
How To Use Misread In A Sentence

  • I wasn't jangly or nervy, hit a good putt, just a misread. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently, one anxious publisher phoned on behalf of a distinguished philosopher who'd misread the invitation letter and thought he was required to pay to take part.
  • When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.
  • Murti is a misreading for apurti or discontentedness. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • She might misread the signals and worry you don't really care. The Sun
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  • Obama: ... we didn't "misread" the economy, we just had "incomplete information ... Iowa GOP to Palin: Come to Des Moines
  • If you think she has not, you are misreading the signs and there is something wrong with your marriage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the stories last week, suggesting that the Kirk had better get its act together quick or it'll be deid within 50 years, it would appear she may have misread the pulse of those in the pews.
  • Technicians misread critical monitors, and the core of the plant begins to tremble and quake.
  • However, they misread the temper of the dales, for a dalesman will fight fiercely for his freedom. The Crystal Gryphon
  • However, at least in the short term, Sharon had badly misread the situation.
  • Thus, she seizes on your email, "misreads" it and is saved a rejection. Exclusivity Sux
  • He said that he had misread signals given off by the young man. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think maybe you misread my original post.
  • Johnson's study continues the important scholarly work of correcting this misreading.
  • Have you been misreading the signs all along or unwittingly offended her in some way that meant you didn't make the cut? Times, Sunday Times
  • With all due respect, I think he was misreading my essay.
  • We have cited this possibility many times, and many mailers have misread our claim.
  • I think he misreads the intent of the anti-World Trade Organization demonstrators in Seattle and the anti-International Monetary Fund / World Bank demonstrators in Washington.
  • Given that the label 'nontrinitarian' is the result of a misreading of Clausewitz, in a sense it is devoid of proper analytical meaning. Chicago Boyz
  • I regret the fact I appear to have misread my own notes.
  • 'misreads' on the belt, so they felt the number of readers on the belt system could be reduced. The Cranky Flier
  • And so I found myself very annoyed, in a teacherly sort of way, that the issue of race, and the journey through a rapidly changing, fraught landscape should not be read for what it was, but should be misread as a failure to imaginatively foresee the ideology of the twenty-first century. On Barack Obama, Part 1 « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In a poem about humility, she writes, with her usual reserved mildness - misread, at times, as detachment and depersonalization - that she would rather think of humility than anything else.
  • She had misread a date in the Tour Book.
  • That would be to misread the seriousness of the situation.
  • Another big problem with using insider data on specific companies is that executives sometimes misread company prospects.
  • Running aground occurs when the navigator misreads the chart, the skipper tries to cut a corner on a harbor entrance, there is silting moving of soft sand and mud at a harbor mouth, or the tide table is misinterpreted. Sailing Fundamentals
  • They misunderstand the cultures and desires of the indigenous peoples and misread the political realities facing western governments and financial vested interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • If this is what is causing official reluctance, then the Government has misread the mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, since financial markets, while volatile, have been largely on an upswing since August, he added that "there's a risk that Washington misreads improvement in the stock market and bond market as an opportunity to continue fighting along polarized lines, when it's really not. Investors' Dread-Letter Day: 11/23
  • In his case, though, his misreading of the situation was on display to millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had completely misread the situation, but I couldn't blame him and I didn't set him straight.
  • They misread the situation and found themselves, along with others who did so, excommunicated by the rest of the world.
  • But this label prejudices the case in favor of Aquinas's perspective: it assumes that Marston has been seduced by an Islamic misreading of Aristotle, and it closes off the possibility that Augustine and Aristotle might have more in common than is typically allowed. Divine Illumination
  • So hopes of a quick snap-back to status quo ante at the end of hostilities quite misread the situation.
  • The government largely misread the mood of the electorate.
  • However, being sort of oblivious to everything less masculine than fantasy football and gatling guns, I misread the second sentence to mean that she was talking about “this curse of ours” being something like being a vampire. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Becca’s Review Forum
  • In the case of schizophrenics, delusions can arise through misinterpreting other people's actions, misreading other people's minds.
  • I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist misread my prescription.
  • It says there are a significant number of cases involving people misreading instructions, and accidents involving children overdosing on prescription drugs.
  • Milton misreads Shakespeare, Blake misreads Milton, etc. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • At the Hayward's Heath accident in 1973 the driver misread the signals and drove his loopline train on to the main line and it was struck from behind by an express.
