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How To Use Misguide In A Sentence

  • I also feel that the manuals can sometimes misguide us.
  • I have long claimed that this conceivability is only apparent; some misguided philosophers think they can conceive of a zombie, but they are badly mistaken. nullasalus: Blurring the Line
  • Politicians or other misguided do-gooders won't be able to meddle.
  • A misguided foray into middle-eastern politics, it may well be their lyrical nadir, their trademark synth-pop swamped in a hideous 80s production.
  • With the no-doubt unintended effect of suggesting that Wallace's menace and ensuing mayhem might, in hindsight, be laughed-off like a good-ol'-boy joke, "George Wallace: Settin 'the Woods on Fire" takes part of its title, and its misguided musical leitmotif from a wacky, Hank Williams party-hearty song. Film/Television: Lost Highways
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  • But the more evident marauder is pigeons, thanks to the sandwich crusts left by lunchers and the feed spread by misguided bird fanciers.
  • The Weather Underground was misguided and poor strategy tactic — but as Ayers says, they never killed anybody. flory Says: Matthew Yglesias » The Real Bill Ayers Kind Of Sucks
  • The naivety, hateful ignorance and misguided arguments of his article were appalling to say the least.
  • Our country has all of these things because vigorous, misguided liberals succeeded in reshaping the nation. Matthew Yglesias » Kristol Complicates Napoleon Metaphors
  • We deeply regret our misguided support and apologize for our previous email.
  • KING: ... describes him as the first leader of a Western major nation to suggest the suicide hijackers may have been motivated by what he described as the misguided policies of the rich and the powerful. CNN Transcript Sep 13, 2002
  • All viruses are malicious, nasty little programs written by misguided people.
  • For as they see it metaphysics is a pretentious, conceptually misguided form of myth-making, a “pseudo-science” masquer - ading as a genuine source of knowledge. METAPHYSICAL IMAGINATION
  • Hard drugs are peddled to misguided youth and more than a few backdoor ‘massage parlours’ are in operation.
  • Has not the poetic legacy of the avant-garde already begun to resemble a blasted library, bestrewn with the unburied cadavers of lunatics and suicides — all the beautiful, but misguided, losers who have martyred themselves to untelevised revolutions? Writing and Failure (Part 1) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Whether these threats are the work of the same person or people who planted the explosive device, or misguided pranksters, they have multiplied the effect of the explosion.
  • I have come to believe that the Government's economic policy is misguided.
  • He described the government's economic policy as misguided.
  • President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was re-elected last month by a wide margin, largely because of support from the country's Sihanalese majority, said Tamil leaders should not "misguide" people or harbor political ambitions based on ethnicity. CBS 2 - KCAL 9 - Los Angeles - Southern California - LA Breaking News, Weather, Traffic, Sports
  • Care needs to be taken to distinguish between teachers that are misguided and those that are rank heretics who have rejected the faith.
  • That poor misguided soul was, like as not, struck fixedly mute by the sheer torturous weight of cricketing knowledge displayed hereabouts.
  • What if everything that I learnt from my guides was just the delusions of a misguided egotistical fool?
  • It's a complex story involving what may be misguided notions of why we have acid in the stomach in the first place, and the role of a hormone called gastrin.
  • This seemed misguided to me; I think it would make more sense to say that the denominals are part of a VP-shell configuration, and the subject comes from the outer VP (which would mean, according to their theory, that it is in ‘agent’ position, and would be seen as ‘causing’ the action).
  • Feldstein also criticizes the temporary subsidy for new car buyers "cash for clunkers" as "misguided," but in an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Jan. 29, 2009 , he proposed a "temporary refundable tax credit to households that purchase cars or other major consumer durables. Debating Professor Feldstein's Proposals on Stimulus
  • his plan of attack was misguided
  • Go ahead and call me a misguided Westerner if you like, or even a bleeding heart; I much prefer those titles to "bystander" -- innocent or not. Kristi York Wooten: The Sachs-Moyo-Easterly Aid Debate: An Activist's Perspective
  • The second lesson must be that we need to understand that blaming the residents of Sighthill for the events of the past week is simply misguided and a travesty of the truth.
  • The answer is misguided economic policies, mismanagement, poor maintenance, sloppiness, tribalism and corruption.
  • According to the Archbishop, the ‘crisis in Iraq’ has been caused by America's misguided sense of its mission in the world, that it had lost the moral high ground since the September 11 attacks and that it should provide aid to Iraq, stop exploiting its territory and demilitarise it. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Shareholders would be forced to bear the full risk of the positions they have taken and suffer the resulting losses. financial crises continue to occur for the same reasons as always - overoptimism, excessive debt and leverage ratios, and misguided incentives and perspectives - and our solutions must continue to address these basic problems. Thomas Hoenig For Fed Chairman
  • This conversation started off ad hominem: I'm "solipsistic," misguided, I'm politically motivated, I'm ignorant of the basic facts and of the "meaning" of the text. Whether true or not
  • Rather, it’s the misguided conviction that alcohol facilitates the act of writing, emboldens the imagination, sharpens wits, and performs many other useful functions in abetting the bardic spirit. Wislawa szymborska | how to (and how not to) write poetry « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • There was admiring applause at the end but little more than titters throughout a show misguidedly billed as ‘hilariously funny’.
