How To Use Mistakable In A Sentence

  • Hale and hearty, though aged, strong-featured, with the tough and leathery skin produced by long years of sunbeat and weatherbeat, his was the unmistakable sea face and eyes; and at once there came to me a bit of Kipling's A Winner of the Victoria Cross
  • A slight but unmistakable accent suggested that his name was not Leblond.
  • When the gentleman who guided me through the bush left me on the side of a pali, I discovered that Kahele, though strong, gentle, and sure-footed, possesses the odious fault known as balking, and expressed his aversion to ascend the other side in a most unmistakable manner. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Such an intention must be clearly manifested by unmistakable and unambiguous language.
  • More critical are analogous words that have acquired easily mistakable senses, such as eventually/eventuellement (‘possibly’), actually/actuellement (‘currently’), or to attend/attendre (‘to wait’). French/english Translation: the Unusual History of the English Language « Articles « Literacy News
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  • This may be least true of the long "culottes", trousers most closely resembling a skirt, and at best mistakable for a skirt, but insofar as "culottes" establish the principle of dividing woman's outward apparel from the waist down, they merely disguise the grave disorder. The Modesty of His Lordship
  • For centuries their unmistakable sound has struck fear into Scotland's enemies and so become a symbol of its national identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, even when staffed by people with little or no experience in the Communist Party apparat or Soviet state, the new executive institutions bore the unmistakable stamp of the Soviet epoch, and even of the tsarist period.
  • As a woman keeping company with a goddess, one becomes aware of an unmistakable power of self-renewal.
  • I wanted to like the movie if only because the critics hated it so, but I couldn't deny the unmistakable truth that it was not very good.
  • Fundamental and irreversible changes ought only to be imposed, if at all, in the light of an unmistakable national consensus.
  • The plan of Florence in 1427 shows a group of twenty unmistakable 'insulae', each of them about 1-1/8 acre in area, that is, very similar in size to the 'insulae' of Turin. Ancient Town-Planning
  • There must be heartiness in the expression, in the smile, in the hand-shake, in the cordiality, which is unmistakable. Pushing to the Front
  • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
  • That was unmistakable, but from what he'd heard a few moments ago he was the super-Terminator's cat's-paw. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • Nevertheless, while the technique of slide or bottleneck guitar may owe something to the touring Hawaiian ensembles so popular in the late 1880s and '90s, the substance and content was an unmistakable African retention
  • They were still a breech-cloth people, wearing this rag of barbarism as the unmistakable evidence of their condition; and the family was in the syndyasmian or pairing form, with separation at any moment at the option of either party. Houses and House-Life of the American Aborigines
  • That he was damaged was unmistakable, but it seemed to Bek that the damage was repairable and that with time he would find a way to reconcile the loss of Ryer Ord Star When Ahren learned of her death from Big Red, he seemed to lose heart entirely. Morgawr
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a certain portion of the passengers had the unmistakable excursion air: the half-jocular manner towards each other, the local facetiousness which is so offensive to uninterested fellow-travelers, that male obsequiousness about ladies 'shawls and reticules, the clumsy pretense of gallantry with each other's wives, the anxiety about the company luggage and the company health. Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing
  • So unmistakable that one bit of the city can too easily seem like the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even with the occasional glamor and glitz of Chasm City's environment, and the unmistakable steampunk and William Gibson references in visuals and invention, the overall sense of doom and the obviously cold-blooded souls of the main characters would get to anybody (there is not a single good-natured human being along the way). Alastair Reynolds "Chasm City" and "Revelation Space"
  • She had aged, yet the angular face was unmistakable. The Sun
  • Males in breeding plumage are unmistakable with their dark blue color, rufous sides and crown, and striking white patterning on the face, neck, sides, and back.
  • Roses not only bring a distinctive personality and certain sophistication to the garden, but hopefully add their unmistakable scent too. Times, Sunday Times
  • She exudes an unmistakable air of confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • His uncanny, unmistakable style crossed Cubist austerity with lush Surrealism.
  • On the one hand the connection between the sacred and the religious is unmistakable; it is so stressed as to be obvious. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Volcanoes provide unmistakable evidence that deeper yet it is hotter still.
