How To Use Missis In A Sentence
The snowy dome of Fujisan reddening in the sunrise rose above the violet woodlands of Mississippi Bay as we steamed out of Yokohama Harbour on the 19th, and three days later I saw the last of Japan — a rugged coast, lashed by a wintry sea.
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
Plantations are equivalents of big zamindaris all along the Mississippi.
The permanent solution is not technology, but what we call ecological separation - or no movement of live organisms between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River via the canals," said Alliance President Joel Brammeier, who co-authored a study on the subject in 2008.
The reverberations were even felt west of Mississippi.
It was Mississippi's largest cotton plantation.
The Sun

They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
The watermen of the Mississippi delta will tell you that if you wish to gauge the magnitude of a vessel that has passed by, all you have to do is measure the size of the waves the vessel has left in its wake.
Manifesting Michelangelo
As a youngster growing up a small Mississippi town, Bob Dudley was a swimming prodigy with one of the speediest backstrokes in the state.
New BP boss Bob Dudley 'doesn't need to fake his empathy for the Gulf coast'
We were each armed with a Mississippi yager and two Colt's revolvers.
The Life of Hon William F Cody
Is it real America or does that community's name disqualify the Brazilians of the Mississippi Delta?
Burns Strider: Just When You Thought You Were American -- Conservatives Say Not So Fast
But except for the Florida felines, as far as one can tell, wild cougars no longer live east of the Mississippi.
So my aunt talked three friends into skating down the Mississippi to New Orleans.
_Mississippi_ is a proper noun, because it is the name of an individual river; but _river_ is a common noun, because it is the name of a _species_ of things, and the name _river_ is common to _all_ rivers.
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
Thursday to discuss what are called unseasonably high water levels in the Upper Mississippi Top News Headlines
But directly, as a Mississippi regiment passed by, he noticed at the head of one of the companies an old man, almost as old as himself, his clothes torn, and ragged from long marching; shoeless, his feet tied up in sack-cloth and his old slouch hat aflop over his ears.
The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
Piff, and Mrs. Sniff, was unanimous opposed to her going; for, as they says to Our Missis one and all, it is well beknown to the hends of the herth as no other nation except Britain has a idea of anythink, but above all of business.
Mugby Junction
The graphite is mixed with clay from Mississippi in which ammonium hydroxide is used in the refining process.
Howard plays a convict conscripted with others to help battle a flood along the banks of the Mississippi in 1927.
And as I sat on th 'bench i' th 'garden -- same bench as yo' saw me sittin 'on this afternoon -- my missis coome to th' dur, and hoo said, "Enoch, what doesto think?
Lancashire Idylls (1898)
Well, the devastation to the east of Mississippi is mind-blowing.
By far, the most frequent chronometric age determinations link southeastern cave art with the Mississippian period.
The Mississippi civil rights law, passed in 1865, contained the standard language: “All freedmen, free Negroes and mulattoes, who do now and have heretofore lived and cohabited together as husband and wife shall be taken and held in law as legally married.”
A Renegade History of the United States
The Mississippi gopher frog (Rana capita sevosa) was once found in suitable habitat within the Lower Coastal Plain from Florida to eastern Louisiana.
And with this Mrs. Shum began sobbin; and Miss Betsy began yowling like a cat in a gitter; and pore missis cried, too — tears is so remarkable infeckshus.
The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
First US county-level obesity rates show Alabama, Mississippi communities at top, CDC says WASHINGTON - A fatty acid in the brain, called palmitate, is what makes us memorize the stories which our grandmothers used to narrate to us, says a new study.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
The first-term MPP for Mississauga South has been meeting with Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Brad Duguid to make sure he doesn't back away from his predecessor's pledge.
Many Eastern and Southern Indian nations were uprooted and forced to remove themselves beyond the Mississippi River.
And the incumbent governor of Mississippi is a Democrat.
