
How To Use Misrepresented In A Sentence

  • When the first mode is adopted, the person whose meaning is misrepresented, thinks that an opinion, not his own, has been calumniously attributed to him. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
  • Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at.
  • We do not accept that we have misrepresented their views. Times, Sunday Times
  • House of Representatives and pretty much misrepresented her and any resident of his district sociallly to the left of Savanarola while helping to perpetrate the now-classic Reaganite Republican big con of voting for tax cuts for the rich and policies that screwed over the working class residents of his district whose interests, he swore, he was protecting by selling them out. Random Thought Number One on The Hoosier Hypocrite
  • Will you state, again, that they misrepresented themselves to you when you first met them at the caravansarai in Sarida. Spirit Gate
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  • It has been misrepresented by those who claim to be its advocates; and it has been misperceived by those who claim to be its opponents.
  • The Lava revisionist group openly capitulated to the Marcos regime and misrepresented it as representative of the national bourgeoisie, as one interested in “noncapitalist development”and as one trying hard to free itself from a U.S. dictated policy of “neocolonial industrialization.” Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
  • Once again the high culture of the past is misrepresented through the distorting spectacles of the present. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keynes deliberately misrepresented the views of his opponents.
  • But we had a confrontation because Teri found out that I—I guess you would call it, misrepresented myself on my résumé. Younger
  • These photos are often sadly misrepresented which can lead to problems for the people pictured. The Sun
  • Think carefully about what you say: your views could be easily misrepresented by the press.
  • I understand that the doctor has made it clear that his views were misrepresented in the media.
  • He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.
  • He is the father of those antirationalist thinkers for whom the seamless whole of reality in its unanalyzable flow is misrepresented by the static, spatial metaphors of mathematics and the natural sciences. THE COUNTER-ENLIGHTENMENT
  • I don't, like anybody else, want to be trapped or be misrepresented intentionally by someone.
  • Filmmaker: Bing Hu www. Hard money rates in Florida financing for bad or good credit only equity counts, review a sample of account disclosure documents and notices required by the regulation to determine whether contents the brokers accurate and complete; and •review a sample of the institution's advertisements to (1) determine if the advertisements the brokers misleading, inaccurate, or misrepresented the deposit contract and (2) ensure that the advertisements included all required disclosures. - Articles related to Mortgage lending rises but housing market remains slow
  • Claiming to be misrepresented, Levi-Strauss responds vigorously to this charge in the postface to the volume, claiming that in his construction.
  • But this stringency, which is called positivism when the conditions of welfare are understood, becomes fanaticism when they are misrepresented. The Life of Reason
  • A spokeswoman for the charity said that headlines often misrepresented'extremely nuanced' study findings. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the article she was misrepresented as an uncaring mother.
  • If Vassiliev is right that Weinstein has misrepresented the documents, that could disqualify him for the archivist position.
  • The relationship between an MI6 officer and his or her agents is often misrepresented in the spy thriller genre. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Chambers, the counts, barons, knights, earls and marquises of this island are not only set apart, but are also misunderstood and misrepresented; they remain a shadowy bunch, unknown to the greater part of the population.
  • That, to me, shows the real guy who is often misrepresented. The Sun
  • David is on record as saying that his views were dramatically misrepresented by the movie.
  • It does stick out to me as I read it of course, particularly that not only did the word mean "a plan for armed aggression" to the German generals, it was a term misrepresented by the generals at the Nuremberg (witch) trial. FallNet - Hovis set-up in London's psoriasis
  • In this respect, he has been sadly misunderstood and his work misrepresented by his critics.
  • Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
  • These photos are often sadly misrepresented which can lead to problems for the people pictured. The Sun
  • The deputy chairman of the Conservative Party told BBC 2's Newsnight the claim had been "misrepresented". GET CAMERON!
  • In spite of my efforts to work harmoniously in the hospital, I am being seriously misrepresented and criticised in the record of that incident.
  • The newspaper misrepresented what the writer had said.
  • These photos are often sadly misrepresented which can lead to problems for the people pictured. The Sun
  • Early American motion pictures have frequently misrepresented virtually every aspect of authentic swordplay.
  • That, to me, shows the real guy who is often misrepresented. The Sun
  • The material presented in the class seriously misrepresented scientific data, had a significant political slant, and has now made its way across various The faculty requested the material be removed from the atoc server, as it was felt that by hosting the material this implied an endorsement by ATOC. Planet Gore
  • He felt as if all the years of hard work in London had come to nought, angry that I had somehow misrepresented my financial position and that I seemed bent on continuing to write even though it meant impecuniousness for us as a family. A better woman
  • This was said in such a pleasant manner I almost concluded the general had been misrepresented, but how changed his tone when he called his adjutant, who in an instant stood before him. A Woman's Life-Work — Labors and Experiences
  • Wrote “Now please explain how the title misrepresented what Rice said.” Think Progress » Rice Calls Brutal Oil-Rich Dictator a ‘Good Friend’
  • Even when asked directly, as they were by Carol Hong, employees misrepresented the costs, her lawsuit alleges.
