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How To Use Mix In A Sentence

  • Mix together with as few stirs as possible - mixing too much will make the muffins too dense and heavy. The Sun
  • Do you really want ambient and drum'n'bass remixers stomping on your world music? Times, Sunday Times
  • Twenty microliters of each antibody was added to 100 L of blood, and the mixture was incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes.
  • Divide half the mixture between 4 glass bowls, then sprinkle with a few fresh raspberries and a bit more crushed honeycomb. The Sun
  • Gwenhidwy likes to drink a lot, grain alcohol mostly, mixed in great strange mad-scientist concoctions with beef tea, grenadine, cough syrup, bitter belch-gathering infusions of blue scullcap, valerian root, motherwort and lady's-slipper, whatever's to hand really. Gravity's Rainbow
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  • Mix up pots of poster paint, and give your children a pot of paint in each colour, a couple of brushes and a glass of water.
  • Some people did their remixes in a week or even a couple of days.
  • A steady stream of self-released mix tapes and videos - all adhering to the group's cartoonishly horrifying aesthetic, all a bit more deranged than the rest - increased the buzz and kept the conversation going. In concert: OFWGKTA at U Street Music Hall
  • FK - pressure-cook would be the best way, but you could try boiling it with plenty of water so that it becomes really mushy, then blend it in a mixer to make a thick soup. or you could use a regular slow-cooker that you get in the US, except that it would be a bit time-consuming: Gujarati Dal (Healthy Lentil Soup)
  • Oh - and I want a food mixer of some sort, because creaming butter and sugar by hand is not a lot of fun.
  • Take the white of one egg, and measure just as much cold water; mix the two well, and stir stiff with confectioners 'sugar; add a little flavoring, vanilla, or almond, or pistache, and, for some candies, color with a tiny speck of fruit paste. A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl
  • And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank! The Name of the Rose
  • Add the toasted almond slivers and mix well before turning into the pastry case. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are some trademark pieces - elegant-legged tables and high-quality marquetry - mixed in with contemporary designer furniture, antique shop finds and some very in-your-face art.
  • Pile each croute with the prawn mixture and serve at once. The Sun
  • According to noted plant ecologist Andre Clewell, this vegetative mix is normally found on the coast - more than 15 miles away.
  • The side dish the day I visited was a simple mixed olive salad, a mélange of black and green olives with spicy oil.
  • I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat". Question ;Microdyne
  • Spoon the mixture into the prepared flan case and chill until set.
  • Basically, it is a fish stew mixed with squash, sweet potatoes, okra, tamarind, and different kinds of peppers.
  • In some cases, the vomited milk may smell curdled because it has mixed with stomach acid.
  • While you're in Miami, make sure you stay up to see the sun come up … and try a drink called Miami Vice, which is a mix of daiquiri and pina colada. Insider's guide to music pilgrimages: Hip-hop, dance, disco, electro
  • And this is the cause that disputes with such persons are generally fruitless, especially as immixed with that intemporancy of reviling other men wherein they exceed; for if that be a way either of learning or teaching of the truth, it is what the Scripture hath not instructed us in. Pneumatologia
  • Spoon the mixture into a pudding basin and chill for at least two hours.
  • A kir is a mix of white wine and french blackberry liqueur. A love affair of shame to rival the poignancy of Brokeback Mountain, or The French Eat McDonald's
  • The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern.
  • The story of the guilt-ridden woman who knows she can never be a good enough mother is beautifully judged in its mixture of comedy and depression.
  • Instead, segregation has continued despite the fact that some of Oldham's most monocultural schools have been closed and merged since the riots, while others have been moved to different areas to seek a mixed intake. Oldham schools still polarised 10 years on from race riots
  • Gradually pour half of hot milk mixture over yolks while whisking constantly.
  • But researchers have had mixed success in recreating the original experiments showing both that sirtuins can extend life, and that they can be "activated" by a substance called resveratrol, which is currently found in anti-aging creams and under investigation for ailments associated with old age. Reuters: Press Release
  • The separate pieces can be mixed and matched for more wardrobe options.
  • In this crucible I have mixed together just one ounce of sugar and one and one-eighth ounces of solidified oxygen, solidified by the force of chemical affinity and bound up in a white salt called chlorate of potash. Religion and Chemistry
  • The students are drawn from very mixed social backgrounds.
  • I currently am in doubtful mode, but I am willing to see what comes of this mixture. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 Gets Ready To SAW Audiences In October –
  • To the cold syrup add the extracted juice and mix by stirring.
