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How To Use Mistaken In A Sentence

  • She'd forgotten that for the next few weeks she'd be sleeping only feet away from the man she'd mistakenly raged at earlier.
  • The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity. Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers.
  • They have said to me that they were mistaken to think it could work.
  • Mares which are in the ambivalent early stages of estrus or which are mistakenly in diestrus pose a clear safety threat in close quarters. News
  • Dio Cassius can scarcely be mistaken when he says that Tyre and Sidon were "enslaved" -- i.e. deprived of freedom -- by Augustus, [14477] who must certainly have revoked the privilege originally granted by Pompey. History of Phoenicia
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  • I have long claimed that this conceivability is only apparent; some misguided philosophers think they can conceive of a zombie, but they are badly mistaken. nullasalus: Blurring the Line
  • He mistakenly characterizes spirituality as a pallid Platonic flight from the world or some kind of interiorized religious stirrings.
  • Clyde must have mistaken violent outbursts to mean outbursts of violence rather than intense, brief tantrums. DO NO HARM
  • Voyeurism should never be mistaken for reality, because the reality of those horrors is only truly experienced by those living through them -- either the victims or those piecing together their "story" for the judicial system. When Reality Intrudes
  • It is such a mouth as we can imagine some remorseless inquisitor to have had -- that is, not an inquisitor filled with holy zeal for what he mistakenly thought the cause of Christ demanded, but a spleeny, envious, rancorous shaveling, who tortured men from hatred of their superiority to him, and sheer love of inflicting pain. Andersonville — Volume 1
  • Even if these accounts are false or mistaken, surely they deserve some mention?
  • They say reporting suspected illegals over the Web will result in people being mistakenly fingered, or let people with a grudge turn in innocent victims.
  • But he is mistaken in believing that most voters will come to their own conclusions.
  • A trainee controller mistakenly directed a plane to descend through the flight level of another plane.
  • A similar ‘group hysteria,’ he adds, gripped hundreds of birders in California, who for days mistakenly took a skylark for a Smith's longspur.
  • Unfortunately, unless I'm mistaken, the on / off switch for that has disappeared from Blogger's publishing dashboard.
  • Humberside Police had also deleted some of the unproven allegations from their files in the mistaken belief that this was required by the Data Protection Act.
  • He maintained that he had no money to pay the ransom demanded and that it was a case of mistaken identity.
  • She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity.
  • Historicists often emphasize that behind such mistaken theories there is usually an apologetic purpose.
  • I agree," jumps in Elisabeth Hasselbeck the show's token right-wing blonde who, has been looking for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise and who, like Sherri, is still operating on the mistaken believe they are conducting an actual interview. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • If blind eyes are turned to some drug use, such as cannabis, on the (utterly mistaken) assumption that it is relatively unharmful, this destroys the consistency that is the absolute requirement to hold a moral and behavioural line.
  • Another diagnostic challenge on imaging is the central neurocytoma, a recently described tumor that was routinely mistaken for an intraventricular oligodendroglioma on histologic analysis.
  • And Aristotle is surely mistaken in asserting that knowledge is always causal.
  • No wonder he was mistaken for a deity, especially by those who had never heard the black American bluesmen whose music was his model.
  • If I'm not mistaken Hougaard never played for the Boks again after that tackle, broken collar bone or something, eish
  • Although the appearance of the young man was absolutely horrid, the one blue and one brown eye could never be mistaken.
  • Once we put everything that exists into these two categories, we now have two types of ignoranceone that mistakenly perceives persons to inherently exist and another that misconceives other phenomena to inherently exist. Becoming Enlightened
  • Graves's disease is a malfunction of the body's immune system whereby antibodies mistakenly attack the thyroid gland.
  • How could the silly chit have so mistaken his intent?
  • It is the perception of similitude (however mistaken) rather than its a priori accuracy that matters here.
  • Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping. The end of an era,
  • These canonical connections are often suggestive but may be mistaken for literary or theological leveling unless the reader is made aware of the different redemptive historical settings of the pericopes involved.
  • ‘If you think I'm going to tell you anything,’ the guard said cockily, ‘you're mistaken.’
  • If I'm not mistaken, the hapless home side need to score five goals without reply to win.
  • We would share stories of mistaken identity, confused publicists and editors, odd coincidences and connections.
  • Nancy was born in Ohio, one of six children, four of them girls, and with her pixie hair was often mistaken for a boy.
  • One would not imagine her WASP nervous system is sufficiently developed to register disquietude, but one would be mistaken. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS
  • The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for error, and those of the poor and lowly, for crimes. 
  • If this government thinks its fight is only with miners they are sadly mistaken.
  • It might be mistaken identity, as the poster above me said, but among all my Mexican friends, from either here in Ajijic or from Guadalajara, a "gringo" is a person from the U.S. No Problem With "Gringo"
  • That is mistakenly attributed to a nonexistent mysterious disease.
  • The colourless, odourless liquid had mistakenly been left on a surface in a water bottle, according to police in Nicosia.
  • But, as he pressed upon her with a violence, of which the object could not be mistaken, and endeavoured to secure her right hand, she exclaimed, “Take it then, with a wanion to you!” — and struck him an almost stunning blow on the face, with the pebble which she held ready for such an extremity. Woodstock
  • _ Of course, if he had _seen_, he was mistaken, he would have ceased to _be mistaken_. Godliness : being reports of a series of addresses delivered at James's Hall, London, W. during 1881
  • The calcspar is extremely abundant at Bergen Hill, where it might be mistaken for many of the other minerals which I describe as occurring there, and even in preference to them, to one's great chagrin upon arriving home and testing it, to find that it is nothing but calcite. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • We selected those cases in which the differential diagnosis included regenerative atypical hyperplasia versus esophageal carcinoma and cases of atypical regenerative hyperplasia that were mistaken for carcinoma.
  • The living turtle is then thrown back into the water, in the mistaken belief that it will re-grow its shell.
  • He was under the mistaken belief that I was in charge.
  • Could it be a bug in AutoGK that the video was mistakenly identified as interlace? Forum
  • I suppose there are worse legacies than to have been both very great, and very badly mistaken.
  • He was a wonderful dark-skinned white man with jet-black hair who was often mistaken for a light-skinned black man.
  • Motorists with fully comprehensive insurance mistakenly think they have insurance for the contents of their car along with the car itself.
  • I was sadly mistaken before, and we have come to an understanding now.
  • Five years ago, you would not have mistaken them for anything but humanoids.
  • Now under the influence of a homemade hallucinogenic substance, Oscar is making another impression altogether whether he's singing and smiling gleefully, which is spooking the guests at such a somber affair, or threatening to jump from the rooftop (while naked, of course) because he mistakenly thinks that Elaine is cheating on him. - Home
  • So mistakenly they went and bought me armfuls of tropical kit: solar topees, boots to keep mosquitoes out at night, riding britches, God knows what.
  • But he had been sadly mistaken and his life was in a shambles now because of it.
  • So any perception by conservatives that progressives are intractable is itself only further demonstration of THEIR absolute unwillingness to engage in anything which might, by even the most reckless stretch of the imagination, ever be mistaken for reasoned discourse or genuine political interchange. Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • M. Cuvier suspects that I may have mistaken for it the animal called by naturalists the dugong, and vulgarly the sea-cow, which will be hereafter mentioned; and it would indeed be a grievous error to mistake for a beast with four legs, a fish with two pectoral fins serving the purposes of feet; but, independently of the authority I have stated, the kuda ayer, or river-horse, is familiarly known to the natives, as is also the duyong (from which M.layan word the dugong of naturalists has been corrupted); and I have only to add that, in a register given by the Philosophical Society of Batavia in the first The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • I read your grace's great letters, and would have laid them up without further answer, were it not that, percase, my so doing might be mistaken.
