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How To Use Mobilization In A Sentence

  • This enables more active forms of mobilization, with many memberships engaged in various forms of collective action, often for the first times in their history.
  • This is due to the then nonexistent mobilization of what is called today the "civil society."
  • During the mobilization of any Army organization, all personnel are required to muster at a designated site.
  • There is no reference to the recent critical analyses of management use of, and employee resistance to, the mobilization of feelings.
  • Patients were encouraged to perform mobilization of the involved ankle several times per day after unstrapping the two most distal straps.
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  • From his side of the racial divide, the ordeal of mobilization proved simply redundant.
  • The French attempted to save time by combining mobilization and concentration.
  • More police, additional mobilization of military - there will be a presence of the government everywhere, including dis- and misinformation, false accusals and penetrating NGOs.
  • The mobilization of network power for competitive advantages began with the creation of the online music stores.
  • Cultivation generally increases net nitrification through liming, aeration, enhanced ammonium levels, and lower immobilization.
  • Despite the problems, the governments of both Uribe and Santos have called the demobilization program a success. The Seattle Times
  • To the contrary, it is the uncommonness of such mobilization that draws attention and makes the mobilization effective. American Grace
  • mobilization of the country's economic resources
  • No significant demobilization is planned for 7/31; however plans are in place to demob Type 1 Engines starting on 8/1. Threat Eases as Telegraph Slows To a Crawl
  • Interviewers found that informal leadership networks of stokvels and migrant homegroups were also important in mobilization.
  • I want to discuss the political aspects of your work, which resonate in a particular way via the mobilization of a variety of techniques.
  • Material geographies facilitate the construction and mobilization of spatial metaphors that, in turn, legitimize globalization tendencies.
  • Then there is the issue of whether a small mobilization advantage can be enough to swing the presidential election.
  • Mobilization became more difficult but community-based resistance against police violence, racial harassment, and other problems continued.
  • The work restructuring is the result of the active union and workers' mobilization concerning the processes of change.
  • Next, only an augmented international security presence in regional centers, plus targeted reconstruction aid that provides incentives for demobilization will bridge the security gap.
  • New evidence showing that stored endopeptidases start storage protein mobilization in germinating seeds of these plants
  • Yet the major lines of conflict and political mobilization evident in liberal democracies often do not appear class-based.
  • In the weeks that followed, Japanese policy toward China see-sawed several times, but generally moved towards greater mobilization and tougher demands.
  • The current operational tempo will continue to attrit units as they come off of their mobilization, at increasingly high numbers.
  • mobilization of the troops
  • The stable immobilization appears to be an indirect proof that the tethered lipid bilayer lack defects on the mesoscale.
  • Current production facilities were generally built to handle Cold War requirements for major end items and accommodate a mobilization surge.
  • The recent Mobilization for Global Justice raises the question: economic boom for whom?
  • During the immobilization of a fracture, all nonimmobilized parts must be moved to avoid stiffness, muscle atrophy and joint contractures.
  • This would include the mobilization of domestic savings and the maximization of capital flows, as well as a plan to reform aid and promote the idea of debt reduction for the continent.
  • Concentrating all our energies on one physical act, our obsession results in temporary immobilization.
  • Second, social movements are predicated on, and derive their legitimacy from, mass mobilization and popular support.
  • Other social forces and popular movements were co-opted or repressed during the period of military government, leading to their demobilization and fragmentation.
  • If an enemy's assault faltered, the mobilization could mount a counteroffensive and deliver the knockout blow.
  • However, the remarkable release of galactose during dismantling of fruit cell walls has led many researchers to study galactosidases due to their apparent involvement in the mobilization of galactose.
  • Next, only an augmented international security presence in regional centers, plus targeted reconstruction aid that provides incentives for demobilization will bridge the security gap.
  • These therapies involve turning patients at various angles to improve gas exchange, mobilization of secretions, and lymphatic drainage.
  • I see no point in analogizing the kind of mobilization we carried out in World War II to the present conflict, which is entirely different.
  • Treatment includes ice, pain medication, a sling for comfort, and early mobilization.