Before the treaty the American West consisted of the old Louisiana Purchase lands that rose in ladderlike fashion from the mouth of the Mississippi, climbed the courses of the Missouri, and touched the rocky, fog-shrouded shores of the Northwest.
Because of the small number of remaining Mississippi gopher frogs, the species is extremely vulnerable to even natural processes such as drought and floods, and to further loss, damage, and fragmentation of its habitat.
A mere hint of the enormity of what lay ahead was at Brookhaven in Mississippi, my first stop on the Lampton / Lambton trail.
Lord Help" is a secular hymn taken from Mississippi country blueswoman Jessie Mae Hemphill.
Tom Jones
The master could not do much; he had long, long hours in his business; but I used to watch Ursula, morning after morning, superintending her domain, with her faithful attendant Jem – Jem adored his "missis".
John Halifax, Gentleman
This is the northern catalpa, a native to the central Mississippi River Valley but found in 17 states across the U.S. and in southern Canada.
With a very moist air mass ahead of this from the Gulf of Mexico, an eastwards moving line of severe thunderstorms was generated across the Mississippi Valley.
Weatherwatch: Blizzards in Bucharest, tornadoes in Arkansas
He implored me to beg "missis" to forgive him, and I couldn't help taking his part, though
The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865,
This enraged many U.S. expansionists, not least Thomas Benton, who called the concession “a gratuitous and unaccountable sacrifice” that had “dismembered the valley of the Mississippi, mutilated two of our noblest rivers, and brought a foreign boundary to the neighborhood of New Orleans.”
A Country of Vast Designs
On Sunday night, the National Hurricane Center said Lee's center was about 55 miles (90 kilometers) west-northwest of McComb, Mississippi and moving east-northeast at 7 mph (11 kph).
A weakened Lee still poses flood threat in South
The environment is interpreted as a dominantly subaqueous delta top, similar to the modern Mississippi but with meandering distributary channels.
A city of northwest Illinois, a residential and industrial suburb of Moline on the Mississippi River. Population, 20,47.
We get guys from north Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and as far away as Detroit through here," said Virgil Allen, who oversees "Mr. Charlie," a retired drilling rig in Morgan City where companies train new workers for offshore work. - Local News
Boats drawing from nineteen to twenty-six inches water can almost at all seasons ply on the Upper Ohio, and during the periods that the large boats are detained below the Falls, they are constantly employed in transporting produce, intended for the markets on the Mississippi, to Louisville, from whence it is drayed round to Shippingsport and re-shipped.
A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
At their core, the four examples represent efforts to replicate or set aside parcels of a pre-colonial lower Mississippi River delta environment.
He flunked out of college a number of times before settling down at a Baptist college in Mississippi.
That Turturro can be convincing both as a Russian chess master and a Mississippi hayseed is a testament to his versatility as a performer.
The eye of the storm is now about 460 miles southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River in Louisiana.
Finally, good fortune is smiling upon the down-but-never-beaten Evans family as they excitedly prepare themselves to move from their hovel of a high-rise homestead and relocate in Mississippi.
I looked up at his tormented face, and my missish tendencies were banished, his need for comfort much exceeding my need for proper English conduct.
Engineers determined that the levees bordering the Mississippi River as it passes through the city were sufficient to withstand any surge produced by an SPH.
The general study area is located in southeastern Louisiana where the southernmost Mississippi River bottomland forests grow.
Placement of the maximum tornado density in Mississippi, along with other regions of relative maxima across the Southeast, may warrant modification of the traditional tornado risk map that focuses only on the Great Plains
Mardi Gras storm risk & the new tornado alley
The real adventures of Huck Finn took place on a raft on the Mississippi River.
Mississippi residents reported that the path of the twister was a half-mile to a mile wide, said Mark McAllister, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Jackson.
WIBW - HomePage - Headlines
Football, church and country music may dominate Mississippi's off-hours, but despite the odds, this curious ballet company has thrived in the shadow of Jackson's gun shows and powerlifting contests.
