How To Use Misrepresent In A Sentence
Hamlet as a play is similarly preoccupied by slander, misrepresentation and selves fabricated from the nothings of rhetorical tropes.
They have been questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation.
Times, Sunday Times
The city now seeks to amend the claim to plead fraudulent misrepresentation and deceit and to seek punitive damages.
During the neverending arguments about women priests even the women concerned were mostly scrupulous about not using the ‘pagan’ term priestess, extraordinary misrepresentations of Jesus' followers were cited as ‘proof’ that women were not meant to be members of the clergy.
The Templar Revelation
Mr Buthelezi on Wednesday criticised the media in general for what he termed their blatant misrepresentation of the IFP position at multiparty talks.
ANC Daily News Briefing

The figures were greatly inflated, allowing welfare-bashing cronies to misuse the numbers and misrepresent welfare recipients.
These involve both factual distortions and misrepresentations of the Geneva Convention on POWs.
I think there's a compelling case to be made that, by and large, an appropriator from a dominant culture carrying out such an act is likely to be doing so for negative motives and to negative results, that historically such cross-cultural sacrilege is motivated by misrepresentation and discrimination and aimed towards furthering misrepresentation and discrimination.
Archive 2006-09-01
When the first mode is adopted, the person whose meaning is misrepresented, thinks that an opinion, not his own, has been calumniously attributed to him.
The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 1
As with misrepresentation, certain bars operate to prevent rescission.
All quotes, except those cited by link, consist entirely of hearsay, malefactions, and poorly-conjured misrepresentations.
This is an unfortunate misrepresentation of my remarks, and misleads readers about the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
He writes, "This is a city that fabricates, forgets, and forges its past-in both senses of 'forge'-through misrepresentation and politically motivated fictions".
In several decisions the English courts have found the wording of such clauses was not effective in excluding liability for a pre-contractual misrepresentation.
Looking back at Labour health policy now, I have to ask myself how so many of us were unable to see through the mists of what Leys and Player call the "misrepresentation, obfuscation, and deception" perpetrated by Blair, Brown, and a host of health ministers all too willing to genuflect to the market zeitgeist.
The Plot Against the NHS by Colin Leys and Stewart Player – review
Let me start out by saying that the author of that article was my aunt, and I don't believe she would ever intentionally misrepresent me.
Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at.
This statement misrepresents my intentions
Compared with the former, it extended the outer scope of "Misrepresentation" but such provisions as value date of lawsuit prescription, disclosure date of misrepresentation still await amendments.
We do not accept that we have misrepresented their views.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, an apparently valid consent may be vitiated if it is obtained by fraud, which includes cases where a professional deliberately withholds information in bad faith, or by misrepresenting the nature of the proposed care.
David, I hope I didn't misrepresent your point of view, and I certainly didn't mean to offend you!
The Bible makes it clear that the devil and his forces are the masters of misrepresentation.
Pictographs should be used carefully because the graphs may, either accidentally or deliberately, misrepresent the data.
And if they would misrepresent even this most basic, elementary issue, why should I trust them on other, more important things?
A contract obtained by fraudulent misrepresentation is voidable, not void, even in equity.
House of Representatives and pretty much misrepresented her and any resident of his district sociallly to the left of Savanarola while helping to perpetrate the now-classic Reaganite Republican big con of voting for tax cuts for the rich and policies that screwed over the working class residents of his district whose interests, he swore, he was protecting by selling them out.
Random Thought Number One on The Hoosier Hypocrite
It completely misrepresents any interpetation of the bible other than the biblist idolotry of the modern evangelical christianist junta.
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In his closing submissions, Mr. Marler quite properly abandoned reliance on certain pleaded misrepresentations by Hillis considering the equivocal nature of the evidence.
Cutting a path through the thickets of misrepresentation, misunderstanding and lunatic theorising that have grown up around the symbol of the Grail is no easy task.
The MP laughed off the remarks as media misrepresentation.
It is this type of willful misrepresentation, lying and scaremongering by even the official antivax brigade which I find so appalling. slippinaway
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
In truth few have worshipped at that altar and gone forth into chosen ways unmindful of her history, unimbued with her love, or untrained in stating facts — those readily correlated by one and all — such as it has been the effort here to record, some possibly through filial affection a little tinted but in the main void of any intent at exaggeration or misrepresentation.