  • Common complications that may follow fat removal surgery are bleeding, infection and thromboembolism due to prolonged immobilization following the surgery.
  • Although we did not collect direct data for the assessment of bone lead mobilization during pregnancy, we observed 2 lines of evidence that indicated that bone lead may be mobilized and may have a negative impact in anthropometry at birth.
  • Since both are nonlinear interrelated buffering systems, soil stability with regard to sorption and mobilization processes is liable to unpredictable, chaotic changes.
  • Only with a mobilization of students can we show the council that they are accountable for their actions.
  • Herein are the terms for the analysis of the mobilization of modern armies, the foundation of the modern penitentiary, and the function of literacy itself in both.
  • The relative autonomy of law has to be constantly maintained by successful working-class mobilization into politics and the labour movement.
  • Evidence that the Democrats amassed a mobilization advantage between 1996 and 2000 is largely uncontroverted.
  • UN peacekeepers would be deployed to patrol a cease-fire and assist in demilitarization and demobilization as well as to help provide a secure environment, so that exiled Tutsi could return. Bystanders to Genocide
  • Title: Effects of limb immobilization on brain plasticity Slapping On a Skin Patch to Combat Hay Fever
  • Aug. 1 -- Government's inquiry about France's intentions concerning ultimatum to Russia causes French mobilization; Kaiser signs mobilization order; Reichstag convoked; war speech by Chancellor; The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
  • A promised "immobilization" facility that would have taken plutonium that is not fit to be processed and stored it in canisters until it could be moved has been dropped from the Bush budget. Capitol Letter: What To Do With Nuclear Waste?
  • Details of endosperm mobilization and aleurone cell death were first described in the nineteenth century by Haberlandt.
  • Patients at risk may include those with a history of atherosclerosis, multiple cardiovascular risk factors, advanced age, impaired cardiac output, and / or known or suspected hyperviscosity, hypercoagulable disorders, and prolonged periods of immobilization. Undefined
  • The mobilizations of citizens in behalf of broad social demands are inimical to the right's vision of autonomous individuals, in charge of their own affairs and acting alone.
  • The maintenance of equilibrium between limited pluralisms limits the effectiveness of the mobilization and can lead to apathy.
  • However, if the discomfort localizes over the navicular bone, further immobilization or surgical intervention may be indicated.
  • VD deficiency reduction of intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate Hypocalcemia Parathyroid hormone hyperfunction hypofunction Excretion of urinary P↑ decalcification of mobilization of bone old bone↑ Calcium into blood Serum p ↓ Ca normal or slightly↓ Ca X p↓ Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In all cases with exogenous DNA inserted into the SalI, SphI, or ClaI site, we find that genomic insertions are largely refractory to mobilization by the active Mos1 transposase.
  • Moreover, the parameters affected the stereochemical outcome of the reaction, such as solvent, substrate design, immobilization and directed evolution, were more understanding.
  • The military mobilization must also articulate with a series of international institutions that deploy the instruments of diplomatic, monetary, and cultural control.
  • Furthermore, rebels in the towns and market bourgs planned the mobilizations of nearby rural communes and they organized regional gatherings in their own localities.
  • A much bigger threat to our freedom is an overweening state that plays on our fears to justify the appropriation of even more money to special interests, the mobilization of which will ensure that it stays in power.
  • This research monograph examines the construction and mobilization of union bargaining power and influence in contract transport services.
  • Early mobilization during hospitalization improves outcomes.
  • However, among all the skeletal muscles, the gastrocnemius was probably the most suitable muscle to examine immobilization-induced deconditioning and passive shortening.
  • After a major mobilization against rape, it turned its attention to the violence of incestuous familial relations.
  • Peter Brothers, a wildlife vet and South African tour guide, runs several trips a year that allow guests to get up-close and personal with lions, rhinos and elephants during what he dubs the "immobilization" safari. 'We All Need to Do Something'
  • The mobilization of women in the construction of new concepts of modern living in Japan intertwined aesthetics, domestic hygiene, and national identity.
  • It cannot be denied that the confinement of the feet in ballet shoes results in a mobilization of the body beyond ordinary limits of speed.
