
How To Use Misstep In A Sentence

  • It's a grand misstep full of clumsy guitars and a confused direction.
  • But we certainly were there to chronicle the missteps and the absolute staggering human tragedy.
  • `Five full years without a misstep, five years of fidelity. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • While I'm not typically one of those people who second-guess my own or other people's strategic decisions when things aren't going well, I have a duty to my community, my gay brethren (and "sistren"?), and myself to point to what I believe are our obvious missteps in the effort to advance our cause. Gary Cohan: Premature Emancipation? A Pragmatist's View of the Gay Marriage Struggle
  • The author also argues for avoiding several potentially fatal missteps.
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  • The team works at over 27m in the air, and any misstep at these heights could injure or kill a worker, so a safety harness is a must.
  • Eminem does a sound job of reflecting the concerns of young America with articulate, intelligent lyrics and then he missteps.
  • But by their misstep salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.
  • I envy her recklessness, the roughness of her unpracticed pirouettes, the occasional clumsy misstep that inspires no apologies.
  • The early missteps in the legal review of the program "jeopardized" the Justice Department's relations with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the secret court that approves intelligence wiretaps, because the program operated outside the bounds of the court, the report said. NYT > Global Home
  • Is there no problem, misstep, or abuse for which DTM will not instantly jump in to redirect all culpability from the administration? Matthew Yglesias » Dimming Sunshine
  • Industry defenders -- adhering closely to a PR regimen organized by the American Gaming Association whose president, Frank Fahrenkopf, in a notorious 1996 speech cited the missteps of Big Tobacco as examples of what not to do when trafficking in habit-forming products -- acknowledge that addiction is real. Josh Axelrad: Nevada Kills Funds for Problem Gambling
  • With new people doing new tasks, there are going to be screw-ups, mistakes, confusion, and missteps - one hopes they won't be fatal.
  • A single untoward remark or social misstep by any family member can sink a prospective marriage; failed negotiations in turn put the family reputation - and thus the marriageability of every family member - at risk.
  • One of Meredith's many missteps is not handling the situation well -- she speaks loudly. Archive 2006-05-01
  • And I think, clearly, the administration has made some missteps.
  • She slips easily out of the car, with not a misstep despite the gravel playing havoc with her high heels.
  • When I read about the missteps of some of the other bishops, I think that the Holy Father must have had particular affection for Chicago to give us such a good shepherd.
  • But for the president to kind of prolong the issue in the way that he did was, I think, a rare misstep and a lack of discipline on his part. CNN Transcript Aug 2, 2009
  • We chose our steps wisely, not wanting to misstep when a slip could prove fatal.
  • A misstep in a cave brings rocks tumbling down on him.
  • His climate change misstep follows several reversals on issues and just plain loony comments on gays, women, Medicare, Social Security and taxes. Ellen Dumm: Will the Buck Ever Stop?
  • The miscommunication was another in a long series of prosecutorial missteps that have dogged the case from its inception in 1977. Polanski case takes another strange turn
  • First, the work was often dangerous and a misstep could quickly be fatal; walk through any old cemetery, you'll see that.
  • If one were weary at the end of the day, or careless at any time… one misstep, one inattentive moment and a fall was possible.
  • The remaining margin really seems razor-thin at this point, such that any missteps at her hearings seemingly could prove fatal.
  • C Berlusconi has made a few missteps, such as his awkward attempt at a joke, in referring to President-Elect Obama as "suntanned", and center-left contacts argue that the honeymoon period may end soon. The Guardian World News
  • Whatever its origins and past history—in fact, precisely because of what we know of its origins—does not the semipermeable soul now look like a mistake, a misstep on the path to the true understanding of ourselves? In the Valley of the Shadow
  • He had made a fatal misstep, and it would cost him.
  • Competition keeps a paper on its toes - but it can also lead to clumsy missteps.
  • Criticism, missteps and gaffes began to characterize news coverage.
  • There are those who defend the man on the principle that a single misstep should not sink a career.
  • What parent - Morgan among them - would want their child's every misstep or embarrassment exaggerated and witnessed by millions?
  • And so, I do think there's been a whole series of missteps.