  • On the porch was a pizza delivery driver, the red-and-blue uniform shirt and cap unmistakable, his head bent as he peered at the ticket he held atop the warming bag.
  • His schoolmasterish manner, combined with the unmistakable tone of condescension, were enough to make a more hot-tempered man see red. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Dark clouds gathered, there was the distant, yet unmistakable roll of thunder.
  • It hadn't even occurred to me that he might be in the shooting party, but here he came, strolling across, and behind him a great burly unmistakable moujik, in smock and boots, carrying his pouches. Fiancée
  • This unremitting focus on just one race participant is understandable, but the hint of Schadenfreude in the tone was unmistakable.
  • Unfortunately, the cocking action that begins a back fist movement presents an unmistakable cue to the opponent.
  • I knew it was a van because I used to drive one and the engine has an unmistakable sound. A BOOK OF LANDS AND PEOPLES
  • Sounds came at length -- harsh and startling; -- the unmistakable note of the jezail; answering shots from his own men; -- proofs incontestable that a sharp engagement was in progress up above. Captain Desmond, V.C.
  • There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.
  • Infatuation shone there, as unmistakable as the rain slipping from his lank hair and running down his face. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Late last year, on the streets and in the conference rooms of Seattle, the most north-westerly city of the USA, there was an unmistakable feeling in the air: the sensation of history being made.
  • Despite the dust and cobwebs the grandeur was unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the unmistakable impression is that they are now putting short-term partisanship ahead of good policy by trying to make the House ungovernable.
  • But I also heard the unmistakable nasal whine of cultural manipulation for our own good. Times, Sunday Times
  • I assume her look must make her unmistakable, but she says she is constantly mistaken for other people.
  • The image was fuzzy, but unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once Moon-Watcher heard the unmistakable sound of a bush, being uprooted; the elephants and dinotheria did this often enough, but otherwise they moved as silently as the cats. 2001 A Space Odyssey
  • Hunter Shooting at Birds bares the unmistakable influence of Rembrandt in its mannerism, but its unity of body and gun is entirely modern.
  • That long, pointed red bill is unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reuben "Rooster" Cogburn is a shambling wreck of a man: a grizzled veteran of a few too many shootouts, he wears a black patch over one eye and has the unmistakable whiff of stale whiskey about him.
  • Unspoken, yet unmistakable in all the brinkmanship was the 2012 election campaign, still 18 months away, with the White House and both houses of Congress at stake. Debt talks crisis: Boehner, Obama trading blame
  • The reasonably widespread if often vague notion that super-close reading results in undecidability rather than organic unity; the not uncommon, if typically undisciplined assertion that texts predict and choreograph the foibles of their interpreters — these tics of contemporary professional critical writing bear the faint but unmistakable trace of de Man's signature. Introduction
  • But, when she raised an arm, when she advanced a foot, it was easy to perceive that she possessed feline suppleness, short, potent muscles, and that unmistakable energy and passion slumbered in her soporous frame. Theresa Raquin
  • Herein lies the unmistakable whiff of a work in progress - and its corollary - the promise of further unputdownable Jamesian intrigue.
  • Even the police could be seen tapping their feet along to Gareth's unmistakable voice, which developed from his years as a chorister in Bradford Cathedral choir.
  • easily mistakable signals
  • To the unrefined or under-bred person, the visiting-card is but a trifling and insignificant piece of paper; but to the cultured disciple of social law it conveys a subtle and unmistakable intelligence.
  • Sympathy that, despite the unmistakable signs of turmoil, he has been on the receiving end of abuse and condemnation from people who ought to have known better. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there are unmistakable signs of a serious return to form. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we stop short of denying to Seneca the possession of any dramatic talent, it is at any rate hard to resist the conviction that he treated the plays as a _parergon_, spending little thought or care on their _ensemble_, though at times working up a scene or scenes with an elaboration and skill as unmistakable as it is often misdirected. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • What makes these songs so potent is the unmistakable angst festering beneath each one.
  • That was unmistakable, but from what he'd heard a few moments ago he was the super-Terminator's cat's-paw. T2: INFILTRATOR
  • And the law requires that the judge warn the jury in clear and unmistakable terms.