The University of Virginia
The back and forth barbing ended in tears after Matt informed Bruno that the Austrian Minister to Great Britain had called for a boycott of his new movie, Bruno, do to its misrepresentation of the Austrian people.
“Bruno” Poster
Anesthesiologists should not permit the misrepresentation of non physician personnel as resident physicians or practicing physicians.
Will you state, again, that they misrepresented themselves to you when you first met them at the caravansarai in Sarida.
Spirit Gate
It has been misrepresented by those who claim to be its advocates; and it has been misperceived by those who claim to be its opponents.
The documentary was a misrepresentation of the truth and bore little resemblance to actual events.
The Lava revisionist group openly capitulated to the Marcos regime and misrepresented it as representative of the national bourgeoisie, as one interested in “noncapitalist development”and as one trying hard to free itself from a U.S. dictated policy of “neocolonial industrialization.”
Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
Three men have been arrested and questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation.
Times, Sunday Times
My sense of humor about this stuff is more or less shot through by five days in which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart.
"I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids."
Once again the high culture of the past is misrepresented through the distorting spectacles of the present.
Times, Sunday Times
In many cases consent was obtained by Government officials through fraud, coercion or misrepresentation, tactics which annulled the validity of such consent.
Keynes deliberately misrepresented the views of his opponents.
This will offer some examples of the kinds of changes and edits that I consider to be legitimate but which do "misrepresent," in the narrowest sense, the original conversation.
Archive 2006-10-01
But we had a confrontation because Teri found out that I—I guess you would call it, misrepresented myself on my résumé.
These photos are often sadly misrepresented which can lead to problems for the people pictured.
The Sun
Think carefully about what you say: your views could be easily misrepresented by the press.
Potentially, you could even make knowing misrepresentations in your form.
He begins by explaining the typical communis opinio, making a minor faux-pas by misrepresenting Etruscan f as a labiodental rather than a bilabial fricative.
Some observations concerning Woodard's The Ancient Languages of Europe
I understand that the doctor has made it clear that his views were misrepresented in the media.
The second misrepresentation runs thus: -- 'The developments of electricity and the formation of stars and suns, luminous and nonluminous, moons and planets, with their rings, &c., is deduced, very much according to the nebular theory of Laplace, from the principle propounded above.'
International Miscellany of Literature, Art and Science, Vol. 1, No. 3, Oct. 1, 1850
He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.
There is considerable dissatisfaction among lesbians and gays at their lack of representation, or misrepresentation, on television.
I find it somewhat aggravating that your constant complaints that I am battering straw men doesn't stop you from simply ascribing a political moderateness that I have neither shown nor hold; your sensitivity to misrepresentation evidently does not run in more than one direction.
It countermands any specious defences of appropriation when applied to marginal culture that pivot on the double standard, allowing us to point to the precise effects of misrepresentation and discrimination that are resultant from the appropriation, and allows us to challenge the appropriation on a level of legtimacy that is not hamstrung by an implicit privileging.
More on Cultural Appropriation
The ability to post effectively on the Internet can be a very good thing, creating the ability to misrepresentations quickly.
Woodson is best known today as the father of African American history; many online accounts of his life misrepresent him as the youngest child of former slaves, effacing that he had any younger siblings, including Bessie Woodson Yancey.
But a second problem is that such views misrepresent the biblical idea of election in a number of important ways.
He counterclaimed for damages for misrepresentation and breach of contract of employment.
We cannot afford misrepresentation of the facts, jingoism and warmongering in the media.
The certificate would also list all of the information necessary to prevent misrepresentation of the media used to create a work.
Second, he grossly misrepresents the views of the American people, blaming them for an increasingly unpopular policy pursued by the US ruling elite.
McCain and the press were out-and-out misrepresenting what was said, as they are on the "redistributive" quote, and the public needs to understand when that happens.
Election Central Morning Roundup
This is where the equality argument is faulty, or rather misrepresenting reality.
He is the father of those antirationalist thinkers for whom the seamless whole of reality in its unanalyzable flow is misrepresented by the static, spatial metaphors of mathematics and the natural sciences.
Was this audacious accounting, or the kind of thing that at first glance seems like clear misrepresentation?
