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How To Use Misinform In A Sentence

  • How, then, can we force a change in the media systems that dominate the discourse and misinform the debate?
  • I was told she would be at the meeting, but clearly I was misinformed.
  • Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
  • Today he backed away from that statement, saying he was misinformed by exit polls.
  • Conservative operatives have whipped their feeble-minded drones into a frenzy and unleashed them upon the world to spread fear and misinformation. 'Tea Party Express' trucks on with tour aimed at health care
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  • I'm not sure what this misinformed individual means by "aggravate" in "It doesn't aggravate the need for more electrical transmission grid. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • More police, additional mobilization of military - there will be a presence of the government everywhere, including dis- and misinformation, false accusals and penetrating NGOs.
  • A story yesterday at The Daily Beast about the Title IX Complaint Against Yale crystallized, for me, just how misinformed this generation of young men has become. Amy Siskind: Sexual Assaults Will Continue Unless We Educate Young Men
  • You're misinformed if you think teaching earns megabucks!
  • They could be private (small or middle-sized banks, less well informed than the bigger ones or misinformed by them) or public (the World Bank, the IMF, public export credit agencies, governments …). Matthew Yglesias » The Life of Citi
  • When Palin decides that she doesn't want the misinformation media present ... it creates a news article? No media allowed at Palin speech in Missouri
  • “What mechanisms currently exist or ought to exist to allow Good Scientists to continue their Good Work unfettered by big oil tricksterism, such as FOI requests, fake “audits”, FUDtank misinformation, the cyberwars, etc. – all of which are designed to serve the interests of the rich & powerful, not society at large?” Unthreaded #9 « Climate Audit
  • The unmown grass, the ragged-looking shrubs, that pile of dead limbs and brush behind the poplar: Some would say, as my misinformed neighbors have hinted from time to time, these are symptoms of a good-for-nothing homeowner.
  • Democracy depends on an informed citizenry, and the right wing consciously strives to misinform the American public by erasing the distinction between journalism and propaganda.
  • And if I can help explode stereotypes and misinformed beliefs, so much the better.
  • Keillor’s jeremiad is wrong on so many levels, and proceeds from a place of such monumental self-regard and fundamental misinformation, that a proper rebuttal would require an entire afternoon and a minimum of ten double-spaced pages. Publishing vs. that guy with the voice I can’t stand
  • Critics say the Internet has amplified the problem of medical misinformation.
  • If the people reading the misinformation are not stupid, they'll figure out that there's more to this than poppets and candle-spells.
  • With the amount of misinformation out there on diesel and turbo charging diesels we feel obliged to inform you of the facts.
  • Sometimes misinformation, exaggerated fictions and relics of wartime propaganda are reported in the media.
  • In other words, he is innocent of intentionally misinforming or misleading the audience.
  • “Anyone who calls it a steroid is grossly misinformed.” SLY NOT SHY ABOUT HIS LOVE FOR THE JUICE
  • The parents had been misinformed about the incident.
  • Huddleston, the New Hampshire president, says colleges are justified in moving to have accounts closed if they are peddling misinformation in the guise of a campus authority figure in a way that could cause harm. College presidents around USA impersonated on Twitter
  • But they can at least try not to mislead or misinform us.
  • The debate has often been coloured by misinformation and manipulation, and it is not easy for a political party in Government to deal with those matters.
  • Learn to identify and refute official misinformation when you see it.
  • They were deliberately misinformed about their rights.
  • However, Mr Moor said a vociferous minority were spreading misinformation about the genuine risks of mobile phone masts.
  • It soon becomes clear that Aurora is a mistress of misinformation.
  • It became clear that the general had been badly misinformed.
  • Some authors have been surprised that their eminence hasn't protected them from a mauling at the hands of ‘the mad, the bad, and the misinformed.’
  • What's pathetic is how the republicans are continuously able to get away with spreading lies and misinformation. Health care ad wars continue
  • You may feel that because you are only linking to a website which purports to be advertising this event, you are not actually misinforming people.
