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How To Use Misogynist In A Sentence

  • you and your fellow misogynistic homophobes masquerading as "traditionalist anglicans" have played out the string. Breakaway Fort Worth group responds to Episcopal Church lawsuit | RELIGION Blog |
  • Traditionally golf has kept the sexes apart, sometimes for misogynist reasons, but more often because women cannot hit the ball as far as men, and have courses set up accordingly, with the ladies' tees further forward than the men's.
  • Like me, these people know they are not racists or misogynists.
  • This isn't situational realism, it's misogynist claptrap, the kind of stuff no one needs to see in the movies.
  • Many have spoken out to say the worst trolling comes not from misogynist men, but from fellow feminists. The Sun
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  • The other side decries these assaults as blatantly sexist, misogynist exercises that have no place in modern society.
  • Even though she's presented as an emotionally cold person and therefore more of an antiheroine, she's relieved from being tarred with the usual misogynist brush in a few key ways. "On the Female Vampire," Evie Byrne Guest Post
  • It is not going too far to say that he was a misogynist.
  • The female incapable of intellectual purpose, governed by her whims and humours, is a misogynistic cliche not only of the time, but very much of his writings.
  • Ragnar Redbeard, on the other hand, is another kind of egoist entirely, a Fascist, misogynistic, and sacrilegious bore who desires to impress that he Knows All, and anyone daring to disagree with his interpretation of Man is but mere dirt beneath his steel-toed boots. Essays
  • And it is fair to surmise that underlying each of these assaults are some very backward-looking and misogynistic beliefs.
  • If we think of the average 18th-century male as being a condescending misogynist, then this man confounds our expectations.
  • MARK THE MISOGYNIST: He has a horrible relationship with his mother, ex-wife, and/or girlfriend, usually describes them as crazy, psycho, or bipolar, and he uses the word bitch a lot. Become Your Own Matchmaker
  • The word misogynistic has been used to describe it too. Fame, Movie Reviews, Exercise
  • Jones says he was a bit puzzled by feminist critics who took the film to task for being misogynist.
  • The same goes for any bully: A racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a transphobe, a disablist, a fat-hater, a xenophobe, a privileged jerk of any stripe who belligerently wields hir privilege like a weapon. Shakesville
  • My first thought was he was an Arab/Muslim and despised women and wanted me put in my place, and I am ashamed I have thought that the reason rather he was just a power hungry misogynistic egomaniac… so the question is do some cultures and religions today still bread those attitudes and are we being racist or antireligion when we are offended by their attitudes and sexism against us? Identity insults and democracy
  • Appropriately, for one named after a wife-murderer, Mr Punch remained a misogynist to the end.
  • Girls get backhanded by misogynist male pigs, women get into fistfights with each other, old flames line up on opposite sides of the battlefield.
  • My favorite suffragist and champion, however, is Matilda Joslyn Gage, born on March 24,and author of Woman, Church, and State which exposed and challenged patriarchies and misogynists in the nineteenth century. Melinda J. Rising: Getting the Spotlight Back on Women
  • He was often called a misogynist. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for Chris Brown, he is a romantic balladeer, which is why his misogynist behavior is so controversial. The American Spectator
  • Many have spoken out to say the worst trolling comes not from misogynist men, but from fellow feminists. The Sun
  • The shogun was a misogynist, and Yasuaki understood well that men who profess to hate women become the slave of the fair sex when their alleged repugnance is overcome. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • The comedy throughout the film is similarly cruel and misogynistic.
  • The fall of Rome had also made many of her laws recede into the distance, slowly; Roman statute law was notably more misogynist than the customary law of the tribal groups the empire had conquered.
  • I would also say a woman's standard reaction to an observation like that is to call me a misogynist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women scorn Clint and Clint scorns women, writing misogynist rants under the byline ‘Yellow Dog’.
  • More remarkable, it spawned three of the greatest comic creations in television history: namely, the adenoidal and long-suffering Olive, her misogynist husband Arthur, and the incomparable Blakey, with his toothbrush moustache and his catchphrase that still rings down the ages - "I'll get you, Butler! - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I like it, but I am uninspired by the misogynist slant I see.
  • In the most virulent homophobic works gays are effeminate, sarcastic males who lead meaningless lives; they disrupt families, are misogynists, and are marginal to black communities and institutions.
