How To Use Mithra In A Sentence
- The Babylonians also incorporated their belief in destiny into the Mithraic worship of Zurvan, the Persian god of infinite time and father of the gods Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman.
- All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle.
- Many have noted that the title of Pope is found in Mithraic doctrine and seemingly prohibited in Christian doctrine.
- They say the site on which this fancy housing development was built was once a Mithraic temple. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
- The three in Part 5 relate to the Greco-Roman world: one on theurgy, two on Apuleius in relation to realia, and an Ostian Mithraeum.
- A great number of the nobility took theophorous (god-bearing) names compounded with Mithras.
- Mithraism (Sun worship) was Christianity's strongest competitor in Europe. Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
- It is tempting to identify the Roman Mithras with the Persian Mithra, except that there is no known Persian legend or text about Mithra killing a bull or being associated with other animals.
- The birth of the sun god Mithra was observed and celebrated on December 25th.
- All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle.