
How To Use Mitten In A Sentence

  • He became the icon that God had to smite to be able to save us, and suddenly the Lamb of God was smitten! FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • It's just that none of those festivals claims to be untarnished by commerce, unsmitten by celebrity, etc., etc. GreenCine Daily: Park City, 2/1.
  • Along the way you'll encounter bath plugs, rubber ducks and get the obligatory soaking from intermittent showers.
  • In 1805, an extremely handsome young man, he went up to Cambridge, where he attended intermittently to his studies between extravagant debauches there and in London.
  • It dawned today dankly raining, but by mid morning and my coffee pilgrimage there was sunlight, intermittently, and a warming breeze from the south.
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  • By microwave-isted extraction and intermittent microwave radiation heating, the new technology of obtaining Porphyra haitanensis polysaccharides was studied.
  • ‘Say goodbye’ I say as I squeeze their mittened hands as a way of prompting.
  • Shulman CE, Dorman EK, Cutts F, Kawuondo K, Bulmer JN, et al. (1999) Intermittent sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine to prevent severe anaemia secondary to malaria in pregnancy: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • She added that inherently intermittent supplies from wind and solar power would be of limited use in bridging the gap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malar J 6: 88. van Eijk AM, Ayisi JG, ter Kuile FO, Otieno JA, Misore AO, et al. (2004) Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for control of malaria in pregnancy in western Kenya: a hospital-based study. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Intermittent intervals of moonlight would mean not having to use flashlights, when he and Larsen entered the enemy's territory.
  • What accounts for the intermittent nature of southern rural protest? A Social History of Modern Spain
  • For me, his random interviews with various down-and-out characters in Cleveland, on sidewalks and in living rooms, while charmingly syncopated in the Jarmusch family style, with intermittent jazz music and grainy shaky filming, did not result in a clear "what is this about"--although Tom insisted that for him, it was exactly the Cleveland he wished to express, "meant to be an imperfect portrait. Karin Badt: The Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival: From Soviet Cannibals to Jarmusch's Cleveland
  • Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.
  • You can tell this isn't going to be a winter of picturesque snowscapes and mitten-clad children scampering around with their hoods up - it's one of the bleak, sub-zero temperatures variety.
  • The once stable, slow - moving, marshy perennial river transformed into an unstable, flood-prone, intermittent stream.
  • The guideline recommends that in women who are healthy and have an uncomplicated pregnancy, intermittent auscultation is a suitable method of monitoring during labour.
  • Fertilized eggs often hatch at the beginning of the growth season but may continue to hatch intermittently thereafter.
  • For the many children participating it was a good opportunity to get close to mitten crabs, shrimp, fresh water mussels and even eels, as well as to a lot of deliciously slithery mud!
  • However, Fauci noted that at least a dozen different teams around the world are studying the approach - which he calls structured intermittent therapy - and it will be at least a year before doctors know whether it is safe. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Formerly women smitten with incubacy had frigid flesh even in the month of August. Là-bas
  • If the characters intermittently come across as embodiments of ideas and author mouthpieces, the performances go far towards humanizing them.
  • To the same purport is v. 8, for the transgression of my people was he smitten, the stroke was upon him that should have been upon us; and so some read it, He was cut off for the iniquity of my people, unto whom the stroke belonged, or was due. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • People were bundled up in scarves and hats and snowpants and mittens and gloves.
  • The physical examination revealed a 42 mm erythematous and violaceous, irregularly bordered plaque with intermittent atrophy, hypopigmentation, and scarring.
  • Antonio de Ciudad Real happily notes the day, in Tratado curioso, when he realized that he was finally free from quartan fever (cuartanas), which had plagued him for more than three years. 64 Intermittent fevers like these were probably malarial, and these two cases could very well have originated in Spain, as their carriers had only recently arrived from the Peninsula. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Traditionally the treatment of atopic dermatitis has included the frequent use of emollients and the intermittent use of topical corticosteroids to control acute flares.
  • Each of the girls, as well as Ethan, wore their thickest coats and warmest mittens, as well as scarves and hats and earmuffs.
  • His campy gay stereotype act is hilarious, especially since he drops it with a roll of his eyes whenever the smitten guards aren't watching.
  • But as the mitten was already up on the advent calendar, I decided it was a good day for my wee snowman. Archive 2007-12-01
  • When the blustering wind and swirling snow make sledding and building snowmen feel like work, ditch your icy mittens and spend the afternoon by a warm stove, sipping hot chocolate and munching on cookies.