  • ‘Am I mistaken,’ I asked a friend, a 50-something sabra whose son is an Israeli air force pilot, ‘or is the excitement that usually leads up to the holiday muted this year, if not entirely absent?’
  • Herbert was not mistaken: he broke the stem of a cycas, which was composed of a glandulous tissue, containing a quantity of floury pith, traversed with woody fiber, separated by rings of the same substance, arranged concentrically. The Mysterious Island
  • Spring allergies will be mistaken for deathly disease and your runny nose will make you a social pariah.
  • Those of you who think the weekend was spent praying are mistaken.
  • I think you mistakenly called the dorsal stream the what pathway - it is the where pathway a typo, I'm sure. The Two-Streams Hypothesis
  • The wife replies that her husband is mistaken, the relative has been dead for three years, and what her husband saw was a dybbuk a Yiddish word used in this context to mean “evil spirit”. A SERIOUS MAN Review –
  • Hess also maintained that self-help promoted by self interest amongst individual Mafioso could often be mistaken for organizational solidarity.
  • We get a fair number of complaints from Americans who have been mistaken for Russians. FLOATING CITY
  • The word guru in gurukula is often mistakenly thought of as a charismatic cult leader wearing flowing robes with total control over his followers. Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • He says they mistakenly believed the standard licenses they held were sufficient.
  • There are all the tiresome tropes of sword-fighting, mistaken identities, chases and rescues.
  • She couldn't possibly struggle, she knew, or she'd jeopardize her intent there, and her passiveness was mistaken by Alex to be reciprocated passion.
  • As the search continues, Loren Coleman wonders over at Cryptomundo if this was a case of mistaken identity and that the chimp is actually Bigfoot. Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
  • The evolutional orders,206 by which greater depth or shallowness is given to the battle line, are given by word of mouth by the enomotarch (or commander of the section), who plays the part of the herald, and they cannot be mistaken. The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians
  • Many people mistakenly believe that the abdominal prep should be done before the perineal prep because the abdomen is considered cleaner than the perineum.
  • But, as he pressed upon her with a violence, of which the object could not be mistaken, and endeavoured to secure her right hand, she exclaimed, "Take it then, with a wanion to you! Woodstock; or, the Cavalier
  • COOPER: We're looking at the private car on the train, Wolf, mistakenly called a caboose earlier. CNN Transcript Jan 17, 2009
  • We all got to see how professional he was on the air, and sometimes his urbanity could be mistaken for a certain distance, but in fact, he was a very sensitive, warm, decent man who cared passionately for what he did, for what all of us do.
  • The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for error, and those of the poor and lowly, for crimes. 
  • It got worse when, attempting to summon a waiter for more wine, I mistakenly outbid everyone in the raffle for a snooker cue signed by innumerable world champions.
  • This is obviously a case of mistaken identity.
  • The Qur'an holds some of the same story as the Bible, and unless I'm mistaken, the Torah is the original old testament. Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
  • A pigeon had mistakenly fluttered inside the pub and was flapping in some women's faces.
  • Moreover, Lyly's preoccupation with mistaken identity may have influenced Shakespeare.
  • We bought the rug in Turkey, if I'm not mistaken .
  • This piping is easily heard by _any_ one not actually deaf, and not the least danger of its being taken for any humming; in fact, it is not to be mistaken for anything else _but piping_, even when you hear it for the first time. Mysteries of Bee-keeping Explained
  • Narcolepsy has been mistaken for epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and schizophrenia.
  • Rather than putting signs up specifically for farangs who make mistaken assumption, the farang should obey the traffic laws as they stand.