  • A lot of marks are lost because people misread the questions.
  • Page 297 alone manages to refer to Alonso in The Tempest as "Alphonso," describe him as duke of Naples, rather than its king, invent for Gonzalo a nonexistent comparison of the courtiers 'garments seemingly new-dyed by salt water to "players' costumes, "and misread Prospero's account of the witch Sycorax (predictably yet another caricature of Queen Elizabeth) arriving on the island" with child "as meaning she already had a small Caliban trotting by her side. The One and Only
  • At best, modern atheism can be misread back into classical antiquity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The driver misread an important signal.
  • You have, I fear, willfully misread my article.
  • That might explain why both men find themselves so often misreading the sentiments of the folks back home.
  • He's outside the gents hair salon that I always misread as saloon.
  • The sternness is a definite act and I don’t think I did misread him. Losing Faith
  • I think some people are guilty of misreading our logo, mistaking newspaper for newsletter.
  • So football, once again, managed to misread the whole situation. The Sun
  • Owing to a misreading of the signature, it was thought to be by the aforementioned bibulous Frans van Mieris the Elder, and was not correctly identified until 1866.
  • That fat man was probably sitting in his office, spinning in his chair with his hands clasped together in his lap and a huge grin on his face as he imagined me going out there and forgetting the notes or misreading the words.
  • Mr. Biden has admitted that the administration "misread" the economy. Obama Can't Be Trusted With Numbers
  • Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five. The House of Mirth
  • Log in to Reply oops I was still half-asleep and misread Moe's post bk Democrats contemplating just passing the Senate HCR bill? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • If you misread any signal you'd just walk away. The Sun
  • Just what I need – increased regulation, higher deficits (and they were plenty high already), a complete misreading of how to deal with Afghanistan (more troops – like the British and Russian campaigns there never happened), and the sclerotic hands of government unions to suck the remaining vitality from the system. Matthew Yglesias » Zero
  • How did it happen that the press not only misread the mood of the electorate but got on the wrong side of it?
  • That missing ‘l’ made me misread the y-axis label as something related to atheism. And swagger.
  • Also, a lot of people misread Diane as a weak character; she's not.
  • Subsequently described as 'on-off' diplomacy, Obama's hesitancy to provide a stern response resulted in a misreading of intentions from the opposing sides in Honduras, but it became clear that Obama had little appetite to become heavily engaged in a potentially long-running dispute. Daniel Wagner: Obama's Unfinished Business
  • We have tried before to send a group of our own people when we thought perhaps we had misread the prophecy, but they never returned.
  • His letter is a collection of false assertions, distortions, innuendos, contradictions, and misreadings.
  • Suggesting otherwise -- that the tradition supports only one of these reactions -- misreads the tradition and makes it small. Brad Hirschfield: Is It Really Jewish To Celebrate Osama Bin Laden's Death?
  • They said they weren't willing to take any chances their behaviors would be misread - either by the women or by others passing the office.
  • In what he apparently takes to be a telling criticism of Bloom's practice as a critic, Benjamin Balint remarks that "We might say that Harold Bloom is the Rashi of misreadings, a kind of contemporary sage who, due perhaps to the excesses of reading itself, himself misreads — sometimes forcefully, sometimes weakly. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • Part of the perplexity arises from a sudden onrush of doubt: did we misread the earlier texts, overlook the clues that would explain this surprising volte-face?
  • And anybody who sort of thinks that this is sending a message of seeking to cow anyone is really misreading it.
  • The series has regularly been described as "fluctuating", a gross misreading of the evidence. The Ashes 2010-11: Barmy Army in raptures while Australia mourns
  • Misread radiographs and pathology specimens, laboratory errors, and mistakes made in administering radiation therapy also threaten the safety of patients.
  • In his case, though, his misreading of the situation was on display to millions. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the defeat at Brandywine turned into a case of miswritten and misread news — a media non-event whose meaning was determined by the process of its transmission, like the blogging about the convertible dome and the filtering of crime reports in Newark's police headquarters. The Library in the New Age
  • I misread the piece to mean that both liberals and conservatives favored embryo research.