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some habits of hasty irritation he had contracted, partly, it was said in the borough of Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to _jibb_ when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • The less said about this disheveled misogynistic piece of detritus the better.
  • The discussion on talk-back radio and in fan club chat rooms has unfortunately reflected misogynist myths common about rape.
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although often screaming at the readers through his various masks (such as the rebel, the Antichrist, the misogynist, the madman), he also spoke softly.
  • He was corrupt to his core, a liar, a megalomaniac, a misogynist, a bully and, like most bullies, a coward.
  • Koch seems unwilling to peel back the labels of "sadist" and "misogynist" to even guess at Hem's deeper motivations. Archive 2005-08-01
  • The first section, for example, focuses on the sexist and sometimes misogynist practices that commonly exist within families.
  • Such misogynist rituals must not, however, be misconstructed as "culture" but must be challenged as basic human rights concerns.
  • He's a misogynist, homophobic, woman hater.
  • ‘It is difficult to imagine what outright misogynists would have done differently,’ she railed.
  • The G (N) OP is dooming itself just as you say with their misogynist attitudes, homophobia, zenophonbia, racism, warmongering and greed. Think Progress » Steele on serving as RNC chair: God has ‘placed me here for a reason.’
  • He's depicted as a mad, pugilistic photographer with misogynistic tendencies.
  • Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to jibb when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary
  • Such misogynists felt that social consciousness necessarily meant inferior art.
  • A pair of Mississippi misogynists were given a dressing down when a judge meted out a fitting punishment for their crimes.
  • But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions. The Sun
  • The movie is a moral tale about a misogynist who dies and is reborn as a beautiful woman.
  • I had to terminate an ectopic pregnancy using methotrexate, which is the lowest risk way to treat the condition but that some misogynist in the Catholic church has declared to be impermissible abortion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Abortion: Murder or Tragedy? Are Those the Only Options?
  • Welcome to the nihilist void of the violent, misogynistic, and racist lyrics of rap.
  • He fields a query about whether there is an opposite to misogynist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not that she was taken seriously as a victim of a profoundly misogynistic culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, the author of "Portnoy's Complaint" and "Sabbath's Theater" has made a literary career out of fudging the line between his life and his fiction, writing endlessly aborn misogynistic protagonists teasingly named Philip. A Tale Of Exes And Ohs
  • There is a definite misogynistic, anti-feminism playing throughout the sordid vignettes.
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly Nil admirari is no less misogynistic than The Unsex’d Females, but 'Manlius to Peter Pindar':Satire, Patriotism, and Masculinity in the 1790s
  • They dealt out their own brand of eye-for-an-eye justice in a series of misogynistic, violent yarns.
  • Go give them some love: the editors need to know that the whiny misogynists aren't the only ones out there.
  • He was flamboyant, selfish and wildly misogynist.
  • You really need to read SUZANNE's comments in order to truly appreciate just how far she and her co-dependent mouthbreather "Ken" descend into the misogynist foreplay. Lalalalalalalalalalala … I can’t hear youuuuuuu.
  • His story is about a love triangle with a brutal, misogynist ending.
  • Instinct told me it formed the deepest, darkest recesses of the misogynistic capitalist system that is the beauty industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was charmless, obnoxious, aggressive, misogynistic, adolescent ultraviolence. Times, Sunday Times
  • It turned out he specialized in violent misogynistic rants.
  • He's a misogynist, homophobic, woman hater.
  • In fact, by bringing the warlords back to power, the US Government has replaced one misogynist fundamentalist regime with another.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Taipei Times
  • Can we please leave that kind of misogynistic crap to the far right? Elizabeth Edwards Confronts Ann Coulter On Hardball
  • Well, I'll be his proxy: How can you be such a misogynist and say DATY? Re: this upcoming historic joint appearance
  • You blame women for the downfall of man in the garden of Eden; you're a closet misogynist with an over-inflated IQ.
  • Fri 11/13/09 10: 17 AM the word misogynistic is being over used here. Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode 9 |
  • The more enthusiastic their patronising attempts at conversion, the more they reveal themselves to be intolerant, blinkered misogynists.
  • Over the years, she has become highly adept at deflecting personal criticism, smearing her accusers as misogynists who cannot bear the idea of a strong professional woman.