  • The rally, located in the Plaza Murillo, marked the end of over two years of meetings, conflicts and mobilizations to, as President Evo Morales often says in speeches, "constitutionalize" much-needed changes. Undefined
  • This influence works both by modulating endocrine function such as insulin secretion and by increasing the rate of glycogenolysis and fatty acid mobilization.
  • This was the message from the Global Citizens Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, organized by international anti-poverty agency ActionAid, and attended by a broad range of organisations in the field of HIV and AIDS to discuss using social mobilization to "repackage" the HIV response. IRIN
  • I think another untold story of this war is the mobilization of parents and spouses of the troops over there, who are in opposition.
  • We measured the effect of cytochalasin D mobilization of integrins on adhesion of a leukocyte cell line to both cultured endothelium and purified ligand substrates.
  • In spite of housing shortages, demobilization is now proceeding fairly smoothly, and there can be no doubt that all veterans will be suitably placed within a very short time. Conditions in South Africa
  • It requires rapid mobilization of company personnel and know-how to reverse-engineer the first-mover's new product and develop a clone.
  • Prolonged immobilization, such as may occur with hospitalization, trauma, or general debility, is one risk factor.
  • Manual therapy procedures may include joint mobilization directed toward the apophyseal joints or costotransverse joints.
  • Readying these soldiers for active duty is a tough mission that begins in earnest upon reporting to mobilization stations.
  • Patients at risk may include those with a history of atherosclerosis, multiple cardiovascular risk factors, advanced age, impaired cardiac output, and/or known or suspected hyperviscosity, hypercoagulable disorders, and prolonged periods of immobilization. Featured News and Stories
  • In any liberal democracy a mobilization of bias is cumulatively created by the outcomes of political and social conflicts.
  • The Air National Guard maintains units for prompt mobilization during war and defends the United States against attack.
  • This investigation was pursued on barley grains, a model with a large physiological and molecular background dealing with the mobilization of hydrolytic enzymes during germination.
  • The mobilization of countertendencies to the technical and social limits to accumulation have taken on a spatial and geopolitical dimension.
  • These include triose phosphates from photosynthesis, the complete utilization of carbohydrate storage reserves in source tissues, and reserve mobilization from sink tissues.
  • Treatments such as ice, heat, and mobilization may be beneficial in healing.
  • France believed that its nationwide mobilization of troops would be large and decisive enough to stop an attack through Belgium.
  • Since then the organization has souped up its political operation, greatly increasing unity, energy, sophistication and mobilization of staff and members.
  • Early studies on sucrose mobilization from the vacuole of germinating maize scutellum cells alluded to the likely possibility of SuSy being tonoplast associated.
  • It could now be argued that the unity of wartime should be carried on to deal with peacemaking, demobilization and economic reconstruction.
  • He has even a small slip which directs his steps in the event of remobilization or any early emergency. Times, Sunday Times
  • For instance, they can be used for surface patterning with nanometer accuracy, immobilization of antibodies in biosensors, and drug delivery using vesicles stabilized by hydrophobin.
  • During the immobilization of a fracture, all nonimmobilized parts must be moved to avoid stiffness, muscle atrophy and joint contractures.
  • (on camera) For now, these reunions only be lasting for a couple of hours, and that's because these soldiers will be staying on this base to begin what the military calls the demobilization process. CNN Transcript Apr 18, 2004
  • Periodically a radical external mobilization confronts entrenched resistance within the university.
  • Only the mobilization of resources could take the country from a position of stagnation and relative decline vis-a-vis the major industrial countries of the West and East.
  • By the beginning of 1947 the United States had almost completed tile most rapid demobilization in the history of the world.
  • A "demobilization" camp for former Hutu soldiers in Mutobo, Rwanda Coming Home to Rwanda
  • The mobilization call finds Leonidas and Patra languishing in their villa beside the sea. COUP D'ETAT
  • The flurry of activity led to mobilization of car attendants not employed directly by the Pullman Company and redcaps, plus the establishment of joint councils to handle jurisdictional disputes.
  • Participants were randomized to receive usual care for pneumonia or early mobilization along with usual care.
  • The relative autonomy of law has to be constantly maintained by successful working-class mobilization into politics and the labour movement.
