when I enter my office and see the DSL modem's lines flashing in a slow unmusical pattern.
  • But in my opinion, in order to protect and transmit the Revolutionary - classic better in modem society, we must follow the market principle and execute popular transmission.
  • It has also attracted the interest of vandals - earlier this week they blocked one of the bench's modem sockets when the parky's back was turned.
  • As prices drop and adoption increases, all computers will include ADSL modems.
  • Extrahitur verò gummi de arbusculis per hunc modem: De lapide acuto, vel de osse fracto dant scissuras per cortices in ligno, et ex vulneribus Balsamum lachrymatur, quod in vasculis suscipiunt, cauentes quout possunt, ne quid de illo labatur in terram: Nam se de ferro, vel alio metallo fieret incissura, liquor The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • My cable modem at home is on the fritz, so there probably won't be any more blog posts until I get it fixed.
  • The receiving modem translates the analog signals back to digital form.
  • For I had always held that revenge was a motive alien to modem, civilized man, a primitive drive, a blood-lust that human nature had sloughed off.
  • In all six conference rooms sockets for digital telephones have been installed, making it possible to install fax machines and modems, which can be rented from the hotel.
  • It is also a leader in motherboards, modems, scanners, computer mice and other peripherals.
  • Printers, modems and speakers were considered necessities, but scanners were the province of professional artists with money to burn.
  • As with many of the modem Eucopia species, this fossil taxon is characterized by the possession of highly elongate posterior pereiopods.
  • Moved the DSL modem and both hubs on top of a filing cabinet, screwed their surge bar onto the wall, organised the cables, etc.
  • ‘It's a combination of the headend and the modems which provide the monitoring solution,’ he pointed out.
  • In addition, four USB ports are available for connection to a variety of peripheral devices such as printers, modems or external storage devices.
  • The San Francisco Dance Center offers classes in ballet, flamenco, hip-hop, modem, tap, jazz, Brazilian, lambada, body alignment, and body work.
  • Plug in your cable modem and hook up the home with PCI / PCMCIA bridges and use the PCMCIA wireless cards in all your desktop and laptop computers.
  • I will be spending this evening taking down the paintings, getting stuff into plastic, and trying to convince my laptop that I do, indeed, have Internet access at home, but so far, doing sensible things like reinstalling the modem driver and unsensible things like yelling "YOU DO TOO HAVE THE DEVICE INSTALLED!" have not been particularly successful, so I do not anticipate having Internet access at home for the foresseable future. And now the crazy daughter....
  • Decare was a famous natural scientist and mathematician of France, and he also was one of the creative men in modem western philosophy.
  • I've tried resetting the cable modem and still get nothing
  • According to Ravina, the autonomy of domains in early modem Japan was based on three sources of legitimacy: feudal authority, patrimonial authority, and suzerain authority.
  • The first generation of online Americans were technophiles who had enough money to acquire clunky desktops and snail-paced 14.4 modems.
  • From analog modems (remember baud rates?) to DSL to Cable to FIOS, people routinely (and happily) pay a premium for bandwidth, but they absolutely hate to pay for content. Content, bandwidth and lunch
  • ` ` Friend Ranald, '' answered Dalgetty, ` ` I have read of these boons in silly story-books, whereby simple knights were drawn into engagements to their great prejudice; Therefore, Ranald, the more prudent knights of this day never promise anything until they know that they may keep their word anent the premises, without any displeasure or incommodement to themselves. A Legend of Montrose
  • Later I got a modem so I could browse the uni network from home.
  • So, after another call to Comcast, they seem to think that my modem is going bad. May 14th, 2007
  • The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modem nationalism thinking history.
  • A minimum 28,800 bps modem is probably the slowest you'll want to put up with.
  • Check it out, but be careful leaving comments - it won't be long before the Department of Homeland Security has a tap on his modem.
  • Perhaps the biggest advantage is that 56K modems can use conventional telephone connections.
  • In this paper, we try to find the modem significance of natural theology out in the classical context, which focus on Cicero and Augustine.
  • CBD works as the concentration area of nance service and cultural creative industries dominate modem high- end service industries where commerce, fieconomic development.
  • These two last examples epitomize the murkiness besetting a serious examination of the occupation of early modem peoples and the identities they derived from their work.
  • This PLC modem blocks all packets except those whose destination address is a broadcast one, a multicast one or the repeater address itself.
  • After excluding unusual ones not used in modem Spanish, there are still about sixty derivatives for a single verb, and many of the transformation rules are irregular, both in suffixes and in infixes.
  • Apparently, some issues with signal, lost data packets, modem configurations, IP accessibility and other gobbledygook are at fault. Archive 2003-06-01
  • For example: a modem driver allows the modem inside your computer work with Windows.