  • At the conclusion of this hearing Ben Thomas was removed from Seal Team One and sent to the USS Constellation were he again misrepresented himself as a SEAL by wearing the SEAL Breast Heroes or Villains?
  • And the SEC says Dell consistently misrepresented how it has generated consistent growth numbers resulting in illusory stock values that made possible Michael Dell's astronomical stock option gains. Stark Lessons From The Dell Fraud Case
  • Clearly, there are facts in this tale that have been misrepresented or distorted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though, from my experience as a barrister, courtroom procedures are often misrepresented for dramatic effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the Newsnight report contained interviews with two contributors which were edited in a way which misrepresented their views. The Sun
  • I apologise for the way in which my position on decommissioning was misrepresented.
  • Get out and enjoy the artistic side of our often misrepresented university.
  • I have visited the sign in question, which yet swings exalted in the village of Langdirdum; and I am ready to depone upon the oath that what has been idly mistaken or misrepresented as being the fifth leg of the horse, is, in fact, the tail of that quadruped, and, considered with reference to the posture in which he is delineated, forms a circumstance introduced and managed with great and successful, though daring, art. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • I will say one thing in passing, however, by way of addressing several specific points (your use of the term "irenic", etc.): you frequently complain that I have either misrepresented what you have written or have drawn the wrong implications from it. Homunculus
  • We do not accept that we have misrepresented their views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, the local scene, which should be supported, gets trashed and misrepresented by bitter, brainless writers in this overgrown club flyer you call a paper.
  • The 'RINO arguments', as you put it is once again sorely misrepresented in you statement. Sound Politics: Statewide Bloodbath
  • Hannan complained the Mirror misrepresented his views, saying that his blog suggested that some of the "discreditable" attacks on President Obama were based on racism but it had not sought to justify those attacks. Press Gazette Latest News
  • What an irony that our supreme ironist has been so badly misunderstood and misrepresented. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
  • My comments about "historicist" arguments were in the context of responses on the forum on which I made them, and Don has misrepresented them as applicable generally. Mythicist Misunderstanding
  • The word is vodun in Creole French, the source of the word voodoo as it is misinterpreted and misrepresented in English and Western thought. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • My only comment is that my own home state, Virginia, is horribly misrepresented at fifteenth from the bottom of the barrel, New Jersey! IS your state Zombie-Safe? The results of the Keller Study « Third Point of Singularity
  • Jack, mate, I'm sorry I misrepresented your views on free education and feminism.
  • In the suit, Charming Shoppes says 10-year-old Crescendo has a "sordid history of greenmailing and corporate raiding," and it alleges the funds misrepresented their intentions. Boards Give Up Taming Act
  • Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
  • A Hindu is understandably irate when his religion is misrepresented and misinterpreted.
  • Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at.
  • In addition, the Newsnight report contained interviews with two contributors which were edited in a way which misrepresented their views. The Sun
  • The countryside, a place of healing where the two fugitive princes hide out, is grossly misrepresented by a butchered animal and a greenhouse full of dope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fast forward to present; current Presidential Admin misrepresented ok, ok, LIED about evidence and findings to cultivate American support for war. Think Progress » Fox News Pushing “Criminalization of Politics” Talking Point
  • The relationship between an MI6 officer and his or her agents is often misrepresented in the spy thriller genre. Times, Sunday Times
  • I apologize if I have misrepresented or misattributed anyone's remarks.
  • That means the Opposition Leader has deliberately misrepresented the situation in order to dramatise the situation for the sake of wedge politics.
  • My friend Mr. James Smith and my friend Mr. Reddie are both terribly misrepresented: they resent it by some insinuations in which it is not easy to detect whether I am a conscious smotherer of truth, or only muddle-headed and ignorant. A Budget of Paradoxes, Volume II (of II)
  • The minister was warned by fund manager Tim Bush, who sits on the urgent issues task force at the FRC, that the body has "misrepresented" the role of auditors in a recent submission to the Treasury select committee by saying auditors did not have any role to pay in ensuring financial stability. RBS director blames high bankers' bonuses on public disclosure
  • If the circumstances materially change, or if the undertakings have held back or misrepresented the truth, the decision may be revoked.
  • When misrepresented, phencyclidine is usually marketed as THC, mescaline, peyote, methamphetamine, and LSD.
