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How To Use Miter In A Sentence

  • Any end joints should also be beveled with a miter cut.
  • For example this amp has a built-in Deltacomp adaptive limiter which is designed to prevent the power amp from distorting. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Both front belts have height-adjustable top mounts, pre-tensioners and load limiters.
  • As if to symbolize this state of things, the "fancy piece" astern comprised, among numerous other carved decorations, a cross and a miter; while forward, on the bows, was a sort of devil for a figure-head -- a dragon-shaped creature, with a fiery red mouth, and a switchy-looking tail. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • It is practicable, if a rabbet or mitered joint is used in the sides, but if the side pieces are butted or dadoed, the rabbet for the bottom shows. Handwork in Wood
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  • In a second embodiment the shoe includes a backsaw and miter box.
  • Alexander lifted the linen miter from his head; light as it was, he could not bear its weight any longer. THE FAMILY
  • In short, Staysafe wants the NSW government to introduce speed limiters on every motorised vehicle sold there.
  • Uma semana após chega o corpo ao Brasil, é velado e enterrado no mesmo cemitério, ao lado da tumba do meu pai. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Remembering Ayrton Senna, the unbeatable F1 champion
  • The key parts of the bench are the front and back legs - both have mitered corner joints and rounded bottoms.
  • In its place is the miter, the representation par excellence of the episcopate.
  • In its place is the miter, the representation par excellence of the episcopate.
  • If you are using quarter round tiles, you can either miter the corners or use specially molded quarter round corners if it comes in the pattern of tile you are using.
  • His face was deadly pale, and his mouth was wide open as he slept, breathing heavily; his left hand rested on the hilt of his scimiter; his right was extended, palm upwards, on the stone step on which he sat, the very picture of exhaustion. Paul Patoff
  • He was a tall man to start with, but as an Orthodox priest, he wore a miter on his head, which must have made him appear like a giant as he emerged out of the darkness.
  • Cut an inside miter (long point on backside of trim), and cope the resulting profile straight back.
  • If you are using quarter round tiles, you can either miter the corners or use specially molded quarter round corners if it comes in the pattern of tile you are using.
  • I quoted the bit about the delimiter-separated values file format being being better than CSV to a co-worker once and it turned out he'd contributed the section when ESR had it up on his website for comments/additions/corrections. Insightful Book: The Art of UNIX Programming
  • They can be bought with trim already mitered and nailed on to one side and without trim.
  • Use a handsaw and miter box to cut four pieces of L-shaped edge molding to fit around the canvas.
  • Some might even have been able to give their driver an automatic speed limiter like they use in the pit lane.
  • Align the mitered end of the head casing with the corner of the reveal, and mark the point where the far end meets the reveal.
  • It's a smooth and flexible motor that pulls strongly from low revs right round to the limiter cutting in at 7200 rpm.
  • This has a good appearance if the sides are mitered and ledged but not if the sides are butted or dadoed, because then the groove for the top shows. Handwork in Wood
  • I saw my obsession for what it was: a shaper, a limiter, an excuse. THE MANANA MAN
  • EU iPods have a sound limiter to comply with noise safety levels, however sometimes users hack through this in order to listen to it louder.
  • Cardinals wearing white miters processed onto the square, the wind rippling their red vestments and the pages of the book of the Gospel, which was placed on the coffin.
  • It is largely gimmick-free apart from the automatic headlamps and artificial speed limiter.
  • There are some scholars who say the fish head hat of the priests of Enki (a Sumerarian god of the earth and world order) later became the miter of the bishops.
  • Moor circled round his opponent, as a hawk circles when about to make a swoop; his steed obeyed his rider with matchless quickness; at every attack of the infidel, it seemed as if the Christian knight must sink beneath his flashing scimiter. Washington Irving
  • It always amazes me how densely populated these lefebvreites are with people who don the pope's miter as if it were their natural right ... A little snag with the SSPX reunion
  • The octopus to the left was hiding under the shell it's carrying, other juveniles have been found in miter shells.
  • Attribute value delimiters are set to quotation marks (double quotes).
