
How To Use Misused In A Sentence

  • You can see how, unscrutinised, it can be misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • A leaked document highlights how taxpayers' cash could be misused by terror groups or criminal gangs. The Sun
  • Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1. UH Watch
  • But perhaps the best example is the Senate's rulebook, which is rarely reformed, and so increasingly misused. A single shot at Senate reform
  • is often used instead of "drug abuse" to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.
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  • As a result those differences have been misnamed and misused in the service of separation and confusion.
  • It is also, however, an approach that can be, and has been, misused by totalitarian regimes.
  • Furthermore, minerals refuse to be misused again.
  • It is argued that the terms valence, covalence, hypervalence, oxidation state, and coordination number are often confused and misused in the literature.
  • One of the problems in the current subsidy system is that large amounts of subsidised products are misused or wasted.
  • Makeup base is one of the most commonly misused cosmetics, but it doesn't have to be.
  • Thus reason, too, can be misused, misdirected, or misleading.
  • While discussing your thrusts and parries with Justice Scalia, both of you committed a no-no when you misused the word differentiate. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The word platform has become a buzzword, often misused by pundits, thought leaders and media types. The Full Feed from
  • Traffic signboards are blatantly misused for sticking posters and bills.
  • Makeup base is one of the most commonly misused cosmetics, but it doesn't have to be.
  • Cassandra Cain continues to be the most misused and miswritten character in the Batfamily, and possibly the entire DC Universe. Comics thoughts
  • In this case the word is a Latin preposition meaning “with” and is somewhat misused as a conjunction to convey the notion that “shooting star” might be as good a choice as “rising star”. Desperately Seeking Sarah
  • The powers had been misused but we need more stop and search. The Sun
  • Last spring, as the presidential campaign was in full roar, Jonathan decided the term conservatism was so misused that he needed to write a book explaining it. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian
  • Third, carers have power over dependent vulnerable relatives regardless of the stress of caring, and that power can be misused.
  • The document warned that officials who violated rules in order to expand relocation, who misused government power or who misappropriated compensation funds would be severely punished.
  • A leaked document highlights how taxpayers' cash could be misused by terror groups or criminal gangs. The Sun
  • We may have admired at times his boundless energy but it so often seemed misplaced and misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short [...] 18 | March | 2008 | Living the Liminal
  • Examples might include a corporate president or an attorney who misused information regarding a planned but unannounced takeover attempt.
  • A leaked document highlights how taxpayers' cash could be misused by terror groups or criminal gangs. The Sun
  • A drabble is an extremely short work of fiction exactly one hundred words in length, although the term is often misused to indicate a short story of less than 1000 words. Color Me Drabbled | Living the Liminal
  • The affluent farmers, who owned farmhouses, grievously misused it.
  • The apostrophe is misused extensively; more so, perhaps, than any other punctuation mark. 2007 August « Motivated Grammar
  • The sloyd knife, Fig. 84, is a tool likely to be misused in the hands of small children, but when sharp and in strong hands, has many valuable uses. Handwork in Wood
  • Professor Mossoff argues that Jefferson's views have been misused by the courts and legal historians, and that if we understand the use of the word "privilege" in historical context, we see that the "patent privilege" was influenced by a philosophy of natural rights as well as the antimonopolist utilitarianism described here. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • And from an interactionist labling perspective, does labeling the lone actor a terrorist mean that we are creating a label that can be used/misused by others that might be disturbed, lonely and/or newly radicalized seeking a fantasy in which to validate themselves. Is That Legal?: In Defense of Worrying About The Word "Terrorist"
  • Rather, it is that the process of government was misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • We may have admired at times his boundless energy but it so often seemed misplaced and misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • The development of industrial zones is a typical example of how the the national resources have been misused.
  • On the face of it, the National Student Number system is used for fairly benign purposes, but the Greens have always been concerned that these unique personal identifiers could be readily misused.