I don't, like anybody else, want to be trapped or be misrepresented intentionally by someone.
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Claiming to be misrepresented, Levi-Strauss responds vigorously to this charge in the postface to the volume, claiming that in his construction.
For neither in this chapter nor anywhere in Christ's teaching is there one word against what we call forethought, and they who would find in the words of Jesus any encouragement to thriftlessness are but misrepresenting Him and deceiving themselves.
The Teaching of Jesus
A misrepresentation or misdescription could result in the landlord being unable to enforce the terms of the agreement.
Those who object to it argue that it misrepresents half the human race and reinforces male bias and social dominance.
A group of five banks remain in the multibank lawsuit against MBIA, including Bank of America Corp., which is separately being sued by MBIA for misrepresenting the mortgages backing the loans the bond insurer guaranteed.
MBIA and Morgan Stanley Settle Bond Fight
One criticism of this is that it does not explain how the act of will itself occurs, and suggests an infinite causal regress; another is that it misrepresents and exaggerates our awareness of the movements involved in our behaviour.
Brutal, avaricious, worldly, ugly, fierce -- I think you'd agree, wouldn't you, that by using these adjectives I'm not misrepresenting him?
But this stringency, which is called positivism when the conditions of welfare are understood, becomes fanaticism when they are misrepresented.
The Life of Reason
It is a huge misrepresentation to relabel contraceptive use as “birth control” with the intention of including abortions.
It’s The Economy!
When it surfaced three days later, a Mississippi jury tried to do its part by burying his story under a tissue of lies and misrepresentations.
A spokeswoman for the charity said that headlines often misrepresented'extremely nuanced' study findings.
Times, Sunday Times
But there are other lies of a more serious character and of more dangerous import -- all such as misrepresent Germany's attitude and defame
New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?
The statement charges the administration with manipulating and misrepresenting science for political gains.
In the article she was misrepresented as an uncaring mother.
If Vassiliev is right that Weinstein has misrepresented the documents, that could disqualify him for the archivist position.
As for the ongoing exaggeration and misrepresentation of Reagan's role, after his first term bellicosity, he did agree to arms control agreements with Gorbachev.
Was Gorbachev the Most Influential Man of the Second Half of the 20th Century?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
But this form of argumentation is hardly new for Carter, who seems to enjoy misrepresenting the beliefs, motives, and actions of "conservative" Christians.
It's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.
The relationship between an MI6 officer and his or her agents is often misrepresented in the spy thriller genre.
Times, Sunday Times
In the latter case learners often prefer to speak in L1 or say nothing at all rather than risk misrepresenting themselves and this often perplexes teachers.
R is for Reticence « An A-Z of ELT
If someone wants to cheat on their spouse, that's their business, but cheating on your constituents is another matter, and misrepresenting yourself is just that, to say nothing of the alleged misappropriation of state funds.
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For Chambers, the counts, barons, knights, earls and marquises of this island are not only set apart, but are also misunderstood and misrepresented; they remain a shadowy bunch, unknown to the greater part of the population.
That, to me, shows the real guy who is often misrepresented.
The Sun
In your desire to blacken the reputation of Indonesia, you have resorted to the dissemination of falsehoods, misrepresentations and innuendos without any factual basis.
David is on record as saying that his views were dramatically misrepresented by the movie.
This insurance shall be voidable if there has been misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of any material fact.
Misrepresentation is falsehood or omission of facts in relation to an investment.
It does stick out to me as I read it of course, particularly that not only did the word mean "a plan for armed aggression" to the German generals, it was a term misrepresented by the generals at the Nuremberg (witch) trial.
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In this respect, he has been sadly misunderstood and his work misrepresented by his critics.
Your gripe was that you did not get what you bargained for and expected because of this misrepresentation.
Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
These photos are often sadly misrepresented which can lead to problems for the people pictured.
The Sun
Lies and misrepresentations on the federa gas tax, which is entirely controlled by the oil industry in terms of collection and payment to the feds.
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I suspect that self-identification will play the largest role in making the distinction, but we must also be vigilant for those who might maliciously misrepresent their politics in order to stay in one country or the other.
The documentary was a misrepresentation of the truth and bore little resemblance to actual events.
The deputy chairman of the Conservative Party told BBC 2's Newsnight the claim had been "misrepresented".