  • If you want to stop people speeding - fix speed limiters in cars, or create some system that will automatically limit cars to the speed limit in an area.
  • They reported miter shells in abundance, spider conches, Tridacna, and black-lipped pearl shells, the latter on the Yasawa
  • Hic est funiculus triplex qui difficilè rumpitur, quem nobis a patria nostra in hunc carcerem usque dimissum firmiter, obsecro, teneamus: ut ipse nos sublevet, ipse nos trahat et pertrahat usque ad conspectum gloriæ magni The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • Normally overlapped corner joints are better than mitered.
  • Installing trim, countertops, cabinets, flooring, and other woodwork would simply be a matter of cutting perfect 45-and 90-degree angles and miters.
  • No longer does the English commentary injected into a program have to be hidden in comment delimiters at the top of the file, or under procedure headings, or at the end of lines.
  • The corners were mitered as the top of the trim was placed and pinned around the panel.
  • On Jan. 13, a worker with the city-owned utility installed a "limiter" on Schur's electric meter after four months of unpaid bills. Gates of Vienna
  • Thus his tables rarely show cracks and loosened miter joints resulting from wood shrinkage over time. Furniture for a Young Nation
  • Finally a "limiter" stops my voice going over a certain decibel level. IOL Technology
  • When mitering the box trim, always start by first cutting and mounting an end trim piece, then the long front trim and finally the other end.
  • The speed limiter is a good idea because you can go fast.
  • He gets a saw and his miter box and cuts two chunks of wood from a redwood two by four. The Heron
  • Another trick here is to miter the ends at a 45-degree angle so that the two pieces of molding will overlap each other to make a cleaner looking trim.
  • Remember those little slotted plastic boxes you could use to guide your handsaw when cutting miters?
  • Although a miter joint can be used, it is sometimes difficult to get a tight joint, especially when walls are drywall.
  • It enters the room at a 30-degree angle, its steps and risers mitered to dramatic points, its uprights perpendicular not to the floor but to its own sloping rails.
  • Field length from the previous sibling or delimiter.
  • This is very thoughtful of Constantine," observed Denny, who was employing himself in cutting imaginary lemons in two with a fine damascened scimiter that he had taken from the wall. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 5, April, 1896
  • Coarse woody debris was sampled using the overstory plots as the delimiter.
  • The speed limiter has been deactivated, and the mighty SL will now reach 175 mph and dash to 60 mph in approximately six seconds, but it's the true power in the midrange that stands out.
  • Yesterday, the hotel undertook to relocate noise limiters which shut down live music if it gets too loud and to increase security outside the premises.
  • The rabbets are cut out with a rabbeting-plane before mitering and assembling. Handwork in Wood
  • Allow for extra length on the ends of boards with no miter cuts; these boards can be cut for a better fit after the boards with mitered ends are cut to fit and joined.
  • The data is used to calculate gain, DC offset and DC differential values, which are used to determine the conversion values programmed into the lookup tables or the gain adjust limiter.
  • Apply some glue at the miter joint between the two pieces.
  • Bevel the vertical edges of the stringers to create a mitered joint with the risers.
  • In addition to adaptive front airbags, the new E-Class is now equipped with two stage belt force limiters and automatic weight classification for the front passenger.
  • This mastering process uses tools such as compressors, equalizers and limiters to reduce frequency and amplitude imbalances between tracks.
  • The sharp buzz of the miter saw filled the backyard soon after, its noise gearing up to a tearing crescendo before tapering off to a low whine and then starting up again. O' Bending Light
  • Instead of its hard-hitting torque and throttle response, we're tuning our engine to deliver a more refined rush that keeps building until you reach the 155-mph speed limiter.
  • The steps in making the miter, mortise, rabbet, and tenon joints will be given in the second part of this article. DIY Woodworking: How to Make Wood Joints (Part 1)
  • And sometimes they have a quality that is incredible, just the sheer texture of the sound, this crushed, squashed sound that you get from using cheap limiters and so on.
  • Many carpenters have started using biscuits in the miter joints between trim pieces to lock the joint together and prevent future separation.