  • Yet I listened on restlessly, defensively alert for proof that her notion of love was misguided. A DEATH IN THE FAMILY
  • Misguided craven cowards have debased the nobleness of mankind.
  • Even the president described calls to amend the constitution as misguided.
  • The moderate success of the Caribbean appetizers gives me a bit of misguided hope for the matching entrées.
  • It stems from a misguided perception that greatness is bestowed at birth and pours out onto the page like water, perfectly formed and written. Excuses, Excuses « Write Anything
  • The new proposals are, in our opinion, totally misguided.
  • Koch Nitrogen Co. LLC, a fertilizer producer, questions the EPA's desire to make unit-specific or facility-specific emissions available, calling it "misguided" since a change in pollution from a single factory is unlikely to influence policy on a global problem. Greenhouse Gases Database: Companies Fight To Keep Global Warming Data Secret
  • well-meaning but misguided teachers
  • Or maybe they're just so drunk, they're under the misguided belief that Oxford Street is a daggy bohemian end of Kings Cross they've never encountered before.
  • But once all these types of stories cease to be published -- and features by their nature rely on the leisureliness of print reading and generous photographic layouts that lure in the semi-curious reader -- I worry we'll have lost the shared understanding and celebration of Chicago as an infinitely unpredictable, loving, misguided, charming, ugly, pretty and charismatic city. David Murray: The Socially Catastrophic Demise of the Light Feature Story
  • The thief made a misguided attempt to rob a policewoman.
  • I replied, ‘Your loyalty is appreciated even if misguided.’ Shaped By Stories « Tales from the Reading Room
  • In any case, his conclusion seems misguided: If nonhereditary MPs begin to enter Parliament's ranks in significant numbers once they have passed the age of 40, it's hard to extrapolate a worryingly dynastic future for the country's governance. How to Get Ahead in India
  • All that is needed for the triumph of a misguide cause is that good people do nothing.
  • This is done in a misguided belief that women on welfare just need to work their way out of poverty.
  • The human spirit, no matter how misguided, in unstoppable. Cheney: Obama pretending we are not at war
  • The same misguided values that have made slaveholders, Indian-killers, and militarists the heroes of our history books still operate today.
  • The later the crack-up comes, the longer the period in which the calculation of the entrepreneurs is misguided by the issue of additional fiduciary media.
  • Whether the policy yardstick is efficiency or equity, this is a misguided approach.
  • To refuse needed funds out of grossly misguided principals is destructionist. IT IS NOT PERMANENT
  • The Academy Awards ceremony this year was a largely boring and torpid affair, dominated by the deeply misguided self-satisfaction of nearly all involved.
  • And dont forget : from the " traders " you have in a game, 90 % of them are misleaded and misguided by the hype PR and false promises of " ownership " and " make a fast buck playing a game ". Second Life Business Exodus?
  • Unfortunately, this utterly disposable post-feminist tract is so misguided that it ends up making most reality TV look thoughtful.
  • Yet withal, such was our restraint, that we talked of her still as one much misguided, as one who burthened us with anxiety, as a lamb astray, and Mrs. Milton having eaten, continued to show the finest feelings on the matter. The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
  • Unilateralism is refreshing, if it means plain speaking about inadequate treaties or misguided policies.
  • With all due respect, this palaver from the congressional representative is an example of the "red herrings", flawed reasoning and misguided focus prevalent within the entire debate about Health Insurance Reform. TX Dem: Bill without public option 'would be very, very difficult'
  • It may be these catastrophic ruptures in unscarred uteri that cause the misguided fear of cesarean scars rupturing.
  • Unlike the yutz we have on this thread, you could actually engage him/her in substantive debate … even though he/she was more often than not misguided or flat out wrong. Think Progress » Crist calls out hypocritical governors who condemned the stimulus but touted the funding projects.
  • He misguides us into Iraq and there by PROTECTS the SAUDIs. Think Progress » Talk Host Gallagher: ‘Round Up’ Olbermann, Damon, And ‘Put Them In A Detention Camp’
  • Interpreting a person's life from journals left behind is a dangerously misguided exercise.
  • In a defiant, rambling speech in the capital, Tripoli, the army colonel who has ruled the North African nation for nearly 42 years appealed to supporters to take to the streets by the millions in order to cleanse Libya, home by home, village by village,'' of what he described as a misguided movement inspired by foreigners. Top Stories
  • But misguided or not, the Mounties were a hindrance to his search, and a danger. Moonheart
  • However, the State authorities argue that the apprehensions are misplaced and misguided.