Religious conviction powers Ballet Magnificat, nation's first Christian ballet company
During his stay at Kent State, Loren monographed the Devonian and Mississippian conulariids of North America, and described disarticulated conulariids.
He called the missis, and they got her into the kitchen and gave her a cup of tea and put her to bed, and she'll never get up again, it seems.
Women of the Country
In court, Mississippi argued that it had fulfilled its duty to establish an unsegregated system by implementing and maintaining nondiscriminatory policies and practices in student admissions and faculty hiring.
For a man who was known to record some of the most fiery roots music this side of the Mississippi, he was usually not featured belting out some rambunctious R & B or scorching rockabilly.
She talked of her French ancestors who swam 30 miles down the turgid Mississippi river from Canada to St. Paul, Minnesota.
The batture lands are hydrologically connected to the Mississippi River, are flood-prone, and contain remnant habitat for “big river” species (e.g., pallid sturgeon) as well as river-front plant communities.
Ecoregions of Louisiana (EPA)
The University of Mississippi football team has a new mascot after the controversial goateed Southern planter mascot, dating from 1979, was retired by school officials six years ago.
Black bear replaces Colonel Reb
And of course, I come from the Mississippi Delta, which is one of the poorest places in America.
Remarks By President At Reception For Rep Elllen Tauscher
Recalls Johnny Cash's visit to Starkville, Mississippi long ago ( "Just pickin 'daisies").
The mystery tramp (Jack Bog's Blog)
He scored on runs of 1, 2 and 33 yards in surpassing 200 yards rushing for the second time this season, and helped Mississippi State outrush Ole Miss 304-31. - Scores
Consequently, the riders were escorted to the state line where Mississippi patrol cars took over.
A central character in the tale is Reuben Kemper, who came down the Mississippi from the Ohio Territory in a merchandise-laden flatboat, accompanied by a business partner, John Smith.
When the Bayou Broke Away
I liked the start of it, especially the voice: set on the Mississippi River and full of "rivery" moments (the novels 'term for magic occurrences, like the appearance of trolls, fairies, etc.)
Breakfast in Bed
In short, nowhere illustrates better than Mississippi the coming of age of the Republican Party in the South.
On spring days, we sometimes drove west to the Mississippi just to look into the sheer immensity of the stream.
The Mississippi River forms the boundary between Tennessee and Arkansas.
We also supported a special investment of over $100 million in the Mississippi Delta, which is now the poorest part of America outside the reservations, and another $1 billion initiative in Indian country; a Southwest border initiative designed to encourage further economic development along our border.
Remarks By President At Nlc Congressional City Conference
A map of Afghanistan is pinned above the fridge and the names of the provinces and towns trip off Moler's tongue as though they were just across the Mississippi.
Small, blocky shapes of towns, fields, and pastures surround the graceful swirls and whorls of the Mississippi River.
The Mississippi gopher frog formerly occurred in the once extensive longleaf pine forests of the lower coastal plain from east of the Mississippi River in Louisiana to the Mobile River delta in Alabama.
The environment is interpreted as a dominantly subaqueous delta top, similar to the modern Mississippi but with meandering distributary channels.
The missis does all the shopping.
Legend has it that Johnson took his guitar to the crossroads of Highways 49 and 61 in Clarksdale, Mississippi where the devil retuned his instrument in exchange for his soul.
Robert Johnson sells his souls to the devil
I played along the railroad he helped bring to Ripley, Mississippi in sight of the monument covering his grave.
Her dark hair should have been twined in a missish braid to keep it from tangling as she slept, and instead it spilled in dark silken handfuls over her shoulders.
Parked in the Sacramento River is the sternwheeler Delta King, twin of the Mississippi's Delta Queen.
HALEY BARBOUR (R), MISSISSIPPI: There are some we won't take in Mississippi.