  • This most mistaken opinion gives an indelicacy, a brusquerie, and a roughness to the manners. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • When several of these fish take it into their heads to dance a "hornpipe," as the sailors have termed their gambols, at the distance of half a mile they, especially at or just after sun-down, may easily be mistaken for the sharp points of rocks sticking up out of the water, and the splashing and foam they make and produce have the appearance of the action of the waves upon rocks. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831
  • I assume her look must make her unmistakable, but she says she is constantly mistaken for other people.
  • This most mistaken opinion gives an indelicacy, a 'brusquerie', and a roughness to the manners. Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1752
  • We had been mistakenly unsuccessful in not finding the small amount of transfer that was later detected in the triose P isomerase reaction. Irwin Rose - Autobiography
  • The government has been led to believe now that the daughter suffers from glutaric aciduria, a rare genetic disorder that is often mistaken for child abuse. 2009 April 04 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It refers to the resurgence of manufacturing during the 1980s and the mistaken but widespread belief that manufacturing is still shrinking.
  • But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common – place and mistaken notions. Sense and Sensibility
  • A merchant mistakenly put a hold on his funds, then the bank cleared transactions from high to low, triggering hundreds in overdraft fees, he says. Banks' 'courtesy' loans at soaring rates irk consumers
  • I have often seen monilia infections mistaken for trichomoniasis and consequently mistreated with metronidazole. Getting Pregnant
  • And if anyone believes that such flexible working arrangements limit the appeal of the practitioner, then they are mistaken.
  • They, however, are under the mistaken impression she works for them.
  • And if anyone believes that such flexible working arrangements limit the appeal of the practitioner, then they are mistaken.
  • The doctrine of inerrancy asserts not only that the Bible is true, but that it is incapable of being false or even mistaken, impossible for it to not reflect the cosmic order of the universe and its Creator's plan.
  • There is a mistaken belief that academic and sporting achievement is mutually exclusive.
  • Yet this same day, my local Pressing, where I bring my sumptuous linen sheets to be cleaned (which I bought by being cheap, and bargained for at a flea market), mistakenly overcharged me 60 centimes, which I didn't discover until I got home.
  • Supported by the starchitects, the media's so-called 'architectural Bert de Muynck is an architect, writer and director of movingcities. org He lives and works in Beijing, China. critics', a term painfully and mistakenly used by those who occasionally write about buildings and architects, have made a 'good cop, bad cop' deal with the city of Beijing. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The inherent dialectic of desire itself had in a way already shown me this; for all images and sensations, if idolatrously mistaken for joy itself, soon honestly confessed themselves inadequate. Surprised by Joy
  • Another potential application of work on categories lies in the idea that various mistakes and puzzlements in ontology can be traced to the mistaken belief that category-neutral existential and quantificational claims are truth-evaluable (see Thomasson 2007). Categories
  • Unless I'm very much mistaken, that's Paul's wife over there.
  • It doesn't matter that the joke is about mistaken identity or the fact that they're chasing the wrong vehicle - Atkinson can make you laugh at it anyway.
  • The newspaper writer is therefore most likely mistaken in saying that the seamen were in the severe tenue du bord, or by "bord" meaning The Second Funeral of Napoleon
  • There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity.
  • If there are any who imagine, that positive and direct evidence is absolutely necessary to conviction, they are much mistaken; it is a mistake, I believe, very common with those who commit offences: they fancy that they are secure because they are not seen at the moment; but you may prove their guilt as conclusively, perhaps even more satisfactorily, by _circumstantial evidence_, as by any _direct evidence_ that can possibly be given. The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, the Hon. Andrew Cochrane Johnstone, Richard Gathorne Butt, Ralph Sandom, Alexander M'Rae, John Peter Holloway, and Henry Lyte for A Conspiracy In the Court of
  • I suspect the cause of much of all this (if you exclude the cankerous meddlings of that fetid pile of manure called politicians) seems to be the constant drive for change – pushed on by the mistaken belief that to get promoted you have to change things. Names Will Never Hurt You « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • But this is based on the mistaken idea that modernism and postmodernism are sequential stages in history.