  • The similarity is slight, but unmistakable.
  • Outside we all heard the unmistakable sound of my father's lorry as he parked. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • We'd rush home from school and the pong would hit us before we'd even dumped our bags at the door - an exotic combination of ciggies and cologne that was as unmistakable as it was unmissable.
  • It's all almost totally mistakable as just another Nordic garage rock band.
  • And at least his success was unmistakable as to the precise literary effect he had intended, including a certain tincture of "neology" in expression -- nonnihil interdum elocutione novella parum signatum -- in the language of Marius the Epicurean — Volume 1
  • Now and again, you could hear the unmistakable metallic sound of snow shovels banging into concrete sidewalks, along with the deep rumble of a passing plow.
  • She exudes an unmistakable air of confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • He didn't give his name, but the voice was unmistakable.
  • He knew by her ducal diadem, by the baudekin colours of her robe, by her unmistakable air of pride, his daughter Isabel. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • Roses not only bring a distinctive personality and certain sophistication to the garden, but hopefully add their unmistakable scent too. Times, Sunday Times
  • A slight but unmistakable accent suggested that his name was not Leblond.
  • The ceremonial elements of his late works, though unmistakable, strove to dissolve the barriers between being and non-being, between activity and nature, between man and God.
  • On the one hand the connection between the sacred and the religious is unmistakable; it is so stressed as to be obvious. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • More critical are analogous words that have acquired easily mistakable senses, such as eventually/eventuellement (‘possibly’), actually/actuellement (‘currently’), or to attend/attendre (‘to wait’). French/english Translation: the Unusual History of the English Language « Articles « Literacy News
  • Only the unmistakable lilt of his mid-European accent gives a clue to his unsettled past.
  • There was an unmistakable smell of incense in the air.
  • Just as his later film work would often have an unmistakable radiophonic quality, so too his radio programs have a pronounced cinematic edge.
  • A giant among waders, the curlew is unmistakable with long bill and legs.
  • There's an unmistakable chill in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was, all the same, an unmistakable descant to yesterday's cheerfully celebratory spectacular. Royal wedding: A peculiarly British day | Editorial
  • His banter with newsmen Walter Cronkite and Roger Mudd and his unmistakable "raspy" voice made him famous throughout the country and the world. - Financial News
  • So unmistakable that one bit of the city can too easily seem like the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • ED GORDON, host: The unmistakable voice that once described as a melodic whisper has drifted into silence. A Tribute to Jazz Vocalist Shirley Horn
  • The wax on the envelope was imprinted with the unmistakable Papal Seal.
  • The sound was muffled behind the thickness of old oak and perhaps thin layers of old percale, but it was unmistakable. DOWNTOWN
  • That long, pointed red bill is unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naass swept the blanket from his shoulders, disclosing the gnarled and twisted flesh, marked with the unmistakable striations of the knout. An Odyssey of the North
  • Hale and hearty, though aged, strong-featured, with the tough and leathery skin produced by long years of sunbeat and weatherbeat, his was the unmistakable sea face and eyes; and at once there came to me a bit of Kipling's Galley A WINNER OF THE VICTORIA CROSS
  • It was not vanity -- it was ready sympathy that had made him alive to a certain appealingness in her behavior toward him; and the difficulty with which she had seemed to raise her eyes to bow to him, in the first instance, was to be interpreted now by that unmistakable look of involuntary confidence which she had afterward turned on him under the consciousness of his approach. Daniel Deronda
  • Late last year, on the streets and in the conference rooms of Seattle, the most north-westerly city of the USA, there was an unmistakable feeling in the air: the sensation of history being made.
  • This bird is none other than the common barn owl, a bird no bigger than a crow, with an unmistakable heart-shaped, chalky white, phantom-of-the-opera mask.
  • The holes created by their mandibles either side of the leaf vein are bordered by scar tissue, producing an unmistakable dumb-bell shape. 'Zombie ants' controlled by parasitic fungus for 48m years
  • Glückel’s writing, a fascinating mosaic of varied genres, bears the unmistakable imprint of contemporary Yiddish literature in its eclectic approach — meshing form, substance and methods from a range of sources with musar literature and homiletic prose, assorted aspects of folk literature, the heartfelt tone of the tkhines (prayers of supplication) and the immediacy of reports on current events. Glueckel of Hameln.