  • In this respect Britain has failed badly compared to competitors: it has simply got less output from similar equipment or has misused equipment. After Thatcher
  • Outside investors also have a habit of complaining when they perceive their money is being misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marketing" is a widely misused word in the book business.
  • So badly did his misused body stiffen, that when he was called it required another ten minutes and a second glass of whisky to unbend his joints and limber up the muscles. Trust
  • Tim may or may not be correct in claiming that Willis misused the term forcing, but what physical difference does it make? Hansen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past? « Climate Audit
  • She's claiming the things she said were ‘misused and misconstructed,’ by Vanity Fair.
  • India has complained that previous American aid given to fight domestic terrorism was misused by the Pakistani military and spent on weapons and equipment to deter India.
  • In this respect Britain has failed badly compared to competitors: it has simply got less output from similar equipment or has misused equipment. After Thatcher
  • While communities and officials will honor long-standing hereditary rights to areas of land traditionally claimed by a given family, misused or abandoned land may be reapportioned for better use.
  • This was the one time she misused her powers, and it proved to have fateful consequences.
  • The mobile phone is an important landmark in the field of communication, but it is often misused by the people.
  • is often used instead of " drug abuse " to make clear substances such as alcohol tobacco can beads harmfully misused as heroin cocaine.
  • The word foursome is often misused today as a description of four players in the same group. The Union - All Categories
  • The aim which should ever burn clear before us, and preside over even our smallest actions, is that which lies in this misused old word, 'edify' yourselves. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Caber is the correct word but khyber has been known to be misused in its place, particularly by the Welsh who are amusing in their own way. Cheeseburger Gothic » Snip snip.
  • In this respect Britain has failed badly compared to competitors: it has simply got less output from similar equipment or has misused equipment. After Thatcher
  • Early indications are that the data has not, at least yet, been misused to obtain fraudulent loans and credit card accounts.
  • Somewhere you will find articles in which Maori speakers complain that terms like iwi, hapu and whanau all tribal/kinship terms are being misused as the straitjacket of the law imposes narrower, more Anglosaxon boundaries on their usage. GOOGLE DEFINITIONS.
  • We may have admired at times his boundless energy but it so often seemed misplaced and misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then you misused the “innocent until proven guilty” part of our legal system to be an apologist for a pederast. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D) and two House Resolutions. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Religiously I am a Norse neopagan, and a lot of the myths and symbols (including the swastika) which I hold as holy have been greatly misused in the past. The Volokh Conspiracy » Approaching Arguments That Have A Racist Past
  • Rather, it is that the process of government was misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleges that Sentinel Management Group Inc. misused customer segregated funds by "commingling" its assets with its customers 'assets and using as much as $444 million in customer funds to securitize a loan with the Bank of New York. Regulator Sues
  • In short, defendants failed to change the design to one that would have ameliorated the product's harmful aspects if misused in a foreseeable manner.
  • Pragmatism has a very useful place in our politics, potentially, but it's misused to limit rather than expand our range of policy options when associated with mere "practicalism. More Polling Deflates Notion Of Left "Angry" With Obama's Cabinet Picks
  • Yes, and I'm insanely, wildly happy that this is happening, but here's the thing: I'm pretty sure I misused the word "interrogatively" on page 187. -
  • Even water, salt and vitamins are bad for you if misused or taken in excessive doses.
  • The meaning of a word is never unclear because an apostrophe has been misused, a fact that ought to be self evident since spoken language seems to get along just fine even though it has never evolved a verbal cue to indicate an apostrophe.
  • Examples might include a corporate president or an attorney who misused information regarding a planned but unannounced takeover attempt.
  • In this respect Britain has failed badly compared to competitors: it has simply got less output from similar equipment or has misused equipment. After Thatcher
  • The official machinery was blatantly misused to wreak vengeance and carry out vendetta.