  • You can pull the wool over the misinformed only for so long and then the truth will resinate. John and Elizabeth Edwards speak out
  • According to The New York Times, the doctors are not deliberately misinforming their patients; instead, they're the victims of something known as the informational cascade, which turns out to be something that's repeated so many times that it becomes true even though it isn't. The Guardian World News
  • It is based on misinformation from foreign-funded expatriates.
  • How could it have avoided becoming just another part of the whole elaborate web of half-truths, misinformation and spin?
  • It is full of misinformation, disinformation, noninformation, and just plain lies.
  • Science teachers are best at correcting misinformation as they have knowledge of scientific explanations. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're running a misinformation campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically this mine of medical misinformation about sexuality was intended to exalt the state of matrimony.
  • Whether intentionally or because he was misinformed by his advisors, he lied.
  • Professor Woodward dismisses me as "misinformed as well as uninformed about the relevant past," and yet relies entirely on my text in crafting a 2,500-word cogent summary, including quotes and descriptive scenes, of the personal and political history of Wallace and the Wallace family dating to Reconstruction. 'Wallace Redeemed?': An Exchange
  • Luckily .. with the invention of the internet, misinformation can protect them only for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • I want to get to some of those specific points and some of what you call misinformation coming up at the town hall. CNN Transcript Aug 16, 2009
  • Online rumors and misinformation are rampant and can spread like wildfire.
  • Repeating these fairy tales does no one any good (and, moreover, misinforms your readers).
  • However, it is unacceptable to misinform your troops going into battle or mislead your citizens about why you are putting their sons and daughters in harm's way.
  • A cursory review of the reportage in this conflict reveals misinformation, disinformation, mistakes, exaggerations, lies and propaganda flowing freely in all directions.
  • But Mr. Christie was the union's first major foe in years, and the union says it had to fight back against what it called misinformation from the governor. Lobbyist Cash Flows in N.J.
  • It includes a major radio campaign to counter the misinformation that currently fills the airwaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corporate media outlets now routinely treat entertainment cartel statements as though they’re credible, counterfeiting is ‘piracy, sharing has become ‘thieving’ and a ‘crime,’ young children are labelled as ‘criminals’ and pilloried in public, extortion is OK, lying, disinformation, misinformation, the distortion of facts, and creative accounting are now absolutely integral to all entertainment cartel information packages. Big Music: scaring children
  • What I often find trickiest is correcting misinformation that is being spoken by a woman who was not able to successfully breastfeed her child (or by her partner, friend, mother, sister, etc.). Shame And The Mom: A Boob Story | Her Bad Mother
  • And this is what truly makes running the piece rank propaganda down here, rather than just plain old fibs and/or misinformation.
  • But Sullivan said that even physicians from historically black medical colleges face some mistrust and misinformation as a legacy of Tuskegee.
  • I guess you were misinformed by your inside source about our upcoming attack.
  • It is quite another to look the other way in the face of out-and-out lies, fraud, and misinformation in the arena of environmental science.
  • But like the quest for the Holy Grail, SEO is also sheaved in myth and misinformation.
  • Reality Check videos help you separate the misinformation from the facts in short, informative and often humorous point / counterpoint scenarios. (U.S.) - beyond your own borders
  • How could it have avoided becoming just another part of the whole elaborate web of half-truths, misinformation and spin?
  • Considering all the information and misinformation published over the years about the Civil War, its causes, and the hows and whys of its unfoldment, it will be a long time before all is sorted and the Truth is arrived at in a way that is clear to thinking people. DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • Or, as GOP members of the US House Commerce and Energy and their Big Coal-bankrolled colleagues continue their wildly misinformed banter this week on the economic impact of the EPA's enforcement of the Clean Water Act, coalfield residents from Alaska to Appalachia are turning to Rory McIlmoil, the "Tesla of the coalfields," for another question: Jeff Biggers: Roadmaps to New Power: Interview With Rory McIlmoil, 'Tesla of the Coalfields' on Green Jobs
  • As a counter to a lot of misinformation floating about, the company offers nine reasons to be skeptical of press reports about medical breakthroughs.
  • His election campaign was based on misinformation about the rival candidates.
  • Today he backed away from that statement, saying he was misinformed by exit polls.
  • When biased and muddle-headed people disagree with you chances are their arguments are based on faulty thinking and misinformation.