  • And for about $5 in Bunnings you can get a 5litre/minute limiter for your sink tap that makes a nice useful directable spray. Wash Dishes Using A Spray Bottle | Lifehacker Australia
  • Behind them, upon the stern, was perched a hideous and beardless African, gorgeously arrayed in a dark tunic heavily laced with gold, a richly chased and adorned scimiter at his side, and a red fez jauntily set on one side of his misshapen head. Paul Patoff
  • There are different categories of family planning and these are multi-partners, breast-feeders, limiters and spacers or delayers.
  • He wears a magnificent Turkish military dress, very richly adorned with gold embroidery, girt with a splendid sash, in which are thrust enough weapons to fill an armory, -- knives, dirks, pistols, and daggers, -- while a huge scimiter hangs from his sword-belt. Paul Patoff
  • An active cascode amplifier circuit which includes an active cascode amplifier and an amplitude limiter.
  • Small numbers of scimiter-horned oryx (Oryx dammah, EX) may have also occurred in the past. Sahara desert
  • Add wood glue to the miters and a bead of construction adhesive to the backside to compensate for the light nailing.
  • Florid carvings in stone covered expansive panels under the complex bands of dentil moldings that ran in mitered bands over the tops of the capitals. Stone of Tears
  • A man in the purple robes and small miter of the Order stepped from the obscurity.
  • The people in the various communities self identified and stuck to their tribes use of the term differentiated by delimiter. Personal InfoCloud
  • The last dynamiter they sent to work with us, although a formidable technician, was very nervous.
  • Extremes in this case are represented by suctorial species, Poyntonia paludicola, and various semiterrestrial forms (e.g., Arthroleptides, Cycloramphus, Nannophrys, and Thoropa).
  • Finché ne arriva uno nuovo, ed un altro trova posto nel “cimitero degli dei morti”. No Fat Clips!!! : JOSSIE MALIS – Bendito Machine ep. 3
  • By the way, if you like that hat which is called a miter or mitre, in Britain, I commend to you this photoessay. Clergytastical - Danya Ruttenberg
  • Apply some glue at the miter joint between the two pieces.
  • This lot includes 20 Pacific miter shells that have been hand-drilled through the tips to make them into beads.
  • If they're long enough to hit the limiter in third then that slick shifting close ratio box will enable you to get into fourth without the engine dropping out of the VTEC zone.
  • The pope is also, of course, buried with his bishop's ring and with his miter.
  • Plant your foot, even in manual mode, at 130 mph, and it will change down two gears to fourth and scream off towards the 155 mph limiter.
  • A professional-quality miter box or, preferably, a 10-inch power miter saw are required for the precision miters and crosscuts.
  • “Henry the Fift” [_this spelling is used consistently_] except the “Faery Queen,” [_spelling unchanged_] next to the Miter and Phænix [_error for “Phœnix” in original_] [Stz. 3 sidenote] ... The Battaile of Agincourt
  • Hic est funiculus triplex qui difficilè rumpitur, quem nobis a patria nostra in hunc carcerem usque dimissum firmiter, obsecro, teneamus: ut ipse nos sublevet, ipse nos trahat et pertrahat usque ad conspectum gloriæ magni Dei: qui est benedictus in sæcula. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • Hm, I had the problem without using the 'delimiter' statement.
  • Add wood glue to the miters and a bead of construction adhesive to the backside to compensate for the light nailing.
  • A man may have a brain as keen as a Damascus scimiter, and yet he is wanting without piety. Colleges in America
  • Fitting speed limiters would not prevent accidents or stop bad driving but could, in some cases, cause accidents because drivers would be unable to accelerate out of danger if ever there was the need.
  • Kennedy and Earle also favored a Beatles-esque technique on some of their drum tracks, using Universal Audio 1176 compressors to emulate the sound the '60s group achieved with Fairchild limiters.
  • I had some problems with the install, which turned out to be nothing more than a stupid little delimiter in the configuration file that I didn't need.
  • With a long white beard and wearing his episcopal miter he rides his gray horse over the rooftops. Santa Claus's Dutch Uncle
  • At the windows, the siding is mitered to create a 3 1/2-inch edge, further echoing the thickness of the brick.