  • Among the painkillers being misused are codeine, tramadol, buprenorphine, pregabalin and gabapentin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The powers had been misused but we need more stop and search. The Sun
  • The burden of proving that the authority had misused its powers rested with the applicant for judicial review.
  • The phrase su cance abuse is often used i stead of drug abuse to make clear that su dances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.
  • If he had not given the goodmen of the town much help in making good the dilapidations due to the siege, neither had he permitted them to be misused or heavily taxed to restore the damage to the castle. St. Peter's Fair
  • ‘It's a stock pickers' market’ is sometimes misused by market hacks to describe a dull or flat market.
  • She was the first one of his many masters that had not beaten or misused him.
  • Among the painkillers being misused are codeine, tramadol, buprenorphine, pregabalin and gabapentin. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latest technologies like fMRI get misused in the service of biological reductionism and neo-eugenics (euphemistically called sociobiology and evolutionary psychology). Boing Boing
  • A leaked document highlights how taxpayers' cash could be misused by terror groups or criminal gangs. The Sun
  • Thus criticism of the Historical Critical Method as historicism is incorrect, even though the method has been misused in that way.
  • He had grossly misused his power.
  • The most misused of these is page makeup or page layout software while the second is just described as desktop publishing software.
  • (Another possible reason for this style of writing: convoluted, impenetrable strings of misused words and bizarre jargon impresses the grant-granters, on whose fickle largesse almost everyone in the arts depends. Freeing art from gibberish
  • Senator Tom Udall, to review and change, by majority vote, "the Senate's rulebook, which is rarely reformed, and so increasingly misused," on the first day of a new Congress. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • I think the word “community” is overused and misused but it is this kind of reciprocality without compensation that makes a social network feel more like a community and less like a business network. Twitpitch « BuzzMachine
  • Typically the collection of nodes maybe known as a cluster (though the term cluster is often misused) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • the principle of surprise is the most used and misused of all the principles of war
  • misused words are often laughable but one weeps for misused talents
  • Perhaps the word is misused, and he his better described as a nihilist, or an annihilist. The Enemy of all the World
  • The term 'schizophrenia' is often misused.
  • Marketing" is a widely misused word in the book business.
  • Honest people cannot understand how it is possible that national committees and the enterprises of housing economy run by them tolerate long-term nonpayment of rent, that thousands of apartments are unoccupied for long periods, and that the troubles connected with acquiring an apartment are being misused for speculative aims, for the illicit enrichment of some people at the expense of others. Making the History of 1989
  • The burden of proving that the authority had misused its powers rested with the applicant for judicial review.
  • For too long, we linguistic pedants have cringed, watching this phrase used, misused, and abused, again, and again, and again.
  • A leaked document highlights how taxpayers' cash could be misused by terror groups or criminal gangs. The Sun
  • First, the use of channels of interstate or foreign commerce which Congress deems are being misused, as, for example, the shipment of stolen goods (18 U.S.C. 2312 – 2315) or of persons who have been kidnaped (18 U.S.C. 1201). The Volokh Conspiracy » Charles Fried on the Constitutionality of the Health Care Mandate
  • For example, both Scalia and Rehnquist misused the word “hypothecate,” apparently confusing it with the near homonym “hypothesize,” which, admittedly, a dictionary or two will give as a secondary definition (in my view, this merely a reification of the sound-alike confusion and reflects the descriptive (as opposed to prescriptive) philosophy of the editor). Business, Law, Economics & Society
  • Your typical correspondent carps about a mistranslation, a geographical inaccuracy, an obscure word obscurely misused.
  • A new soldering iron or one that has been misused will have to be "tinned" before using. Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding together with related methods and materials used in metal working and the oxygen process for removal of carbon
  • Associated Press A report alleges a bistate commission responsible for New York Harbor allowed a convicted felon to keep his license to handle goods, misused Homeland Security grant money and hired unqualified applicants. Waterfront Anti-Corruption Panel Is Faulted
  • Finally he asked us to pray to be forgiven for the times when we had misused our authority.