  • The aim of the immobilization is to preserve inherent biological activity of biomolecules and firmly combine them with base electrode.
  • The fabric of political debate and mobilization is both narrower and wider.
  • The number of convicts used in road gangs in Alabama increased rapidly in the late 1940s as demobilization increased the population of young men.
  • The first-aid guidelines (which were last revised in 2005 and will appear in the AHA's journal Circulation) reaffirm that applying vinegar is the best way to treat jellyfish stings; they also call for "applying a pressure immobilization bandage to any venomous snake bite, with pressure being applied around the entire length of the bitten extremity. First aid and CPR guidelines revisited
  • Eoin MacNeill, chief of staff of Irish Volunteers, then countermanded the mobilization orders given by Pearse.
  • The ore-forming materials are mainly originated from the upper mantle, could not be provided by mobilization during albitization of diorite and surrounding sedimentary rocks of Trissic age.
  • The fact that cyclic AMP mediates its effects via stimulation of a protein kinase activating the enzyme phosphorylase explains how a hormone signal can lead to quick mobilization of sugar. Physiology or Medicine 1992 - Press Release
  • In addition, the mobilization of the nation's reserve forces only include retired conscripts rather than retired volunteers.
  • Some problems of aggregation remain for the relative deprivation perspective, but the examination of groups works well for the mobilization perspective.
  • demobilization of factories
  • After 1 L of 5\% albumin has been infused, plasma volume expansion ranges from 500 to 1000 mL. 52, 53 Mobilization of extravascular volume is required for effective increases in intravascular volume when using Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Once again a long struggle is promised, and an unending national mobilization demanded.
  • The integrant approach ‘sees the nation as an integrative counter-movement to processes of modernization, individualization, mobilization, and differentiation.’
  • For example, when he was vice party secretary of Fujian from 1996 to 2000, he served concurrently as vice director of the Committee on National Defense Mobilization within the Nanjing Military Region, director of the National Defense Mobilization of Fujian Province, and the first military commissar of the Fujian Artillery Reserves Corp. The Military Maneuvers of Xi Jinping
  • Nb-dominant kupletskite and, similarly, Zr-rich astrophyllite in the altered pegmatites are thought to be extremely late-stage phases, the result of remobilization of Nb and Zr by postmagmatic deuteric fluids.
  • The tradition of "antifa," or anti-fascist mobilization and activism popular throughout Europe, particularly in politically polarized societies like Greece and Italy, draws on the support of self-proclaimed anarchist groups. Top Stories
  • The unit deployed to the mobilization station with minimal organizational equipment.
  • There the political system has several characteristics that particularly facilitate the mobilization of small groups of people to influence decisions.
  • Wave transformation and sediment mobilization processes are difficult to understand and predict in a laboratory flume, under controlled conditions, without obstructions.
  • The degradation of proteins and the remobilization of amino acids to developing tissues is a prominent process during senescence.
  • He would in fact have been hard-pressed to discuss postwar monetary and foreign policy or domestic issues such as labor agitation and demobilization.
  • Immediately after Congress declared war, the Signal Corps brass called Roosevelt to Washington to help plan the aviation mobilization.
  • This relationship has provided the basis for social mobilization and collective protest, both socially and politically, as well as financial autonomy.
  • Extension of the ankylosed kyphotic cervical spine during conventional immobilization or for radiologic procedures resulted in neurologic deficits.
  • Demobilization and disarmament are, of course, the major tactics; but so is defunding.
  • Joint mobilization is a manual therapy intervention, a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint.
  • GI fathers and their many advocates were particularly vocal critics of delays in demobilization. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • The mobilization and deployment of Air Reserve Component forces were essential to the evacuation plan.
  • What this suggests, of course, is the ever-increasing immobilization of a life without options.
  • Immobilization of a wound often reduces pressure and shear forces and reduces the number of cycles of injury to which the wound is exposed.
  • Operation Axe included the demobilization and disarmament of the Italian Army.
  • 'martyrology' and mass state liturgies that the LTTE has developed as a means of motivation, mobilization and legitimization of cause. Groundviews
  • the storm caused complete immobilization of the rescue team
  • Methods: Comprehensive treatment include Mobilization treatment, occupational therapy, physical therapy.