  • It can be hard to pin down the cause because of its intermittent nature, but you can at least carry out some basic checks for yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is used as a tonic and antiperiodic in intermittent fevers and in general where tonic treatment is indicated. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Meanwhile Blackburn, frantically seeking to empty the boat after a wave had swamped it, accidentally bailed his own mittens over the side.
  • He told me of one such time, when he'd been sent to the store with the money put in his mitten, on returning he'd stopped out front and the change, a nickel, somehow slipped out into a snowdrift.
  • During the Miocene the shelf was intermittently emergent, and the submarine canyons were extended to the shelf area through headward erosion.
  • Here's a secret of the North Pole: Santa powders his hands with talc before donning his thick red mittens.
  • Again the mitten was a caressing obstacle to utterance. Smoke Bellew
  • At the end, everyone is given cake, along with age-appropriate gift bags jammed with hats, mittens, books, and stuffed animals.
  • She had started to make breakfast but wasn't looking and got butter everywhere and grabbed the frying pan that was all metal and forgot (as usual) to use a mitten.
  • Intermittent darkness and flashing so played on the enemy line from Gommecourt to Maricourt that it looked like a reef on a loppy day. The Old Front Line
  • Hydrostats are characterized by a central volume of pressurized incompressible fluid surrounded by a membrane in tension; all amniote intromittent organs include a central space surrounded by a tensile membrane.
  • By varying the angle of reflected light, an illusion is created that the ocellar scales are intermittently emitting light, thus providing an explanation of Sanderson’s original account of the lizard 'switch [ing] on its portholes.' Archive 2006-11-01
  • The rugs, scarves, mittens and other merchandise have all been produced through Snow Leopard Enterprises.
  • We who are uninitiated in Morecambe and Wise may find the new duo more ham than wise, although still intermittently funny.
  • Objective Explore the mechanism of intermittent pre - excitation syndrome ( IPS ).
  • Friday, March 27, 2009 at 06: 41 PM how odd to read this particular bit of news as i enjoy one of the only still-functioning electrical devices in my home (the computer), the others suffering from a mysterious anti-surge, in which switches produce only intermittent and then very weak current. nothing is 'crame' but the fridge has no cold, the water-heater no heat, the lamps flicker like candles guttering out their last wisp of light, etc. the electrician will be coming tomorrow; meanwhile one is very conscious of being (but not wishing to be) very spoiled and electrodependent ...... Cramer - French Word-A-Day
  • But most birds and Sphenodon lack intromittent organs and transfer sperm by cloacal apposition.
  • Wind power is intermittent, nuclear is costly and biodiesel steals land from agriculture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most globulars these evolutionary differences are fairly minor, and suggest that star formation was not all at once but over a short period – possibly with intermittent burst of star formation depending on the gas collapse of the nebulosity that forms the stars in the globular. Alien Star Clusters Are Invading the Milky Way | Universe Today
  • The book leaves the reader often stunned by his intermittent inhumanity and his incorrigible sentimentality.
  • This is also the only knitting machine that will produce a fabric like the old and familiar style of striped mitten… yet so simple that a child of six to ten years of age can operate it easily and readily.
  • The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists garbage mitt—a new one on me—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favoured by garbage men.
  • On the contrary, in calicular sections, several flat dissepiments are intermittently developed directly below the epitheca.
  • He was smitten and conceived an ambition to become a cartoonist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ray is instantly smitten with the pretty and squeaky-clean Wendy, pursuing her with an undisguised lust, oblivious to the feelings of her boring husband.
  • Mohammedan sword was again unsheathed; for fresh in their memories were the terrible atrocities perpetrated during the former uprising, which was one long intermittent period of bloodshed and pillage lasting from 1861 to 1874, both parties, however, assenting to a cessation of hostilities each year during seedtime and harvest. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Such intermittency of solar and wind, of course, means that bioenergy has to play an important role.
  • Without any reference to the greater or less force of medical theories as to the efficacy of cinchona bark, I now only take an experienced and practical view, well knowing that the sufferings of many millions of poor and rich natives, especially in the jungle districts, are yearly very great, and the mortality quite enormous from remittent and intermittent fevers, by far the greater part of which would be immensely relieved, or wholly cured, by the free use of cinchona bark. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • From the first voyage of Cartier onwards, Canada was called intermittently New France, and its possibilities were not lost sight of by a few intelligent Frenchmen on account of the fur trade. Pioneers in Canada
  • Because radiation floor cover has capability of strong store heat and exothermic, the use ofintermittent adjustment is more superiority and very suitable for civilian residential.