  • ( "La falsità non dico mai mai, ma la verità non a ogniuno.") 7 Considering his vast responsibilities as a statesman and the terrible dangers which beset him as a theologian; that in the first of these capacities the least misstep might wreck the great cause which he supported, and that in the second such a misstep might easily bring him to the torture chamber and the stake, normally healthful minds will doubtless agree that the criticism upon these words is more Pharisaic than wholesome. Fra Paolo Sarpi
  • It misstepped making its getaway and performed a spectacular cartwheeling plunge into the water between our canoes.
  • Some of this will involve zinging the president for misstatements he made or knocking him for other similar missteps.
  • Despite a few culinary missteps, this Ridge Avenue barbecue joint knows its ribs.
  • One misstep could cause a stone to slide, a bush to snap, giving him away.
  • Though the plot has the unmistakable ring of familiarity, strong acting and directing carry the film through occasional missteps.
  • Children know only too well the errors they commit while playing baseball or the missteps in the gymnastics routine.
  • Most notable among his missteps was a disastrous gull-winged sports car called the Bricklin, which was famously produced without door locks because of a supplier mix-up. The Little Car That Couldn't
  • confusion caused his unfortunate misstep
  • There are other missteps, like the hilarious CGI werewolf-conference that made me feel like I was on peyote, or the handling of Jacob falling in love with an infant child, still creepy despite Condon's focus on Renesmee all grown up and trying to distract us with the word "protector. The Full Feed from
  • ‘Old Eph’ finally took a misstep in the night, and the jaws of the steel trap Clark had hidden in the bear's wallow bit into his right front paw.
  • Despite the missteps it has made over the past four years, the United States still retains enormous material power and considerable global influence.
  • There was no time to wonder at the marvels of engineering that kept loopers, needles and blades dancing without a misstep even as the speed hit maximum.
  • The mountain sides were so steep in some places that we were barely able to climb them; many of the wadies, washed by winter torrents, were next to being impassable; and when our way led along the sides of precipitous slopes I shuddered to think of the consequences of a misstep upon the part of my horse. My Three Days in Gilead
  • “This notion that this disturbing pattern of gaffes and missteps is now being criticized solely because he is black, and that Barack Obama is being criticized for his big-government power grab solely because he is black — that is nonsense,” Blackwell told Fox News’s’ Neil Cavuto. Think Progress » DC Media Scoff At President Obama’s Substantive And Detailed Answer To Health Care Question
  • Despite what he described as a prosecutorial misstep in the stock fraud case, Christie said Kelley, who had since gone to private practice, was the best qualified lawyer for the monitoring job. Undefined
  • They made him watch a parody of his debating style from television's Saturday Night Live. They abjured him to avoid anecdotes where he might misstep.
  • Any misstep would result in his death and the failure of the entire operation. THE SHADOWS OF POWER
  • Given the missteps by Prime Minister Gordon Brown -- who called a widowed retiree a bigot in off-camera remarks last week -- Labor in particular is bracing for what may be its biggest defeat since 1983, when Margaret Thatcher won a second term and the party was exiled from No. 10 Downing Street for another 14 years. British elections could deliver a blow to two-party rule
  • As the business evolves, there should be fewer missteps.
  • It's to be expected, of course, that in a film of this length and ambition there will be missteps and longueurs.
  • That's why he recommends anticipating where things can go wrong and taking steps to prevent missteps.
  • She suggests that those compelled to walk should do so on the stairs because a misstep on an escalator could cause a collective tumble.
  • The value of open dialog outweighs the hits one take for "flubs" and goodness knows nb, the current President people can get beyond minor missteps -- if they are minor. The Revolution Has Already Been Blogged - Swampland -
  • Thinking of Juno as just a teenage comedy would be a truly patronizing misstep.
  • He and others believe that downtown, despite years of missteps, may yet turn into a community.
  • These missteps are unfortunate rather than fatal, although they do diminish the credibility of the argument.
  • As a studier of the media and an armchair pop psychologist, I can't help but wonder if the missteps by General McChrystal weren't subconsciously planned. Lauren Ashburn: Self Sabotage: General McChrystal Unglued
  • If the giant is large enough he can wipe a small human out with a misstep or any accidental movement if they get in his way.
  • The only misstep in the film is the cinematography, which is fuzzy, often unfocused and fails to take best advantage of the rich natural scenery.
  • Even longtime supporters of the court, established in The Hague to deal with large-scale atrocities, say they are frustrated by what many call the unacceptably slow pace and numerous missteps that have dragged out the trial, in which NYT > Home Page
  • Rod Blagojevic makes me think if horrible missteps involving a pruner. The Emmy Awards Live Blog
  • In reality, there are a number of opportunities for glitches, delays and missteps.
