How To Use Mistreated In A Sentence

  • It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners.
  • I'm tossed around, uncared for, and mistreated.
  • Elsewhere Dylan looks to celebrate freedom for the ‘mistreated mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute’, the ‘gentle and the kind’, and for all those who he sees to be on the outside of a harsh and unkind society.
  • He believes he will be abused and mistreated if returned to his war-torn country.
  • This seems to be a sci-fi version of the Fall: subrational creatures turning against their creators, usually because they have a legitimate grude--being mistreated by their creators and masters, and so on. Archive 2008-06-29
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  • I hate to see books being mistreated.
  • The avatar customization is embarrassingly low-fi, there's no support for playing your own music from an SD card, and every so often you're mistreated to the grinning, spastic image of Bob Greene, pretending to congratulate you on your incredible accomplishments. Pondering An Effort At Exercise Software
  • How great would it be if all the news anchors and pundits who, in the last month have emoted about their legitimate concern for mistreated children like Caylee Anthony, gave even a fraction of the emotion -- and air time -- to the 15 million children in America who are currently living in poverty? Arianna Huffington: From DSK to BSkyB: Media Takeaways From the Latest Round of Scandals
  • In the past, officers who mistreated prisoners often received a mere slap on the wrist.
  • I don't want a president that has an agenda in favoring a certain race because they may have been mistreated 100 years ago. Schneider: Voters in both states say Obama will be the nominee
  • Along with Nikola Tesla (look him up), Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) is the patron saint of mistreated and underrated scientists – and possibly the most important woman in scientific history.
  • The hearing in that ear was already impaired because an infection had been mistreated, and now she lost nearly all the hearing when a doctor, attempting to remove the rice, seems to have punctured her eardrum. Saluting a Centennial
  • However no evidence has been found to substantiate allegations that animals have been mistreated.
  • His implication is that therefore they deserved to be mistreated - starved, beaten, flayed alive - but the key point of those who object to torture is that no-one deserves to be treated like that.
  • Alternatively, they may have been mistreated, and so only respond to that particular stimulus.
  • Why should children listen to those in authority when those in authority have mistreated them?
  • Apparently this Sebastian's was in a good location, but doing horribly because the owner a really retarded-looking, stubborn guy that mistreated, for certain, his staff was fixated on this crazy menu concept of his of 20 combinable flavors. Food and Drink
  • Their performance in school began slipping, and they said they were being mistreated in their foster home.
  • Turkish leaders who reviled and mistreated him and took him to court repeatedly on trumped up charges of "Insulting Turkishness" are now expressing their "sincerest" condolences to his family. Harut Sassounian: Murder of an Armenian Journalist In Istanbul Causes Unexpected Public Outcry in Turkey
  • In the past, officers who mistreated prisoners often received a mere slap on the wrist.
  • There can be few children more wanted than an IVF child so the chances of such a child being mistreated in some way by its parents are vanishingly small.
  • On the street these cats are often mistreated and have to deal with cold and hunger.
  • I have read of accounts in the media of people being mistreated as a public servant, monkeys on computers, people leaving due to stress and mistreatment.
  • We got him as an adult dog and I think he may have been mistreated by his previous owner.
  • He had no reason to love his stepfather, who he says mistreated him and his mother as far back as he can remember.
  • His poor, mistreated will that he had been holding up to the scorn of himself and his friends, stood before him innocent, and his judgment walked off to prison with the unconfinable imp, imagination, dancing in mocking glee beside him. This Side of Paradise
  • Telling them they have been lied to and mistreated is to ask them to frag their leaders; you are traitors to them and their leaders for engaging in this irresponsible speech.
  • There were numerous stories and testimony about how the confined people were mistreated in the past.
  • Subsequently, Wu could not adapt to life in Singapore and often felt that she was being mistreated by her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, whom she called "calculative". Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • The avatar customization is embarrassingly low-fi, there's no support for playing your own music from an SD card, and every so often you're mistreated to the grinning, spastic image of Bob Greene, pretending to congratulate you on your incredible accomplishments. Pondering An Effort At Exercise Software
  • A very ordinary rural chap (the Mirror piece certainly debunking the idea that he is a reclusive loner), he has understandably won mass public sympathy for the way he was mistreated.
  • He notes that he looked "to those twelve Caesars so mistreated by Suetonius," in the hope of emulating the best of each: "the clear-sightedness of Tiberius, without his harshness; the learning of Claudius without his weakness; Nero's taste for the arts, but stripped of all foolish vanity; the kindness of Titus, stopping short of his sentimentality; Vespasian's thrift, but not his absurd miserliness. Portrait of Power Embodied in a Roman Emperor
  • He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.
  • I have often seen monilia infections mistaken for trichomoniasis and consequently mistreated with metronidazole. Getting Pregnant
  • The term "race card", to those who understand it correctly, tends to suggest that someone was mistreated for reasons other than race and yet still insists that his/her mistreatment was due to race. Top headlines
  • Some of these mistreated pit bulls had to be put down, but some were rehabilitated andfound loving homes where they are happy, content, and NON-VICIOUS. Should we ban pit bulls?
  • Military officials imposed the ban in mid-July after receiving what they called "credible allegations" that some detainees had been mistreated while in the custody of Gen. Abdul Razziq's forces. U.S. Probes Afghan Abuse
  • We have received a complaint from some tourists about a bear being mistreated and kept in deplorable conditions in a snake farm in Pattaya.
  • Yes | No | Report from mattreney wrote 24 weeks 5 days ago even all the way up here in ct theres more illegals then yo could imagine they have absolutely no right to vote or realy to anything they should still get basic human rights (natural born rights i think their called) they shouldnt be mistreated but the government treats them better then they treat our own Foreign Invaders
  • Even if mistreated, she could not come back to her parents for consolation or support.
  • Bringing back Mandelson could be seen as a masterstroke in that: it will grab the headlines away from the more controversial moves; bring in from the old one of the most talented, and arguably mistreated New Labour politicians during the past decade; and demonstrate Gordon has sufficient magnamimity to welcome back someone against whom he had long directed the blowlamp of his visceral dislike. Skipper
  • C., to beg forgiveness for the way black men had mistreated their women and neglected their families.
  • Cuba has been run the same way under Fidel Castro, who will likely be succeeded, dynastically, by his brother, though the people have not been as mistreated there, perhaps because of better weather and more friends in the neighborhood. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Debate Over Socialism Isn’t Over:
  • The Republican Party had a hand in forming the NAACP, and yet we have mistreated that relationship. Think Progress » Coal disaster company Massey Energy denied time off for miners to attend their friends’ funerals.
  • No one is suggesting that Ste-Croix's horses are mistreated, nevertheless there's something sad about seeing such noble beasts prancing and cantering around a cramped ring.
  • She uses the reunion with her father as an opportunity to exact retribution upon everyone who has mistreated her.
  • The damning report said the violence could not be described as a "one-off" because of evidence that 1QLR troops abused and mistreated Iraqi civilians on other occasions. Evening Standard - Home
  • Elsewhere Dylan looks to celebrate freedom for the ‘mistreated mateless mother, the mistitled prostitute’, the ‘gentle and the kind’, and for all those who he sees to be on the outside of a harsh and unkind society.
  • He said that in many cases, workers had been mistreated or had been denied their rights because of language barriers.

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