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How To Use Mockingly In A Sentence

  • At the next change a bridle was a thing unheard of, and when I suggested that the creature would open her mouth voluntarily if the bit were pressed close to her teeth, the standers-by mockingly said, Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • The closest modern Britain came to the term was when one of its supporters mockingly dubbed Margaret Thatcher "the leaderene. Take Me To Your Leader
  • Matthew began laughing mockingly before his expression sobered again.
  • His lower lip trembled mockingly as he batted his eyelashes.
  • The guide salaamed, half-mockingly, half-wondering at such eloquence, pausing in the passage to point into the side-caves that debouched to either hand. In The Time Of Light
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  • So we have got another kingling on our hands," he exclaimed mockingly. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 1 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • Imagine a man stepping boldly and mockingly outside the pale, and carrying along his word unsullied with him! The Pagan Madonna
  • ‘Of course, when it comes to brains, there really is no difference between blonds and redheads,’ he said mockingly and the whole courtroom broke into laughter.
  • She focused on the rim of her wine glass as phrases from the story danced mockingly across her memory.
  • It maddened her tremendously that they should all be mockingly jealous of Earl Mowbray's betrothed.
  • The sight of an Austin Metro powering down the road at 15 mph with its indicator winking mockingly at the 30 cars queuing up behind is guaranteed to set the blood boiling.
  • She shook her head mockingly before walking over to his father to embrace him and gave Garth a chaste kiss on the cheek.
  • I have not moved for five hours," said Zhang Xingping, 27, standing outside his cab near a road traffic sign mockingly warning him to obey the 100km per hour speed limit.
  • ‘That's okay, you two lovebirds,’ Jason said mockingly.
  • He lifted his bare foot, wiggling all of his toes in her face mockingly.
  • Everyone likes to be teacher's pet," she said, self-mockingly. THE ONLY GAME
  • He looks with contempt upon his honest toil; repeats mockingly to himself, his simple talk when at meals, about the weather and the crops; sneers at his neatness, and orderliness, and cleanliness; imputes to him his own libidinousness. An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
  • Along the way, Henri flirted with Geneva by mockingly fluttering his eyes at her and impudently grinning.
  • Supervising the butchering as well as the physicking, are ye now, mistress?" he asked mockingly. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • ‘Thank you,’ I said curtsying mockingly as we both laughed.
  • He is scornful of modern gurus, or gu-RUS as he mockingly inflects the word, and tells tour pros, ‘If they can't beat you, they've got nothing to teach you.’
  • ‘I am one-hundred-percent male, my dearest,’ he said mockingly.
  • On ‘Stronger Than Me’ she berates her passive boyfriend, calls him a ladyboy and mockingly inquires: ‘Are you gay?’
  • 'An anoother book coes it a "Hammer-dry-ad,"' said David, mockingly, 'soa theer yo are.' The History of David Grieve
  • A fire burning low in the grate was the sole light of the apartment; its beams flashed mockingly on the somewhat showy Versaillese furniture and gilding here, in style as unlike that of the structural parts of the building as it was possible to be, and probably introduced by The Woodlanders
  • The line his old enemy had e-mailed him returned, mockingly: Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Then, in a kind of mockingly Hegelian negation of negation, the very dimension of otherness is cancelled: one does it with oneself. The new feminists: lipstick and pageants
  • It seemed to look back at her mockingly, and eventually, she realized that she didn't have enough malice to withstand such devilry and took her defeat gracefully.
  • Concerned the President does not view gay men and women as "human beings whose lives, loves, and families are equal" to his own, Solomnese mockingly offered to "reintroduce" the LGBT community to their capricious ally in the White House. RedState
  • Duke then ran the shot clock down and allowed Gray to mockingly lead his teammates in slapping the floor, a trademark of Coach K's defense. - Scores
  • The ravioli lies flaccidly at the top of the plate; beneath it, in a mockingly straight line, are the four rabbit brains… Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter.
  • When Johnson refers to his mind as ‘Summus… celsa dominator [in] arce ’, the elaborate periphrasis mockingly dramatizes the blustery ‘empty force’ of his mind's pretensions.
  • She's a smart cookie, a ‘tough cookie,’ as one character mockingly calls her.
  • The ethical debate that underlies the legal and medical practice of female foeticide as practised in clinics is mockingly addressed in the family planning initiatives that have ironically triggered it.
  • The guide salaamed, half-mockingly, half-wondering at such eloquence, pausing in the passage to point into the side-caves that debouched to either hand. In The Time Of Light
  • Priss sighed with relief and blessed herself mockingly.
  • She parried inquiries by saying mockingly, `It's because you're family, Richard. THE IMAGE OF LAURA

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