In spite of my efforts to work harmoniously in the hospital, I am being seriously misrepresented and criticised in the record of that incident.
The newspaper misrepresented what the writer had said.
It used to be translated as “vanity of vanities,” a beautifully resonant phrase, but one that misrepresents somewhat the Hebrew word hebel, which does not mean “vanity” in our sense, but rather anything fleeting and insubstantial, hence also, sometimes, ungraspable.
In the Valley of the Shadow
Bias by misrepresentation is used to create friction within opponents of "the Party" by exaggerating or misreporting the words of Tories so as to bring discord and dispute where there is "harmony".
BBC bias analysed
These photos are often sadly misrepresented which can lead to problems for the people pictured.
The Sun
His Protrepticus is a copious source of information about the Greek mysteries, though his wish to represent them as a perversion of Scriptural teachings must have led to misrepresentation.
Early American motion pictures have frequently misrepresented virtually every aspect of authentic swordplay.
Mr Evans, you frequently misrepresent PMQs as some kind of joust, but as the PM has all the advantage and the usual purpose of oppostion leaders is to position themselves for the evening news, I feel you often give a poor analysis.
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
That, to me, shows the real guy who is often misrepresented.
The Sun
Through advertising and promotional campaigns, the ambushing company tries to confuse consumers and to misrepresent the official sponsorship of the event.
Society suffers from dangerous sects and cults, militia movements, media control, and misrepresentations of psychiatric treatment and mental disorders.
May I, in the name of and for the sake of Empire solidarity and unity, which I assure you in all earnestness is as dear to me as I know it is to you, pray to you to try to see through the maze of misrepresentation, misunderstanding and misconception, often deliberately built around India, and to refrain from saying or doing that which may at this crucial moment of our history, when the fate of India hangs in the balance, harm the very interest so dear to our hearts.
New India
Mr Callely, who was banned from the Seanad for 20 days without pay for deliberately misrepresenting his normal place of residence to claim travel expenses, claimed he had been painted as a "chancer" and "a rogue" and "thoroughly despicable". - Frontpage RSS Feed
The Bible makes it clear that the devil and his forces are the masters of misrepresentation.
The lesson is dishonest in that it masquerades as science while including misrepresentations and factual errors.
The material presented in the class seriously misrepresented scientific data, had a significant political slant, and has now made its way across various The faculty requested the material be removed from the atoc server, as it was felt that by hosting the material this implied an endorsement by ATOC.
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The only problem with this report is that it contains flat out misrepresentations, gross exaggerations, flying leaps of logic and claims that cannot stand up to rigorous scrutiny.
How, Lind asks rhetorically, can George Will and I misunderstand or misrepresent such straightforward terms as "reaffirm," "restore," and "preserve"?
Articles on National Review Online
He felt as if all the years of hard work in London had come to nought, angry that I had somehow misrepresented my financial position and that I seemed bent on continuing to write even though it meant impecuniousness for us as a family.
A better woman
What their Honours did was to construe the facts to see in the facts a misrepresentation - not a misleading statement, a misrepresentation.
But he didn't misstate anything or misrepresent himself at all.
Such myths and misrepresentations explain, justify and resolve insupportable contradictions and problems in society.
Lest I misrepresent my own position, let me also clarify that credobaptism is not a new thing; it is found all over Scripture, and the first historical reference to paedobaptism was not until 206 A.D. (mentioned by Tertullian).
The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
This case was not lengthened or complicated by the allegations of fraudulent misrepresentation.
This was said in such a pleasant manner I almost concluded the general had been misrepresented, but how changed his tone when he called his adjutant, who in an instant stood before him.
A Woman's Life-Work — Labors and Experiences
Contracts, then, entered into because of accidental mistake which was induced by the fraud or misrepresentation of the other party, will be rescindable at the option of the party deceived.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Both men were questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation, police said.
Times, Sunday Times
Wrote “Now please explain how the title misrepresented what Rice said.”
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In many cases consent was obtained by Government officials through fraud, coercion or misrepresentation, tactics which annulled the validity of such consent.
Even when asked directly, as they were by Carol Hong, employees misrepresented the costs, her lawsuit alleges.
Both men were questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation, police said.