  • But I then noticed that my right hand was starting to get warm, like I had a mitten on I looked over at Blake and he must have noticed also, because he was also looking at me with an astonished face.
  • Several weeks after the completion of his work the office lights would go off and on intermittently.
  • The intermittent effects of strong El Niño events on pelagic and terrestrial bird populations have been extensively documented.
  • The trembling women were smitten into an ecstasy of bewildered fear (as one of the words, 'affrighted' might more accurately be rendered), and his consolation to them, 'Be not affrighted, ye seek Jesus,' suggests that, in all the great sweep of the unseen universe, whatsoever beings may people that to us apparently waste and solitary space, howsoever many they may be, Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Mark
  • Hats made of fleece and gloves or mittens lined with fleece are excellent choices for warmth and breathability.
  • At last, though, he was forced to admit that children would not have run so far, and he circled back toward the cabin, still calling intermittently, in hoarse, strangled croaks. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Lydie and Emily sat knitting new socks, scarves, and mittens for the children, for winter was only a few months away.
  • I dislike with intensity days like today, it was dull, overcast and intermittently pouring with rain and my mood was only marginally better.
  • I read the treatise through, and was so smitten with the accurate view it exhibited of the theatres of these days, that I immediately determined to transport myself, as well as I could, to the golden times of the _beheader of Mary Queen of Scots_. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • The rest has been left idle, used as grazing land, or intermittently cropped.
  • Mr. Walker pulled a pair of mittens out of his coat pocket and handed them to me.
  • One young woman described spending several years traveling intermittently with various carnivals.
  • Silk gloves for the hands (ask at a funeral parlor), covered with wool gloves and toped with leather gloves or leather mittens (called choppers up north). Out Cold
  • The radiologist uses fluoroscopy for a total of 10 to 15 minutes during the entire procedure, and the exposure is intermittent.
  • There he remained for most of the first half, only emerging intermittently to offer words of criticism or encouragement.
  • Mittens had her hands on her hips, a long ashed cigarette in her lips. One Night Below Climax
  • These interesting observations certainly justify further evaluation of intermittent treatment in a controlled setting.
  • The smitten young translator began to learn Ukrainian, using dictionaries and poetry anthologies as her tools. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of that golden age, Cotton Mather himself, "smitten with a just fear of encroaching and ill-bodied degeneracies," sat down to write the history, recording in the _Magnalia_ "the great things done for us by our God," in the hope that he might thereby do something "to prevent the loss of the primitive principles and the primitive practices. Beginnings of the American People
  • When not at combat readiness, the mailed knight would unfasten his ventail, throw back his coif, and turn back his mittens.
  • The technique was commonly used for different kinds of headgear, such as caps, hoods, bonnets, hairnets and snoods, as well as for stockings, mittens, collars and sashes.
  • When such cases are found, it remains to be shown that the child so reared is proportionately benefited by this unremittent devotion of its mother. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • As he steamed off southeast, he came intermittently under heavy fire from ships in Beatty's and Hood's squadrons.
  • We started to laugh again, muffling our sniggers with our mittened hands.
  • Contact Bounce. The intermittent and undesired opening of relay contacts during closure.
  • Intermittent drainage, underground watercourses and vast cave systems are features of the karst.
  • `Because you think the daughter a smasher -- and you're smitten. THE GOLDEN LION
  • The power supply was intermittent, and imported white goods had imposed a further strain on the electricity grid. Dusty Warriors: Modern Soldiers at War
  • Some variation for the mittens would be to add a cuff of ribbing or fringe to the outside of the mitten.
  • Did its reception shatter his confidence, leaving him unable to finish the other novels he worked on intermittently over his last years: "Islands in the Stream" and "The Garden of Eden" both published posthumously in heavily edited, and perhaps bowdlerized, editions? The Slow Crack-Up
  • Have the child wear sleeves that are snug at the wrist, mittens (they are warmer than gloves) and water-resistant coats and shoes.
  • They looked totally smitten wading through the sludge. The Sun
  • Long-term intermittent noninvasive ventilation is effective in reversing ventilatory failure and improving respiratory muscle function.
  • As he walked along he rubbed his cheek-bones and nose with the back of his mittened hand. To Build A Fire
  • At the very least, oxyhaemoglobin saturation should be documented before and intermittently during oxygen therapy.