  • They have a built in limiter to their imagination. The Problem With Mundane-SF
  • Utility officials said Schur owed about $1,000 resulting in a "limiter" being put on his home.
  • Use a miter-box with a backsaw, or speed square with a pull-saw to cut the 45-degree angles.
  • Many carpenters have started using biscuits in the miter joints between trim pieces to lock the joint together and prevent future separation.
  • Many carpenters have started using biscuits in the miter joints between trim pieces to lock the joint together and prevent future separation.
  • The corners were mitered as the top of the trim was placed and pinned around the panel.
  • In the spandrel above Saint George sits Saint Augustine, who appears as a hermit dressed in the habit of the Eremitani (also known as the Austin friars), wearing a scapular, his bishop's miter resting at his feet.
  • Turn the wood around to make a miter cut on the other end.
  • If you don't own a miter saw, rent one.
  • They also requested the back door be kept shut when the private club was open, a sound limiter was installed in the function room and that music should be finished by 12.15 am.
  • It's easiest to square up the board, then tilt the miter saw to cut a 45-degree bevel for the first end piece and then square it up to cut the second end.
  • Small numbers of scimiter-horned oryx (Oryx dammah, EX) may have also occurred. Saharan halophytics
  • By removing some material from the back edge of the mitered face of one or both mating pieces, you may be able to close the open joint on the face of the joint (the only part that shows).
  • Your inability to climb well can be improved if you find the key limiter and incorporate an objective plan to improve your fitness in progressive stages.
  • Although a miter joint can be used, it is sometimes difficult to get a tight joint, especially when walls are drywall.
  • A professional-quality miter box or, preferably, a 10-inch power miter saw are required for the precision miters and crosscuts.
  • Alexander lifted the linen miter from his head; light as it was, he could not bear its weight any longer. THE FAMILY
  • a limiter introduces amplitude distortion
  • Or you may have to shave a hair off a miter or plane the back edge of a cut to make a tight joint.
  • Peruse any illustrated Inferno, and you will find, among the pictured thieves, usurers, murderers, and traitors, numerous tonsured pates, episcopal miters, and papal tiaras.
  • If you have ever seen the steering wheel of a Formula One car, you will have noticed the half dozen buttons and switches on it that control functions from the pit lane speed limiter to the brake balance.
  • I could long for a Mahomet, whose persuasive eloquence, with wild-flashing heart and scimiter, is, 'Wretched moral, give up that; or by the Eternal, thy maker and mine, I will kill thee! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • Of course, a space is not the only word delimiter, and to check for all those would make the code slower. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • As well as being a handsome fellow chiseled from the same fine stock as myself, this fellow glutton and vomiter-upon-the-backs-of-the-people is - like Congress - merely a (albeit rotund and disgusting) puppet who embraces only those ideals his corporate masters instruct him to embrace. On Rush Limbaugh And The Humane Society
  • Yet imagine if Mr. Robinson had written Variable Saint, and it was the same story with one detail changed: in this future, it was discovered that the laws of high energy physics required that a Roman Catholic priest in full canonicals, with miter and alb, had to bless the drive core and sprinkle it with holy water out of an aspergillum before it could ignite! MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
  • The mitered corners are glued and nailed together with 1-in. brads.
  • The Teams would have been unable to fit a speed limiter which would have operated round Turn 13 in the time available.
  • Declaramus, pronuntiamus et definimus doctrinam quae tenet beatissimam Virginem Mariam in primo instanti suae conceptionis fuisse singulari Omnipotentis Dei gratia et privilegio, intuitu meritorum Christi Jesu Salvatoris humani generis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservatam immunem, esse a Deo revelatam, atque idcirco ab omnibus fidelibus firmiter constanterque credendam. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Special rulers are available for cutting geometric shapes, angles, bias strips, mitered corners and squared-off fabric panels.
  • With such sanctified meekness does the Incorruptible lift his seagreen cheek to the smiter; lift his thin voice, and with jesuitic dexterity plead, and prosper: asking at last, in a prosperous manner: "But what witnesses has the Citoyen Barbaroux to support his testimony? The French Revolution
  • I came off the speed limiter fractionally early and picked up a penalty, which cost us a podium.
