How To Use Mitigation In A Sentence
The defence barrister, David Lane, then stood up to offer some brief remarks in mitigation.
In mitigation, conditions tend to be less conducive to batting in England than in many places overseas.
Times, Sunday Times
Handing down the legal equivalent of a rap on the knuckles, Judge Teare said the public might see his compassion as "impossibly lenient", but explained he had been swung by the moral standing of those arraigned before him, as set out by counsel of the defence in mitigation.
Hugh Muir's diary
Whether or not he testified on the issue of guilt or innocence or as to matters in extenuation or mitigation, the accused may make an unsworn statement to the court in mitigation or extenuation of the offenses of which he stands convicted, but the right to make such an unsworn statement does not permit the filing of the affidavit of the accused.
In mitigation the person representing the company which employs about 35 people, said about 95 per cent of the company's work now involves light, plastic belting, rather than leather.

Is there any mitigation of this bleak picture?
Times, Sunday Times
This is a strategy not of flood prevention but of flood mitigation and control.
In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.
But those matters did not cease to be factors which could form part of mitigation.
Times, Sunday Times
Good risk management practice incorporates several possible strategies: avoidance, transference, mitigation, or acceptance.
In some mitigation, for the application of mathematics to the physical world one's conscience may be fairly untroubled by the difficulties of self-referential statements.
Theories of Everything and Godel's theorem
Is there anything you wish to say in mitigation?
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
In mitigation they did have a virtual monopoly on opportunities.
Times, Sunday Times
Is there any mitigation of this bleak picture?
Times, Sunday Times
Whatever she can urge in mitigation, she is a fallen woman for the rest of her life.
If sound mitigation is your goal, several options to consider.
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In mitigation, overcharging customers due to an incorrect computer input is not a hanging offence.
Not one of these forms of mitigation tells me what I want to know about art.
There are various websites promoting stamp duty mitigation schemes.
Times, Sunday Times
While other spacefaring nations have promulgated their own standards for debris mitigation, there is, as of now, no international consensus position on this problem.
If it is due to stable miasma, uremic poisoning, pyemia, influenza, rheumatism, toxic agents, etc., they should receive prompt attention for their removal or mitigation.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
His marriage had brought a slight mitigation of the monotony of his existence.
With respect to matter in extenuation and mitigation offered by the defense, the court may relax the rules of evidence to the extent of receiving affidavits, certificates of military and civil officers, and other writings of similar apparent authenticity and reliability.
But there are often very few risk mitigation protocols in place because hiring has been done by line managers, perhaps without HR getting involved.
Times, Sunday Times
OSTERHOLM: In that case, that is what we call mitigation as opposed to containment.
CNN Transcript Apr 30, 2009
And we have instituted more screening and what we call mitigation measures at airports.
CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2009
The landscape plan shall include an explanatory statement and drawings in 1:1000 scale or other appropriate scale outlining the landscape and visual mitigation measures.
Is there anything you wish to say in mitigation?
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
In the third case, a short period of comparative repose succeeded the first fiery battle, but in the midst of felicitations on his victory he was attacked by the most agonizing hemicranial headaches (resulting from what I now fear to have been already permanent disorganization of the stomach), and went back to his nepenthe in a state of almost suicidal despair, only after the torture had continued for weeks without a moment's mitigation.
The Opium Habit
Is there anything you wish to say in mitigation?
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
We're not siloing those risks anymore, and our mitigation strategies aren't siloed either.
In such a case the compliance would doubtless be a strong factor in mitigation of sentence.
Mortgage lenders are wary of providing loans to borrowers known to be using stamp duty mitigation schemes.
Times, Sunday Times
The captain added, in mitigation, that the engines may have been faulty.
Any new roads must avoid bisecting koala habitat, include mitigation measures, reduce speed limits and provide for habitat restoration.
In effect, the claimants' actions were steps taken acting reasonably in mitigation of their losses in reducing their price in response to the tortious actions of the defendant.
Prevention is not on; and timely mitigation is the only plausible solution.
In mitigation, the court heard he had turned to drink following a split with his wife.
This guidance also needs to cover best practice for mitigation and compensation.
(The G77 is a group of at developing nations who negotiate together as a block.) 'A shared vision is not just about emission reduction - it's also about the level of financing for mitigation and adaptation. '
It's Getting Hot In Here
Unfortunately, the FERC continues to approve new dam construction in degraded river basins and appears poised to begin relicensing existing projects without due regard for river health or adequate protection and mitigation for fish and wildlife.
Now, the biggest sector fuelling 65 percent of green jobs, it's what they call conservation and pollution mitigation.
CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2009
There is some mitigation owing to the relationships between the parties.
In the New World, it generally occurs in wet habitats that have been recently disturbed, such as rice or other agricultural fields, river flood plains, drainage ditches, roadside ditches and swales, and wetland mitigation ponds.