  • This is particularly scary when you think of the number of laptops with modems that are connected to phone lines at some point.
  • The easy option is to go for the modem from your broadband provider, although they are not free with all broadband deals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
  • They will modem in to work from locations very distant from central headquarters.
  • For example your 9600 bps modem was operating at 2400 baud, which is pretty much the upper limit for a telephone line. Little Thought-Like Emanations « Whatever
  • Symboilism, as the beginning of modem literature, does it's utmost to pursue the musicality of the works, which uses the uncertainty of the music to disclose a certain mood of the author.
  • For anyone else who's interested (this means you, Gordon), the new ADSL modem and wireless networking gubbins are now all in place.
  • The predictive dialer is the foundation of the modem outbound contact center; for years it has been the technology of choice for telemarketing, telesales and fundraising campaigns.
  • The topic of this dissertation is a study on the thought of modem Christian Evangelicalism .
  • To avail of this facility, a cable customer must buy a cable modem and a channel splitter.
  • In particular, they noted that modem patelloid limpets have segmented scars due to bundling of the large retractor muscle.
  • A microprocessor-implemented voice band data modem for the general purpose is one of the developmental trends in modern digital communication.
  • Since all of Taiwan is wired for telephone use, anyone with a modem and computer can get on the Internet.
  • To this Marill attached a crude form of modem, operating at 2,000 bits per second, which he called an automatic dialer. Where Wizards Stay Up Late
  • He determined that the modem and software must be working fine and ok'd the ticket to be closed as a probable issue with the caller's home phone lines.
  • Deprived of the Internet by a balky cell phone modem, the habit of daily blogging has proven hard to break.
  • The package includes a broadband modem. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are feather-like in that they are hollow and ‘resemble most closely the plumules of modem birds, having relatively short quills and long, filamentous barbs’.
  • Another irritation with the current crop of fax modems is that the two parts of the modem don't cooperate with one another.
  • Check for sources of electromagnetic interference such as banks of modems on web servers.
  • In the sixties the computers, mainframes and mini-computers, could be connected with each other by modem modulator en demodulator, a device as large as a VCR. Archive 2008-08-18
  • ‘You could put the cable modem where there's a TV jack and not have to actually add a jack where the PC is,’ he says.
  • Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
  • Page 338 d'achepter encore une fois cette terre d'Eux et de leur assigner un autre endroit ou ils pourroient demeurer aussi comodement et sur la meme Riviere pas loin de ce lieu, ils commencerent de gouter mes raisons et on tient pour cela une assemblee Solenelle. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • Unfortunately, it doesn't take an awful lot of voltage to punch holes in the delicate electronics we're using in our modems and computers.
  • He is ready to give offense to both the vanguard and the rearguard of the modem Roman Church-and to many in the middle.
  • I disconnected the current modem and plugged in the router to the phone line, and then moved onto plugging the network cable from the back of the router to the uplink port on the back of my switch.
  • Local wars were habitually regarded as something temporary, accidental, untypical and uncharacteristic of the modem armed warfare, and unworthy of a serious study.
  • Today on BoingBoing Gadgets, we reviewed a 3G USB modem that works great on Macs and high-end canine gear; listened to The Harmonium; drank a strictly-conforming European pint; watched Belkin try to bring novelty to the world of mouse pads; built an ornithopter and a difference engine; guzzled yoghurt with a specially-shaped spoon; and listened to a beautiful boombox in a double-bass fiddle. Boing Boing
  • However, precise calibrations are required for dating particular events such as the K-T impact on modem bird origins and radiations.
  • One of the two modems used for the first call on a TTY - or teletypewriter - more than 40 years ago is featured on the first floor of the library as part of its Deaf Archives collection. First TTY for deaf phone communication on display
  • In areas where cable modem service is available, the cable company can sculpt that down to the single coax line.
  • Nor is there enough expertise in fixing digital boxes and modems or building the headends necessary to deliver the services to customers.
  • Nor is the book particularly well-suited to those without a solid grounding in England's economic history during the early modem period, since the text is occasionally vague and its arguments telegraphic.
  • O2art 3: Paul Morrison, gamodeme" The Contemporary Museum's artist project series, O2art, continues with the British artist known for his bold black-and-white landscape paintings of botanical imagery. Starbulletin Headlines
  • The transmitting modem translates digital computer data into analog signals that can be carried over a phone line.
  • On the cable side, it can be used in headends to route information from cable modems to the Internet backbone, Ramsay said.
  • Another irritation with the current crop of fax modems is that the two parts of the modem don't cooperate with one another.
  • Many of these devices can access wireless networks or use the cell signal as a modem line.
  • So if you don't buy a filter for every phone on the line, your calls will sound like an angry duel between a fax machine and a modem.
