How To Use Mitzvah In A Sentence

  • As a teenager, what was his bar mitzvah like?
  • Within the Jewish community, I have married, raised a family, and become, I hope, a good father. We recently celebrated our oldest son's Bar Mitzvah.
  • So much of the book is heavy with meaning and counter-meaning, innuendo and awful implication, that translation would be a challenge even without its freight of rich consonantal Manchester Yiddish – its mitzvahs, shiksas, farshimelts, meshuggeners and yisgadals. Guardian book club: Kalooki Nights by Howard Jacobson
  • For example, the only thing I remember my grandfather giving me as a child was a reel-to-reel Wollensak tape recorder for my Bar Mitzvah.
  • Ruchama Rivka was always very excited when it came time for the mitzvah of counting the Omer.
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  • Eric had a space-travel-themed bar mitzvah at the Chanticleer in Short Hills when we were both in seventh grade.
  • They are only obligatory if it is possible to fulfill them, so the first principle to recall is that it is a mitzvah (a commanded obligation) for people to have children only if they can.
  • Sure, they have the Mitzvah Mobile, but how intimidating is that? Shofar, sho good? « A Bird’s Nest
  • Our son will be Bar Mitzvahed this Spring and both of his mothers will be there to honor him. the nachas we share about our children and our marriage is no different than my heterosexual brother or sister. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Gays as the New Religious Bogeyman
  • It is a great honor to be given an aliyah when the Torah is read in the synagogue, and it is important to fulfill this mitzvah (commandment) with dignity.
  • In what he calls a rite of passage like a "Southern bar mitzvah," he says that, except for his toddler, "I've taught all my children how to shoot. Arming Obama
  • I have no real formal music training, like every other punk who gets a keyboard for his bar mitzvah.
  • While committed gay partners obviously cannot have procreative sex, they can and do certainly have the unitive kin, yet the Catholic Church hierarchy persists in depriving LGBT people of this mitzvah (blessing) on the grounds that marriage is essentially procreative even while teaching that marriage is not exclusively procreative. Michele Somerville: Homophobia in the Church: What Catholics Are Doing About It, and What Still Needs to Be Done
  • Boys aren't allowed to wear tefillin until after their bar mitzvah; women can choose to wear them but rarely do.
  • When the dress of silk faille and feathers still hadn't arrived just days before her daughter's bat mitzvah, Lesley Wolman called Savannah, the Santa Monica, Calif., boutique where she'd ordered the dress at a trunk show. How Boutiques Pamper Top Customers
  • Of course, it's through this sort of tribulation that one becomes wise oneself, and while the Nü-Freds are no less dorky for their travels they're certainly a bit more worldly, so their bike messenger friend who's been living in Osaka Japan is apparently importing its lifestyle messengers now throws them an "alleycat," which is the fixed-gear equivalent of getting a Bar-Mitzvah: Hacking Away: Epic Schemes and Epic Rides
  • And mini-poles have even been spotted as dance props at extravagant bat mitzvah parties in suburban precincts.
  • He said this like it was a marvelous good deed, something Jeri might have called a mitzvah. The Gin Closet
  • I spent a huge sum of money to become a Java programmer, and now I'm whoring myself out making balloon animals at bar mitzvahs.
  • Along with their male counterparts, they are celebrating the bat mitzvah of a classmate in a cushy East Coast suburb.
  • In such a case, it is a great mitzvah for a Jew to donate organs to save another person's life.
  • It's what we call a mitzvah, a blessing or a good deed, to go to a funeral. Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
  • It is considered a blessing - or "mitzvah" - for a congregation to have a Sefer Torah. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • The Shulhan Arukh rules that although it is customary for a man to light the Hanukkah lamp on behalf of the entire household, and although the mitzvah is a time-dependent precept, a woman may fulfill the obligation on behalf of her household (Orah Hayyim 675: 3). Festivals and Holy Days.