CNN Transcript Feb 23, 2009
A bit earlier, in the 1960s, Streetsville was feeling constrained by tight boundaries and floating the idea of annexing parts of Toronto Township which formed the bulk of what's now Mississauga, an idea with some street cred because a town municipally trumps a township.
In Brown v. Mississippi (1936), Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes denounced the state's use of coerced confessions as a violation of due process.
Particularly at issue were the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole Indians of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida - the so-called Five Civilized Tribes.
Previously, the Army Corps dynamited a stretch of river levee in southern Missouri, flooding 200 square miles of farmland in an attempt to alleviate pressure from the Mississippi.
Floodgate opens to divert Mississippi River
Have a charming vacation, spend your holiday bucks on the river that gave Mark Twain his name Samuel Clemens was a Mississippi riverboat pilot for a time. Top headlines
Farmers throughout the Midwest and southern states ship their produce on barges down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, where they are loaded onto ocean-going vessels.
He flushed Cochrane from the woods like a frightened covey of Mississippi quail.
Pellex aram Iunonis ne tangito; si tanget, Iunoni crinibus demissis agnum feminam caedito.
The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
Direct evidence for Mississippian mortuary ceremonialism, however, has not been widely reported in the Central Illinois River valley.
A city of southeast Mississippi on a peninsula between Biloxi Bay and Mississippi Sound on the Gulf of Mexico.
They carry silt from the Mississippi River that replenishes the delta and keeps the coastland above the water line, creating a gradual buffer from the sea.
Explore the many faubourgs (suburbs/neighborhoods) on foot, or take a leisurely stroll by the Mississippi.
Well, these aquarium dolphins were moved inland from the coast to a hotel pool last night in Gulf Port, Mississippi.
The Mississippi also had trough type urinals and unwalled johns in the heads, and salt water showers.
Abbot on the Mississippi, America has lately made a contribution to our potamological knowledge, which, in scientific interest and practical utility, does not fall short of the ablest European productions in the same branch of inquiry.]
The Earth as Modified by Human Action
More than 12 million people live in the 125 counties and parishes that border the Mississippi.
They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
In his report to the hearing, the curator in early medieval coinage, Dr Gareth Williams, said it was a gold tremissis bearing the image of the Byzantine emperor, Anastasius the First.
Gold Pendant Discovered by Metal Detectorist
As an adult, many years later, working with a Southern singer songwriter, I happened to be in Tupelo Mississippi one dark night and came unexpectedly across the spotlit cabin where Elvis Presley was born.
Ethan Russell: Music, Words and Photography: The Long and Winding Road
The brilliant Mississippi bluesmen is a central figure, but not just a solo act.
Lucy had grown bigger in her eyes while sitting there and talking, and had lost much of that missish want of importance — that lack of social weight — which Lady Lufton in her own opinion had always imputed to her.
Framley Parsonage
Mississippi, and a parfect pictur of a wappin 'big man called Kentuckian there.
The Attaché; or, Sam Slick in England — Complete
Judge Meek's writings teem with the romantic and marvellous incidents of the early history of Alabama, such as De Soto's march to the Mississippi, the Battle of
Southern Literature From 1579-1895 A comprehensive review, with copious extracts and criticisms for the use of schools and the general reader
The dark loamed valleys among the sandy uplands of the north, the prairies of the centre, and the lowlands near the Mississippi, are all made to yield the great staple.
History Of American Slavery
Nonetheless, I love it that Southern Mississippi opened their season with Louisiana-Lafayette and Loyola of Louisiana, both of which ESPN abbreviates as some variation of LA-LA.
Eric Angevine: Making Sense of ESPN's Basketball Marathon
HALEY BARBOUR (R), MISSISSIPPI: There's some we will not take in Mississippi.
CNN Transcript Feb 23, 2009
To the east is the Mississippi and its long, clawlike delta that seems to point to the site where the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sank.
Gulf coast oil slick headed for Grand Isle, Louisiana
When I was 16 years old, my Mississippi high school football team had a game in New Orleans.