Times, Sunday Times
At the conclusion of this hearing Ben Thomas was removed from Seal Team One and sent to the USS Constellation were he again misrepresented himself as a SEAL by wearing the SEAL Breast
Heroes or Villains?
The Final Frontier is hereby found guilty of misrepresentation.
The court should guard against misrepresentation being used as an improper means of reopening a compromise agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
The court should guard against misrepresentation being used as an improper means of reopening a compromise agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
A group of investors sued Matrixx for a "material" misrepresentation and omission under federal securities law because the company did not publicly report that medical researchers in the early 2000s had traced Zicam to the loss of smell, known as anosmia, and that related lawsuits against the company had been filed.
Court sides with investors on disclosing drug reactions
And the SEC says Dell consistently misrepresented how it has generated consistent growth numbers resulting in illusory stock values that made possible Michael Dell's astronomical stock option gains.
Stark Lessons From The Dell Fraud Case
Many other instances of alleged inaccuracy, distortion and misrepresentation have remained on file and I may well have ignored them but for the sudden eruption of complaints in recent months.
This accounts for the curious recursion and exponentialism in their arguments - each stupid, petty point leads to a hundred other miniscule sulks, misrepresentations and so on.
Three men have been arrested and questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation.
Times, Sunday Times
Clearly, there are facts in this tale that have been misrepresented or distorted.
Times, Sunday Times
Though, from my experience as a barrister, courtroom procedures are often misrepresented for dramatic effect.
Times, Sunday Times
This insurance shall be voidable if there has been misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of any material fact.
It misrepresents the nature of the choices ahead for the Australian labour movement.
This decision grossly misrepresents the nature of such practices and will only serve to distort public understanding of religious devotion.
This misrepresents a crucial historical point.
In addition, the Newsnight report contained interviews with two contributors which were edited in a way which misrepresented their views.
The Sun
These policies are then justified by unprecedented distortions and misrepresentations.
The rhetoric of fear and misrepresentation is powerful, but I do not believe it will defeat the strongest call for healthcare reform by the American people this country has ever seen.
Cornyn touts GOP health plans
Avoidance for innocent misrepresentation or nondisclosure is not permitted, unless the law prohibits such an exclusion.
I apologise for the way in which my position on decommissioning was misrepresented.
Compared with the former, it extended the outer scope of "Misrepresentation" but such provisions as value date of lawsuit prescription, disclosure date of misrepresentation still await amendments.
Get out and enjoy the artistic side of our often misrepresented university.
I have visited the sign in question, which yet swings exalted in the village of Langdirdum; and I am ready to depone upon the oath that what has been idly mistaken or misrepresented as being the fifth leg of the horse, is, in fact, the tail of that quadruped, and, considered with reference to the posture in which he is delineated, forms a circumstance introduced and managed with great and successful, though daring, art.
The Bride of Lammermoor
I will say one thing in passing, however, by way of addressing several specific points (your use of the term "irenic", etc.): you frequently complain that I have either misrepresented what you have written or have drawn the wrong implications from it.
He misrepresents the financial stability of the current programme to convince the public that it needs to be ‘reformed’.
Were some parts of it omitted, and false statements rectified, it might not do any harm; and perhaps it might be found advisable to adopt some plan of that kind, making a careful _record of the omissions_ to insert any future _misrepresentations_, and a like record of such _additions_ or _alterations_.
Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Complete
She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist.
Keene was at no loss to recall inoffensive phrases; in another long speech, full of cajolery sufficiently artful for the occasion, he represented himself as having merely protested against misrepresentations obviously sharpened by malice.
Excellent by Michael Collins on Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 11: 02: 44 PM how did Obama "misrepresent" his position? by Cindy Sheehan on Monday, May 18, 2009 at 11: 35: 52 AM
Obama's Hardest Thing
I understand that any misrepresentation may be cause for denial or cancellation of admission or enrollment.
The court should guard against misrepresentation being used as an improper means of reopening a compromise agreement.
Times, Sunday Times
The misrepresentation in the national media on this story has been interesting, too.
We do not accept that we have misrepresented their views.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, the local scene, which should be supported, gets trashed and misrepresented by bitter, brainless writers in this overgrown club flyer you call a paper.
Compared with the former, it extended the outer scope of "Misrepresentation" but such provisions as value date of lawsuit prescription, disclosure date of misrepresentation still await amendments.