  • Early this morning, after a rare restless and mostly sleepless night, I was awoken from a very deep sleep by the unmistakable, piercingly loud bark/howl of a coyote that sounded like it was right outside in my front yard. The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
  • She had a visitor with her already when I called, a fortyish substantial - looking man introduced coquettishly as Paul, who behaved with unmistakable lordliness, the master in his domain. Hot Money
  • Accordingly, Wolverton's illustrations, done in the same unmistakable, stippled style that characterized his grotesqueries, show off the grim, the violent, and the destructive in the Old Testament, putting the blood and guts in the spotlight. Boing Boing
  • The spaniel crouched by the door whining and scratching, and as Kerry came up it raised its beady black eyes to him with a look which, while it was not unfearful, held an unmistakable appeal. Dope
  • That long, pointed red bill is unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those craggy Sligo features are unmistakable as he sits alongside Stein on Celtic's open-topped bus on the way out of Hampden after the Double was completed in 1954.
  • As my finger hovered over her buzzer I heard the unmistakable sound of a slap, followed by more crying. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I lived near there a few years ago, the corner was like a souvenir of West Berlin's improvisatory spirit, and I could imagine it extending into some indefinite future, with its slightly scruffy, but unmistakable vitality intact. Kreuzberg Bellyaches Over Kebab Tourism
  • Mr. Terrason's favorite strategy seems to be settling into a reggae-Caribbean rhythmic groove reminiscent of Bud Powell's "Broderick" that imbues everything he plays with an unmistakable joyfulness. Freddie, Jacky, Charlie and the Doc
  • Within five minutes he found, clear and unmistakable, the shape of the left forefoot of George's horse. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • It was the unmistakable sound of a pump shotgun chambering a load.
  • So unmistakable that one bit of the city can too easily seem like the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • He needs public statements and unmistakable public gestures that consign the Clintons to the past, while upholding their broad political agenda.
  • Now, his dark eyes scanning his surroundings, he spots a woman with an unmistakable crop of curling red hair.
  • The impressive scale of this escort was designed to convey an unmistakable message about the status and importance of those who were to be accompanied, namely the queen consort of the King of Scotland and England and the royal children.
  • Behind the social arguments lay an unmistakable malodor of claims to a moral elect.
  • The children of habitual opium-eaters or narcotists inherit an unmistakable taint.
  • Running her fingers along the walls and across the sculpted lines of the gleaming mother-of-pearl counter, the visitor feels a contoured motif bearing the unmistakable Quinze signature.
  • I remember as a child seeing them through my small backyard refractor and it was unmistakable.
  • He is just now waking up in Manitoba in the house mistakable in every detail for the sturdy home from which he is now - and ever shall be - missing.
  • It consisted of its two well-marked tables of solid bone, corresponding in their dermal character, the outer to the cuticle, the inner to the true skin, and the intermediate cellular layer to the _rete mucosum_; but bearing an unmistakable analogy also, as a mechanical contrivance, to the two plates and the _diploe_ of the human skull. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • A classic car in all respects, with the unmistakable split back window and the ridge running from the roof to the tail.
  • She had aged, yet the angular face was unmistakable. The Sun
  • Bright plumage make this bird unmistakable, though often hard to see in the shade of a river bank.
  • And there was an unmistakable atmosphere of satisfaction from the waiting ground crews when the aircraft taxied towards them.
  • After that was the unmistakable neigh of a horse.
  • The florets form various clockwise and counterclockwise spiral patterns, intertwined and crisscrossing but otherwise unmistakable to the eye.
  • He had achieved a quiet self-effacement, pouring his unmistakable voice out to the smallest of die-hard audiences, reigning in no-fi poetry with the help of a few stray guests and the blessings of modern boombox technology.
  • As soon as a gap to the underlying chamber was opened, the unmistakable stench associated with putrefaction became terribly evident.
  • He stands in front of the cameras and preaches with unmistakable pomposity, treating his opinions as if they were holy writ.
  • Look beyond the crooner's perma-grin, the twinkle in the eye, the ever-bouncing quiff and there, on his cheeks and chin, was the unmistakable sheen of foundation.
