How To Use Mississippi river In A Sentence
The measured soil parameters at the sites were within the normal range for bottomland hardwood soils of Mississippi River alluvium.
Between the levees that parallel the Mississippi River is a corridor known as the “batture lands”.
Ecoregions of Arkansas (EPA)
If the Union could capture New Orleans, it would control the Mississippi River. President Lincoln appointed navy officer David Farragut to lead the attack on New Orleans.
The Corps' Yazoo Pumps plan would drain water impounded by levees during high stages on the Mississippi River.
You know, they straightened out the Mississippi River in places, to make room for houses and livable acreage.
Abraham Lincoln, as a hired hand on a flatboat in 1831, ran aground on a trip down the Mississippi River.
Her daddy was Mike Fink, the keelboat man, who was famous for his daring deeds on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.
The Mississippi River and its associated tributaries have been heavily channelized and leveed throughout the region.
Ecoregions of Iowa and Missouri (EPA)
However, it does show, in a general way, the thick alluvial deposits along the lower Mississippi River and on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, and in the deep basins of the western cordillera.
Full Text Circular: About the Geologic Map in the National Atlas of the United States of America « ResourceShelf
Thousands of fish and a dead whale were found dead in the west Mississippi River, Louisiana, US. Species include crabs, sting rays, eels, speckled trout and red fish.
To increase barge traffic and nitrogen transport, the Mississippi River needs to be dredged and locks need to be rebuilt.
Like his fellow citizens, he took a lively interest in the great swellings of the Mississippi River, which periodically breached the levees in what were known as crevasses.
The novel, which was written by Frank Yerby, opens with Fox being thrown off a steamboat on the Mississippi River and ends with the destruction of his plantation, Harrow.
Republicanism, will _inevitably_ control the Mississippi river and master the destinies of all soil above the so-called isothermal line, and probably of much below it.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 6, June, 1862 Devoted To Literature and National Policy
They straightened up the Mississippi river in places, to make room for houses and liveable acreage.
The Mississippi River has always been a freight carrier.
If either railroad swallowed Conrail whole, it would dominate railroading east of the Mississippi River.
The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal.
The diamond darter is a close relative of the crystal darter (Crystallaria asprella), a small fish found in the drainage basins of the Mississippi River.
Archive 2008-05-01
the Mississippi River delta
We have experienced impacts of the work we've done in the Mississippi River, in channelizing the river for navigation and flood control.
In recent years, a manatee traveled to New York and another swam up the Mississippi River!
Between the levees that parallel the Mississippi River is a corridor known as the “batture lands.”
Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
The glow from the rising sun reflects off the sleek rowing shells as they glide on the Mississippi River.
I read an account where a man shot 286 in the Mississippi river delta in one day with a blackpowder gun 150 years ago.
Where do you go snipe hunting? and not the joke walking in the woods. Snipe hunting where you actually hunt birds.
A side-wheel river steamer, the USS Black Hawk served as the flagship of the Mississippi River Squadron during the Civil War.
Steam Machines
The common boundary between the States of Arkansas and Mississippi in the Mississippi River is the thalweg, which is the middle of the main navigable channel followed as the principal course of downstream navigation.
To attract a younger clientele, the sternwheeler will make repeating three- and four-day Mississippi River cruises combined with a New Orleans hotel and activities package.
Associated sites include the dense cluster of prehistoric shell middens in the constricted Mississippi River floodplain.
Thanks to the leveeing of the Mississippi River, the normal deltaic cycle of spring flooding and silt deposition abruptly ended in the 19th century, and the entire region began to sink and erode.
John McQuaid: The Oil Spill: Another Louisiana Tragedy
They carry silt from the Mississippi River that replenishes the delta and keeps the coastland above the water line, creating a gradual buffer from the sea.
Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.
It consists primarily of irregular plains and bluffs near the Mississippi River, along with some disjoined low hills found within the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (73).
Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
The men created a world of their own on the docks, levees, plantation landings, city quays, and steamboat decks of the Mississippi River economy.
The control barge was successfully towed through the Barataria Waterway and completed the route to a lay-by berth in the Mississippi River.