  • He's A) misunderstood what "hypothesize" means, B) took my usage of "blasphemous" out of context and C) misread "Massimo Pallottino hypothesized in 1979 that Tarχies refers to Tages ..." to mean that I somehow credit Pallottino "for the origins of the legend of Tages". How debate is done in the hive
  • He says that the anxiety of influence comes out of a complex misreading of earlier writers; a creative interpretation that he calls ‘poetic misprision.’
  • Had he misread the signs? The Sun
  • With reading they may be hesitant and often misread words and with writing they may have erratic spelling and tendency to reverse letters.
  • I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist misread my prescription.
  • The Ohio Republican told reporters that Vice President Joe Biden's weekend comments that the administration had "misread" the extent of the economic crisis were "the greatest fabrication I've seen since I've been in Congress. Dems push back hard on GOP stimulus attacks
  • She might misread the signals and worry you don't really care. The Sun
  • They are also in the grip of leftist ideologies which consistently lead them to misread the world and its dangers, and to make stupid decisions.
  • To do that is to misread the mood of the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many press accounts have misread this book as an indictment of incentive zoning or as a polemic against privatization.
  • CHETRY: So he said -- he used the term "misread" twice. CNN Transcript Jul 6, 2009
  • She had misread a date in the Tour Book.
  • This seemed to misread the public mood by a mile. Times, Sunday Times
  • But thanks for the willful misreading of my intent (without asking for clarification), for accusing me of nativism, and of assuming that I use the category “real Americans” in the “No True Scotsman” vein.dicentra(Quote) The Volokh Conspiracy » Paul Hollander on the Fall of Communism
  • It is possible to suspect that at some stage a copyist or editor misread ‘ease’ as ‘cure’ (easy to do, in fact, in Coleridge's hand).
  • Perhaps of even more concern, these stereotypes may lead people to misread or misinterpret another person's emotions.
  • If a reader misses such allegorical correspondences, he or she may completely misread the book.
  • They do, of course: historians, like everyone else, can misread, misremember, misinterpret, or misunderstand things.
  • The government largely misread the mood of the electorate.
  • The mossback is the man who has either misread the signs of the times, or who has not possessed the speed demanded in the two-minute class. Chapters in Rural Progress
  • You must have misread the address.
  • The arguments for genetically modified organisms that have been dinned into us for 15 years are based on an almost sublime misreading of the world's food problems.
  • His confidence was misread as arrogance.
  • Some signs can be misread. Christianity Today
  • He misread the data
  • She becomes cognitively inflexible, and impaired information processing means that social cues are misread and the behaviour of others misinterpreted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The one constant is Mary, who in her fluttery, birdlike way - and through the distorting lens of a perpetually full wine glass - shows a weakness for disastrously misreading casual kindness and winking jokes. Somewhere between settled and unsettling
  • The problem, as we have noted many times, is that these metaphors, which concern that which cannot in any other way be told, are misread prosaically as referring to tangible facts and historical occurrences.
  • I just let my misreading of the title steer me in the wrong direction. Anatomy Of A False Rape Accusation Comment - Part 4
  • They largely misread the mood of the electorate.
  • This radically misreads the historic context and is as ignorant or dishonest a tactic as that used by proponents of Intelligent Design who mine Darwin's writings for useful quotes. Astrology for science communicators
  • I'm afraid I completely misread the situation.
  • Did you misread it, or have they been massaging the record after the fact?
  • The buildup has continued, and any misreading of signal - it could be a flash point that could set this thing off - and the consequences are really, they're incalculable.
  • They have repeatedly misread the administration's intentions.
  • When I shared this aperçu with Spencer, he dismissed it: "I think you misread Hadley if you ascribe to her such beguiling powers. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • An inquest heard in November how an emergency doctor accidentally gave her an overdose of the painkiller diamorphine for a migraine after he misread a drug label.
  • It simply may indicate that the judge misread the whole case.
  • The dictionaries are clear that 'toothcomb', although a misreading of the original, is now fully accepted in modern usage. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one wants to believe a teacher could do this to children; every clue is misread or ignored.
  • Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five. The House of Mirth
  • But this looked more and more like a misreading of the situation. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • Yet now, with about a half million jobs lost every single month, they've started to admit that they simply 'misread' the economy. GOP slams Obama stimulus as ineffective, wasteful
  • I misread the moment, along with 100% of the commentariat. Times, Sunday Times
  • If so, I never heard of him until last week when I heard that ‘Benn Gleck’ misreads him (and everything else). Think Progress » Former Bush Solicitor General Ted Olson goes after right-wing fear-mongering on marriage equality.
