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How To Use Mishna In A Sentence

  • But the men most closely associated with the compilation of the Mishnah were the Tannaim (from the root _tana_, which has the same meaning as _shana_). Chapters on Jewish Literature
  • At the shloshim of Rav Avigdor Cyperstein, he learned mishnayes and said the kaddish for his neshama. Aish Weekly Articles
  • Only the tanna, R. Johanan ben Beroka (beginning of the second century c.e.), claimed that women were obligated in procreation on the basis of Genesis 1: 28 where both males and females are blessed (Mishnah Yevamot 6: 6), but his opinion was not accepted as halakhah (Rambam, Ishut 15: 2; Shulhan Arukh E.H. 1: 13). Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • (“A mamzer shall not enter the congregation of the Lord” [Mishnah, Yevamot 8: 3; Mishnah, Kiddushin 3: 12]). Divorce: The Halakhic Perspective.
  • The disproportion between the 3,400 Shekels and the 1,000 Half-Shekels is to be understood from the prescription of the Mishna that each payment of a Half-Shekel for one person was liable to an agio of 4-8%.
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  • According to the Mishnah and Jerusalem Talmud, a complex system of internal controls was instituted to sell and distribute items.
  • Women are obligated in tefillah (the amidah [lit. “standing,” the prayer of eighteen benedictions]) even though there is an obligation to say it at specified times (Mishnah Berakhot 3: 3). Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • In the Talmud, you start with a Mishnah, which is a short summary of a given law, and then move to an exposition of the law. Josh Fleet: Is Journalism Kosher?
  • Entertainment Weekly on I'm Down by Mishna Wolff A: "All of Wolff's experiences funnel into this buoyant memoir, which is rich in detail but never feels overembellished. Omni Daily News
  • Moshe Basson's culinary roots stretch back through time from 200 CE, when the collection of Jewish oral law known as the Mishnah began to take shape - to the Jewish presence in Iraq, where his family lived till the 1950s - to the present time in Jerusalem. English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • And the same day the price of a pair of doves stood at a quarter-denar each (Mishnah Keritot 1: 7). Kinnim (Tractate).
  • There are six arches on each side of the Holy Ark corresponding to the number of books of the Mishna; each arch has a pole with five bulbs representing the five books of the Torah.
  • The sayings of Judah ha-Nasi, the redactor of the _Mishnah_, and of Rabbi Gamaliel, his son, were undoubtedly added after the time of Judah. Pirke Avot Sayings of the Jewish Fathers
  • One who does not understand Hebrew and counts the Omer in Hebrew has not fulfilled his obligation to count the Omer according to the Mishna Brura.
  • He codified all the rabbinic teachings into a collected work known as the Mishnah.
  • The Shtibl Minyan (of which she was a very a very active member when she lived in L.A.) has set up a form so that all six orders of the Mishnah will be learned during her shloshim (the initial 30-day mourning period.) Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Danya Ruttenberg
  • This is a warning against self-righteous severity, as elaborated on in the Talmudic collection of commentary on Jewish custom and law called the Mishnah: "Do not judge your fellow until you are in his position" (Aboth 2: 5). Michael Shermer: The Power of Positive Skepticism: A Reply to Deepak Chopra
  • The obligation of the father to provide a minimum dowry (fifty zuz) compensated her for the loss of inheritance (Mishnah Ketubbot 6: 5). Legal-Religious Status of the Married Woman.
  • Indeed, the Gemara is a compilation of the various rabbinic discussions on the Mishna, and as such completes the understanding of the Mishna.
  • This is a powerful way of starting Mishnah Torah, the last Sefer in the Chumash.
  • The original title denotes Avesta and Zend, which is a correct description, for what is now known as the Zend Avesta is really a combination of text (Avesta) and commentary (Zend), just as the Jewish Talmud is a combination of Mishnah The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
  • Looking at vocalized editions of the Mishna and Talmud, I see that they are pretty much split down the middle: Steinsaltz and Artscroll have shipon (or shippon in the English translation), whereas Kehati and Jastrow have shifon. English-writing Israeli-bloggers
  • Introduces Mishnah, the oral law of Judaism received by Moses from God at Mount Sinai.
  • For though the Jews have such a cabala (called gematry) as this which Mr. White describes; yet that cabala which is argued in this instance, and which our Saviour reproves in the pharisees by the name of tradition, is quite another thing, and among the Jewish writers known by the name of the "unwritten, or oral law;" which they say was delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai, and by him conveyed to Aaron and Joshua, and the elders, and successively delivered down from one age to another; and at last by Rabbi Jehudah compiled into one volume which they call Mishna, or deute'rosis. The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 10.
  • By 10-years-old, children were studying the Mishnah, which is commentary upon the Old Testament. Menachem Wecker: Why Does Pastor Mark Driscoll Say Judaism Is Anti-Children?
  • While the Mishnah is the basis for Talmudic discussions, Ethics of the Fathers has no Talmudic discussions associated with it, at least none that I am aware of. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The ancient rabbinic text, the Mishnah, states: "A single man was created in the world, to teach that if any man has caused a single soul to perish, scripture imputes it to him as if he had caused a whole world to perish, and if any man saves alive a single soul, scripture imputes it to him as if he had saved alive a whole world... Rabbi Jack Bemporad: An Open Letter To Congress From Leaders of the Faith Community: Don't Cut Foreign Aid!
  • A typical heder enrolled forty to fifty boys, often in wretched physical quarters, after public school hours to learn mechanical reading of Hebrew, siddur, hummash, and Mishnah. Education of Jewish Girls in the United States.
  • R. Meir is considered to be the tanna of the mishnah which allows children to blow the shofar (a positive, time-bound mitzvah) but which is understood to prohibit women from blowing the shofar. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • Death to the talmud, death to the torah, death to the cabbala, death to the Israeli sanhedrin, death to all hassidim, death to rabbinical mishnah nonsense, death to Judaic racism against "Goyim", death to the Palestinian Apartheid Wall of Judaism, death to all of Israel. Bill Maher's Religulous Documentary is Evidently 'Brilliant' «

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