  • As regards the mobilization of transport vehicles, the weakest link here today is ensuring their timely delivery to the assembly points of military commissariats and especially their roadworthiness and readiness for service.
  • Well-known covalent immobilization involves the formation of disulfide, imine, or amide bonds.
  • Brazil was a paradigmatic case of urban and rural mobilization during these decades, with agrarian leagues claiming land and labor rights and electorates voting for progressive change.
  • Mobilization is relatively simple, and, because there are no outriggers or other external bracing requirements, the unit can operate with minimal disruption of traffic.
  • The mobilization for war meant that the subject of ethnic violence was everywhere.
  • In carbonate-rich soils, rapid neutralization of rainwater by carbonate minerals restricts the mobilization of aluminosilicates and oxides.
  • The policy was the fruition of three years of student struggle and grassroots mobilization.
  • We must consider other sustainment options, including presidential selective-reserve call-up or full mobilization.
  • In my humble view, the current mobilizations are a reminder of exactly why we maintain an Army reserve.
  • As president, Uribe provided the leaders and rank-and-file members of the terrorist paramilitary organizations with amnesty and protection from international prosecution as part of a process of "demobilization" of the paramilitary groups. Council on Hemispheric Affairs
  • Cortisone acts as a physiological antagonist to insulin by decreasing glycogenesis (formation of glycogen) and promotes breakdown of lipids (lipolysis), and proteins, and mobilization of extrahepatic amino acids and ketone bodies. Vytorin: Dis-Enhance-d | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Mobilization for war shifted authority and resources from New Dealers to military personnel.
  • Yet the major lines of conflict and political mobilization evident in liberal democracies often do not appear class-based.
  • The images are remarkable for their reference to schizophrenia, and their mobilization of ideas derived from it.
  • Very few of them have actually finished a 90-day "demobilization" process -- after which the hard work at keeping them out of the war begins. Amnesty Deal Lures Only 3 Percent Of Taliban In One Year
  • immediate demobilization of the reserves
  • If an enemy's assault faltered, the mobilization could mount a counteroffensive and deliver the knockout blow.
  • Reports of ethnic massacres signify an extreme degree of threat and it is hard to dismiss the influence of these reports in triggering group mobilization.
  • With immobilization, the tight medial and posterior tarsal ligaments tend to yield.
  • This humiliating immobilization reduces humans to the status of monsters. Gregory Sholette: Artist Shows Supermax Prisons Supercruel
  • Upon mobilization, reservists brought the standing units up to wartime strength and held the potential for fifteen reserve divisions.
  • In any liberal democracy a mobilization of bias is cumulatively created by the outcomes of political and social conflicts.
  • It is precisely because the danger of neo-fascism is real that we finally chose the first formulation, and took part in the mobilization against such a party, as we have always done in the past and as we will do in the future.
  • Politicians correctly understood that their ability to generate these since-unequaled rates of voter mobilization, as well as their ability to hold their own parties together, depended on the sharpness, the ferocity, of interparty conflict. Party rivalry past and present
  • Immobilization of large dextran molecules in agarose was achieved by electron beam irradiation.
  • Armed mobilizations usually originated in small towns or market bourgs and involved large numbers of rural communes, while unarmed crowds gathered mainly in cities and towns.
  • They have been at the forefront of efforts to ban the recruitment and use of child soldiers, while encouraging sustainable networks to promote demobilization and reintegration of former child soldiers.
  • Unfortunately, this report does not provide highly specific guidance for mobilization of individual injuries.
  • One should always remember that the words ‘immobilization’ and ‘holding’ do not describe a the actual state of affairs - they convey the idea of finality and fixity that do not exist in action.
  • Communal violence against minorities in Gujarat is connected to a rise of Hindu nationalism through grassroots mobilization by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), which along with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) collectively form the 'sangh parivar'. Kavita N. Ramdas: Reflections from a Colleague - Justice and Community Building
  • Foot preference was assessed in participants separately for mobilization and stabilization task categories through observation of performance.