  • His long attachment to Alexandrine is at odds with his reputation as a misogynist, which is derived from some of his paintings rather than from his copious personal writings.
  • Plenty of critics have charted the supposed slide of the cinema incarnation of James Bond into the politically correct Judy Dench's M, his boss, calls Bond a "sexist, misogynist dinosaur" in the 1995 film "Goldeneye", and they will doubtless note that in "Carte Blanche" Bond worries that an attractive female South African police office might construe a glance as sexist and is horrified to hear a fellow British agent using the word "coloured" to describe mixed-race South Africans. You Only Live About 23 Times
  • By doing so, it effectively attempts to remedy racist injustice by trivializing misogynist violence.
  • Ahh-So now we’ve shifted from calling an MRA a misogynist based on his use of certain langauge, to calling his language its self misogynist. Responses to the commenters on the “Guilty Pleasures” post. « A Bird’s Nest
  • He believes the poem is no more than a misogynistic tract.
  • She regards the androgyny, same-sex sexuality, or misogynist attitudes of the various male protagonists in these authors' works as transgressions of the two-gender model.
  • I know a lot of movies that I think are unfairly called misogynistic because of the roles or perils of the women example, Sin City, yet Short Cuts actually did feel kind of misogynistic to me, perhaps because again, it is so ice cold and when not indifferent, is in hate with its own characters on a level that only Alexander Payne is falsely accused of. Row Three » Hidden Treasures – Week of June 8th - Where Cinema is more than just $100 Million productions
  • The focus on censoring pornography diverts attention from the root cause of discrimination and violence against women, of which violent, misogynist pornography is merely one symptom.
  • There isn't anything inappropriate about that, but I don't see it as "misogynistic" if commenters and bloggers focus on the "Mom" side of the issues, any more than if the blogosphere started to focus on a male candidate who kept talking about how he was just a soccer dad, and who knew what soccer dads just like him were going through. Obama: "I'm Offended" By McCain Camp's Insinuation About Pregnancy Rumors
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is almost pedestrian at this point to wonder why Palin (rather than the equally deserving Obama) was chosen as representative of a "fairy tale" - one presumes that, were they intellectually consistent or idealistically coherent, women's studies profs or feminist English profs at Metro would have located misogynistic assumptions in the choice of assignment material and would have launched their own critiques of Mr Hallam - but that kind of interdepartmental fighting is trivial when, in the larger sense, the object of scorn is a political opponent worthy of criticism. Protein wisdom
  • Touted as a nasty, gory torture flick, I rushed out to watch Red Room only to be vastly disappointed with this strictly unentertaining, misogynistic film. Red Room (1999)
  • Death Wish and Straw Dogs – misogynistic hits from that heyday of anti-feminist backlash, the early-70s – they endlessly gnaw and worry at issues of masculinity and impotence, with added penis-substitute artillery, and the purgative satisfactions deriving from orgasmic explosions of violence. Colmbiana proves that Luc Besson has a type … women with big guns
  • He's a snob, a social climber and a misogynist, really a very unpleasant man.
  • ASH and PANDORA'S STAR lots of hot babes getting laid, a PFH staple are less 'misogynistic' than Martin and Morgan? The All-For-Noughts: Books of the Decade
  • So people who are concerned about the ongoing pandemic of men's violence against women -- including thousands of domestic violence and sexual assault advocates and educators - are "censorious" if they have a problem with lyrics that normalize and find humor in (fictional) rapists 'misogynist fantasies of brutality and degradation? Jackson Katz: Eminem, Misogyny, and the Sounds of Silence
  • He's a snob, a social climber and a misogynist, really a very unpleasant man.
  • Broadly speaking, those who accept the general principles of the Enlightenment are under attack by those who reject them and who wish to impose their theocratic, feudal and misogynist concepts of order upon us.
  • If Obama gives a speech criticizing Clinton, he's a misogynist jerk, a "ghetto hustler", who is flim-flamming and jiving the American public. Gallup: Obama's Big Race Speech Potentially Fixing Wright Situation
  • Set in the increasingly unmedieval world of Pern (the Pernese become more computer-literate the more ancient spaceships they discover), the books, particularly the earliest in the series, are jaw-droppingly misogynistic and generally joyless, heavy on drinks called "klah" and drudges wearing excremental colours. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • As the female protégé of a misogynistic rapper, the female version of Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj undoubtedly conforms to certain dichotomized gendered norms. PART 2/3: LL Cool J’s “Around the Way Girl” « Gender Across Borders
  • Just like misogynists, misandrists come in male and female varieties, with certain men hating each other, and themselves, just as much, if not more, than any woman could possibly be bothered to hate them.
