How To Use missionary work In A Sentence
- The above passage has a great deal to say about evangelism and missionary work.
- What must it have been like in the heady days of Paul's missionary work there?
- It was due to his influence and suggestion that many able deaf men were appointed to do valuable missionary work amongst their fellows.
- After missionary work in India he travelled to Armenia, Colombia.
- Nobuaki is really fired up about missionary work.
- A spokesman for the Church Commissioners said the money saved on the salaries would be refocused into community outreach and missionary work.
- One of the most effective ways Satan has to cripple missionary work is to attack the body of the missionary.
- By now you know the Tebow's story: Pam Tebow was doing missionary work in the Philippines in 1987 when she was pregnant with Tim and contracted an illness known as amoebic dysentery. SplicedFeed
- Sandy felt called to do missionary work.
- Unquestionably his missionary work between 1940 and 1942 had much to do with eventual success.