  • Cardinals wearing white miters processed onto the square, the wind rippling their red vestments and the pages of the book of the Gospel, which was placed on the coffin.
  • I then reversed the 45 degree angle on the miter saw one cut the other two 28-inch rails in the same manner.
  • The reliquary bust's shoulders were made to look as if draped in a rich brocade, and it has a removable silk and enameled silver miter.
  • She dragged out her husband's old miter saw and two paint flecked saw-horses. O' Bending Light
  • This lot includes 20 Pacific miter shells that have been hand-drilled through the tips to make them into beads.
  • This is called the "miter" and may be 45 degrees or any other angle. Handwork in Wood
  • There are miter clamps, levels, plumb bobs, oil cans, planes, trammels, and so on.
  • Unix files have the newline character as the line delimiter not carriage return. Scripting News for 4/11/2008 « Scripting News Annex
  • Use a handsaw and miter box to cut four pieces of L-shaped edge molding to fit around the canvas; secure the molding by hammering several brads through the back of it and into the wood frame holding the canvas.
  • The joints are also the same, using 45 degree miters.
  • Finché ne arriva uno nuovo, ed un altro trova posto nel “cimitero degli dei morti”. No Fat Clips!!! : JOSSIE MALIS – Bendito Machine ep. 3
  • If you have nicely detailed trim that will be stained, and want to do a first-class job, make a mitered return on the ends of the apron.
  • The legs and leg tops as well as the top frame will need miter or angled cuts.
  • Pin pieces of 2-inch-wide ribbon onto each of the four edges of the curtain panel; miter the corners.
  • The nautilus shell and miter shell are arranged as illustrations from a natural science sketch book.
  • When a hem and facing come together at a corner, such as a sleeve vent, jacket back vent or skirt vent or slit, a mitered corner is the perfect way to finish the corner and eliminate the bulk.
  • A device for adjusting gain in a microphone of a wireless communications device includes adjustable digital gain logic coupled to the microphone and a limiter coupled to the adjustable digital gain logic.
  • He explains the tradition where friends and fellow clergy help buy their friend's first ceremonial vestments or cassock, as well as the pectoral cross, ring, zucchetto skullcap or miter hat. - John Paul's longtime tailor pays tribute to the pontiff
  • Reports commonly cite ‘poor logistics’ as the major limiter of e-business in China, with little hope for improvement on the horizon.
  • Circuit and method for controlling an inrush current limiter in a power conversion system that includes power factor correction
  • Groundlayer species are typical mesic woodland plants such as bedstraws, large-leaved aster, golden saxifrage (in springs), baneberries, miterworts, spring beauty, Canada mayflower, wild geranium, and violets.
  • I then reversed the 45 degree angle on the miter saw one cut the other two 28-inch rails in the same manner.
  • Edmund King, of the Motorist's Foundation, said limiters might make motorists less alert: ‘If you take too much control away the driver could switch on to autopilot.’
  • It's now possible to an fit an automatic speed limiter to your car so that you simply can't exceed the speed limit.
  • They reported miter shells in abundance, spider conches, Tridacna, and black-lipped pearl shells, the latter on the Yasawa
  • The nautilus shell and miter shell are arranged as illustrations from a natural science sketch book.
  • Apply glue to the miters, and lock the joints with a finish nail from the top and side as shown.
  • Neighbours were assured among the conditions for the licence would be those recommended by the police, such as a noise limiter, the doors and windows would be kept shut and internal security cameras provided.
  • The "limiter" blows like a fuse if usage rises past a set level and electricity is not restored until the device is flipped back on by the homeowner, who must walk outside to the meter. Undefined
  • Pin pieces of 2-inch-wide ribbon onto each of the four edges of the curtain panel; miter the corners.
  • A temperature limiter has a set level at which it stops, to prevent water becoming dangerously hot.
  • I don't know what an auxiliary bishop is, but his miter is a might smaller than a real bishop's. Getting Giglio With It
  • When mitering the box trim, always start by first cutting and mounting an end trim piece, then the long front trim and finally the other end.