  • Camper John Bookman, now in his third week, says after a few early missteps, he has mastered cr pes stuffed with smoked chicken and vegetables. Hit TV Shows Spawn Summer Camps for Couch Potatoes
  • ‘The stakes are high, and one misstep could negate the assumptions for continuing growth and development,’ he said.
  • He'd almost made it to the front of the car when he made a misstep and stumbled into the car.
  • After a series of false starts and missteps, Yates finally has made the right move, under circumstances that will allow the team to flourish.
  • I envy her recklessness, the roughness of her unpracticed pirouettes, the occasional clumsy misstep that inspires no apologies.
  • Even the change in location from a gritty industrial city (Manchester, England) to a glossy, sunlit place like L.A. was a misstep that undermined the necessarily bleak tone.
  • Pelosi made several missteps right off the bat and yes, it was a "catfight" between her and Harman. Sound Politics: It's in the P-I
  • Somehow he made a misstep and lost his footing, sliding awkwardly down to the bottom of the ravine and bruising himself painfully.
  • The panel called the question of bias one of the most ‘subjective and difficult’ they undertook as they examined the steps and missteps of reporting.
  • But there’s a few missteps here, of course — though the label produced by Murray’s Cheese boasts the Le Gruyere’s exceptional small-batch, family farm operated mentality, it is, after all, an imported Swiss cheese which had to cross the lake before getting to my plate. Apple Gruyere Panini and Ginger Lime Carrot Salad
  • But by saying he had made a mistake, Obama once again signaled a new direction from his predecessor, George W. Bush, who famously had difficulty acknowledging his missteps. The outrage quotient rises
  • But after a series of missteps by the media, long-time China watchers have begun to be more suspicious and they increasingly look to official sources.
  • Playing what I call the betrayal sweepstakes -- a ceaseless denunciation of the administration's failures and missteps -- doesn't get us very far. The 'principled left' Obama needs
  • Meanwhile, and further afield, the tremors resonating from the leaderene's misstep have been recorded on the outrage scale.
  • A ponderous misstep by the folks behind Family Guy, this unlikely spinoff is built around chubby, cheerful Cleveland Brown, who takes his son and moves back to his Virginia hometown. Beyond the top 10: The other premieres
  • Any misstep can either lead to a flawed immune defense or to allergy, even autoimmunity.
  • Who knows better than artists how much ugliness there is on the way to beauty, how many ghastly, mortifying missteps, how many days of granitic blockheadedness and dismaying ineptitude there is on the way to accomplishment, how partial all accomplishment is, how incomplete? Tony Kushner At The School Of Visual Arts: 'Artists Know That Diligence Counts As Much, If Not More, As Inspiration'
  • Our heroine acts from within her situation, within the reality of women at that time, but she is never judged, scorned, or punished for her missteps.
  • There have been missteps, as there are with any presidential campaign, but a lot of top Democrats are now talking privately and some publicly about changes.
  • A commission this week faulted Barack Obama's administration for multiple missteps, including an effort to block scientists from telling the public how bad the spill could be early on. America Moves On From Spill, Gulf Coast Feels Abandoned
  • With only one misstep, he played to his strengths in this show, both returning to the handsome landscapes that are his stock-in-trade and pursuing new avenues that invite further and fuller development.
  • Getting through the night with no major missteps, that is one of the goals for both vice presidential candidates during tomorrow night's debate. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2008
  • I envy her recklessness, the roughness of her unpracticed pirouettes, the occasional clumsy misstep that inspires no apologies.
  • The stainless steel storage of the baptistry faker the proximate day with ron at the salicales ubiquitous his two misstep into a blastodermatic alliterator. Rational Review
  • Any misstep would result in his death and the failure of the entire operation. THE SHADOWS OF POWER
  • You can almost hear the wheels turning as he takes the occasional misstep in developing the characters and hurriedly course-corrects.
  • If the system is fair, it would seem that G‑d should be required to answer for His "missteps" - at least as they impact our lives! Weekly Magazine [ Chukat-Balak 5769 - July 3, 2009 ]
  • She's a quintessential bookworm, a ferocious autodidact - someone who, whatever her missteps and transgressions, commands our respect and attention.
  • `Five full years without a misstep, five years of fidelity. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Except for that last misstep, the others are pardonable.

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