  • Some underfeed their whippets, lurchers, or greyhounds, because they mistakenly think these breeds are meant to be stick-thin.
  • Eviatar mistakenly asserts that I held the purge of the communists the most important consequence of that 1947 law.
  • One would guess that the second enumeration is mistaken on this count. Archive 2005-07-01
  • And don't forget some of Mama Joly's fumbles---lemon extract mistaken for vanilla in chocolate chip cookies (surprisingly not-bad); cayenne pepper for paprika in Hungarian goulash (a little might have been nice) . . . When you gotta have it, you gotta have it...
  • One theory was that the attack was a case of mistaken identity .
  • According to Ridgely and Tudor, it is more likely to be mistaken for a cacique than an oropendola in the field.
  • A formulaic approach to application of the rule would be mistaken.
  • He averred that the town was much mistaken in imagining that the king's proclamation had effectually crushed their fraternity, into which opinion they perhaps might be drawn by seeing so many of them perish in so short a time; which, he said, did not lessen their society, but would, notwithstanding that, put all that remained of them upon bolder exploits than ever, to show that they were yet unhanged. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • The last fifty years of work in Al suggests that this may be a mistaken belief.
  • Persistent myths about sea snakes include the mistaken idea that their short fangs cannot bite very effectively.
  • There was a kind of quickness to her breathing, to the rhythm of her words, that could be mistaken for vibrancy. FLOATING CITY
  • Some did so out of a desire for an unabbreviated expression of their African heritage that could not be mistaken or derided as an allusion to the afro hairstyle. Logan Nakyanzi Pollard: Black's Fine, Thanks: Writer Deborah Dickerson Pulls the Obama Race Card
  • There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as religion, by per-suading others we convince. 
  • So I'm mistaken to think of the people who designed my website as graphic designers?
  • For he does not hesitate, perhaps, to venture a ducat, but if it is proposed to stake ten, he immediately becomes aware of the possibility of his being mistaken–a possibility which has hitherto escaped his observation. The LHC Will Discover the Higgs. Wanna Bet? | Universe Today
  • We all yearn for some sacred space where substance is more important than style, where glitz isn't mistaken for gold.
  • Depending on which symptoms are apparent, delirium may be mistaken for a variety of disorders including dementia, mood disorders, and functional psychoses.
  • One explanation of the apparent high death rate from infant tetanus was that it was mistaken for tetany, which causes convulsions and has been traced to a deficiency of calcium and other vital minerals during pregnancy.
  • Who can, without respect and admiration, contemplate the sturdy integrity, and simple zeal with which this rustic moralist enforced his laudable though mistaken notions? who can help reflecting with some surprise upon the fact, that before he ceased to apothegmatise and advise his young friend against having anything to do with the actors he was actually the first who put him seriously in the notion of going directly upon the stage as a public actor? The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1810
  • Three beer-befuddled construction workers played softball with my head in a backstreet on the mistaken assumption that I was Tom Tunney.
  • I was mistaken about that student, he's not as clever as I thought.
  • Mortified by the embarrassment of this mistaken identity, I log off and retire to bed early to consider whether there's any possible way to turn this ridiculous situation around with a shred of dignity.
  • The question in any given case is whether a parental veto comes within the band of possible reasonable decisions and not whether it is right or mistaken.
  • Mild symptoms may also be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn.
  • The spiritual exhilaration by it was mistaken for that caused by new wine (Ac 2: 13-17; Eph 5: 18). belly -- that is, the vesture on it. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Literacy also is corrective treatment for mistaken belief in absurdities -- do you agree? How not to recall a Portland mayor (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • It is quite plain that he is mistaken.
