How To Use Misrule In A Sentence

  • The Advent fast ended on Christmas Eve; then there were twelve days of feasting, banqueting, pageantry, disguising, and convivial merrymaking, all presided over by the Lord of Misrule, or Master of Merry Disports.
  • One of the prominent characteristics of winter celebrations was the idea of misrule, in which social roles were temporarily reversed. Happy Christmakwanzakah
  • The absence of the usual Lowry matchstick people puroposely going about their business says a lot really as the North once again awaits its fate as the conservative misrule abyss slowly but surely heads its way as it did so in all those wasted tory years of the eighties and nineties where only now the rebuilding of those communites and towns has recently been completed. Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Oldham East and Saddleworth byelection
  • It is a battle for the right of self-government, true democracy, just republicanism, and righteous principles, against anarchy, misrule, barbarism, human slavery, despotism, and wrong.
  • KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Jaimy Gordon's novel "Lord of Misrule," which won the National Book Award for fiction last month, was such a long shot that even Ms.
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  • They are repressed and misruled, terribly misruled, but they manage to go on with the business of living despite everything.
  • But certainly he's been playing this card as a way of deflecting criticism from his own rule or misrule as the case may be.
  • It continued to expose the regime's trail of criminal misrule, laying bare the hypocrisy of a president and party that had pauperized the country while claiming to be empowering its people.
  • Jerusalem centers on Johnny "Rooster" Byron, a hypertrophied, unemployed Lord of Misrule, currently squatting in a trailer on some forestland in southwest England. Eamon Murphy: Theater Review: Jerusalem
  • At the same time the Ottoman Empire, increasingly plagued by corruption and misrule, was sliding ever closer to its eventual disintegration.
  • The move spawned rampant corruption and misrule and led to a bitter civil war that ended with the victory of the genocidal Khmer Rouge communists.
  • The empire eventually weakened due to large-scale corruption and nepotism, overtaxation, and misrule.
  • Is it not true that power politics is the main cause of opportunism which enhances corruption and political misrule?
  • Africa has been totally mismanaged and misruled in the past decade.
  • The country has suffered years of misrule by a weak and corrupt government.
  • There were even some who took perverse pleasure in our predicament by telling us that we Kashmiri Pandits deserved what happened to us for having misruled the country all these years.
  • Take Liberia for example, wracked by a 14-year civil war, sparked by political misrule and economic collapse.
  • As for the Greens, as long as the two-party duopoly misrules America, third-party efforts will percolate and independent voters will proliferate.
  • After 1800, this Christmas misrule took on a nastier tone, as young and alienated working-class New Yorkers began to use wassailing as a form of rambling riot, sometimes invading people's homes and vandalizing their property.
  • Many saw the advent of civilian rule as an opportunity to restore hope to Nigeria's 120 million people and repair an economy shattered by years of misrule.
  • The troglodytes who misrule Scotland have developed artistic pretensions; it is not a pretty sight.
  • She blames her country's economic collapse on forty years of communist misrule.
  • He shall show that Christ's errand into the world was to set things to right in it, and to introduce times of reformation and regeneration; and he proves it by this, that the prince of this world, the great master of misrule, is judged and expelled. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • He is set to inherit, come January 2009, the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1920s; the complete and bloody mess Bush and his cronies have made of Iraq, and Afghanistan; a health service which, in the world's biggest democracy, is an absolute disgrace of inequality and poor or non-existent provision; and, a view of the US internationally which could not be more damning or dire and yet, until now, under Dubya's two-term misrule, was entirely justified on grounds of the outgoing administration's inexhaustible arrogance and insane 'go it alone and to hell with the rest of you' policies. British Blogs
  • Thirty years ago, China was just emerging from the nightmare of the Cultural Revolution and 30 years of fratricidal misrule.
  • As well as being a showcase for the fat knight, a contemporary lord of misrule, and a not-so-subtle piece of Tudor propaganda, it must also tell the story of the transformation of the Prince of Wales from prodigal son into the puissant monarch who will shortly fulfil every English ambition and declare waron France. Henry IV Parts 1 and 2
  • Those Germans who styled themselves ‘patriots,’ the new-fangled term imported from France, despised these seats of despotic misrule and abuse.
  • Reasonable people could say he misled the country, or misruled the country, and make the argument to support the assertion, but ‘betrayed’ is a word that has a special quality when talking about the President of the United States.
  • Despite her enthusiasm "Lord of Misrule" failed to attract interest from a mainstream publisher. "It was like dropping it over a cliff," she said.
  • Despite her enthusiasm "Lord of Misrule" failed to attract interest from a mainstream publisher. "It was like dropping it over a cliff," she said.
  • A generation has grown up that knows nothing of the Shah and sees as its enemy not faraway America, but the mullahs at home who have misruled and repressed them all their lives.
  • There must be some lessons we can take from the past eight years of mean-spirited misrule in Ontario, but right now we're just ecstatic to see the back of the Tory government.
  • If, after ten years of Labour "misrule", the result is that "we're living in a new world of freedom … etc.", what do we need the Conservatives for? Archive 2007-10-01
  • She blames her country's economic collapse on forty years of communist misrule.