Kentucky is the largest beef-producing state east of the Mississippi.
Ted Joans was born in Cairo, Illinois, on 4 July 1928, to African American entertainers working on Mississippi riverboats.
The historic nature of Mr. Obama's rise to the nation's highest elective office is not lost on African-American Melba Clarke of Mississippi, who experienced racial segregation in her youth.
The cession of Louisiana to Spain may be explained in this light, for Anglo-American ambitions beyond the Mississippi were already clear and it was hoped that Spain, with contiguous possessions, could better resist them than France.
After the group met at the Crane Foundation preserve, they headed south to canoe a stretch of the Kickapoo River that winds its way through southwestern Wisconsin before joining the Mississippi.
According to Mississippi law, these facilities have to set the cesspools and barns back at least 300 feet from the property line.
Passing by the great valley of the Mississippi, the next division is the region known as the Great Plains, which extends from the 97th meridian of W. longitude to the base of the Rocky Mountains.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
He attempted to integrate the University of Mississippi, which is only sixty miles south of Memphis.
This country's big wildcat - called a puma or mountain lion or panther in different regions - is common in some units of the National Park System west of the Mississippi River.
The Cowboys won't lose again - and that includes a win at Mississippi and a sweep of the watered-down Mountain West Conference.
He told me about all the great bluesmen he had known and about the shantytowns along the Mississippi River.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
In fact, Micheaux's homesteading in South Dakota in 1905 was relatively late in the history of African-American settlement west of the Mississippi River.
The seven forests are on old levee ridges associated with past distributaries of the Mississippi River.
In arguably one of the most conservative states in the nation, Mississippi voters defeated a Personhood measure that would have given a one celled fertilized egg the same rights as a walking, thinking, breathing
Paul Knoepfler: The Wide World of Stem Cell Sports
It was Mississippi's largest cotton plantation.
The Sun
Good-mornin ', missis; and why are you sittin' out thar, when thar is such a nice cabin to be in?
Six Months in Mexico
And I was so proud of my own strength; so sure that I should never be missish, and spoony, and sentimental!
Framley Parsonage
When it surfaced three days later, a Mississippi jury tried to do its part by burying his story under a tissue of lies and misrepresentations.
So it turns out that she was a Miss ----, of Mississippi; that your father gallanted her to Louisville, when she was going there to be married at sixteen years of age; that she was living in Richmond at the time I was teaching there, her sister boarding in the house with me.
The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss
During the negotiations for the Treaty of Ghent, 1814, the British negotiators again endeavoured to have the 49th parallel to the Rockies accepted as the boundary, but as the proposal was coupled with a stipulation for free access to, and navigation of the Mississippi, the United States negotiators refused to incorporate these articles in the Treaty and the matter therefore was postponed.
The Oregon Boundary Question
No missish sentiment, no modesty was strong enough to distract her from the sensuous delight of his fingers, the strength of his hands, the pleasure they conjured.
The Perfect Lover
In all, 176 passengers were escorted off the Mississippi Belle II without incident over a gangway rigged up from the shore, officials said.
Much of this ground water recharges into streams which eventually empty into the Mississippi River, a major source of drinking water for the Twin Cities metro area.
He brings a deep commitment to civil rights, nurtured in marches in Mississippi while a college student.
I look at the maps and consider the Mississippi in terms of one of its most enduring symbols, the alligator - a gator so huge and old and with such a dangerous tail that she's been put in a cage.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality responded by requesting the James Creek study so that the state could develop its federally mandated water-quality targets for sediment.
MISSISSIPPI Lawyers, Witnesses Barred From Katrina Litigation Citing ethical breaches, a federal judge Friday barred a group of Mississippi attorneys once affiliated with plaintiffs lawyer Richard Scruggs from representing policyholders in lawsuits against State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. over Hurricane Katrina damage.