  • For any male Jewish-born atheist, misogynist, egoist out there, this book is just the ticket.
  • And especially the misogynistic abuse online. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other ex-wife is also economically powerful, albeit in a less stereotypically misogynistic way.
  • It's appealing for misandrists to make the argument that a guy's sexual bits are naturally icky, in the same way misogynists do of women's.
  • Similarly, rap music does not of itself make people take up drive-by shootings as a hobby or turn young men into misogynists.
  • I've used humor to point out her hypocrisies (as well as those of the pageant itself) and as a result was called misogynistic and intolerant by the likes of Bill 'Loofa' O'Reilly and his dwindling followers. Boy culture
  • An MRA is a misogynist when he or she calls a woman a “vile hag” or “whore” instead of addressing her arguments, or when he claims that: Responses to the commenters on the “Guilty Pleasures” post. « A Bird’s Nest
  • Or is ASH allowed to be 'misogynistic' because it was written by a woman? The All-For-Noughts: Books of the Decade
  • Some reviewers have recoiled in horror from the film, denouncing him as a misogynist, a fake, a show-off, an incompetent director, and worse.
  • There is a particularly misogynist school of romance critique which we are not interested in espousing; no, Maggie Stiefvater is not a great prose stylist, but neither is Tom Clancy, and we have yet to read a book review elaborating on what silly and addlepated creatures men are for their biological yearnings toward homoerotic narratives of exploding submarines and menacing Russians. Archive 2009-11-01
  • But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions. The Sun
  • Despite growing up in the segregated South and battling misogynist attitudes at every turn, Bessie realized her dream to become a pilot.
  • I am not a misogynist, the opposite in fact, but I felt I had to make a stand for heterosexual male politics.
  • Yet within the military, misogynist culture and widespread sexual assault on servicewomen continues to prevail.
  • In the 20th century, the Bluebeard story, with its savagely misogynistic overtones, fell into disfavor.
  • Some women assume that players are really misogynists, but that generally isn't the case.
  • If we think of the average 18 th-century male as being a condescending misogynist, then Johnson confounds our expectations.
  • Have I been a raging misogynist for this long and simply not realised it?
  • I know one married woman who works long hours for a misogynist boss to pay a childminder she doesn't entirely trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • For as long as extensions have been added on to houses women have been plagued by misogynist workers, who swagger through their home as if in possession of secret knowledge which can only be shared by the brotherhood.
  • In the largest transfer of wealth in human history, we are committing economic suicide while effectively funding a movement whose sole objective is establishing a worldwide caliphate that will impose upon societies the most brutal, misogynistic, antihuman ideology in history. Post-American Presidency
  • What Hopkins wanted more than anything else was to write for the greater glory of God, a logocentric rather than a phallocentric vision as your misogynistic and virulently anti-Catholic "reviewer" would have it. 'The Poet & the Wreck': An Exchange
  • A more depressing group of people it would be difficult to imagine: the boys are bullish jocks or arrogant misogynists, the girls are vain and self-obsessed.
  • Did it conquer new territory for female expression, or did it somehow incorporate the misogynistic grotesquerie it cited?
  • It must also be said that both movies thinly disguise their misogynistic tendencies under a guise of sexual empowerment.
  • He fields a query about whether there is an opposite to misogynist. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Judi Dench took over the role of ‘M’ in Goldeneye ten years ago, she famously told Bond: ‘I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur’.
  • It was just nasty, absurd and misogynistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many have spoken out to say the worst trolling comes not from misogynist men, but from fellow feminists. The Sun
  • Before you know it, they realize the errors of their ways, and the Richard character is being tortured and exacting misogynistic revenge.
  • In contrast, I will argue, such writers and their readers may repress women but they maintain homosocial culture by exchanging misogynistic words about them.
  • This movie is a misogynistic, racist, idiotic piece of trash.