  • An information desk to issue periodic bulletins and correct misinformation appearing in the electronic or printed media can help avert crises.
  • Its sad to see that these candidates raise millions of dollars and use it to smear, misdirect, misinform, the opposition to win a chair at the power table! Pennsylvania Senate hopeful releases fundraising totals
  • Unfortunately, the term voter fraud is again being conflated with the larger and real problem of election fraud which includes voter intimidation, misinformation, defective software, and provisional and absentee ballots improperly discarded. OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still
  • From this crucial presentation of misinformation, the text goes steadily downhill.
  • But it is by no means certain that the Halicarnassian writer was in this case misinformed; and in this fiction no history will be inculcated, only as a background shall I offer a sketch of the time of Sesostris, from Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Complete
  • It looks like a new differentiation in the fearsome-internet collection because now 'old' new media corps are trustworthy, as opposed to the runaway wild-fire gossip of Twitter with its 'decontextualised misinformation'. Information, Culture, Policy, Education: Microblogging terror: Twitter threats and an arrest
  • Unless the attitude among churches changes, there will always be miscommunication and a lot of misinformation too.
  • So tepid arguments between mumbling, incoherent, misinformed gentlemen speckle the news programmes.
  • Now that police authorities are having to use that money for what it was intended, police officers' pensions, they are bellyaching about it and feeding the public with misinformation in a bid to disguise their own failings.
  • Not dissembling, not equivocating, not prevaricating, not misinforming, not distorting.
  • But, sadly, this is a subject that has become buried under a mountain of misinformation and propaganda.
  • The misery in the so called Holy Land is also ideologically supported by legions of misinformed, uninformed apathetic American Christians who have neglected to honor what Jesus said was non-negotiable-that is if you really love him - you must and will forgive, pray for, do good towards your enemies and try to be a peacemaker [reconciler] for they are the daughters and sons of the Lord. Letter from USA in spirit with HUMANITY
  • Chuck Grassley has been one of the most ill-informed and eager fulminators of misinformation throughout this healthcare debate and, frankly, on healthcare in general for many years .... so, if anyone has the right to be offended ... its the American people. Grassley: 'I kinda resent' White House over health care reform
  • Rep Ross has relinquished any semblance of leadership, and has kowtowed to lobbyists and misinformation. Blue Dog will vote against bill with public option
  • The newspaper has portrayed itself as a victim of misinformation, as though a conveyor of falsehoods has scant responsibility.
  • He said misinformation, as well as lack of information are problems to consider.
  • It's not my job to correct people who base themselves on misinformation.
  • In addition, letters of apology were sent to Josephine by some of those who had given misinformation about her.
  • Science teachers are best at correcting misinformation as they have knowledge of scientific explanations. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are three reasons why breaking through the barriers of misinformation and apathy are especially crucial now.
  • The debate has often been coloured by misinformation and manipulation, and it is not easy for a political party in Government to deal with those matters.
  • He described Gueret's views as a "full-frontal, hypocritical, misinformed and gratuitously insulting attack".
  • Many are too busy, too harried, too misinformed.
  • I did some research to make sure that I wasn't misinforming you and here's a few of the great discoveries that reportedly involved no vivisection.
  • There is so much misinformation about things that it's good to pick your way through the maze before you form an opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • … but if misinformation leading to misinterpretation is being too regular, you know, like, “hey it†™ s alright, no problem, that happens all the time”, I think someone should do something about it. Nice house. Glass, is it? « BuzzMachine
  • It was so interesting it deserves to have its misinformation corrected.
  • Spreading misinformation about vaccines (even if you're just criticizing vax schedules) might not seem like a big deal, but it is a very big, life-and-death deal.
  • She is also a spunky, opinionated scientist who believes that many athletes, nutritionally speaking, are lazy, undereducated, and misinformed, and eat like spoiled children when given the chance.
  • House Democrats on Monday hailed a new report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office that they said proves Republicans are misinforming the public about the effects of health care reform. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 28, 2009
  • These are based on my probably inaccurate observations and my misinformed reasoning, but I think them fair.
  • They have decided not to go with the "expand the party, include more people" but rather to run with the "purist" tack – this is why we are seeing the nonsense we are seeing, with the lies and the death panels, and the misinformation. WH set to release text of controversial Obama school speech
  • Overcoming this systematic indoctrination in misinformation is a tall order. Inkblurt · More ‘isms!!
  • Some issues are non-issues driven by misinformation, incorrect interpretation or bad communication.
  • As in climategate, if the articles have policy implications, misinformation is quickly and widely propagated and feeds the propagandizing by opportunistic, antitechnology activists. Feeding the Propaganda of Anti-Technology Activists
  • It's just that, as a vegan, I'm sick of reading misinformation paid for and peddled by hugely rich, destructive corporations.
  • But to imply that this is some kind of permanent or natural state for gay men just furthers the stereotypes and misinformation about us.
  • He also disputed what he called "misinformation" in the press about what Google is doing. Google Defends Android Handling
  • We recoil from the term racist and avoid serious examinations of the misinformation we all carry around. Brad Listi: Politics as Bloodsport: A Conversation with Stefan Forbes, Director of Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
  • This was a misinformed and gratuitously insulting attack.
  • The debate itself was a case study in the misinformation, obstinancy, subterfuge, rancour and fear that has characterised the fraught process.
  • Mackie is quick to point out the under appreciation of, and in fact often misinformation concerning, the cnidarian nervous system.
  • To spread misinformation and make derogatory and intolerant remarks about any group is unacceptable.
  • But it is by no means certain that the Halicarnassian writer was in this case misinformed; and in this fiction no history will be inculcated, only as a background shall I offer a sketch of the time of Sesostris, from a picturesque point of view, but with the nearest possible approach to truth. Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 01
  • How can we tell whether and when we are on the receiving end of hype and spin, of misinformation and disinformation?
  • Given the importance of public opinion, let us counter misinformation with a modicum of information.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '"Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Unfortunately, the term voter fraud is again being conflated with the larger and real problem of election fraud which includes voter intimidation, misinformation, defective software, and provisional and absentee ballots improperly discarded.' OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still
  • Hence the monstering of Carson's reputation, an act of deliberate misinformation, say Oreskes and Conway, that has become the hallmark of a group of far-right institutions that are funded by businesses and conservative foundations and supported by a coterie of rightwing scientists who believe ecological threats are made up by lefty researchers as part of a grand plan to expand government control over our lives. Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M Conway
  • But as with xenophobia against immigrants in Western Europe, how much of this antipathy is attributable to deliberate misinformation, and poor education, and media which loves a sensation? Global Voices in English » Egypt: Court bans Porn Sites
  • The crucial question for evolutionary biology is where the balance is struck between signalling real information about your state and signalling misinformation.
  • This sham compromise still pits prejudice against science and sets misinformed consumers and protectionist farmers in Europe against producers in America.
  • What we do not need is the selective, or careless, transmission of misinformation or disinformation.
  • Luckily.. with the invention of the internet, misinformation can protect them only for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • The press is a bit misinformed: it's a young country of immigrants, of Poles and Germans who happen to live there and pledge allegiance to the flag.
  • As a Gen Y'er myself, I find anyone who uses the term seriously to be completely abhorrent, ignorant, misinformed and unnecessarily offensive. - Comments
  • An accurate prediction, even though actual debate was forestalled by a campaign of misinformation and intimidation.
  • They had been misinformed about the time of the meeting.
  • In 1948, Professor Alfred C. Kinsey published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, dropping a proverbial bomb of sexual information on a largely misinformed and prudish culture.
  • In the past few weeks there has been an overwhelming amount of information and, in turn, misinformation clouding the headlines.
  • This editorial, simply put, is rife with inaccuracies, misinformation, and outright untruths.
  • When a journalist misinforms readers on their way to the ballot box democracy is sacrificed.
  • Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington, Shapiro dispelled myth and mistruth around what he perceives as misinformation and bias. Mike Smith: Get It Right - Facts Matter
  • The important question, he feels, is how both doctors and patients deal with the plenitude of information and misinformation being circulated.
  • Another option is that it's a somewhat sophomoric, eurocentric brand of feminism incapable, through its own misinformed liberalism, of recognising anyone other than white, anglophone males as the enemy.
  • I sincerely believe the hospital nurses were totally misinformed as to what was going on.
  • And they came out with a whole host of false pricing comparisons and we are fighting back against that misinformation.
  • While there is also misinformation, there is a great deal of lobbyists, specialinterest groups (SIG), medical professionals who benefit from the current system at the expense of the patients -- often treated as "customers" by these groups. Universal Healthcare must be a priority for a Strong Healthy Nation
  • It can only be deduced that most young people learn about homosexuality from the negative and misinformed images in the mainstream media.
  • There had even been worries that it could have been deliberate misinformation.
  • This is how this type of misinformation spreads throughout the Air Force and infects every level with a plague of bad practices that are perpetuated internally.
  • Some sort of campaign of public misinformation seems to be underway, raising our hopes just to dash them again when the due date arrives and the work is no nearer to completion.
  • We hear of ambushes, sudden descents on armies still in marching column, and enemies taken by surprise as a result of sudden forced marches, stealthy changes of position, deceptive signals, and deliberate misinformation.
  • We have bonded over horrifically misformed and misinformed confections. Conditions Froggy
  • It is acute watery diarrhoea which is also known as gastroenteritis and the media is misinforming people," he said. IRIN
  • Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
  • We were also misinformed regarding how often there would be activity on the field which has resulted in the quality of life for residents deteriorating.
  • This confusion has contributed to widespread misinformation and noncompliance with the law. Christianity Today
  • Unfortunately for Darius he was misinformed as to what he was dealing with.
  • The public debate was misinformed and very much at variance with the position set out by the CEO.
  • People are suffering with home forclosures, job losses, high unemployment, but the average Floridian is not well educated and I have found a number of my acquaintances who have fallen for the McCain misinformation campaigns. Bill Nelson’s Guide to Watching the Florida Election Results - Swampland -
  • Miss Tempest, with a woman's daring, and the true spirit of "cussedness," took every risk, and, though even the enthusiastic and misinformed London papers have been obliged to avoid pet allusions to the "furore created in America" by the unfortunate Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905
  • They don't want to give people news or information-they give them misinformation.
  • What a pity you have allowed yourself to be used by mischief-makers to publish misinformation.
  • However, it was in a later exchange that Stewart got actually angry at Wallace, as he talked about what he called the misinformation that Fox News gave its viewers. Jon Stewart LIVE On Fox News, Tells Host 'You're Insane' (VIDEO)
  • What we do not need is the selective, or careless, transmission of misinformation or disinformation.
  • The difficulty rests in ascertaining how to address decades of misinformation regarding international economics. Growth and Anti-Americanism, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Often, negative attitudes are based on misinformation.
  • Ms. Woertz said she welcomed the debate and "empathized" with users facing higher food and feed prices, but said it would be "misguided and misinformed" to reverse state support that could lead to a new generation of renewable fuels. ADM's CEO Sees Improvement
  • After all, what's to prevent vandals from deleting information or adding misinformation?
  • The Herald has misinformed voters and readers through it's actions.
  • There is much misinformation on both sides, particularly surrounding Islam, the religion of many Turks.
  • You're misinformed if you think teaching earns megabucks!
  • Phil Bowermaster endeavors to "straighten" the public out on two issues on which it is "desperately misinformed. The Speculist: The Tiresome Argument
  • A ton of misinformation by BFalcon on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 2: 08: 30 PM aucht nicht by William Whitten on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 10: 26: 17 PM The United States has been in denial of its own illegal actions for years
  • Instead of wit, he interpreted my jokes as racist and ethnocentric misinformation.
  • This anti-Polonism on the part of misinformed novelists, script writers and film directors is revealed in shameful and slanderous distortions of history (Poles shown collaborating with the Nazis, assistance being withheld from the heroic Ghetto freedom fighters, etc., etc.). Poland and the Jews: An Exchange
  • Gossip can be the malicious spreading of misinformation, but unsubstantiated tittle-tattle is sometimes all we have to go on. Readers recommend: songs about gossip
  • Blogs, wikis, podcasts, videocasts, and open source software are just a few of the emerging technologies prompting discussions about social networking, censorship, misinformation, plagiarism, and the role of technology in our schools.
  • I would be grateful if you would correct the mistakes in your article so your readers may not be misinformed.