  • Accordingly they pushed on, and in due time slept at Berwick, receiving civilities from the English governor that chafed Patrick's blood, which became inflammable as soon as he neared the Border; and rising early the next morning, they passed the gates, and were on Scottish ground once more, their hearts bounding at the sense that it was their own land, and would soon be no more a land of misrule. The Caged Lion
  • One of the tragic consequences of prolonged misrule and the melt-down of the economy is that millions of Zimbabweans have taken refuge beyond the borders of the country of their birth.
  • The recent explosion of popular anger comes after centuries of misrule.
  • Byelorussian people remember vividly the dark days of 1991-94 under the catastrophic misrule of Shushkevich and the contrast it with the goodness of Lukashenko's government. Belarus: That's enough democracy | Editorial
  • he considered misrule a justification for revolution
  • Centuries of Portuguese misrule followed by brutal occupation by Indonesia has meant that only 40% of the 800,000 can read or write.
  • How can we misrule with impunity if there is no serious opposition?
  • From 1945 onwards, few cared to question whether this Churchillian refusal to negotiate with Stalin, or any other dictator, actually makes things worse - that would have sounded as though excuses were being made for misrule.
  • Such political scientists have since been recanting and admitting that One Party states simply bred autocracy and misrule by refusing to tolerate criticism and dissent.
  • Your first two years may serve as a blueprint for how David Cameron acts after the Conservatives win the next general election and the true scale of Labour misrule is exposed. Http:// and some advice for Boris
  • His own greatest achievement was that he had saved the world from misrule under Korsibar; but no one would ever know that. KING OF DREAMS
  • Imprimis*: I give leave to Avery Mitchell, feodary, gentleman, to be Lord of Misrule of all good orders, at the Manor of Hatfield, during the twelve days of Yule-tide. Historic girls; stories of girls who have influenced the history of their times,
  • The next challenge we have is to restore the dignity of the Sierra-Leonian, which was really impaired over the 27 years of misrule and mismanagement by an undemocratic, autocratic government. CNN Transcript Sep 30, 2006
  • What we're dealing with in Iraq is not two and a half weeks of conflict, but two and a half decades of misrule and mismanagement, and there is a major reconstruction project that has to go on there, a major rebuilding of Iraq.
  • In his defence, the general has made no secret of these plans, which he insists provide the only ‘checks and balances’ that will prevent corruption and misrule.
  • The regime finally collapsed after 25 years of misrule.
  • But secret video of Milosevic being marched in handcuffs, head bowed, to his solitary cell spoke more eloquently: he no longer has the power to instill fear and exert total control over the nation he misruled for more than a decade.
  • If the Conservative policy is to strengthen the Union it would seem the only way to go - they can hardly start saying that Labour misrule was a good thing and the Conservatives will do it more and better. One Large Donor Please.....
  • And Nigeria is, after all, a relatively young democracy, having shaken off decades of military misrule barely five years ago.
  • It is a new beginning, but few expect Africa to stride gracefully into the future if the people of Africa must carry the heavy baggage of decades of corruption, conflict and misrule along for the ride.
  • He made clear that the prince is the state's head, and that it ineluctably followed that the tyrant, or prince who misruled, must be killed so that the head is severed from the body.
  • Casey told reporters Tuesday that Mugabe's "misrule" has turned ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is clear that the referendum has damaged the credibility of a general who was widely welcomed in Pakistan when he took over in a coup in October 1999 after a decade of corruption and misrule.
  • Moreover the misrule and riot that they keep in those houses is very great, for very wantonly they sport and dally together.
  • Despite her enthusiasm "Lord of Misrule" failed to attract interest from a mainstream publisher.
  • They're a sad political legacy of decades of corruption and misrule.
  • His own greatest achievement was that he had saved the world from misrule under Korsibar; but no one would ever know that. KING OF DREAMS
  • Those two last lines illustrate so much of what has gone wrong with this Country over the last 12 years of Labour misrule; box-ticking rules and common sense has to take a back seat. The UK's box-ticking culture
  • The records of student revels at the Inn showed them electing a Prince of Misrule whose reign ended on February 2nd.
  • Liminal phases of rites of passage, carnivals, and fêtes are often pervaded by images of chaos and misrule.
  • The songs they sang were traditional and tied in with pre-Victorian mid-winter celebrations where the Lord of Misrule presided over jollities which were rather wild at heart.
  • Lord of Misrule," for example, has a full cloth cover and a stitched binding, which is practically unheard of these days.
  • Thus, Tibet has been completely misruled by the PRC for the last 50 years.
  • On another occasion, she publicly denounced the Chief Minister of another State for the latter's criminal misrule.
  • Lord of Misrule," by Gordon, is set at a down-and-out racetrack and concerns the troubled inhabitants of that world. PEN/Faulkner Foundation announces fiction award finalists
  • There's a strong thematic connection: Twelfth Night marked the end of the Christian festival, and exploited the mediaeval tradition of misrule.
  • But the world was to pay a price beyond imagining for the consolidation of bureaucratic misrule in the Soviet Union.

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