  • Thus concerns for these foreign components are merely to prove Musharraf as a patriotic and large hearted Pakistani who could be a part of track II diplomacy but to make Lilliputian Pakistani politicians unmistakable for their so-called Herculean power. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • With a joke and a smile he was able to defuse many a tense situation and his presence in any room was unmistakable.
  • However, I had barely taken two steps when I heard the unmistakable sound of a sneeze behind me.
  • There were stands of trees here and there, and they were tropical; the unmistakable radiance of the flamboyante could be seen, nearly felt, it was so vivid; and there were palms-traveler's, cabbage, and coconut palms, and palmettos; tree-ferns and flowering cacti. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • The ice in his voice was unmistakable as he opened the door.
  • IT'S January, it's freezing and brrr here's the unmistakable chill of the pre-packaged, politically sanctioned official touring exhibition.
  • Chris replied flippantly, though his smile was unmistakable.
  • The slanted eyes of the headlight give the car an unmistakable look, adding to the muscular-looking bodywork, and remind me of a streamlined Japanese Sumo wrestler.
  • But the rumblings have been loud and unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The colour scheme of his outfit is taken from the unmistakable red and white cap of the fungus.
  • There is an unmistakable beauty, a spectacular charge to found footage that is translatable for a wide range of viewers.
  • None of the stories are precisely those of Aesop, and none have the concinnity, terseness, and unmistakable deduction of the lesson intended to be taught by the fable, so conspicuous in the great Greek fabulist. Fables
  • The quiff is immaculate, the look is unmistakable.
  • They jammed to mixes of classic rock and funk before taking up the guitar, bass and drums to create their own unmistakable sound.
  • Frank walked in, looked over and said, in that unmistakable basso profundo: ‘Oi, Mr Observer man, hop it.’
  • The unmistakable, overwhelming miasma of emotion that choked him and even threatened to stifle Rena too… it was guilt.
  • Transcending the boorishness had been the unmistakable lure of the swashbuckler. DEATH OF A NYMPH
  • Hale and hearty, though aged, strong-featured, with the tough and leathery skin produced by long years of sunbeat and weatherbeat, his was the unmistakable sea face and eyes; and at once there came to me a bit of Kipling's "Galley Slave": - The People of the Abyss
  • It was totally different from his Southern drawl and had the unmistakable inflection of a northeasterner. Stone Cold Surrender
  • The brogue was there, strong and unmistakable as poteen. THE ONLY GAME
  • The now-unmistakable octagonal red sign instructing motorists in white letters to STOP was adopted throughout the United States in 1954, just in time for a new generation of fast, powerful American cars. The English Is Coming!
  • But the voice is already unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the foot of Mark's pulpit, positioned in the foreground, is an unmistakable self-portrait of Gentile; round his neck hangs the chain presented to him by Mehmed.
  • A combination of prominent creamy-white eyestripe and rusty-red flanks and underwings makes the redwing unmistakable.
  • Its coral encrustation is so heavy that all the features of its breech-end are obscured, but around her sit the unmistakable shapes of unused shells, sitting in boxes like eggs.
  • Ask just about anyone and you'll soon find out that he is not your typical teenager with an unmistakable rebellious streak.
  • They offer unmistakable evidence that summer is, at last, on its way.
  • While the band was riffing away, Fallon would unleash a torrent of lyrics about monster trucks, prison planets and yetis in his unmistakable throaty roar.
  • The room bore unmistakable traces of them - a framed mathematical journal offprint, a stereo cluttered with worn, sleeveless records.
  • But just as David had made up his mind that this time it was a real squirrel, up went the furry paw to an ear in unmistakable salute, just as the locked-out fairy had done when he hopped from the window-ledge of the lodge. This Way to Christmas
  • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
  • She knew it was me right away because of my American Flag suitcases and the unmistakable glasses - they aren't dorky.
  • In 2005, her unmistakable timbre was still glorious and lustrously beautiful, and she sang eloquently in Spanish. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their song, full of whirring sounds and whistles, is unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Super Sport is immediately recognizable, thanks in no small part to a body made entirely of carbon fiber--the über-expensive material and crosshatch pattern is unmistakable. Beautiful Monster
  • Today, the cowboy hat is an unmistakable symbol of America.