  • Worst of all, they had completely misread the Chinese situation in their enthusiasm to get workers to the field.
  • Lemon and Reis's awful "artfulness" may be due to their misreading "деланье" as Sher thinks they misread it, or it may be due to their completely missing the meaning of the clause and substituting something bland and kind-of plausible. TRANSLATING SHKLOVSKY.
  • Males that misread the body and facial postures of a potential mate get bitten or kicked.
  • They misread the market earlier this year and didn't have an offering in the area of clamshells.
  • The driver misread an important signal.
  • One rereads him and finds perfect insight into what would drive his sister to violate him so mischievously, to misread him so completely.
  • To misunderstand it is to misread the bold signs of what will be the great historical markers our time.
  • That is to misread the situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have you been misreading the signs all along or unwittingly offended her in some way that meant you didn't make the cut? Times, Sunday Times
  • His characters persistently misread and misunderstand the past.
  • It's only a matter of time before she goes and spoils it all with an act of self-destructive petulance or a complete misreading of a perfectly innocent situation.
  • The users were also responsible for some of these errors, e.g. by misreading the item in the text, especially in cases of English confusables.
  • Generously, one can conclude that this wrong approach is responsible for: misguided references to so-called centralisation of power in the state Presidency (when COSATU has called for a stronger Presidency to ensure implementation of AsgiSA), a misreading of the ANC constitution about the roles of the President and the Secretary-General and, to some extent, a presumed orchestrated marginalisation of Parliament. MANAGING NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TRANSFORMATION
  • She had misread a date in the Tour Book.
  • Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 08: 08 PM at first i misread what lolo had said as "je chante dans le coeur" -- i leave it to all the friends of this comments page to interpret that! Aubade - French Word-A-Day
  • I hope for you to have some good laughs out of your summary statements when you see how they didn't know what your field's terminology meant, or talk in detail about the project you proposed that will never work (which was actually your grad project that they misread from the biography section of the proposal, thinking it was your research plan, and on which you already have 4 papers published) FAIL
  • If you misread any signal you'd just walk away. The Sun
  • They simply did not represent Islam, and had misread its sacred text.
  • BIn this saga of judicial wrangling, the government misread public sentiment.
  • If you have misread human nature then you won't succeed.
  • Another drew bold negative conclusions about one of the men on the basis of having misread his own notes about certain dates.
  • Mothers may also misread signals and think the baby is crying because he is hungry.
  • How can we come within our subdepartment to a common understanding of how we intend to contextualize the students' experience with these texts so that the students will NOT fall into the most obvious and most predictable patterns of misreading, which are all too often created by their desire to reduce any of these complex texts to a sound bite? Text and Context: The Ongoing Dialogue
  • I think she misread the situation.
  • If so, the justices misread the situation and the Court's own role.
  • Part of the perplexity arises from a sudden onrush of doubt: did we misread the earlier texts, overlook the clues that would explain this surprising volte-face?
  • I misread "Mrs" as "Mr".
  • So unless someone in their data centre misread a 2 as a 7, they really haven't done their homework.
  • * Former DNC Chair Howard Dean says the pundits are misreading 2010: the mood is anti-incumbent, not anti-Democrat. Tea Partiers, Jersey, Cheney, Scalia, Guns, 2010, RNC « Gerry Canavan
  • I misread Hamlet all my life!
  • This is to misread my remarks in A Better Guide Than Reason, where I argue that there is an analogy between Lincoln's use of epidictic rhetoric and what the ancient rhetoricians call the "Asiatic style" — the idiom of priests/kings. Lincoln's 'Asiatic Style'
  • When I shared this aperçu with Spencer, he dismissed it: "I think you misread Hadley if you ascribe to her such beguiling powers. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Misreading signals can be disastrous in these situations.
  • Nothing more distant from the banal misreading of the aesthetic as an apolitical "aestheticism" can be imagined than the arguments to be found in these essays. Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
  • Tobolewski might skirt dangerously close to the kind of spaced-out geometric mannerisms that, in a less sensitive artist, would betray a paperback misreading of the cosmic implications of chaos theory. This week's new exhibitions
  • I was given the wrong tablets when the chemist misread my prescription.