  • Workers feed them daily a mix of flakes, worms, grasshoppers and freeze-dried shrimp.
  • But other waste streams pose bigger challenges like this stuff, called swarf, a mixture of metal shavings and liquids. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2008
  • Aliquot 10μ l of the master mix for each DNA to be analyzed into a reaction tube.
  • Use immersion blender or cappuccino machine steam attachment to froth the carrot foam mixture.
  • They were getting it, albeit slowly, but the results were mixed to say the least.
  • He loved all Jenny's children deeply-especially Ian, the wee gowk whose mixture of foolishness and pigheaded courage reminded him so much of himself at that age. Drums of Autumn
  • Then the piston moves back up to compress this fuel/air mixture.
  • The Deftones were good but suffered a muddy sound mix.
  • Sewers overflowed and mixed with rainwater and entered houses through drain pipes.
  • The crowd is a mix between trendy hotel visitors and posh Londoners.
  • _ When a scirrhus affects any gland of no great extent or sensibility, it is, after a long period of time, liable to suppurate without inducing fever, like the indolent tumors of the conglobate or lymphatic glands above mentioned; whence collections of matter are often found after death both in men and other animals; as in the liver of swine, which have been fed with the grounds of fermented mixtures in the distilleries. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • A Roman favourite is maccheroni alla carbonara, a ham and egg mixture with a creamy sauce.
  • It results in a rich mix of students from various backgrounds with different experiences of education. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • It caused differential melting and sublimation on the surface, according to the patterns it happened to fall in and the mixes of ices it clung to, until it was washed away or encysted. The Clique
  • The framework of the balanced constitution and mixed government was broadly accepted by political theorists and practising politicians alike. Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
  • Mix in the turmeric and chilli powder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Genomic DNA from each mutant colony was extracted using a Tween - 20 / proteinase K digestion mixture.
  • It means more opportunities for young people to mix with those from different backgrounds. The Sun
  • At my cousin's wedding some five years back, the most popular dish was a mixed vegetable fry prepared entirely on the 'tawa' griddle. Musical Cooking - Paneer Tawa Masala
  • The World Is Flat" & Co. were cyclones of breeziness, mixing metaphors by the dozens and whipping up slang and clichés and jokey catchphrases of the author's own invention. Shovel-Ready Shibboleths
  • The hope was that the morphogen in the mixture would slowly leak out and specify new digits.
  • The mixture should have the consistency of thick cream.
  • Theories of mental diseases commixed with philosophy and religious beliefs.
  • The way you mix creative ideas with a meticulous attention to detail is the key to success. The Sun
  • Sound is a typical stereo mix for films of this age.
  • Even the chief civil authority of the town was deterred from sallying forth by a remembrance of a predecessor in the provostship who had been buried in a stable mixen all but his head, to the detriment of his clothes and the still greater and more lasting hurt to his dignity. Patsy
  • It was made of a mixture of roots of zedoary similar to ginger, lovage and peony, parsnip seeds, mistletoe, myrrh, castor oil and dried millipedes steeped in mugwort tea and brandy. Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe
  • She mixes with the smart set.
  • It works non-invasively, by analysing how the mix of gases in the breath of its test subjects alter between inhalation and exhalation.
  • Dancers aged from five to adults will perform their own version of the Tchaikovsky classic and also a mix of tap and modern dance.
  • The very first day I discovered the moisture meter in the mixer was not working properly, giving an inconsistent mix and the cement weigh batcher was weighing inconsistent amounts for each batch. Undefined
  • Add the remaining flour, bring mixture together and knead lightly until a dough is formed. The Sun
  • For the crust, stir the flour, cornmeal, sugar and baking powder together in a large mixing bowl.
  • We live in a mixed society now and this sort of thing is disgusting and shouldn't be tolerated.
  • She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula.
  • Taken from their families and forced to live in "white" orphanages, three mixed-race aborigine children escape, traveling 1500 miles back home, using the title fence as their guide. Cinematical
  • What are the basic constituents of the mixture?
  • As time proceeds she acquires a group of racially and ethnically mixed friends and acts with courage and self-reliance.
  • He combined athleticism, judgement and skill in an irresistible mix - and he was a great sportsman, totally devoid of egomania.
  • When terms which signify mixed perfections are predicated of God, the analogy becomes so faint that the locution is a mere metaphor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Mix and match your tableware and textiles from the new Design House collection.
  • Return to the freezer, and then repeat this process about 3-4 times, every 30 minutes, or until all of the granita mixture is formed of ice crystals.