  • The fund manager warned that the government's move would leave the grid dependent on intermittent wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wore side-spring boots -- "prunella," I believe, used to be the trade name -- mittens, and pince-nez. Three Men on the Bummel
  • And because he wants, intermittently, to sentimentalize their dilemmas, he has a hard time generating genuinely potent satire.
  • The technique was commonly used for different kinds of headgear, such as caps, hoods, bonnets, hairnets and snoods, as well as for stockings, mittens, collars and sashes.
  • Dark clouds had massed overhead, intermittent flashes of lightning jumping between them.
  • Attached to the pumps, multiple tubes on the floor next to the wall led into the space, where they intermittently veered off to form seven roundish tangles.
  • Prolonged attacks of dyspepsia, nervous headaches, chronic granular kidney disease, gout, sciatic rheumatism, middle ear abscesses, above all vertigo and gall stone colic were intermittent or chronic ailments that gradually made him the typical embodiment of a supersensitively nervous, prematurely old man. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • For example, Irniq saw an older woman sewing reindeer skin mittens in the same way Inuit women make caribou mitts.
  • The suspension points here are used to show the intermittence of the dialogue.
  • Boat users in the area say that the problem has been intermittent. Times, Sunday Times
  • A prince and princess, newly smitten with each other, are so transported with love that they rise into the air.
  • It's spiteful, but watching an imperious mog getting an intermittent soaking is just very funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ladies of her dorter were envious of her: Ralph Monterey, whom so many had tried to permanently net and been disappointed, was apparently quite smitten with a girl who had been at court for less than two weeks! The Frozen Heart
  • She returned to concertizing in 1966, but her performances from that time on were intermittent, although she acquired a reputation as a formidable chamber musician, and also as a teacher, most recently at the San Francisco Conservatory.
  • At the first stroke of the bell it was as if a magician's wand had smitten the dancers.
  • Was she so completely smitten by the side-splitting antics of the fast-rising TV stars Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Eric Stonestreet that she overlooked the foibles of the irrepressibly zany Herman Cain? Dear Barbara, Your A-List Needs Work
  • Woolen sweaters, cardigans, mittens, and socks were knitted with elaborate patterns.
  • Intermittently, check the dish to make sure the stew remains quite brothy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intermittently gripping thriller illuminating one of our planet's grubbier secrets: the ongoing slave trade, in the form of domestic help forcibly recruited from Africa's more troubled regions and bundled into Britain by human traffickers (the closing credits suggest that 5,000 slaves may be held in London alone). Tonight's TV highlights
  • The thrushes will go on singing intermittently from now onwards, but they leave their territories if it turns very cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sewed a jumpsuit and mittens for this super - cat who obviously loved this game.
  • The Londoners were bossing proceedings from the off, albeit without finding the cutting edge that has been an intermittent problem this term. The Sun
  • Just before she unlocked the door, she pulled the mitten from her mouth and asked, `You from the Goodman? FAMILY PICTURES
  • Several thousand were slaughtered in this sporadic sectarian violence which continued intermittently after 1795.
  • In January and February 1953 Hough's battalion endured a winter that made a mockery of their long johns, fleece-lined trousers, parkas, gloves and mittens. British veterans of Korean war: 'It was like stepping into medieval times'
  • The main characteristic of all intermittent flight modes is periodic variation in thrust generated by the flapping wings, and therefore in the dynamics of the body.
  • First there was a sizzle, and then, when the batter had succumbed to the intense heat from the gas flame below, only a few intermittent whistles escaped along with wisps of fragrant vapor.
  • Woolen sweaters, cardigans, mittens, and socks were knitted with elaborate patterns.
  • He was educated in local schools with intermittent breaks.
  • Many on the Internet have complained that their copy of the film freezes intermittently throughout playback.
  • It was dusk, the city an orange glow on the horizon, and intermittent bursts of static on the radio.
  • Apron, Oven Mitten, Pot Holder, Napkin , Table Cloth, Tea Towel, Home and Kitchen Textile Products.
  • The weather was typically hot, although there was a threat of intermittent rain throughout the day.
  • The monarch is smitten with Johnny, which could be a bit icky since (1) he is a minor and (2) an insect-human relationship based on physical attraction runs the risk of being classified as bestiality. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Insula Islandi�, qu� per immensum � c鎡eris secreta long� sita est in Oceano, vixque � nauigantibus agnoscitur, &c. Et si h鎐 tractare, qu� ipsam terram vel illius adiuncta seu proprietates concernunt, ad gentem vel incolas � calumniantium morsu vindicandos par鵰 faciat: tamen id nequaquam omittendum videtur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • After the first letter had come several years ago, their mother had forced Katrina to write him back, and ever since then, the smitten Chris had been barraging her with letters.