  • In addition, unlike the previous model, anti-lock brakes, electronic stability programme and cruise control and speed limiter are all fitted as standard on the new model.
  • If you buy your car here in Namibia and request the 250 km/h limiter to be removed, you will loose your warranty.
  • Good thing there is not a word limiter on this blog. Teachers Union Drops Over $300,000 On Pennsylvania Radio Ad For Hillary
  • The reliquary bust's shoulders were made to look as if draped in a rich brocade, and it has a removable silk and enameled silver miter.
  • At the beginning of a project, these are empty lines bounded by the comment delimiters.
  • Standard compound saws work like typical miter saws, but the motor and blade tip sideways, making them capable of cutting bevels.
  • And if you dropped the delimiter “American” from the question above, the winner would undoubtedly be Stephen Hawking. Guest Post — Kip Thorne on Stephen Hawking
  • Also at FOH are dbx 160 and 160XT compressor/limiters and a 166XL compressor / limiter/gate.
  • The commissioner also heard that on other occasions a Hunter's coach had been found with a defective tyre in Bridlington, and another had a defective speed limiter.
  • Contra Archdeacon Smiter, I'm glad Waldstein didn't go on for a few hundred more pages about J.P. Deuce's patristic sources. Archive 2009-03-01
  • he covered the miter with glue before making the joint
  • Attalum comiter accepit, pristinamque uxorem complexus, magno honore apud se habuit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • ‘The 45-degree angle of mitered corners focuses the eye to the art,’ he said.
  • The legs and leg tops as well as the top frame will need miter or angled cuts.
  • Another trick here is to miter the ends at a 45-degree angle so that the two pieces of molding will overlap each other to make a cleaner looking trim.
  • Leland speaks of it as "a notable and strong square tower for great belles, and a pyramis on it, in the cemiterie. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Salisbury A Description of its Fabric and a Brief History of the See of Sarum
  • We need functional, not flash vehicles cars that are fitted with speed limiters, not cars capable of ever higher speeds; runabouts, not four wheel drives.
  • If a single board length will not cover the entire ridge, join the ends of boards with a miter joint.
  • But today manufacturers are turning out trim with a heavy grain and mitered corners for a realistic appearance and shadow line.
  • I feel like there's no statute of limitations, but that you don't need to have any super special delimiter, just not bury Final Crisis spoilers in an article about Secret Invasion, for example, without a warning. What’s the statute of limitations for comic spoilers? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Align the binding raw edges even with the next side to form a mitered corner.
  • A further button (usually yellow) will operate the pit-lane speed limiter.
  • Installing trim, countertops, cabinets, flooring, and other woodwork would simply be a matter of cutting perfect 45-and 90-degree angles and miters.
  • U- and L-shaped counter tops will need to be ordered mitered or cut to order as it is difficult to accurately miter these sections at home.
  • If a single board length will not cover the entire ridge, join the ends of boards with a miter joint.
  • Until next time, ‘hooroo’ from ‘vegemiterules’ xoxo
  • Turn the wood around to make a miter cut on the other end.
  • Specify the source file column delimiter type. Specify comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
  • Side walls and wainscotting plates and accessories such as moldings, cornices, coves and miters are also available.
  • How about designing a torque limiter that engages/disengages by some kind of solenoid mechanism? CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • A man in the purple robes and small miter of the Order stepped from the obscurity.
  • He was a tall man to start with, but as an Orthodox priest, he wore a miter on his head, which must have made him appear like a giant as he emerged out of the darkness.
  • Accessories such as moldings, cornices, coves and miters are also available.
  • It was not technically possible for all of the teams to fit and use a speed limiter in the time available.
  • The octopus to the left was hiding under the shell it's carrying, other juveniles have been found in miter shells.
  • Now you must specify the source file's column delimiter type. You can choose comma, tab, semicolon, or another character.
  • Once the miter joint looks good, lightly tack it in place.
  • A particularly telling detail is the use of mitered corners where drawer sides join the drawer front.
  • It's easiest to square up the board, then tilt the miter saw to cut a 45-degree bevel for the first end piece and then square it up to cut the second end.

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