  • That may explain the caliber of some of the senior leaders Jacobs observed processing through the mobilization station.
  • immobilization of the injured knee was necessary
  • The democratic and communal color lent to national self-image by the experience of mobilization and warfare.
  • A major challenge lies, therefore, in crafting interstitial spaces beyond the hegemonic where feminism and popular mobilization can reside.
  • Mobilization of calcium from the yolk begins early in embryonic chickens and is facilitated by the calcium binding protein calbindin-D28K in endodermal cells of the yolk splanchnopleure.
  • Warfare is important not just because the fortunes of battle are consequential but also because of the many kinds of conflict induced by state-led mobilizations of resources.
  • One orientation of the fragment permitted mobilization by conjugation while the opposite orientation prevented mobilization.
  • The cutthroat competitive botchery of the someprofits are giving the real non-profits a bad name and are impeding the less-than-profits from doing the real grassroots mobilization. CounterPunch
  • In areas of uranium mobilization, very minor coffinite is locally developed. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • surreptitious mobilization of troops
  • The notion of social partnership contrasts with the tradition of class struggle and social mobilization.
  • Together, these mobilizations set a different political tone to the meek, me-too rhetoric of the Democrats.
  • Male. 1.75 + m height . Healthy . Nice appearance and good communication ability . Demobilization soldiers have priority.
  • Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, while claiming to support the right to protest, ordered the mobilization of the ‘carabineros.’
  • They conducted a group randomized trial at multiple sites to assess the impact of early mobilization in hospitalized adult patients.
  • The fall campaign witnessed extensive religious mobilization, albeit in a different configuration than in past years.
  • immediate demobilization of the reserves.
  • I believe that the seemingly irrational logic of the national can still promote everyday alliances and popular mobilizations.
  • The presence of ZVI and other amendments unique to EHC-M ™ formulations will yield rapid, irreversible, long-term immobilization of heavy metals - while simultaneously dechlorinating organic compounds. PRWeb
  • (Sodium hydrogencarbonate drinking ampoule or two table-spoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda in 1 l water.) - Only then treatment of secondary wounds, such as immobilization of fractures etc.. 3. Immediate Measures after an Accident Caused by Electric Current
  • Nondisplaced fractures of the base of the metacarpals are treated with immobilization in a short arm cast.
  • My veins, wizened from chemo, are the bane of phlebotomists across the country who poke at me with frustrated abandon; immobilization made sleep impossible, even if they hadn't woken me at regular intervals to measure what are peppily termed "your vitals;" at least the scar on my head was ready -- they could go in through the same incision as seven years before. Rabbi David Wolpe: Really, Again?
  • On republicanism, consult Gordon Wood's ‘The Radicalism of the American Revolution; Richard Buel, Dear Liberty: Connecticut's Mobilization for the Revolutionary War.’
  • Initially, mobilization had served to increase government control of public affairs.
  • Within the U.S. government the military clashed with civilian agencies over its role in noncombat missions such as demobilization and policing. Nation-Building 101
  • Furthermore, elemental microbeam analysis indicated that the growth of maize in heavy metal soils was, at least in part, due to the selective immobilization of metals within the root tissues that contain the fungal cells.
  • Neck pain may often be treated with correct ergonomics, mobilization, and exercises.
  • For example, during the second year of their biennial life cycle, sprouting red beet plants require the mobilization of vacuolar sucrose from the underground hypocotyl.
  • It’s perhaps more than anything else this realization – that the mobilization of the unreconstructed is a permanent fixture in American politics – that separates, not just the netroots, but the liberal bloggers in general, from Chait and his more high-minded comrades. Matthew Yglesias » Chait on the Netroots
  • The mobilization of energy reserves from fat and muscle catabolism usually occurs under periods of energy restriction.
  • He was an infant when Jesse Jackson ran for president and during the anti-apartheid mobilizations of the late 1980s.
  • Therefore ore controlling mechanism of Sidaogou gold deposit includes Au mobilization, migration passages and accumulation spaces controlled by ductile shearing.
  • Mercenary activities are particularly appealing to people (usually young males) who have difficulty coping with demobilization and who still yearn for a life of excitement.

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