  • Robinson's admiration of the ancients not only predisposes him to favor classical systems of education but also inclines him to turn to Cicero and Quintilian for rhetorical theories that will best help modem students.
  • The package included a high spec computer with modem, printer, scanner and software.
  • Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
  • The dialer can detect busy, no answer, voice mail, fax/modem or human response and instantly connect the line with an available agent.
  • You can also attach the modem to a laser printer to form a receive-only fax.
  • You can log any intrusion attempts and the modem can apparently even email you an alert.
  • The new ScaNet/RemotePC is designed to give ScaNet users remote access from personal computers via a modem.
  • It will ask my modem to resend the entire block.
  • Modem tourism economy needs environmental system support, and a good environment is precondition for sustainable development.
  • Largely made obsolete by V. 32bis technology, V. 32 modems can still offer inexpensive access to on-line services.
  • Largely made obsolete by V. 32bis technology, V. 32 modems can still offer inexpensive access to on-line services.
  • We do advise you to dig out the manual that came with your modem to help make sense of the relevant commands.
  • Never in modem times has the world been in greater need of this gentle civilizer.
  • The vast majority of users, however, still endure the screeches of a dial-up modem due to the country's weak broadband infrastructure. Global Voices in English » Syria: Campaign to boycott telecom companies and demand lower rates begins
  • Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
  • The major policy issues of any modem presidency cut across all those old boundary lines.
  • In early modem England, the overseas trade experienced a process from weakness to mightiness.
  • He claims that my modem is hitting the network, so it's a problem on my end. My Morning, As Directed By The Marquis de Sade
  • I had a terminal connected to a modem in my bedroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of those adjustments include: Dress down Fridays, telecommuting (working from home with fax and modem) job sharing, flextime hours, and parenting support groups.
  • First my printer went bonkers, and then my cable modem went on the fritz.
  • Whether through ‘jazzy’ movement or a blend of ballet and modem, whether with extravagant sets or a bare stage with barefoot dancers, you may not recognize jazz dance when you see it, but you'll know it when you feel it.
  • To Adorno's eye, modem art not only manifests the non-identity, but works together with it to resist the industry civilization and deny the capitalism which is managed wholly.
  • In modem societies the foundational institutions for membership are citizenship and alienage.
  • Currently, most home users connect to the Internet by modem, using conventional telephone lines.
  • This article gives a method to analyze the disfigurement of glass bulb on modem manufacturing system.
  • This article has all you need to know about issues with internal modems that may hang your system.
  • People just need to locate the whereabouts of a radio transceiver, which functions like a modem.
  • In fact, since the book Theory of games and economic behavior by von Neumann and O. Morgenestem was published, this mathematical method has become an important tool hi modem economic theory.
  • Do you have a separate line for your modem?
  • Sierra Wireless 'product mix is a good snapshot of the industry: its second-quarter revenue was based 62\% on "adapters" - i.e., cards and USB modems, with the latter accounting for three-quarters of "adapter" revenue. RCR Wireless News
  • Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
  • The dongle is a HUAWEI Technology usb modem, Vendor number 12d1, product id 1520. Fedora People
  • These are sometimes called onboard or internal modems. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Cable modem services, with monthly fees trending upward to a rough average of $45, have proved popular and sticky in the face of all the growth pains.
  • The receiving modem translates the analog signals back to digital form.
  • With just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks, with a computer and modem you can access more information than ever before.
  • ‘You can push all this content to the cable headend so that it's all sitting there resident on some server, and then when users access it from their cable modems it's already there,’ he says.
  • It was only when the price of a modem dropped below $35 that PC manufacturers decided to bundle modems into all new computers.
  • Data plans suck though as I am paying $5 for only 5Mb on my mobile but if you want full wireless broadband to your PC via a USB modem from the same company, you can get 5Gb for $39 – go figure. Do You Browse with Your Phone? | Lifehacker Australia
  • The self-installation kits were easy-peasy to use, and the cable modem makes the Internet as fast as DSL.
  • For example, the prices you quoted from the Verizon site require one to have a "qualified voice package" from Verizon and sign up for a year of service (and the modem is provided free). No internet
  • There are dozens of options - one lets you log on automatically at boot-up, convenient for cable and DSL modem users.
  • The predictive dialer is the foundation of the modem outbound contact center; for years it has been the technology of choice for telemarketing, telesales and fundraising campaigns.
  • After all, you can't lay fiber, buy cable modems and pay for cable TV with surplus coax.
  • What it does entail, however, is the methodological point that doctrinal deviation from tradition should not originate from some unanalyzed conviction about what ‘modem people’ can or can no longer believe in.
  • She poured water into the modem kettle she had brought only a few months ago and plugged it into the socket on the wall, before flicking the switch and waiting.
  • All advertisements will consist of text scrolling at the maximum visible speed accompanied by modem connection tones.