Anyway, disaster mitigation is typically not an area where partisan divisions are relevant.
And B, we have instituted additional screening in what we call mitigation measures that will be continuing for a while.
"Out of Context" My A_s . . . .
His marriage had brought a slight mitigation of the monotony of his existence.
Campbell casecop killings asDel Vecchio caseexecutions inIllinois reform inIllinois’s reinstatement ofinsanity defense inJohnson caseMelka casemitigation inMTF’s first defense ofNieves casePlacek onpolice corruption and brutality inprosecutorial misconduct inqualifying lawyers forRunge caseRyan’s granting of clemency forsentencing hearings instress and pressure of defense inTribblet caseWilliams casewrongful convictions inYates casesee also cop-killer cases; Oliver, Aloysius Maurice, case of“Defender’s Credo” Doherty
Defending the Damned
I don't think the prosecution should sit on their hands in court if the defence is using derogation of victims in mitigation.
Experts claim that for disaster mitigation, it is necessary to conduct a bathymetrical and topographical survey of the Arabian Sea and coastal cities and towns of Sindh and Balochistan both.
In mitigation, counsel submit evidence of his client's work for charity.
In mitigation, counsel submit evidence of his client's work for charity.
During his mitigation plea, he restated his claim that he was the victim of a political conspiracy.
This is a common law claim for damages which is subject to a defence of mitigation.
Solicitors acting for property sellers could also sound alarm bells if buyers are using a conveyancing firm known to promote stamp duty mitigation schemes.
Times, Sunday Times
They are working on mitigation and contingency responses for a range of scenarios.
I have listened with patience to your attempts at mitigation ... No, scrub round that.
We are faced with the twin challenges of mitigation (avoiding the worst climate change effects by rapidly transitioning the world to a low-carbon economy) and adaptation (re-engineering the infrastructure of modern society so that we can survive and flourish on a hotter planet)
2009 October 6 | Serendipity
Develop risk mitigation, incident response and business continuity plans, and test these procedures quarterly to annually, depending on best practices.
He emphasised that any increase would be accompanied by sweeping mitigation measures outlined by the airport in May, including a ban on night flights.
Times, Sunday Times
In mitigation, he claimed he was so drunk he forgot the glass was in his hand.
This goes well beyond any formal obligation on environmental mitigation and protection.
This all has lead under the law for the requirement now for Secretary Gates to come up with what they call a mitigation plan.
CNN Transcript Feb 26, 2007
SEAL and 1996 retiree from the Denver Police Department, is director of international operations for the security firm Risk Mitigation Group in
Heroes or Villains?
These self-generated mitigation plans could be replicated in other organizations and institutions if hazard mitigation policies were designed to reward innovation and allow flexibility.
NAPOLITANO: We have instituted more screening, what we call mitigation measures at airports, so I would advise you during this heavy holiday season just to arrive a bit early and to know that we're going to be different -- doing different things at different airports.
CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2009
Is there any mitigation of this bleak picture?
Times, Sunday Times
This paper proposes the utilization of a novel technique for feeder voltage drop mitigation at strategic locations.
How do stamp duty mitigation schemes work?
Times, Sunday Times
Kieran Coonan QC told the judge in mitigation that the offences had been at the lower end of the scale.
Space debris mitigation has become an international custom for international space activities.
This examination suggested three broad categories (acceptances, mitigations, and rejections) and subcategories.
However, being of Afro-Caribbean origins, the assailant is clearly a victim of some sort, and suitable mitigation has been made on his behalf.
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If notwithstanding this evidence the case is proved, then precisely the same circumstances may also be relevant to mitigation of penalty.
The trial was postponed to today for argument in mitigation and aggravation of sentence.
Managing access includes risk mitigation of identity theft or spoofing.
Founded in 1982, ERI develops and produces unique interference mitigation products to enhance the reception and use of Global Positioning System navigation and satellite downlinks by military and commercial customers.
But now, so uncertain are our tempers, and so much do we at different times differ from ourselves, she would hear of no mitigations; nor could all the affected penitence of Honour, nor all the entreaties of Sophia for her own servant, prevail with her to desist from earnestly desiring her brother to execute justiceship (for it was indeed a syllable more than justice) on the wench.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Kieran Coonan QC told the judge in mitigation that the offences had been at the lower end of the scale.
Or the landowner could propose some mitigation.
Equally, it may serve as mitigation in the director's favour in fixing the period of disqualification.
In those cases ostensible consent might well have little value as mitigation.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, of all the problems established in the red team reports, precisely NONE of those risks can be eliminated, perhaps a majority can be "mitigated" or have their risks reduced some, and a few resist even reasonable mitigation attempts.