  • At a family bat mitzvah, my recitation of the aliya shone so brightly above the rest that my girlfriend's parents declared with pride, "That's our Jew! William Klein: Jews for Al Jazeera!
  • Kirk can list WMD pretending to Lincoln's greatness and ending up only the coward's version; he can hide behind his suburban strategy of avoiding national issues to clock metra trains, and he can go around to synagogues and speak at kids' Bat Mitzvahs reving up the fear in the Jewish community all he wants, but it is really very simple. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The soldier related that he was assigned to a remote base where there were no Jewish soldiers, no religious services, no kosher food and where it was impossible to keep Shabbat or any mitzvah at all.
  • The mitzvah of kindling the Chanukah lights begins with sunset.
  • He could cry at Christenings, weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, wakes.
  • I awkwardly boogied my way in her direction, decorating myself en route with the obligatory bar mitzvah dance floor peacockery, and we locked eyes. The Human Bobby
  • Several modern scholars rule that this mitzvah includes an obligation to prevent someone from losing their health in the first place.
  • When word of the Bar Mitzvah got out, the warden was criticized, the Chaplain was criticized, the person who "ratted" was criticized. Cross-Currents
  • Jenny: It's my Bat Mitzvah party. I'm 13.
  • Over the decades, as the local Galata community dwindled, Neve Shalom became a locus for ceremonials - during Rosh Hashanah and at bar mitzvahs, weddings, funerals and the like.
  • Currently, female relatives who want to see a bar mitzvah from the women's section must stand on plastic chairs and peer over the top of the tall barrier, called a mechitza. Western Wall Partition: Jewish Authorities To Implement New One-Way Divider Between Men, Women
  • I'm just a normal Jewish girl, anywhere." 12-year old Sophie Rosen at her bat mitzvah.
  • These accounts accumulated various cashflows -- bar-mitzvah checks, birthday presents, the occasional grandparental contribution -- until the age of 22, when we received the money and could put it toward whatever we pleased: a downpayment on a studio apartment, a post-graduate degree, a zippy little Mazda. David Bledin: The HuffPost Guide To Blowing Your $500 Million Fortune
  • They learnt to recognise words that were familiar to them — like shalom, kibbutz and barmitzvah. Times, Sunday Times
  • Has George Bush ever been to a bar mitzvah or eaten a blintz? Jon Wiener: "[Expletive] the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway": Republicans and Israel
  • I grew up kosher, and so the idea of kashrut as a high mitzvah is deeply implanted in me. The Jew and the Carrot
  • a bar mitzvah is an important social event
  • Making a shidduch is considered a mitzvah, or a good deed. Orthodox Matchmaker: A Love Story in Midwood
  • They worked hard, but it was worth it: At age 14, Jenny led her own Bat Mitzvah service in English and Hebrew, accomplishing the same goal as the students who did not have a disability.
  • So I brought him home -- home with Chickie, my chihuahua/pug mix who I rescued from that same shelter several years earlier; and two rescued cats, Crystal and Mitzvah. Mike Schwager: Let's Save Our Best Friends
  • The recipient must be an American boy or girl celebrating a religious rite: a first communion, confirmation, bar or bat mitzvah.
  • “Sometimes a mitzvah is seeing for yourself and coaxing a smile from the darkness.” She Glides Along ... the Solitary Hearted
  • It's considered what we call an mitzvah, a good deed to do.
  • Your misinterpretation of vichyssoise ruined my Bar Mitzvah!
  • Along with the awful band at the next wedding or Bar Mitzvah you're dragooned into.
  • The first occurred at a grandson's bar mitzvah during what is know as the Torah Passing Ceremony where family members stand in line on the bimah stage and the Rabbi symbolically passes the holy scrolls down from one generation to another. Marsha Temlock: Grandparents Fan the Flame of Divorce
  • It's a mitzvah - a good deed - and we wish him great success.
  • May we be found worthy by God to be numbered in the circle of these women and men … The reward of a mitzvah is the recognition of the great deed by God. Regina Jonas.