  • Dumisani Ncamazama was given a golden opportunity to further re-habilitate himself outside prison, however he has misused that opportunity and must stay behind bars where he rightfully belongs for the rest of his life," Setsetse said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Occasionally I misused the column to secretly share an in-joke with a friend, or girlfriend.
  • Mr Barrett believes the cameras are being misused, to spy on motorists parking, rather than watching out for crime.
  • ‘The preface, by Truss, includes a misplaced apostrophe and two misused semicolons: one that separates unpunctuated items in a list and one that sets off a dependent clause.’
  • We should not oppose the principle of compulsory treatment simply because it could be misused.
  • The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers
  • He is already facing impeachment over claims that he misused public money and abused his office since coming to power a year ago.
  • Last week, the flag was banned, with the government arguing it has been misused to serve separatist movements.
  • As you might imagine, Beethoven is a composer of particular interest for such revisionism, given both the encrusted consensus on interpreting his music and the highly-charged political atmospheres both in which he worked and in which his music has been used (and misused) ever since. Archive 2009-06-01
  • The mobile phone is an important landmark in the field of communication, but it is often misused by the people.
  • There is, however, an equally strong risk that these responses may be misused and manipulated towards the perceived need to wreak vengeance.
  • The phrase Allahu Akbar is used, abused and misused not by anyone else, but by Muslims. Mike Ghouse: Allahu Akbar Is Abused
  • They now say that clinical trials are misused, abused, misleading, biased, and fallible.
  • Ruth is a pretty funny lady, but her sass and verve seem to be overplayed and pretty much misused here.
  • Traffic signboards are blatantly misused for sticking posters and bills.
  • In this way, public power will be misused and the society will suffer setbacks in fighting the social scourge of corruption.
  • Sultana Kamal, a leading human rights activist, says the system could be misused by political parties, especially by the ruling party.
  • Perhaps the word is misused, and he is better described as a nihilist, or an annihilist. THE ENEMY OF ALL THE WORLD
  • The retailer says that you must have misused it and that you need a report to prove that it is faulty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even harmless drugs can be misused.
  • The phrase "substance abuse" is often used instead of "drug abuse" to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.
  • Anything which is given free of cost will not be appreciated and it will be misused.
  • But he worries that they can be misused, misinterpreted and even befuddle someone who is truly inebriated. Testing the Limits of Tipsy
  • This is not the first time that research computers have been misused for mining digital currency.
  • Processing thinking is also misused by most adolescents to create artificial self-images or egos by erroneously thinking that their worth is connected to external conditions, possessions, looks, and behavior.
  • Corruption allegations that she had misused public funds came next.
  • This part of the Act has been strongly criticized and to some extent misused for a minority of very difficult cases.
  • Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1. UH Watch
  • Examples might include a corporate president or an attorney who misused information regarding a planned but unannounced takeover attempt.
  • I don't use the term clean coal because I think it's misused. The Search for Change
  • Personally, I found it riveting from the word go, watching the idealism, the megalomania, the ruthlessness, the plotting by what essentially was a bunch of gangsters with a great deal of misused power.
  • I think that there are enough efforts to sabotage the 2010 census, including the suggestion that the results will be “misused,” that any effort to get people to participate is justified at this point. This is how Jesus was born. « Dating Jesus
  • Sauce: Heaping containerful Dijon Mustard (I misused intact caryopsis condiment) 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons vinegar and citrus Garlic of garlic pauses Litter containerful (if you can not use honey) Seasoner and assail Impertinent Abandon, yellowness juice Preserved almonds gently; One-third cup slivered almonds Teaspoon canola oil Teaspoon abolitionist dulcify Compound: 1. UH Watch
  • Outside investors also have a habit of complaining when they perceive their money is being misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has grossly misused his position and abused his authority.
  • It was irresponsible people who often misused such powers and knowledge for their own interests and to harm their enemies, he said.

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