U.S. Watch
New Madrid (winner of the Wallflower award, imho a duff choice) narrates John James Audubon’s account of the 1812 New Madrid earthquake which altered the flow of the Mississippi river, over footage of landscape and submerged trees: beautiful and meditative, but also somnolescent.
January « 2009 « Squares of Wheat
JIM HOOD, MISSISSIPPI ATTORNEY GENERAL: If we don't get this stopped, what insurance companies are trying to do, it's going to bankrupt the Gulf coast of Mississippi, Louisiana and parts of Alabama as well.
CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2005
Pammel Creek originally drained into one of these wetlands but was channelized between 1914 and 1927 to join Bluff Slough, a backwater of the Mississippi River just to the southwest of the site.
John Stennis, the powerful senator from Mississippi, a Democrat, would later chide me for meddling in the politics of his state.
The Good Fight
I hear that a rhinoceros flew along the Mississippi in a pink balloon, this morning.
Their distributaries shifted to a more efficient course through what is now the main stem of the Mississippi, downstream from New Orleans.
You can follow the thread through to Nixon’s opposition to busing and scatter-site housing as mechanisms for reversing segregation and his “New Federalism,” or Republican opposition to “activist judges” and “racial quotas” since the 70s, or Reagan’s famous embrace of “states rights” in Philadelphia, Mississippi.
Matthew Yglesias » Conservative Magazines Not For Liberty
The pair hopes to increase bus ridership by making buses more accessible to non-student members of the Oxford, Mississippi community.
Frank Sesno: At Ole Miss, Improved Busing Cut Carbon and Costs
Promissis everberant, molliunt dulciloquiis, et opportunum tempus aucupantes laqueos ingerunt quos vix Lucretia vitare; escam parant quam vel satur Hippolitus sumeret, &c. Hae sane sunt virgae soporiferae quibus contactae animae ad Orcum descendunt; hoc gluten quo compactae mentium alae evolare nequeunt, daemonis ancillae, quae sollicitant, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
You will recall the Atlantic City convention of 1964, when the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party came and asked to be seated at that convention and had every right to be seated, because the white Democratic Party, in fact, was going to support Barry Goldwater and blacks had not been allowed to register to vote.
Never Stop Running: Allard Lowenstein and the Struggle to Save American Liberalism
Structurally associated with an anticline, where erosion of broken rock scooped out the linear valley, it is composed mostly of Mississippian to Ordovician-age limestones, dolomites, and shales, with some low, cherty ridges.
Ecoregions of Alabama and Georgia (EPA)
The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois.
Sherman marched from the Mississippi to the Atlantic, burning and pillaging every city in his path, leaving only destruction in his wake.
Of course, the flathead is far from being the Upper Mississippi's glamour species.
Mississippi game laws designate which species are classified as furbearer and which as game animal.
Ros Davidson examines the mega-clout wielded by the chat-show hostess from humble Mississippi.
Without such diversions, the Mississippi, leveed by the Corps, will continue to dump its sediment deep into the Gulf of Mexico, and the coastal wetlands of Louisiana -- which historically have acted as a buffer against the severity of hurricanes -- will continue their recent erosion at the rate of a football field each hour.
Harry Shearer: Is It too Late for a Sense of Urgency?
The Mississippi River is leveed between Baton Rouge and the mouth of the river, so the only sources of possible contamination along this stretch are permitted industrial discharges and marine traffic accidents.
Susan Buchanan: New Orleans Tap Water Beats Odds, Meets All Regulatory Standards
The Mississippi also had trough type urinals and unwalled johns in the heads, and salt water showers.
Apparently folks from east of the Mississippi have a had time understanding that that word is often pronounced "crick".