  • Breathing through a mittened hand that covered both mouth and nose, McKinnon turned into the wind and looked aft. SAN ANDREAS
  • Up through the snow appeared a badger . He eyed the mitten and began to climb in.
  • For the study, researchers assigned the patients to 10 one-hour sessions of massage, relaxation therapy (which entailed breathing deeply while lying down), or thermotherapy (in which participants had their arms and legs wrapped intermittently with heating pads and warm towels). Alternative Medicine
  • I was tapped by Charlie Mitten at Newcastle United and in those days you had to put in a transfer request.
  • Unlike the Hollywood outsiders playing with six-shooters, Adakai could name all the sandstone spires, massive buttes, and whorled arches, bathed in reflected red: the Right Mitten and the Left, Gray Whiskers, Three Sisters, Bear and Rabbit, King on His Throne, arrayed in an ancient skyline that could have passed for Mars. Yellow Dirt
  • Clark couldn't help but smile as he loosed his grip to brush some snow from the end of her nose with his mitten.
  • A small main house sat in front of a larger feed shed, a tool shed, and a pair of large barns emitting intermittent livestock noises.
  • During the Apollo 14 flight, another problem arose after the intermittent abort signal mentioned in intermission 3 had been solved.
  • One of the children, aged about six kept making a noise. It was an extremely high pitched tone with pronounced wobble, loud and sustained, intermittently for an hour or so.
  • The clashes have taken place intermittently since Friday, when the government imposed a ban on rallies in the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day of the party promises mittens and hats, mufflers and ski pants, toboggans and sleds.
  • Because radiation floor cover has capability of strong store heat and exothermic, the use ofintermittent adjustment is more superiority and very suitable for civilian residential.
  • A Chorley teacher is quitting his life in Lancashire to work in Romania after becoming smitten with the country.
  • After the cleansing work, testing will be conducted and fire alarm bell will ring intermittently.
  • We've borrowed their paleolithic diet, cribbed their intermittent fasting methods and revived their ancient superfoods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Power, water and other essential services are intermittent at best.
  • I kept a diary through much of my teenage years, although it was a bit intermittent.
  • One third of her working men were constantly employed, as before remarked, in this laborious operation, and some of their hands had become so sore from the constant friction of the ropes, that they could hardly handle them any longer without the use of mittens, assisted by the unlaying of the ropes to make them soft. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
  • Intermittent sprinting produces high levels of chemical compounds called catecholamines, which allow more fat to be burned from under your skin and within your muscles.
  • Graham was himself a formidable "scrutinizer"; and, famously, a "strong resenter," with intermittent compulsion to test the indulgence of his friends. Our Man on Capri
  • If action is taken, it will take the form of CHAOS (Create Havoc Around Our System), in which attendants snarl airline schedules and operations with intermittent sick-outs and other measures.
  • The earliest example of what can strictly be call naalbinding is found in a mitten from Asle Mose, Sweden, dated to C3 or C4 A.D., but the technique was already quite elaborate by that time.
  • Romping by a half-iced pond, they break through the brittle ice and come home muddy, wet-mittened, and whining.
  • An ordinary glove or mitten may be worn on the bow hand.
  • But as wind currents vary the energy they produce is intermittent. The Sun
  • One study has shown that intermittent fasting will increase the lifespan of animals by about 30 per cent. The Sun
  • I have smitten you with blasting and mildew: when your gardens and your vineyards and your fig trees and your olive trees increased, the palmerworm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD. Amos 4.
  • If the ribbon drive is a push-pull drive system then the operation could be either intermittent or continuous.
  • There was evidence of intermittent spring seeps and seasonal streams nearby.
  • Nequaquam, ait ille, in muli collum fraena demittens, et manibus ambabus in pectus positis, (mulo lente progrediente) nequaquam, ait ille respiciens, non necesse est ut res isthaec dilucidata foret. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • Eleventhly, God of his grace had pierced her heart, it is read that S. Clare for to dispend amorously the time that God had lent her, in especial she was determined that from the hour of mid-day unto evensong time, she would dispend all that time in thinking and beweeping the passion of Jesu Christ, and say prayers and orisons according thereto, after unto the five wounds of the precious body of Jesu Christ, as smitten and pierced to the heart with the dart of the love divine. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • The wind funnelled along it, gusting through the gaps in the concrete parapet with a low, intermittent howl. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • The hum intermittently erupted into hypnotic chanting as the camera edged along the line-up, each player seeming to get younger and smaller all the while.
