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How To Use Misstate In A Sentence

  • Look at the false police reports that omitted or misstated crucial facts.
  • Be careful not to misstate your case.
  • However, because her expertise is clearly not in photography, her commentary includes some significant misstatements and unclarities that require correction.
  • However, I may inadvertently have misstated this by suggesting that upper income folks end up paying more taxes than before in absolute terms.
  • He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
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  • Both men repeated misstatements made in earlier debates, and added a few new ones.
  • Not only did he get the quote wrong, he also misstated the name of the character who said it and what the line referred to!
  • He misstated the Constitution's intent while accusing President Obama of "bastardizing" the document. MRC Latest Headlines
  • Rather, the problem was that the majority of them misstated the factors in precisely the same way.
  • It's been going on for a couple of cycles now, and it was designed to be - is designed to be both an antidote to the misstatements that the candidates say during the debate, but also it's supposed to be an antidote to spin.
  • An editorial on Saturday misstated the projected federal deficit over the next decade.
  • But it probably makes most sense to note that this even misstates his administration's position as even the administration's theorists or idea men themselves understand and articulate it.
  • An editorial on Monday about the new jumbo Airbus misstated the weight of the airplane.
  • Be careful not to misstate your case.
  • Once a commentator commits a major rhetorical gaffe or colossal misstatement of fact, it becomes impossible to take them seriously.
  • The amount was misstated in the table because of an error by regulators.
  • While this booklet has become an official source of information, it is filled with misstatements of fact.
  • I understand your interest in this matter, it is just frustrating, Senator, when you consistently overstate the case, or misstate the case in order to suit the case that you want to put.
  • While this booklet has become an official source of information, it is filled with misstatements of fact.
  • Romney backers have called the flubs simple misstatements, not an indicator that Romney doesn't care about the economic woes of ordinary Americans. NYDN Rss
  • A chart on Dec.1 with an article about President Bush's role in reshaping the federal judiciary misstated the makeup of four appeals courts.
  • He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
  • Financial fraud is a conscious companies reporting accounting misstatements, false falsification of accounting surplus of conduct.
  • Their intention has been to wait for the final proofs of their articles before correcting the intentional misstatements.
  • That is why we jib slightly the description of this case as a negligent misstatement case.
  • For instance, I was plenty angry when WorldCom announced that it had misstated its earnings by $3.7 billion.
  • Yet the face-to-face confrontations - scowls, barbs and factual misstatements included - provide Americans their most unvarnished glimpses at the man they will elect commander in chief.
  • And here is an article that in my view badly misstates the libertarian position on marriage generally.
  • Some of this will involve zinging the president for misstatements he made or knocking him for other similar missteps.
  • Dave wrote to say I misstated his position on open source code - he's absolutely right, I did.
  • And once they came to understand what was going on, they either misstated it or in some cases just lied about what the situation was there.
  • Mr. Obama certainly feels that it is his right to demonize and trivialize and misstate the concerns of his opponents. Obama calls for civil debate, takes shots at critics
  • Look at the false police reports that omitted or misstated crucial facts.
  • While this booklet has become an official source of information, it is filled with misstatements of fact.
  • He misstates Catholic doctrine on both abortion and the death penalty, yet still publicly proclaims himself a ‘practicing Catholic’.
  • If these paragraphs are representative, however, the article as a whole should contain, by conservative extrapolation, approximately 94 other serious distortions and misstatements of fact.
  • Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard -- who is running as the Democratic nominee to unseat the Republican governor in November -- didn't hold back in seizing upon the apparent "beheaded" bodies misstatement. Jan Brewer's 'Beheaded' Bodies Claim Disputed By Local Law Enforcement Agencies
  • DEPAULO: Yes, I would like to just correct one of the misstated facts tonight from Julian on the phone records: on Friday afternoon, Dr. and Mrs. Levy made a public statement that they know that the last several calls Chandra received were from Congressman Condit. CNN Transcript Jul 30, 2001
  • Creationists love to bring up the Cambrian ‘explosion’, but they frequently misstate the evidence considerably.
  • I wish to correct my earlier misstatement.
  • Look at the false police reports that omitted or misstated crucial facts.
  • I caught that too. jukebox is a real stickler and pedant when it suits him; but truly elastic when it comes to his own dishonest misstatements. The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
  • Yet error in all its forms - from misstatements to imprudent acts - can and should serve a healthy role in personal development.
  • I think that misstates President Clinton's post-presidency statements on Social Security.
  • He finally corrected his misstatement and offered to reduce the fee.
  • It's true that perjury charges can in some cases amount to ‘gotchas’, prosecutions brought for minor misstatements or possible lapses of memory.
  • He doesn't allow partisanship to affect the main body of his work on international trade and monetary policy; he confines his misstatements to areas he doesn't know much about, like energy economics.
  • I also noted that the interviewer baldly misstated various facts, apparently to get a rise out of Blair, as well as taking a really insulting tone.
  • Earnestly information collecting, sorting and submit, do not significant information, omission, material misstatement.
  • However, equally I don't think one can credibly take a blithely post-modern approach and mutter vaguely about ‘multiple truths’, if basic historical factual assertions have been misstated.
  • Southern Oregon Indian Center, asked Coiner to publicly apologize for misstatements made at the Pottsville pow-wow, where his wedding — the occasion for the newspaper story — took place. Cordoves, Joaquin
  • Rather than simply have people discuss or debate the latest political spat with no resolution, we check the facts, assess the accusations and by the end of the segment we declare a loser -- the candidate who, on that day, is "guiltier" of more misstatements, cheap shots, and blunders. Dan Abrams: Introducing...Verdict
  • Because of an editing error, an article on Thursday about British prewar intelligence on Iraq misstated the location cited by President Bush in his State of the Union address when he talked about Iraqi efforts to acquire uranium.
  • Yet he manages to encapsulate his misunderstandings into bite-sized pieces that can be digested and turned into new misstatements by other entertainment writers as well.
  • It must be regretted that no indication in his book, so far as it professes to deal with facts and with [190] persons not within the circle of his clients, would justify a belief that its wanton misstatements have filtrated through a mind entitled to declare, with the authority of self-consciousness, what a gentleman would or would not do under given circumstances. West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas
  • This argument is based on a number of misstatements and misconceptions.
  • With such a high media profile, it's remarkable how little attention is paid to Will's double standards, ethical lapses and misstatements.
  • This may seem like mere quibbles, but there is something important in the way he misstates these positions.
  • Geoff Nunberg has a post at Language Log on the word gingerly: a NY Times story on Falluja included the statement "it was a gingerly first step," which pleased him by its proper use of gingerly as an adjective thanks to Tim May for catching my original misstatement! GINGER(LY).
  • But both assertions over-stated and misstated the case because of the great gulf between them and the people whose faith ensured Church survival and possible revival.
  • Before an audience of people who supposedly spend their days pursuing the truth, he joked about misstatements (if not lies) he had used to persuade (if not hornswoggle) the American people and the media.
  • It alleged that ERF's accounts and financial statements were misstated.
  • But he didn't misstate anything or misrepresent himself at all.
  • Be careful not to misstate your case.
  • Rumsfeld is a proven "misstater" of facts and should be ignored. Rumsfeld says Obama made 'bald misstatement'
  • You misstated my position

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