  • The wet mixtures for millboard, paper, and asbestos-cement products are prepared in a beater, as used in paper mills.
  • Myles L. Miller, Scott S. Hughes, 2009, Mixing primitive and evolved olivine tholeiite magmas in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
  • Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361). Archive 2009-07-01
  • Equal amounts of flour and sugar should be added to the mixture.
  • He pulls out the original drum track, throws in a turgid approximation of the live drums with a drum machine and a stiff boom-kick, adds some bloops, bleeps, and squiggles (because, hey, it's a remix), and cashes his paycheck.
  • Chopping up the chocolate is actually one of the most important things you need to do for this recipe before mixing them into the batter. Baking Bites » Print » Chocolate Chip Angel Food Cupcakes
  • Irresistible, her lone Motown LP, the label cannibalized some of the solo songs and remixed them into duets. NPR Topics: News
  • Continue whisking until the mixture looks smooth and creamy.
  • Soil should contain a good mix of sand, clay, and humus.
  • Mix the frozen petits pois into the softened onions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's more approachable than Scotch, and more mixable.
  • It looked very old and traced with lacy patterns of swirls, vines, and flowers, but it wasn't just white or just black; it was a twisted mixture of both black and white.
  • Mix the flour, sugar and raisins together in a bowl then add the liquid, stirring well to combine.
  • Chop the ingredients finely and mix them together.
  • I can't tell you how many times I've caught hell in several restaurants, laundromats, and arcades for inadvertently handing them a Canadian coin intermixed with the American stuff. Pizza Patr�n's Peculiar Pecuniary Peso-Paying Predicament
  • Publisher: Information Gatekeepers, Inc. Archemix announces aptamer-based therapeutics agreement with Johnson TILMA Expands on NAFTA
  • Everyone knows that Trots and fashion don't mix.
  • A mix of vibrant paintings and cutting-edge research explains the history of each hue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though never quite managing to hit commercial paydirt, Glasgow-born singer/songwriter John Martyn has carved out an acclaimed career by purveying an idiosyncratic mix of rock, folk and jazz.
  • Nepheline, leucite, idocrase, and meionite have not yet been seen at the peak of Teneriffe; for a reddish-grey lava, which we found on the slope of Monte Verde, and which contains small microscopic crystals, appears to me to be a close mixture of basalt and analcime. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Analysis showed that water was present in the mixture.
  • ‘On the 18th, we were ‘invaded’ by a flock of over 100 mixed redwings, grackles, starlings, and cowbirds that ate everything in sight and emptied the bird bath in minutes!’
  • This may be because when he started mixing up a bucket in the new kitchen, billows of dust began puffing under the doors onto my new upstairs carpets.
  • Air is a mixture, not a compound of gases.
  • Then the mixture is applied to a cleaned device surface and activated by ultraviolet light.
  • A continuing supply of freshwater from streams entering the lake would have stimulated the growth of algae and other freshwater organisms, resulting in a mix of brackish and freshwater species.
  • Many tool rental companies offer ready-mix concrete with small minimums and reduced prices.
  • In particular, it can be demonstrated that the choliambs, mixed with iambs, of the Hellenistic fable are comparable to those of a work with very very pronounced Cynic features, the choliambic ‘Life of Alexander’.
  • Once the tempering is sizzling, add the yogurt mixture and bring to boil. Archive 2005-03-01
  • Mix the spices and salt together and coat the fish until completely covered. The Sun
  • Mix this wet mixture into the dry ingredients with as few stirs as possible to give a wet, sloppy mixture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once you've had a skinful you'll get really sick - mixture of the alcohol and the sunstroke.
  • With a mix of students in the college, upper-year students could help lower-year students with classwork or other aspects of student life.
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • Costs have been cut by changing the crude mix and switching the plant's boilers to burn gas rather than more expensive fuel oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was essentially a labour-saving alternative to using a fork, whisk or food mixer. Times, Sunday Times
  • He went on to become one of the most venerated remixers of the 1990s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.
  • The dual ignition system also allows for an extremely lean fuel-air mixture and late ignition timing during warm-up.
  • Stir in the flour mixture and the sultanas, adding just enough milk to make a soft dough. Times, Sunday Times
  • His remarkable adapted style at the decks involves him mixing records using his mouth.
  • A detailed list of specific sounds is often compiled in pre-production but once filming starts it is important for the sound recordist (also known as the location mixer) to stay on their toes and capture any audio that may be required later.
  • Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies. Les Miserables
  • No problem, said Jim as he reached for a big mixing bowl and a packet of flour.