Why all California's electronic voting systems should be decertified
His marriage had brought a slight mitigation of the monotony of his existence.
In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.
Among other things, it recommends that a defense agency that oversees strategic stockpiles develop "risk mitigation strategies" for some elements, including dysprosium, yttrium, praseodymium and neodymium.
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By way of mitigation, the hospital's general manager added that the hospital was ten years old.
Mr Seay also confirmed a second payment "for mitigation" for the mauri-ora - or life force
New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
What other mitigation measures are worth considering?
Times, Sunday Times
Ironically, in the light of later events, defending counsel then sought an adjournment in order to call character witnesses in mitigation.
In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.
The principle does not involve in my opinion that it is part of the judicial function to treat as nugatory any step whatever which a taxpayer may take with a view to the avoidance or mitigation of tax.
Officials also say the credits are a better form of mitigation than cash-in-lieu payments because they don't immediately translate into affordable housing.
Aspen Times - Top Stories
It will work towards creating public awareness, mitigation and taking action when a calamity strikes.
But those matters did not cease to be factors which could form part of mitigation.
Times, Sunday Times
Last December, the CALM Act was passed in the U.S. the initials in the name stand for Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation requiring the Federal Communications Commission to keep TV networks in line.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
This is a common law claim for damages which is subject to a defence of mitigation.
In mitigation his lawyer told of the 35-year-old's meteoric rise from a supermarket worker to a multi-millionaire restaurant owner.
In mitigation(Sentencedict), the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.
These are the things that drive expected value, that mitigation seeks to reduce.
Another factor of cardinal importance in protecting building occupants is debris mitigation.
Ironically, in the light of later events, defending counsel then sought an adjournment in order to call character witnesses in mitigation.
In mitigation, the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault.
During his mitigation plea, he restated his claim that he was the victim of a political conspiracy.
We are faced with the twin challenges of mitigation (avoiding the worst climate change effects by rapidly transitioning the world to a low-carbon economy) and adaptation (re-engineering the infrastructure of modern society so that we can survive and flourish on a hotter planet).
2009 June | Serendipity
Whether or not it introduced evidence on the issue of guilt or innocence, the defense may, after findings of guilty are announced and before the court closes to vote on the sentence, introduce matter in extenuation or mitigation.
Questionnaire regarding to the agrometeorological disasters occurred and mitigation techniques exercised were sent to sampled professional farmers specialized in wax apple and custard apple.
At that point, there will be aggravation from the state, mitigation from the defense.
It is important that mitigation measures are in place.
Times, Sunday Times
The electric propulsion feasibility and effect in space debris mitigation were studied.
In mitigation, Fricker's lawyer, Mr Derek Kang, told Judge See that there was no need for a punitive custodial sentence, and that Fricker was "cajoled" by Lloyd into committing the offence.
His Honor enquired whether Mr. Barry had any affidavits in mitigation of punishment.
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In mitigation Michael Rayner said his client had been deeply depressed in the days leading up to the incident.
As I cannot persuade myself that you do not intend to come, I urgently request you to reflect, if you have not already started, that the property of those who incurred outlawry with you is being sold, and if you do not arrive within the term conceded by your safe-conduct -- that is, during this month -- the same will happen to yourself without the possibility of any mitigation.
The Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti
Only Zionism - so at least Zionists believe - can provide some mitigation of this great tragedy.
The volcanology, mitigation and geological disaster office put the volcano on a ‘watch’ status on Monday after recording 24 tectonic earthquakes near Solok on April 10.
Interregional burden - sharing of greenhouse gas mitigation in the United States.
He then grabs a mace and shield off of the rack and gains 50% damage mitigation.
Is there any mitigation of this bleak picture?
Times, Sunday Times
Will we permit a genetic predisposition to be entered as a plea in mitigation in court?
Times, Sunday Times
It includes the responsibility to protect victims from unwarranted attacks on their character during cross-examination and mitigation.
Times, Sunday Times
But those matters did not cease to be factors which could form part of mitigation.
Times, Sunday Times
From these I reached, by way of mitigation, my recent successful piece of chaffering, and put the letter to the dealer under both examination and cross-examination.
Tourist promotion, run-of-the-mine infrastucture projects, and abnormal private business subsidies -- almost anything can be gussied up as 'disaster mitigation' to attract federal funding.
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The studies also demonstrate that many jurors miscomprehend the definition of mitigation.
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In mitigation they did have a virtual monopoly on opportunities.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet that relies on mitigation measures out of fantasy land.
Times, Sunday Times
But certainly there will be some experts, what they call mitigation experts, who will, again, talk about the fact he had no criminal history, no violent history and also talk about the horrors of life in prison, you know, saying it's no walk in the park.
CNN Transcript Dec 1, 2004
In mitigation, it should be pointed out that there wasn't much incentive to make world-beating wine.