  • She had aged, yet the angular face was unmistakable. The Sun
  • As I head down the hallway and open the door, I hear shouting and the unmistakable sound of glass breaking.
  • The male is unmistakable; scaly, sooty-black plumage offset by a white crescentic bib.
  • But as I began mentally working out the plot of my next unpublished novel, I heard the unmistakable scrape of skis approaching from behind.
  • A conversation with almost any rural teacher will impress upon one the fact that the teacher is loath to declare feeble-minded a child whose records give unmistakable evidence of amentia and that she generally regards the child as merely dull. Rural Problems of Today
  • It is curious what a subtle but unmistakable transmutation it makes, both in the body of men and women: the woman more blooming, more subtly rounded, her young angularities softened, and her expression either anxious or triumphant: the man much quieter, more inward, the very shapes of his shoulders and his buttocks less assertive, more hesitant. Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • Their song, full of whirring sounds and whistles, is unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • We find the unmistakable signs of psychic tension, not in the intrapersonal space to which they are usually confined, but instead within the more ‘objective’ space of a marriage, a piano lesson, or a port town.
  • Some of the epitaphs were beautiful, showing that tenderness for the friends who had died, that longing to do them justice, to fully acknowledge their virtues and dearness, which is so touching, and so unmistakable even under the stiff, quaint expressions and formal words which were thought suitable to be chiselled on the stones, so soon to be looked at carelessly by the tearless eyes of strangers. Deephaven and Selected Stories & Sketches
  • More than 500 potters were working here, producing decorated and plain moulded pottery, mostly in the unmistakable red slipware.
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cai bears unmistakable features of his Western heritage, with his thinning light-coloured hair, deep blue eyes and high nose.
  • In this environment the subtle yet unmistakable frontier, where the manicured lawn brushes against the unkempt one, is enough to disturb the peace of the neighbourhood.
  • Despite the dust and cobwebs the grandeur was unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glenn opened his mouth to respond, but quickly snapped it shut when the unmistakable sound of sirens echoed down the tunnels, the screech of brakes, someone yelling.
  • Last Sunday I heard the unmistakable sound of the first cuckoo, traditional harbinger of a spring election.
  • After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
  • Hallo! hi! hooroo!" came at that moment from a long distance to the right, in unmistakable tones. Twice Bought
  • Seen this close, the swarms exuded an unmistakable sense of menace, almost malevolence. PREY
  • Tempting aromas fill the air: roasted spices, the unmistakable scent of barbecued pork and the partnering smell of a spilt beer. Where to eat in San Francisco from $2
  • Indeed, Jupiter is unmistakable from the moment it rises in the ENE at 01:00 BST tomorrow and by midnight on the 27th. Starwatch: Look east for Jupiter and Mars
  • I still felt tired and unable to do a thing, possessed by an unmistakable hebetude. Beat
  • There was an unmistakable smell of incense in the air.
  • As resistant as this is to the imposition of narrative coherence, a feminist ethos is unmistakable.
  • A combination of prominent creamy-white eyestripe and rusty-red flanks and underwings makes the redwing unmistakable.
  • Australians lacking self-confidence are almost a contradiction in terms, yet the signs are unmistakable. Times, Sunday Times
  • the pointedness of his sarcasm was unmistakable
  • There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.
  • There is an unmistakable note of approbation here, even admiration; unusual for the museum except where the activist agenda is involved.
  • his opposition to slavery was unmistakable
  • The competitive glisten in his eyes was unmistakable, and I quickly took him up on his offer.
  • It was a thousand years from Charlemagne to Napoleon, and yet the implicit symbolism of the Bonaparte's action was unmistakable.
  • It was the unmistakable sound of hope. The Sun
  • The unmistakable gurgle of somebody retching his breakfast into a pail was omnipresent within the room.
  • Not for the first time, Kelly felt an unmistakable tug of attraction towards him.
  • Its silhouette against the sky is unique, the sound of its engine unmistakable.
  • It's milky and flavourful, with an unmistakable blue cheese taste that fades just enough after each spoonful to keep you digging in for more.

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