How To Use Mock up In A Sentence
I use Visio for floorplanning and even object design using my "analog" drawing skills I can even "mock up" 3D pretty well.
Model Your Home, Plan Improvements In 3D With Google Sketchup | Lifehacker Australia
I use Visio for floorplanning and even object design (using my "analog" drawing skills I can even "mock up" 3D pretty well).
Model Your Home, Plan Improvements In 3D With Google Sketchup | Lifehacker Australia
If we like the examples then we will ask you to provide a mock up of our homepage (details on PM).
That's why we recommend testing mock up designs, existing websites and even competitor websites before the development phase of a project.
We can mock up a model of the actual stage for the company to practise on.
We can mock up a model of the actual stage for the company to practise on.