So it is perhaps not surprising that 18 months after I got them to strongly and publicly endorse Obama's cap-and-trade plan, they have launched a series of attacks on it -- attacks based on misrepresentation and misanalysis.
Joseph Romm: Memo to Media: Don't be Suckered by Bad Analyses from the Breakthrough Institute
Twenty-two years later, Bork is remembered more as a verb -- to "bork" -- which conservative columnist William Safire defined as to engage in a vicious attack on "a candidate or appointee, especially by misrepresentation in the media.
Karl Frisch: Forget Being "Borked," She's Been "Sotomayored"
The 'RINO arguments', as you put it is once again sorely misrepresented in you statement.
Sound Politics: Statewide Bloodbath
Three men have been arrested and questioned on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud, money laundering and fraud by misrepresentation.
Times, Sunday Times
If you take the first fumbling attempt at clarity, and miss out the qualifications and the additions, misrepresenting someone is easy.
Hannan complained the Mirror misrepresented his views, saying that his blog suggested that some of the "discreditable" attacks on President Obama were based on racism but it had not sought to justify those attacks.
Press Gazette Latest News
MikeGene: Yet not all misrepresentation is overstatement.
Advocacy in Science: a Parasitic Practice
What an irony that our supreme ironist has been so badly misunderstood and misrepresented.
Times, Sunday Times
A couple of months ago when Deborah Howell was "deluged" with "uncivilized" comments about her failure to correct a blatant misrepresentation, the Washington Post ombudsman and others had a shrieking fit of the vapors and spent days on the fainting couch mumbling incoherently about the rude insults they had to endure.
Sorry, but you are misrepresenting it as a dichotomy; moreover, the dichotomy is a false one.
Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
Every scholar and teacher has a list of infelicitous translations which misrepresent or distort the meaning intended by biblical authors.
And a lie from the White House - or a fib or a misrepresentation or a fudged number - can go a long way toward distorting the national discussion.
My comments about "historicist" arguments were in the context of responses on the forum on which I made them, and Don has misrepresented them as applicable generally.
Mythicist Misunderstanding
It's a shame the way that the media can twist your words and misrepresent you.
They misrepresent the number of properties they offer, underquote rent and generally engage in deceptive business practices.
The word is vodun in Creole French, the source of the word voodoo as it is misinterpreted and misrepresented in English and Western thought.
God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
But on Saturday, Bezwoda said his "spontaneous admission of misrepresentation regarding the method of this study" dealt with the use of a drug called CAF as opposed to one called CN V "in respect of 54 patients.
ANC Daily News Briefing
My only comment is that my own home state, Virginia, is horribly misrepresented at fifteenth from the bottom of the barrel, New Jersey!
IS your state Zombie-Safe? The results of the Keller Study « Third Point of Singularity
KG: When they said in their press release that Medium couldbe a nice offspring of Ghost Whisperer, I thought thatwas disingenuous and misrepresentative certainly, in the least.
Buzzine » ‘Hank’ Interviews
Jack, mate, I'm sorry I misrepresented your views on free education and feminism.
- which the media has done everything possible - from deliberate overcredulity to misrepresentation to outright fabrication - to rip this woman apart.
"I'm the freaking Governor of Alaska. I didn't get there by just eating mooseburgers and popping out kids."
Therefore, I conclude that the Warsaw Convention applies to this case and that the plaintiff's claim based on misrepresentation is ill-founded, both in fact and in law.
The idea that if one gives up a customary religious practice such as purdah, that one is ceasing to be a Muslim altogether is an egregious misrepresentation of what it takes to be a Muslim.
CNN: Obama warns anyone who would 'misrepresent' plan
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: September 10, 2009
Maybe he shoud heed is own advice – stop misrepresenting the facts and top the personal attacks on scientist who disagree with that climate scientist, Al Gore.
Think Progress » Attacking Global Warming Science: Where There’s George Will, There’s a Way
In the suit, Charming Shoppes says 10-year-old Crescendo has a "sordid history of greenmailing and corporate raiding," and it alleges the funds misrepresented their intentions.
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And a lie from the White House - or a fib or a misrepresentation or a fudged number - can go a long way toward distorting the national discussion.
Misrepresentation on the one side, mishandling of past mistakes on the other.
Times, Sunday Times