  • The guild subsequently brought proceedings against the company accusing it of misinforming the consumer.
  • Given the importance of public opinion, let us counter misinformation with a modicum of information.
  • There's a lot of misinformation about AIDS that needs to be corrected.
  • The crucial question for evolutionary biology is where the balance is struck between signalling real information about your state and signalling misinformation.
  • This is how this type of misinformation spreads throughout the Air Force and infects every level with a plague of bad practices that are perpetuated internally.
  • The fact that this campaign had to be initiated speaks of the sad state of misinformation current in North American society.
  • This occurs not only for the gay and lesbian youths themselves but also for those who care about them and have been misinformed through their own exposure to heterosexism and homophobia.
  • Far more often, the misinformation surrounding the draft is a relatively innocent brand of deception. The lying season: Deception key to NFL draft strategies
  • I tell you Mollie, I misinformed you before, as to Sanctification being necessarily a gradual work, nay I've found out better since, it comes like justification, just as soon as we are ready to receive it, just as soon as we have consecrated all, all to God, then the blessing is there. Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonNovember 17, 1856
  • You're with Radio National's Background Briefing, and today we probe the smoky world of ambiguities, misinformation, dissembling and not so much lies, as the avoidance of truth.
  • It became clear that the general had been badly misinformed.
  • The misinformation and disinformation that is circulated makes it impossible for any fair-minded commentator to take sides in the issue.
  • No one is going to get a better self-image if the information they receive is in reality misinformation.
  • As time goes on, I get the sense that the move towards audence-friendliness is in large part due to increased modern opportunities to be played for a fool — with the number of scams, hoaxes, and misinformation we run into every day, people are less inclined to give the avant-garde a chance if there's any hint of a con about it. Who walks in the classroom, cool and slow?
  • At a time when Americans are confronted with increasingly challenging environmental choices, we learn that our citizenry is by and large both uninformed and misinformed. Bill Chameides: The Sorry State of Environmental Journalism
  • This makes finding information quicker and easier, but also allows replication of misinformation.
  • She misinformed me of the real state of affairs.
  • Whatever it is that ails us, we carry this misinformation with us and it colours our actions, our relationships, our work - in fact every aspect of our lives.
  • misinform", but to grant the Platform these "Powers of Misinformation", you have to assume that everyone using it is a simpleton just waiting to be tricked by the next conspiracy theorist that creates a Twitter account. O'Reilly News
  • So tepid arguments between mumbling, incoherent, misinformed gentlemen speckle the news programmes.
  • I wonder how many people are still misinformed about how this disease is spread?
  • I have been reading past LJ posts (in lurk-mode because really, who wants comments on entries that are months old?) in a vain attempt to catch up on everything, but I've also been reading my friends list -- and tnh, at making light, has posted a comment about misinformation and the publishing industry. Bestsellers?
  • This confusion has contributed to widespread misinformation and noncompliance with the law. Christianity Today
  • With resources taxed and false rumors howling, misinformation was rarely spread by the news media.
  • Public surveys show that the media misinforms most Americans about what is sexual abuse, and who is the sexual abuser.
  • Don ' t misinform your doctor nor your lawyer.
  • Furious road hauliers insisted yesterday that Transport Minister Seamus Brennan was repeatedly misinformed by state agencies on a decision not to increase the height of the Dublin Port Tunnel.
  • Who are you to misinform people you do not know in this flippant manner? Treating Food/Water Poisoning in Mexico, or Any Other Place
  • Don ' t misinform your doctor nor your lawyer.
  • But the germ of truth in it is that you don't get any more misinformation in two ID papers than in one: it's the same old same old.
  • You find that most of their information and propaganda is based on misinformation.
  • Had the Bush administration solicited reports of what it characterized as misinformation and rumors about the Iraq war the likes of Mr. Collins and Mr. Hutchins would have been outraged, and rightly so. The Volokh Conspiracy » Can You FOIA to Find Out If You Have Been Reported to the White House? And What is the ACLU’s Position?
  • And it can be a way of spreading misinformation or distorted information quickly.
  • Sometimes misinformation, exaggerated fictions and relics of wartime propaganda are reported in the media.

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