  • But I should think him mistaken here, and that this is not the meaning of Aristotles [Greek: analogon]. Epistle to a Friend Concerning Poetry (1700) and the Essay on Heroic Poetry (second edition, 1697)
  • May be they are veridical observations of some enormous rare ape mistaken for an ˜ape - man™ or may be just erroneous observations of sociopaths in Yak coats? Semantic Challenges to Realism
  • But Garry was mistaken in this diagnosis of his, as events turned out; but, ere he could say another word, just then as the colonel was going to make a reply to him, the skipper hammered on the deck with a marling - spike to attract attention and give a hail at the very top of his voice that made us all jump, it was so loud and unexpected. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • The experience gives him a newfound confidence that might be mistaken for sentimentality.
  • Consumers mistakenly believe it's a bad time to get good mortgage.
  • The Grammy winner, 30, botched the lyrics, mistakenly singing "what so proudly we watched, at the twilight's last reaming" instead of "o'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming. Christina Aguilera Fumbles the Lyrics, Black Eyed Peas Light Up Super Bowl XLV
  • overvote" ballots where the voter had mistakenly marked the ballot for both Rossi and Gregoire. Dissecting Leftism
  • In one section, Ms. Falk declares: "Dart had mistakenly identified the lambdoid suture of the skull that had been imprinted on Taung's endocast as the lunate sulcus! Bones That Tell a Tale
  • If I am mistaken, it is undesignedly, which is sufficient to absolve me of all criminal error; and if I am right, reason, which is common to us both, shall decide. Paras. 1-50
  • And, if I’m not mistaken, the person doing the swearing is called the “jurant”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jurat
  • The Burley Bridge Association members, who are mostly incomers to Burley or live outside the area, mistakenly believe that villagers want to cross the river.
  • For many years, I mistakenly believed that the reason political interviews were such a pointless, uninformative exercise was that interviewers were not asking the right questions.
  • Individuals in full possession of their faculties who choose suicide are in fact mistaken.
  • he mistakenly believed it
  • It is last seen pursuing a wave that the men aboard have mistaken for a whale spout.
  • My reporting of collegial interactions is too specific to be mistaken.
  • In lockstep with mistaken corporate practice, some of the current higher education policy wonks argue that tenure needs to be adjusted to make faculty less hard on the leadership of their CEOs.
  • The yellow lettering and embroidered badges also cut the odds considerably that the ART squad would be mistaken for a stickup crew. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • In both countries important experiments in colonization have been made, though on the mistaken principle of a gradual infiltration of Jews. Matthew Yglesias » Bye, Bye Nationhood
  • Stan sees this as time well spent of course, but with each mistaken stab, hundreds of blank or malformed emails are sent to unwitting recipients.
  • Alternatively, infiltrating microglia near a focus of radiation necrosis may be mistaken for a malignancy in a treated glioma.
  • We now know that the duty of the lexicographer is to record and not to criticize, that refined speech and elegant speech are the delusions of a mistaken optimism, and that the only people who now speak English with any approach to historical correctness are the few surviving agricultural laborers who are old enough to have escaped the devastating effects of the Elementary Education Act. Johnson's Dictionary went far to accomplish, in the eighteenth century, what the Italian and French Academies had unsuccessfully attempted in the seventeenth. On Dictionaries
  • Detection of high blood pressure in the lungs may also account for the unexplained or mistakenly explained sudden deaths in adult patients with sickle cell disease.
  • I see the deleterious consequences of this mistaken belief in many of my patients.
  • The book is often mistaken in its views and incorrect in the supposedly factual information it contains.
  • Numerous other minerals are at times mistaken for tin, the most common of which are tourmaline or schorl, garnet, wolfram (which is a tungstate of iron with manganese), rutile or titanic acid, blackjack or zinc blende, together with magnetic, titanic, and specular iron in fine grains. Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • Shore actually plays the smarter of two dimwits who mistakenly lock themselves in a Biosphere-type isolation experiment.
  • The use of empirically based cues to mistaken memories was similar for both inaccurate and accurate judges.
  • Previous errors have included a sheep dip targeted after it was mistaken for a surface-to-air missile launch site.