The Missouri and Mississippi Rivers together form the third longest river in the world
I'm never too interested in monuments and touristy attractions, but I do think the arch is a very beautiful creation, rising sleekly into the sky at the bank of the Mississippi river, denoting the border between Missouri and Illinois.
Archive 2007-05-01
Hence, when something bad happens in an election year — the Mississippi River floods, wildfires burn in the West — the president is quicker to declare a federal disaster than he would in a nonelection year.
Winning by a Landslide
HANNIBAL - A three-week ice jam has finally broken on the Mississippi River near Hannibal, and that's good news for flood-watchers in the northeast Missouri town.
Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
The leading culprit is thought to be mega-farms in the Midwest, whose nitrate-filled fertilizers run off into the Mississippi River and spill into the Gulf, where they feed massive algae blooms that starve the ocean of oxygen when they decompose (a process known as hypoxia).
Chris Kromm: Why the Gulf Oil Disaster Is Far From Over
The casino was a riverboat, lying gently on the Mississippi River.
Saint Louis, situated on the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, was an important transportation hub in the nineteenth century before railroads replaced riverboats as the most efficient form of travel.
The Mississippi River has been fortunate in its chroniclers: Mark Twain's "Life on the Mississippi," Ron Powers's "White Town Drowsing" (about Hannibal, Mo., the town where Twain grew up) and John Barry's "Rising Tide" (about flooding on the Lower Mississippi in the early 20th century) are just three among many fine books on what T.S. Eliot called the "strong brown god.
Lee Sandlin's "Wicked River: The Mississippi," reviewed by Dennis Drabelle
Basically, I birded four distinct areas: 1. Daily walks in Riverside Park RP, an urban park bordering the Mississippi River in downtown La Crosse.
BIRDS ETCETERA—Birds, Birding, Birders, and Birdwatching
His parents were performers on Mississippi riverboats.
Mississippi River for 300 years; thousands of Europeans first set foot in North America there, earning the nickname Plymouth Rock of the
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.
When shiploads of contraband disembarked at Mississippi River towns, they were often outnumbered by the employers who anxiously awaited them.
The word shivaree is especially common along and west of the Mississippi River.
The WELL: Sugaree
I liked the start of it, especially the voice: set on the Mississippi River and full of "rivery" moments (the novels 'term for magic occurrences, like the appearance of trolls, fairies, etc.)
Breakfast in Bed
In fact, Micheaux's homesteading in South Dakota in 1905 was relatively late in the history of African-American settlement west of the Mississippi River.
He told me about all the great bluesmen he had known and about the shantytowns along the Mississippi River.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
This country's big wildcat - called a puma or mountain lion or panther in different regions - is common in some units of the National Park System west of the Mississippi River.
Ted Joans was born in Cairo, Illinois, on 4 July 1928, to African American entertainers working on Mississippi riverboats.
They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
They carry silt from the Mississippi River that replenishes the delta and keeps the coastland above the water line, creating a gradual buffer from the sea.
Farmers throughout the Midwest and southern states ship their produce on barges down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, where they are loaded onto ocean-going vessels.
Have a charming vacation, spend your holiday bucks on the river that gave Mark Twain his name Samuel Clemens was a Mississippi riverboat pilot for a time. Top headlines
The Mississippi gopher frog formerly occurred in the once extensive longleaf pine forests of the lower coastal plain from east of the Mississippi River in Louisiana to the Mobile River delta in Alabama.
Small, blocky shapes of towns, fields, and pastures surround the graceful swirls and whorls of the Mississippi River.
The Mississippi River forms the boundary between Tennessee and Arkansas.
The seven forests are on old levee ridges associated with past distributaries of the Mississippi River.
The batture lands are hydrologically connected to the Mississippi River, are flood-prone, and contain remnant habitat for “big river” species (e.g., pallid sturgeon) as well as river-front plant communities.
Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
She talked of her French ancestors who swam 30 miles down the turgid Mississippi river from Canada to St. Paul, Minnesota.
The real adventures of Huck Finn took place on a raft on the Mississippi River.
The general study area is located in southeastern Louisiana where the southernmost Mississippi River bottomland forests grow.
Engineers determined that the levees bordering the Mississippi River as it passes through the city were sufficient to withstand any surge produced by an SPH.