  • In The Origins of the Modem World, Robert B. Marks presents a Non-Eurocentrism narrative of the origins of the modem world from global and ecological perspective.
  • An important trait of the modem nuclear world is the nature of relations between nuclear powers and neighboring non-nuclear countries.
  • Really? why not? if a wormhole is a fold in space so that disparate locations are adjacent to each other (modem-noise-tunnels notwithstanding), doesn't it make sense that the far-away-location is now subject to gravitational and other space/time forces in effect at the close-location? plus, they get to put this to just awesome use later. i'm enjoying the watchathon btw, thanks! Stargate SG-1 Watchathon - 'A Matter Of Time' (S02E16)
  • For this critic, interiority is the exclusive preserve of the ‘modem’ subject.
  • This means that there is a very good chance that the cable modem will crap out at some point today.
  • But in my opinion, in order to protect and transmit the Revolutionary - classic better in modem society, we must follow the market principle and execute popular transmission.
  • Tim selected this heading with a click and cursed the draggy modem, the draggy server, and the sluggish program. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • Using a dial-up modem automatically triggers the service disconnection message.
  • A modem is a piece of telecommunications equipment which modulates and demodulates a message.
  • This is a bit of a disaster because of the growing popularity of ADSL, DSL, and cable modem hook-ups.
  • Airy, instantly accessible but surprisingly subtle music covering ground between modem mainstream and bebop and featuring Barnes alongside trumpeter Adams.
  • Irony, once chiefly used as a rhetorical device in modem society, has generally become a genuine lot of all the people in their life.
  • Get a second phone line installed or call a qualified technician to run cable to the modem.
  • This includes rental of a cable modem.
  • Some comms packages incorporate it in software but usually it's found in the modem itself.
  • On my wireless service I have discovered, however that I have 54 Mbps in the room in which the modem is located and the two adjoining rooms, but it drops to 24 Mbps in the next room and even lower in the next two rooms. TELMEX
  • The dull luminosity of the laptop's screen was the only light apart from the red pin prick of the modem.
  • The dialer can detect busy, no answer, voice mail, fax/modem or human response and instantly connect the line with an available agent.
  • The first time you start, you should get a dialog box that lets you select the modem to use.
  • Through the dialer, users' modems are silently disconnected, then reconnected to the internet through an international long-distance number.
  • It is the expences, more than the flaughter, of modem hoftilities, which debilitate every commu-*. An Estimate of the Comparative Strength of Great Britain, During the Present and Four Preceding ...
  • I don't think anyone should sit around and say, ‘I don't care that people who live in the boondocks and are dialing in over a modem can't access my site.’
  • Palm may also not be aware, but a laptop using a treo as a modem is really great but the mobile carriers are preventing that from happening. Palm Foleo, meh. : #comments
  • The facility is believed to be the largest, most modem integrated barrel electroplating and centrifuge coating facility in the world able to make this claim.
  • Now, however, traditional teaching methods histology fail to satisfy the requirements of modem medical education.
  • What it does entail, however, is the methodological point that doctrinal deviation from tradition should not originate from some unanalyzed conviction about what ‘modem people’ can or can no longer believe in.
  • The method is well suited for use in a microprocessor-based modem operating on blocks of data.
  • You can send the files to us on disk or via modem.
  • Page 338 d'achepter encore une fois cette terre d'Eux et de leur assigner un autre endroit ou ils pourroient demeurer aussi comodement et sur la meme Riviere pas loin de ce lieu, ils commencerent de gouter mes raisons et on tient pour cela une assemblee Solenelle. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • MTS, he added, recommended he download Spyware software to remove viruses and special dialers and unplug the modem when he is not using the Internet.
  • For a start you are lost without ready access to a computer and a modem.
  • I had a 1200 baud modem in 1991 when I got my first email address, and I eagerly bought every other modemspeed in between, bravely downloading usenet newsgroup porn one sticky byte at a time, so I have paid my geekly dues, and this? Blather: power outage + warm pr0n, cookies and milk
  • With an Ethernet interface, each cable modem appears as a node on an Ethernet LAN.
  • Click the "modems" icon.
  • The core management for a modem hospital is that of human resource. It is very important to reinforce the management of hospital's human resources for enhancing hospital's development.
  • Vast modem frescoes adorned the walls of old buildings, and everywhere seemed to be filled with activity and colour.
  • Vendors have been building both cable modems and CMTSs that conform to the 1.1 spec, and qualifying or certifying them as 1.0 compliant.
  • Called biz / ed, the new service can be found on the Internet, and reached via your computer and modem.
  • Modem rodent and lagomorph skulls were mainly from the Condon Museum, University of Oregon.
  • Medical record is a primary carrier of medical information in modem hospital management.

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