  • The bread mixture was set beside the fire to rise.
  • Add to this mix the prospects of an economy supercharged by €12 billion when the special saving investments accounts start to mature in under two years' time, and the economic winds seem to blowing fair for stocks.
  • Mumbai is a mixture of great wealth and extreme poverty, delightful colonial buildings alongside shanty huts. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Fable Coin Golf is a miniature triumph, brilliantly mixing the dynamics of pinball and shove ha'penny with cunningly compelling results. The 25 best smartphone games of 2011 (so far) – part one
  • The difference in horsepower per cylinder is the cause of rough running at lean mixtures.
  • This is procured by mixing massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white. Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
  • Add enough milk to make the mixture a fairly stiff consistency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Using the same pan, fry a small patty of the meat mixture and taste to test the seasoning.
  • What makes Christopher Hitchens such a capable and persuasive debater is a mixture of his ides, arguments, and charm. Danny Groner: We Need Discussions, Not Debates
  • I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster. Là-bas
  • Plain English painted wooden cabinets mixed with stainless steel island unit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tip the mixture into the parsley and lemon zest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such integration will automatically lead to mixed marriages.
  • Add an egg-yolk to the flour and fat to make it bind/to bind the mixture.
  • Your mix of logic and intuition keeps you a step ahead in the working world. The Sun
  • ShiftRows: cyclicly shift each row by a fixed amount MixColumns: treat each column as a polynomial over the Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Microbes decompose organic waste into a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide.
  • Over the past number of years the parade has been of mixed quality with varying degrees of participation from all sectors.
  • Old and new lie next to one another, mixed and intermingled; the ancient is about to pass away, while the modern is geared for eternity, or at least for a kalpa which seems to us eternal.
  • Stir the egg yolks into the mixture.
  • Tea/supper 1 oz. of diced cheddar cheese mixed with one diced fresh apple.
  • He made our swimming mascot the 'ucker, which was supposed to be a colloquial way of saying "sucker," a trash fish, but was really so we could do our team cheer, "Be tough, be tough, be tough 'uckers" loudly in mixed company. Instead of Doing My Lesson Plan, I Idly Toondoo
  • There were mixed feelings - their summer vacation had started at the end of June this year and since they had been cooped up at home the whole summer, the last couple of months didn't count as a summer vacation to them.
  • The macrostructures disclosed the presence of equiaxed grains as well as areas of mixed grain structure.
  • With a back catalogue as long as Weller's, its surprising that a collection of rare cuts, cover versions and re-mixes hasn't been seen before.
  • A dessertspoon of mixed spice, a tablespoon of treacle, a quarter teaspoon of bicarb soda. Archive 2004-12-01
  • The economic slowdown has dented demand for petrol and diesel, into which biofuels are mixed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Harry's a mixed breed - ‘the couture of dogdom’ to quote the Italian actress and model.
  • You might have noticed by now that the keywords Mr. McWhorter has chosen to mark "language-ness" spell out the word "idiom"—which is apt, in that idioms are the parts of language that are the most ingrown, disheveled, intricate, oral and mixed. Strange and Twisted Tongues
  • Linear perspective is not a major concern for these painters, but the some paintings do achieve a sense of aerial depth through the mixture of brush strokes and the varied diluteness of ink. Stories from The Sun
  • I'd listened to the programme a fair few times during my last year at school '93-4 and been dazzled by its mix of inspired music, learned guests, poetry, comedy and all-round self-deprecating dementedness, but it wasn't until I left for university that I became a devout fan. Archive 2006-04-01
  • An unclassifiable mixture of animation, drama, love story, coming-of-age-tale-slash-concert movie, Hedwig is adapted from Mitchell's off-Broadway hit of the same name.
  • But the Tulane study found that when you mix chlordane, toxaphene and any of the others together - whoa!
  • The Laramie Basin ecoregion is a wide intermontane valley, dominated by mixed-grass prairie. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • Graduate of a City Council graffiti-spelling workshop for street kids, he knew how to decode the slogans of the day, how to phase them and how to remix them.
  • Jon's suite, which makes up the entirety of the original Concerto record, is nothing better than a bad mixture of hard rock soloing and a rather childish idea of classical music.
  • When you came away you made a definite effort to mix.
  • Some composters find that mixing the two together is more effective than layering.