  • My religion places great weight in almsgiving, and my daughter makes me walk blocks till we find a suitable beggar to fulfil our mitzvah. Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Jews gather at the Western Wall to read the Torah during a bar mitzvah celebration.
  • Since it is a mitzvah to visit the sick, every traditional Jewish community has a group that makes hospital visits on request - to friends or strangers.
  • The first cut is done at the front of the head, at the spot where the boy will later place his tefillin upon becoming Bar Mitzvah.
  • R. Meir is considered to be the tanna of the mishnah which allows children to blow the shofar (a positive, time-bound mitzvah) but which is understood to prohibit women from blowing the shofar. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • The Kaddish is to be recited only in the presence of a duly constituted quorum, a minyan, which consists of ten males above the age of Bar Mitzvah.
  • As was mentioned earlier, it is a mitzvah which rules the principle of family purity and falls upon the woman, directly and exclusively, for she is the only person responsible for its consummation.
  • Just as the mitzvah of the Hanukkah lights is described as a mitzvah for “a person and his household,” which the man usually performs, women accepted kindling the Sabbath lights as their personal mitzvah. Observance of Mitzvot: Custom and Halakhah.
  • The fourth dressed turned out to be made by the same designer who gave us the dominatrix dress, only this one, in the words of my wife, was "flapperish": a dress to Charleston in, not that anyone does the Charleston anymore, not even at bar mitzvah parties. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Using his bar mitzvah cash at the tender age of 13, the lankily hip youngster bought himself a turntable and mixer.
  • I wanted my parents to stand on the bema in front of everyone and give a speech about how proud of me they were for having accomplished all the work that went into a Bat Mitzvah. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Middle School
  • A shochet (ritual slaughterer) is responsible for covering the blood of the animal, so if someone else fulfills this mitzvah, then the shochet has been deprived.
  • With the mitzvah of counting the 49 days, known as Sefirat Ha'Omer, the Torah invites us on a journey into the human psyche, into the soul.
  • And then one day, just before his bar mitzvah, they put insoles in his shoes, and suddenly the guy was a whole new person.
  • Meanwhile, advances from Microsoft’s labs can approach bar mitzvah age before finding their way into products.
  • But on the morning of Michael's bar mitzvah, she sat proudly in the synagogue--Sara beside her--as the services began. LASTING TREASURES
  • Then we played some games: we threw bean bags into targets for prizes and ran relays, spun hula hoops and played tic-tac-toe, fulfilling the mitzvah of laughing and being merry on Sukkot. GLBT Families Come OUT to Decorate the Sukkah With GLOE « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • While the emphasis of this book has been on character development and spiritual growth via daily improvement of personality traits, the mitzvah of counting the omer goes one step further.
  • The word mitzvah does not mean “good deed” but actually means commandment. THE BLESSING OF A SKINNED KNEE
  • Giving charity is a positive mitzvah, a personal religious obligation no less than prayer or Torah study.
  • But when she heard about my situation, she decided it was a bigger mitzvah to help me than to study Torah in Israel.
  • As his daughter lovingly describes him, he was in constant movement, a one-man service combination, who cared for his flock from the cradle to the grave, as mohel (circumciser) and Bar Mitzvah teacher, as celebrant at weddings, as a dayan granting divorce, as leader of prayers and as a judge in the ghetto. Mischket Liebermann.
  • Even just after they develop their adult brains, they are highly impressionable, which is why confirmations and bar mitzvahs etc are all held at about that time. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Because even within Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative Judaism women have generally enjoyed ritual equality for less than a generation, some adult women in the past fifteen years have also turned to the bat mitzvah ceremony as a way to expand their Jewish knowledge and skills and to signify their assumption of the rights and responsibilities of Jewish adulthood. Bat Mitzvah: American Jewish Women.
  • Liberal and Reform synagogues have abandoned their erstwhile preference for confirmation over Bar and Batmitzvah.

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