  • The [Hebrew: daleth] meaning four would easily be misread for [Hebrew: resh] meaning 200.] [Footnote 79: The Knights of the Hospital of St. John and the Templars are here referred to. The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela
  • To read them as the simple and naive outpourings of his innermost thoughts is to misread them. The Times Literary Supplement
  • At best, modern atheism can be misread back into classical antiquity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But, as usual, Jack displayed the irony of his many advanced education degrees and illiterately misread the map.
  • This was a serious mistake by the umpires at the town end and they completely misread the situation.
  • It's only a matter of time before she goes and spoils it all with an act of self-destructive petulance or a complete misreading of a perfectly innocent situation.
  • In doing so, they almost certainly misread his intentions.
  • Thomas Kuhn, The Copernican Revolution: I actually find Structure of Scientific Revolutions a bit obscurantist in some respects that encourages misreadings. Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
  • In thrall to human resources and lawyers, the FA has misread the mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • I may say in passing, that to see my novel Thousand Cranes as an evocation of the formal and spiritual beauty of the tea ceremony is a misreading. Yasunari Kawabata - Nobel Lecture
  • Any reading which fails to take this into account misreads the text.
  • So football, once again, managed to misread the whole situation. The Sun
  • Once, when he finally secured a space close to home, an over-eager warden put a ticket on his car after misreading his valid permit.
  • WASHINGTON — The Obama administration "misread" the depth of the economic troubles it inherited and still expects more new jobs in the long term as ... var news_amount = 5; Robert Kuttner: Three Reasons We Need an Economic Wake Up Call
  • He said that he had misread signals given off by the young man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Johnson's study continues the important scholarly work of correcting this misreading.
  • If this is what is causing official reluctance, then the Government has misread the mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • But drivers also fail to stop at red signals because they have misread a signal, or chosen to disregard it.
  • Had he misread the signs? The Sun
  • That is to misread the situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • So perhaps this has been misread from earlier literature.
  • Then I just figured that I misread the list and missed his name, but since the list was so long, I decided not to read it again.
  • The writer of the piece seemed to have misread Otto's article, but he gave my wonderful son a nice plug, and I appreciate that.
  • In thrall to human resources and lawyers, the FA has misread the mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least on my travels I would be misreading the signals for the right reasons, language barriers instead of congenital stupidity. THE MANANA MAN
  • Many press accounts have misread this book as an indictment of incentive zoning or as a polemic against privatization.
  • WASHINGTON — The Obama administration "misread" the depth of the economic troubles it inherited and still expects more new jobs in the long term as ... Les Leopold: The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear ... of Government
  • He recently stated that they (the Urkel administration) 'misread' the economy. Biden announces deal with hospitals on health care reform
  • BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I would actually, rather than say "misread," we had incomplete information. CNN Transcript Jul 8, 2009
  • Even if they all misread my essay, at least they seem to take Martin Luther's theology more seriously than did the silly movie I reviewed.
  • I had completely misread his intentions.
  • To do that is to misread the mood of the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some signs can be misread. Christianity Today
  • I could have misread the situation completely but he actually seemed quite pleased to have us there.
  • The term xi'nan remained an administrative term, but was revoked during the 1960s when the CCP misread the international situation and prepared for the coming of a world war. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • It seemed to me, interestingly enough, if I did not misread the matter, that she was extremely sensitive to, and timid concerning, the revealing nature of her garbing. Renegades Of Gor
  • Most important of all, there is a fundamental misreading of the nature of the relationships at work here.
  • I wrote my remarks from the entries in my reading journal after having lent the book to someone and may well have misread my own notes.
  • Party leaders said that their motives had been misread and that there was never any intention to invade the privacy of taxpayers.
  • This seemed to misread the public mood by a mile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps, in both of these cases, it was not so much that signals were misread but that the wrong signals were sent.
  • i did a search for netzero on this forum and came across "dogey emails" so it appears i misread.
  • What is remarkable to me (but, again, not surprising) is how Dr. Williams, an accomplished and erudite theologian, misreads Scripture, misunderstands the language of the body, and misses the meaning and nature of sexuality, all while earnestly seeking to "engage" and "question" and "discuss" and gaze upon "experience. Cause and effect

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