  • The white supremacists, many of them wearing flack helmets and black military fatigue uniforms, shouted "Sieg Heil" before each of their speakers took the podium to taunt counter-protesters with racial, anti-Semitic and misogynistic epithets. Bossip
  • I would have hoped as a society that by the 21st century we would be at the point where both sexes embraced that word-where we all identify as feminists unless we're just blatant misogynists.
  • With a style that was influenced by jazz, soul, reggae, and dub, she rapped lyrics and rhymes that addressed the misogynist attitude of her male peers.
  • Kate smiled triumphantly at the old misogynist, who without another word snatched his robes up and stalked from the shed, leaving Brother Fidelis alone with her. My Seduction
  • I'm guessing the card holder is so that you can maintain professionalism in the office by having a misogynist doodad to pluck your business cards from.
  • Rather than women celebrating this misogynistic term "sluttiness". The Guardian World News
  • This feminist agenda led to an examination of how editorial policies contribute to perpetrating sexist and misogynist stereotypes of women.
  • All the same, it should be possible to query aspects of today's output without being called a misogynist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many have spoken out to say the worst trolling comes not from misogynist men, but from fellow feminists. The Sun
  • A young Afghan, Sayed Pervez Kambakhsh, has been sentenced to death for printing out a Web page in which Muhammad is described as a misogynistic prophet. Jabberwocky
  • Bravo, too, for the general misogynist stereotyping, victim blaming and general mansplaining.
  • And strangely, the anti-trans radical feminists tend to be racist, ableist, and misogynist in equal parts. daisydeadhead Says: Will the last trans person to leave feminist Blogdonia please turn off the lights?
  • The photos aren't being misogynist and voyeuristic: they are making a statement about misogyny and voyeurism.
  • Now young men goofing around are immortalized as misogynist maulers, portentous reminders to the rest of us that the gender wars won't end until irreverence and humor are dead. Amy Siskind: Did Sexism Fell Kathleen Parker?
  • After ten years of research I have learned confirmed that women have been treated as less than equal "helpmates", even chattel for thousands of years by patriarchies and misogynists apparently not needing an excuse. Melinda J. Rising: Getting the Spotlight Back on Women
  • * I think the debate about the feminist implications of feminine appearances is an example of the same sort of discussion where it’s not about economics, and capitalism isn’t the frame-work, but a sexist and misogynist society is I’m not particularly fond of the term patriarchy - reason here. Bought and Sold
  • But they don't need to frame the argument in a way that implies that those who disagree with them are stone-age misogynists.
  • Many have spoken out to say the worst trolling comes not from misogynist men, but from fellow feminists. The Sun
  • I am not a misogynist nor do I suffer from gynophobia.
  • I am astonished that anyone would think I am a misogynist.
  • Saying perSON is still misogynistic/patriarchal/phallocentric and some other big words i heard at university. Cracks in the Sidewalk: The Future of Bike-Sharing
  • But times were different then and she has to deal with a bunch misogynistic colleagues and some pretty appalling conditions. The Sun
  • We are challenging the capitalist, the racist, the homophobe, the transphobe, the rapist, the able-ist, the size-ist, the classist and the misogynist. PTBC J-Log
  • August 30, 2008 in misogynistic bullshit, politics As A Woman, I Find Myself Totally Offended… « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • I’d have thought that anything that helps (in no matter how small a way) to start changing the entrenched cissexist and trans-misogynistic attitudes that tell cis people it’s acceptable to misgender anyone who doesn’t fit neatly into the gender binary, should be encouraged. Is it political-correctness-gone-mad week?
  • I genuinely love the company of women, unlike certain misogynistic Lotharios of my acquaintance.
  • An MRA is a misogynist when he or she invents language based on women’s anatomy to describe men or women who hold feminist opinions he or she does not like, such as “femcunt” or “mangina”. Responses to the commenters on the “Guilty Pleasures” post. « A Bird’s Nest
  • Instinct told me it formed the deepest, darkest recesses of the misogynistic capitalist system that is the beauty industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just had to do it – I hope it didn't come across as misogynistic or gratuitous … I do think it's counterweighted by the fact that I'm in love now. Carl Barât: The interview
  • I know one married woman who works long hours for a misogynist boss to pay a childminder she doesn't entirely trust. Times, Sunday Times

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