  • Everyday food was being contaminated, adulterated, watered down or misrepresented. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once again the high culture of the past is misrepresented through the distorting spectacles of the present. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wouldn't put it quite like that, but it is overjoying -- in an environment where originalism is constantly, pervasively, deliberately and duplicitously misrepresented as "the theory of original intent" -- to see a journalist hitting the nail squarely on the head in a book aimed at the mass market. "Bill Rehnquist was concerned about efficiency. He didn't want to waste time. You could raise your hand, but it was not encouraged."
  • Hard money rates in Florida www. Hard money rates in Florida financing for bad or good credit only equity counts, review a sample of account disclosure documents and notices required by the regulation to determine whether contents the brokers accurate and complete; and •review a sample of the institution's advertisements to (1) determine if the advertisements the brokers misleading, inaccurate, or misrepresented the deposit contract and (2) ensure that the advertisements included all required disclosures. - Articles related to Mortgage lending rises but housing market remains slow
  • Think carefully about what you say: your views could be easily misrepresented by the press.
  • In addition, the Newsnight report contained interviews with two contributors which were edited in a way which misrepresented their views. The Sun
  • Positioned by her ‘critics’ as a sweet songstress of domesticity, she came down to later generations in increasingly misrepresented fashion.
  • The word is vodun in Creole French, the source of the word voodoo as it is misinterpreted and misrepresented in English and Western thought. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Quinoa, domesticated thousands of years ago on Bolivia's arid high mountain plains and now often misrepresented as a grain, is actually a chenopod, related to species like beets and spinach. NYT > Home Page
  • The culture that encourages chastity is seriously misrepresented in the mainstream media. ProWomanProLife » Now that’s romantic
  • The countryside, a place of healing where the two fugitive princes hide out, is grossly misrepresented by a butchered animal and a greenhouse full of dope. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not accept that we have misrepresented their views. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a Scribbler cannot be easy because he fancies I have too good an Opinion of my own Productions, let him write on and mortify; I owe him not the Charity to be out of temper myself merely to keep him quiet or give him Joy: Nor, in reality, can I see why any thing misrepresented, tho 'believ'd of me by Persons to whom I am unknown, ought to give me any more Concern than what may be thought of me in Lapland: 'Tis with those with whom I am to live only, where my Character can affect me; and I will venture to say, he must find out a new way of Writing that will make me pass my Time there less agreeably. An Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Cibber, Volume I
  • As for Ms. Browner's claim that no one was "misrepresented," Mr. Brett disputes that. Crude Politics
  • As a former (evidently short-lived) vegetarian, I find vegetarianism to be overhyped and often misrepresented.
  • Think carefully about what you say: your views could be easily misrepresented by the press.
  • As a military member I am EXTREMELY offended that Hillary continuously "misrepresented" the truth (a.k.a. LIED) about being under sniper fire in Bosnia. NY Times slams Clinton's 'negativity'
  • Though, from my experience as a barrister, courtroom procedures are often misrepresented for dramatic effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now please explain how the title misrepresented what Rice said. Think Progress » Rice Calls Brutal Oil-Rich Dictator a ‘Good Friend’
  • This course is precisely a repetition of the policy of those who minified the real danger and misrepresented the grave facts to the Court of France, at a time when an honest, truthful representation might have averted the most terrible revolution in the annals of civilization. The Arena Volume 4, No. 23, October, 1891
  • A spokeswoman for the charity said that headlines often misrepresented'extremely nuanced' study findings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people are going apoplectic over it, and a few are even accusing Pope Benedict XVI of "stoking homophobia" ( "homophobe" is apparently 2008's "Infantile, Brain-Dead Insult of the Year"), so two things are immediately evident: the Pope said something that must be read, and that whatever he said is being misunderstood or misrepresented. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • My conclusions have lately been much misrepresented.
  • The relationship between an MI6 officer and his or her agents is often misrepresented in the spy thriller genre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The insurer has the right to repudiate a claim not only when the insured has misrepresented material information but also if he failed to disclose such information.
  • This colloquy is critical to the government's legislative history argument, and it's entirely manufactured and misrepresented to the court as having occurred live on the Senate floor before a crucial vote," Remes said. Manufacturing Legislative History
  • Though, from my experience as a barrister, courtroom procedures are often misrepresented for dramatic effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, there are facts in this tale that have been misrepresented or distorted. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman for the charity said that headlines often misrepresented'extremely nuanced' study findings. Times, Sunday Times
  • That, to me, shows the real guy who is often misrepresented. The Sun
  • But this stringency, which is called positivism when the conditions of welfare are understood, becomes fanaticism when they are misrepresented. The Life of Reason

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