The eye of the storm is now about 460 miles southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River in Louisiana.
At their core, the four examples represent efforts to replicate or set aside parcels of a pre-colonial lower Mississippi River delta environment.
A city of northwest Illinois, a residential and industrial suburb of Moline on the Mississippi River. Population, 20,47.
This is the northern catalpa, a native to the central Mississippi River Valley but found in 17 states across the U.S. and in southern Canada.
Many Eastern and Southern Indian nations were uprooted and forced to remove themselves beyond the Mississippi River.
They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
It's been known for years that, as the Corps keeps the Mississippi River channel clear for navigation, it dumps what it dredges in the Gulf of Mexico -- at the same time that the state's coastal wetlands, deprived of sediment from the leveed-off river (and damaged by thousands of miles of pipelines and canals serving the oil industry), continue to disappear at an alarming rate.
Harry Shearer: Why Obama Needs to Weigh In With the Corps of Engineers
New Orleans is a city built on silt and drained marshland, positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.
A linear area known as the “batture lands”, the area between the levees on either side of the river, extends virtually the entire length of the alluvial plain along the course of the Mississippi River and its major tributaries.
Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
Approximately 214 miles of the Illinois River and 272 miles of the central Mississippi River are aerially inventoried for waterfowl weekly from September through late December.
They straightened up the Mississippi river in places, to make room for houses and liveable acreage.
The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.
During low stages on the Mississippi River, flood control locks are opened seasonally to drain the interior floodplain waters.
Stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River, the West contained more than half of the Confederacy's land and its breadbasket.
Voisin, who also serves as chairman of the Gulf Seafood Marketing Coalition, says oyster producers east of the Mississippi River are now also investigating a mysterious substance growing on the shells oyster larvae attach to commonly referred to as "cultch".
ABC News: Top Stories
- Javier Campos returned to his neighborhood for the first time in nearly a month Monday to find the serene little enclave of fishing camps and homes a putrid, mud-caked mess after the historic flooding of the Mississippi River.
Mississippi River Floods 2011: Residents Return To Flood-Damaged Homes In Mississippi
In addition to that, we have what was a tropical storm named Olaf, which is going to get caught up in that subtropical jet and bring all that tropical moisture, unfortunately, into Texas and the lower Mississippi River valley.
CNN Transcript Oct 3, 2009
The permanent solution is not technology, but what we call ecological separation - or no movement of live organisms between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River via the canals," said Alliance President Joel Brammeier, who co-authored a study on the subject in 2008.
My neighbor Cory and I had spent the afternoon fishing for smallmouth on the Mississippi River.
An oiled crab walks along an absorbent boom floating near a patch of oiled roseau cane near the South Pass of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010.
New Orleans is a city built on silt and drained marshland, positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
This species is native to lakes and streams in the St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River systems.
The group were about to leave the deep waters south of the Mississippi River's mouth, when Mr McInnis found himself alone in the company of a tiger shark.
Cindy Brown, who runs the Gulf of Mexico program for The Nature Conservancy (and, I am proud to say, is a Nicholas School alum), applauds projects like this but believes they will eventually fall short without addressing the root causes of the wetlands problem -- the mess we have made of the Mississippi River with the dams and the levees and the channelization and the canals crisscrossing the delta.
Bill Chameides: Working on the Wetlands: One Blade of Grass at a Time
The Mississippi River is leveed between Baton Rouge and the mouth of the river, so the only sources of possible contamination along this stretch are permitted industrial discharges and marine traffic accidents.
Susan Buchanan: New Orleans Tap Water Beats Odds, Meets All Regulatory Standards
The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.
Pammel Creek originally drained into one of these wetlands but was channelized between 1914 and 1927 to join Bluff Slough, a backwater of the Mississippi River just to the southwest of the site.
New Madrid (winner of the Wallflower award, imho a duff choice) narrates John James Audubon’s account of the 1812 New Madrid earthquake which altered the flow of the Mississippi river, over footage of landscape and submerged trees: beautiful and meditative, but also somnolescent.
January « 2009 « Squares of Wheat
Much of this ground water recharges into streams which eventually empty into the Mississippi River, a major source of drinking water for the Twin Cities metro area.