

[ US /niˈmɑnɪks, nɪˈmɑnɪks/ ]
[ UK /nɛmˈɒnɪks/ ]
  1. a method or system for improving the memory

How To Use mnemonics In A Sentence

  • The two systems are similarly comparable as far as keyboard accessibility is concerned, but Windows-minded users will have a hard time memorizing the combinations instead of reading the mnemonics from the menus. My Quest For The Mac’s Keyboard Shortcut Soul | Lifehacker Australia
  • The early fathers of the Christian Church — Augustine, Jerome, Ambrose, and Gregory the Great — transformed classical architectural mnemonics into sancta memoria (holy recollection), a monastic practice of meditation that cultivated the memory through aedificatio, a process in which the craft of edifying thoughts mirrored the edifying craft of architecture. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Though the four-syllable line is common in t'ai chi mnemonics as well, the pattern is not nearly as regular as in the pa kua verses.
  • Systematic, or scientific study is invaluable as supplying a natural kind of mnemonics, if for nothing else. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • His interests then turned to publications on mnemonics, which he collected and donated to the University of San Marino.
  • The spatial character of architectural mnemonics — that one would "perambulate" cloisters and palaces in the mind, composing narratives with the ornaments and images arrayed therein — reflects a phenomenological dimension to thought that may be quite foreign to a modern-day observer. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • But evolutionary trends are post hoc constructs akin to mnemonics.
  • We've left two words without mnemonics so you can practise making some of your own. The power of mnemonics
  • Generating Opcodes from General Purpose Mnemonics My A86 assembly language is modeled after Intel's ASM86 language, which uses general purpose mnemonics to represent classes of machine instructions rather than having a different mnemonic for each opcode. DOCUMENTATION: A86 Assembler Package by Eric Isaacson Chapter 4
  • I need those mnemonics to recall which book a scene is in, or which year a story is from. MIND MELD: The Pros and Cons of eBooks
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