  • And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was bolled. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • The "puffing" from the AGB star converting into the PNN Planetary Nebula Nucleus is not like a switch that is instantly turned off, but is likely an intermittent affair. Red Giant Brightness Variations Still Mysterious | Universe Today
  • Shallow streams and intermittent streams without well defined channel or banks are not meandered, even when more than 3 chains wide.
  • The weather was typical of this time of year with dull, overcast skies, intermittent drizzle and a drop in temperature.
  • I began to write intermittently and spasmodically
  • Who will drive the market growth and cost reduction of renewable energy sources, and how will energy storage for intermittent renewables like solar and wind be solved?
  • Longitudinal Slum, according to J.B. Jackson, is “an intermittent eyesore of drive-ins, diners, souvenir stands, purulent amusement parks, cheap-jack restaurants, and the kind of cabins my companion describes as mailboxes.” Archive 2007-05-01
  • While she spent her evenings preparing, he maintained an intermittent vigil at the bedroom window, offering some grudging help between observing sessions.
  • Sunlight drenched us, though more than a third of the sky was black, tumid with rain, intermittently aflicker with electricity. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • One of the reasons we know this happens: Due to a labor dispute, the single largest pollution source in a Utah valley, anold integrated steel mill, operated intermittently. You Staying Young
  • The problem with renewables is that most renewable types of generation are "spiky" - they are intermittent; they come at night. Undefined
  • The compressor intermittently inflates the balloon, which then slowly returns to its sorry, flaccid state.
  • But when they approached the stately brick colonial framed by an expansive front lawn and surrounded by forest, she was completely smitten.
  • The day was cloudy and it was sprinkling rain intermittently. May 2004
  • It is the rare gardener who is not smitten by their array of brilliant colors and graceful forms.
  • We can hasten its collapse, but only if we are prepared to turn our intermittent campaigns into a sustained revolt. THE AGE OF CONSENT
  • Many streams in the world's arid and semiarid regions run only intermittently and empty into broad, undrained basins known as playas, where they deposit their sediment and dissolved minerals.
  • Sydenham also advocated that specific remedies could be applied to each such disease, his favourite example being the prescription of Peruvian bark for intermittent fever or ague.
  • The gale is breaking," he told me, waving his mittened hand at a starry segment of sky momentarily exposed by the thinning clouds. CHAPTER XXXVIII
  • The clashes have taken place intermittently since Friday, when the government imposed a ban on rallies in the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • If people are turning off network television coverage, which at least offers quality sound and images, it's beyond me why an online site would expect to draw an audience with herky-jerky Internet video and intermittent audio.
  • To cap their discomfort, they're intermittently coerced into becoming part of the show.
  • The most likely explanation was some intermittent natural process, perhaps resembling Jupiter's decametric sputtering. Across The Sea Of Suns
  • Living proof that RNC prominence is fading and the ovine followers are dwindling in number since savvy people are beginning to see the light instead of being allowed to be smitten by blind fanaticism. Poll: New Jersey gubernatorial race tightens up
  • Outdoor air pollution is by its very nature variable and intermittent. An Alternative Approach to Allergies
  • The fund manager warned that the government's move would leave the grid dependent on intermittent wind farms. Times, Sunday Times
  • For intermittent sources such as wind, this has been an Achilles heel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The muffler was a deep crimson and the mittens a warm shade of gray with three rows of crimson in the wrist end; Mary Jane had picked colors she was sure Tom would like. Mary Jane's City Home
  • The battalion was shelled intermittently with high explosive and shrapnel.
  • After showing the videos, he talks animatedly in a mixture of French and another Congolese language, Lingala, which a sprinkling of those in the audience know, while an assistant intermittently translates a few sentences into Swahili. The Trial of Thomas Lubanga
  • With all of that said, today it is possible to grow Pink Dogwoods by rooting cuttings under intermittent mist.
  • Labor held office, intermittently, in a number of States, but State election seemed as remote as federal victory - and only partly because of gerrymanders.
  • One-third of her working men were constantly employed, as before remarked, in this laborious operation, and some of their hands had become so sore from the constant friction of the ropes, that they could hardly handle them any longer without the use of mittens, assisted by the unlaying of the ropes to make them soft. Journal of the Third Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • And the final one was an interesting foray into cuffless mittens having seen a lot of Latvian style ones on Ravelry which usually have no cuff. Archive 2008-01-01

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