  • Chatting in their usual rapid-fire mix of Czech and Slovak -- a sound that assistant coach Tim Hunter once described as "three guys trying to drown: blub-blub-blub" -- the trio suddenly broke into hysterical laughter. From the archives: Skating through life
  • We meet the commixture of materials and things in our excavation whose object is, among other things, to reorder, to abolish the disorder of collapse and dilapidation, to find significance and signification in the apparent chaos.
  • He mixed, however, some prudence with his courage, and passed the greatest part of his time in a country retirement; alleging his advanced age, and the weakness of his eyes.
  • A chemical separation method, leaching works mainly to isolate soluble materials from a solid mixture.
  • Each dungeon has been redesigned to offer new challenges - and in turn, mess with returning players by remixing the puzzles and the room progression completely.
  • Where else in Montreal can you see bands and spoken word acts, watch silent movies with live music, draw comix with your buddies, buy art from a vending machine or chow down on a tasty veggie sandwich?
  • This then simmers for half an hour before being baked for an hour in a pan layered with very stale bread, Gruyere cheese, and the onion soup mixture.
  • Lessons of IVF babies mix-up ‘will be learned’ Report pinpoints series of failures at Yorkshire fertility clinic where white couple had mixed-race twins in error
  • Mixtures of solution and resin were filtered through a 0.45 m filter and filtrates freeze-dried.
  • The 25,000 residents are culturally mixed and renowned for their friendliness.
  • Mix two tablespoons of canned tuna with a tablespoon of sweet corn and chopped tomato. The Sun
  • The dust was also mixed with clay to produce a finer quality brick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mixture will resolve into two simple substances.
  • Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.
  • The blends, all from Arabica beans, are fine when mixed with milk in lattes and cappuccinos.
  • The first stage of the cheese production is mixing rennet with fresh morning milk.
  • March 21st, 2010 at 12: 30 am linzloo08 brought to you by I Want My Country Back, Inc.!! says: miz = mix Think Progress » Bishops Dismiss Other Catholic Groups: We’re The Only Ones Able To Understand Health Care Policy
  • Meanwhile, cream the yeast in a bowl with the water and milk, then stir in the butter and keep stirring until it has melted into the mixture.
  • Parched corn coffee was brewed by mixing roasted corn with boiling water.
  • The Athenian mix of culture and commerce was as apparent in art as architecture.
  • Although his speech is a little delayed, he is a skilled communicator and mixes well with children and adults.
  • Her newer slouchy silhouette offers sporty satin blouson jackets and drawstring pants to mix with sensual hand crochet knits.
  • Lack of precipitation resulted in a severe decrease in availability of mixed grass forage, resulting in animal BW loss.
  • Mash the mixture with a fork.
  • His paintings feature bright intensities of color, unique contrast, relationships of space and a palette of approximately 100 pure, unmixed acrylics.
  • Gone are the days when the neighborhood was a mixture of different facades and you could tell one friend's house from another.
  • Atlantic City provides the setting for the story of two brothers who enter the biggest mixed martial arts contest in history. The Sun
  • They are great, splendid establishments, with wide, overhung, awninged terraces, and potted plants and electric lights and gold and tinsel, and mixed drinks and ices and sorbets, and all the epicurean cold things which one may find in the best establishment in Paris. The Automobilist Abroad
  • The versions here are properly mixed versions by the original recording engineer from the multi-track tape in true stereo.
  • In a few cases, mixed-case lettering has worked.
  • Peel, core and finely chop the apricots and mix well with the cheese mixture.
  • A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.
  • It blames increased use of pesticides and fertilisers, habitat destruction, loss of mixed farms and changes to sowing patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect of this mixture is a dilatation, which is nearly as four thousand to unity; and the lead in your barrel exhibits another effect, which is the product of its bulk multiplied by its velocity. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Then mix the white bread base and the achiote paste in the machine until incorporated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their set consisted of hooky pop gems that relied on guitar and punch for most of the power, and the mixture was a pleasing one.
  • Despite Cairn's mixed results, the Arctic waters off the coast of Greenland remain enticing for oil companies, where experts estimate that 4. 1bn barrels of untapped crude lies. Cairn Energy fails to find enough oil off the coast of Greenland
  • The female urine markers consist of more than 100 compounds, a much more complex mixture than the male glandular scents, which are mainly fatty acids and aromatics.
  • Skirt a purple artichoke with a ruff of silvery artemisia, or mix some ruby-stemmed, fat-leafed rhubarb into a garden bed and you're creating combinations as artful as any in the most ornamental of borders. Valerie Easton: Are Your Vegetables Multi-Tasking??
  • Mix your own concrete, do your own plumbing, and wire your own electricity.

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