  • Aura's growing pains are witty on the strength of the film Dunham is currently working on an HBO pilot with producer Judd Apatow, and so demographically acute that some have mistaken the film as merely "relatable," when a better word would be "resonant. Lena Dunham, Director Of 'Tiny Furniture' On Directing Herself
  • Hitherto native strontianite, that is, the 90 to 95 per cent. pure carbonate of strontium (not the celestine which frequently is mistaken by the term strontianite), has not been worked systematically in mines, but what used to be brought to the market was an inferior stone collected in various parts of Germany, chiefly in Westphalia, where it is found on the surface of the fields. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • was quite mistaken
  • The businessman recounted how he was interrogated and arrested after his sword replica - too dull to cut an apple - was mistaken for a knife.
  • The superb disdain with which she met the project frightened these poor people, who were not mistaken in their fears that she was meditating what they called knight-errantry. An Historical Mystery
  • The galliwasp is also killed by dogs, cats and mongooses, and by people who mistakenly consider it to be venomous.
  • The silly, dancing, posturing, wiry movements, and the facial distortion observed in Huntington's chorea would hardly be mistaken by a careful observer for athetosis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • To mistakenly attribute a specimen to a particular taxon.
  • How could she have been mistaken about a thing like that?
  • Not only is that morally mistaken, but it is also militarily ruinous, for any armed service which is based upon or rooted in its members' self-love is doomed to failure and disgrace.
  • Tuttle says Jake must be mistaken because the pellagra is a kind of a Somewhere in Red Gap
  • One leading search consultant described how he had once mistakenly presented the wrong candidate for a job.
  • Hiccough" is a perfectly acceptable alternate spelling of "hiccup," and in fact precedes the latter; "hiccup" is a mistaken phoneticization that's stuck. This Comic Is Good – Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The likelihood that this will frequently be true can not be mistaken for the certitude that it is always so.
  • Ginger Rogers plays a department store clerk who is mistakenly identified as the mother of an infant foundling.
  • There is a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity.
  • The hospital said on its Web site that the mistake occurred because a staff member mistakenly believed he heard the English word "nonreactive" concerning the donor's standard H.I.V. test. NYT > Home Page
  • One, who in our climate, should expect better weather in any week of June than in one of December, would reason justly, and conformably to experience; but it is certain, that he may happen, in the event, to find himself mistaken.
  • If I'm not mistaken the cutthroat is the only true trout to America. It's a Cutthroat World Out There...
  • If you think that a hostage situation like the one in Russia could not happen here, you are sadly mistaken.
  • Marijuana has few withdrawal effects, and this has given rise to the mistaken belief that it is not addictive.
  • This shall abundantly satisfy all the hearty well-wishers to God's interest, who will be glad to see themselves mistaken in despising the day of small things. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Other times, work that was never intended to be mistaken for the real thing (such as splatter paintings "in the style of" Jackson Pollock used by interior decorators) find their way into the market — and are assumed to be lost masterpieces. The Frida Fighters
  • Just as if its uncertainty and has chaste result on on gain flexeril poor online collagen calcium phosphates once more lifetime living soul then you it mistaken when this happens roots nerve endings and inchmeal lottery of irritate this come by flexeril below cost online within our core's organize known. Top Information about Home Management
  • Some people mistakenly equate healthy eating with dieting, or with eating only low-calorie or low-fat foods.
  • The difference between "homonym" and "homophone" posting discussed sound-alike words that are often mistaken for one another, despite their different meanings. CJR
  • Just a few minutes into our trek to Amsterdam we mistakenly followed the way one sign was facing instead of the direction of the arrow on it.
  • In addition, privatisation without adequate competitive pressure creates the mistaken perception that competition does not work.
  • [* Thus, at five or six inches depth, between the roots of the Hymenea courbaril, masses of the resin anime (erroneously called copal) are discovered, and are sometimes mistaken for amber in inland places. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America

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