Grouse Diary Entry
Hey, if Ronald Reagan can open his presidential campaign in blathering about states’ rights in – of all places – Philadelphia, Mississippi, then this century’s heirs of Lester Maddox can grow a pair.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Colorado Attorney General Explains the Obamacare Lawsuit
The generally disseminated and blebby nature of the mineralization somewhat resembles a Mississippi Valley type of environment but is believed to be intrusion-related.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Ted held a flaming poker close to Stephanie, who delivered her lines in a Mississippi drawl.
A pair of Mississippi misogynists were given a dressing down when a judge meted out a fitting punishment for their crimes.
Cindy Brown, who runs the Gulf of Mexico program for The Nature Conservancy (and, I am proud to say, is a Nicholas School alum), applauds projects like this but believes they will eventually fall short without addressing the root causes of the wetlands problem -- the mess we have made of the Mississippi River with the dams and the levees and the channelization and the canals crisscrossing the delta.
Bill Chameides: Working on the Wetlands: One Blade of Grass at a Time
The first rule never prevented Mississippi State fans from smuggling in cowbells, but home teams now can be penalized if their fans disrupt play with noisemakers.
People living in the parts of the Mississippi Delta, Appalachia, the Coastal Plains along the southern East Coast, as well as residents of northern Nevada have the highest mortality rates nationwide.
Boll weavil gotten Mississippi, and the women wants me
Kansas City
And in the Mississippi-Missouri River basin the full species called the pallid sturgeon and the shovelnose sturgeon are indistinguishable by genetic analysis but have obvious morphological differences.
Trout and Salmon of North America
Promissis everberant, molliunt dulciloquiis, et opportunum tempus aucupantes laqueos ingerunt quos vix Lucretia vitare; escam parant quam vel satur Hippolitus sumeret, &c. Hae sane sunt virgae soporiferae quibus contactae animae ad Orcum descendunt; hoc gluten quo compactae mentium alae evolare nequeunt, daemonis ancillae, quae sollicitant, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The group were about to leave the deep waters south of the Mississippi River's mouth, when Mr McInnis found himself alone in the company of a tiger shark.
But archaeologist Shaun Austin says he can't rule out that nails and shards of ceramic teaware aren't from the Credit Mission village occupied by the Mississaugas of the New Credit until about 1845. - Home Page
On the Lower Ohio and the Mississippi there were about twenty barges, which averaged 100 tons burden, and more than three months was occupied in ascending from Orleans to Louisville with West India produce, the crew being obliged to poll or _cordelle_ the whole distance.
A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
Here’s a tip to save the residents of Idaho some legal fees: Check on whether Mississippi’s attorney general still has the briefs and research memoranda from the James Meredith case.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review?
He began his musical career playing the roadhouses and bars up and down Mississippi's Highways 49 and the now-famous 61, thanks to Dylan.
This species is native to lakes and streams in the St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River systems.
Louisiana wildlife regulators on Friday reopened state-controlled waters east of the Mississippi to harvesting of shrimp and "fin fish" such as redfish, mullet and trout.
Oil Spill: Gulf Fishermen Distrust Government Seafood Testing, Don't Think Fisheries Are Safe To Open
In the non-diagetic music there are fluid connective moments where Africa meets Mississippi meets modern Los Angeles with just the appropriate intimations of the conflict that had been wrought by spatial upheaval.
In celebration of the electoral victory for the forces that claimed retaining the Confederate battle emblem on the Mississippi state flag was a matter of "heritage not hate," the state's tourist bureau has launched plans to restore many of the state's quaint customs including an old-time crowd-pleaser, which is now spun thusly:
Barry Crimmins : Political Satirist:
When I was in grad school, almost certainly before that cart was created, we had to check our footnotes by grinding through illegible microfilm copies of 100-year-old monographs; by taking the intercampus bus to Berkeley to check on the only copy of a critical edition of certain little-known Medieval MSS west of the Mississippi; by writing a friend in Germany to check with his university research librarian about their copy of that 17th century treatise with marginalia scribbled by Werckmeister; by flying to Washington to buttonhole an old friend working as an assistant at the Library of Congress to see if he could help get me some face time with an important MS that just didn't seem to be available in microfilm; by.....
It's the All New Mobile Footnote Check Station!
Arthur Kirkland: Here’s a tip to save the residents of Idaho some legal fees: Check on whether Mississippi’s attorney general still has the briefs and research memoranda from the James Meredith case.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Would “Deem & Pass” Survive Judicial Review?
New Orleans is a city built on silt and drained marshland, positioned at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
An oiled crab walks along an absorbent boom floating near a patch of oiled roseau cane near the South Pass of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana on Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010.
My neighbor Cory and I had spent the afternoon fishing for smallmouth on the Mississippi River.
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bush Sucks but Texas Blues Kicks Ass'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'George W. Bush et al will all rot in hell for ravaging Texas\' environment and beating out Mississippi for "dead last" in Education.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush Sucks but Texas Blues Kicks Ass
Avery Island is actually a small hill, created in the deltaic wetlands by the upwelling of ancient salt deposits that exist beneath the Mississippi Delta.
It's been known for years that, as the Corps keeps the Mississippi River channel clear for navigation, it dumps what it dredges in the Gulf of Mexico -- at the same time that the state's coastal wetlands, deprived of sediment from the leveed-off river (and damaged by thousands of miles of pipelines and canals serving the oil industry), continue to disappear at an alarming rate.
Harry Shearer: Why Obama Needs to Weigh In With the Corps of Engineers
In several states the measure passed by landslide proportions - 86% to 14% in Mississippi.
Past as prologue: Kathryn Stockett's novel is about black maids in segregated Mississippi.
Book of the Year: 'The Help' needed no assistance
In addition to that, we have what was a tropical storm named Olaf, which is going to get caught up in that subtropical jet and bring all that tropical moisture, unfortunately, into Texas and the lower Mississippi River valley.
CNN Transcript Oct 3, 2009
Tests conducted by the Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory indicated beefalo was much leaner than beef.
Unsettled weather will stretch from the middle Mississippi Valley to the southern Middle Atlantic States.
For one night only, the Queens Theatre will be transformed to recreate the makeshift bars and clubs of 1930's Mississippi that became known as juke joints, where weary workers sought release in the simplicity of a cold beer and the grinding rhythms of travelling bluesmen. > Your Access All Areas pass to the latest in Australian rock music! News, Reviews, Photos, Forums and more
Wooded areas of the Bluff Hills (74a) are near enough to the streams and wetlands of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (73) to provide suitable habitat for the Louisiana waterthrush.
Ecoregions of Arkansas (EPA)
Like the Mississippi, it just keeps rolling along.
The birth of rock through Chicago blues by way of the Mississippi Delta is a much more complicated story than it emerges in the movie, in which Waters (David Oyelowo) is the primary catalyst, and
Expecting Rain
Mississippi Forestry Commission A wanted poster, from Mississippi, for cogon grass.
Why We Must Learn to Love Weeds
The forest east of the Appalachians had largely gone, to be replaced by pasture and plowland, and had been severely reduced between the mountains and the Mississippi.
Voters in Mississippi could vote on a personhood amendment to their state Constitution this November, although the ACLU is challenging that initiative in court.
I happen to like feisty political personalities with regional color whether they are flinty Vermonters or silky Mississipians.
During the melt, giant glacial rivers found drainage paths into the Mississippi watershed, creating such features as the Minnesota River, James River, and Milk River valleys.
Except when a hurricane hits, life in this part of Mississippi is as regular as the postal service.
Which merely makes all the more powerful Baker's settled conclusion that weapons inspector Dr David Kelly was murdered most foully and was not, in the words of that most famous Alabama sheriff fishing a black man out of the Mississippi with six bullet holes in his back, called 'the worst case of suicide I've ever seen'.
Only The English are British
I grew up in a Pentecostal-type faith in northeast Mississippi called the Church of God of Prophecy where my father was the pastor.