  • Scratches etched where a million scrapes had blunted the tips of misguided attempts to put the key in lock seemed like ditches in the copper and brass whereas the dark recess of the key hole looked huge and looming.
  • History is replete with instances of misguided leaders believing they were statesmen and entering into parleys and talks with intractable and cunning enemies.
  • Misguided opponents of the proposal complain the miles separating the resort from downtown will discourage convention business at Starr Pass.
  • Epistemological realism is misguided theoretically and pragmatically.
  • In the 1940s and 1950s, another estrogen, diethylstilbestrol, was widely given to Western women early in their pregnancies in a misguided attempt to prevent miscarriage.
  • President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was re-elected last month by a wide margin, largely because of support from the country's Sinhalese majority, said Tamil leaders should not "misguide" people or harbour political ambitions based on ethnicity. Zee News : India National
  • To do so would make him as miserable and misguided as the persons perverting each other.
  • Most hideously misguided of all is the UPVC front door - complemented beautifully by a moulded plastic doorframe.
  • All this makes the following statements promoting recent seminars on online database systems not only misguided, but silly!
  • So these latest results suggest that the current thinking on atherogenesis is completely misguided, even among those who reject the significance of TC and LDL-C. Vytorin: Dis-Enhance-d | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Misguided explorers, hopeless romantics, deluded legionaries, quacks, misfits, visionaries, obsessives, the deceivers and the deceived, they love all that emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foolishly I brought my sandals to the arena where the bands are today in a misguided hope that the sun would bake the mud dry… oh no no no.
  • Instead, many countries have seen both opportunity and resources squandered on political adventurism, civil wars, misguided macroeconomic policies, and greed.
  • The 'theophany' thus shows from nature that our claims to understand it all including the sufferings of any given human individual are arrogant and misguided. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Some may say she is a saviour, and some may say she is an immoral, misguided pseudo-philanthropist.
  • Yes, design competitions are often flawed, but I did say flawed and not utterly misguided and valueless or irredeemably corrupt.
  • Because we read this diary in installments, like Anne, our assessment of his plot undergoes its own shocks: we may well wish to write him off as a stock character, the typical misguided liberal in a postcolonial novel--an urge supported by David's unreliable narrative voice--but his willingness to admit wrongdoing and decenter himself calls our responses into question. The Voyage Home
  • Some may say she is a saviour, and some may say she is an immoral, misguided pseudo-philanthropist.
  • All the more reason to allow market forces, rather than misguided and punitive regulation, to dictate the choices available to consumers.
  • So while he comes out looking like the hapless victim of wilful misinterpretation, Carol is portrayed as mentally fragile and misguided, if not downright crazy.
  • The villains then were misguided terrorists, the perpetrators now are our irrepressible politicians.
  • He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.
  • But subsequent reading of the play clarifies little and amounts to less, merely confirming his pretensions and misguidedness.
  • Their misguided views make it much easier for some parts of mainstream America to reciprocally demonize the entire anti-war camp and deprive it of support.
  • I realize that that's not what the author chose to focus on, but my God, choosing to base an identity politics ( "tragi") comedy on a slaver is about as misguided as the warm-family-tragicomedy-in-Nazi-death-camp peesashit "Life is Beautiful" was. SeeLight:
  • This is no longer a tale of tragically misguided love, but of sexual perversion and an unforgiveable abuse of power.
  • A lie of the soul, he said, is a lie that misguides the soul, misdirects the soul away from truth. Many Impossible Things | Her Bad Mother
  • Emanuel shook his head, muttering about the misguidedness of heathens.
  • He knew a little about filming, having once misguidedly invested money in a production. LAST SHOT
  • By AW, January 4, 2010 @ 8: 20 am lame brain misguided misfit narcissistic half-wit Cheeseburger Gothic » Snip snip.
  • Ignoring the situation or simply hoping that it will disappear of its own accord is craven, misguided and, most importantly, dangerous.
  • In the end, truth is no match for economics and a misguided vision of self-preservation.
  • This could be due to a misguided belief that the swine flu jab will protect against winter flu**. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • But Alfric is the extreme signifier of Roman Catholicism's violent signified, whereas the novel's various misguided Protestants merely signify postlapsarian man's natural depravity. The Little Professor:
  • It is another reason why the proposal must be defeated as misguided and dangerous.
  • When the variegated army of eco - warriors and anarchists takes to the streets on Tuesday, most will be idealists; others will be misguided, even criminal, but youth is their currency.
  • Misguided or unguided precision munitions can lead to significant collateral damage and fratricide.
  • However, misguided wishful thinking has made the long-term prognostication considerably worse than necessary. Asia Times Online
  • I'd made peace with the completely unfunny nature of the film and its misguided attempts to be a grave mob story.
  • So does he now regret what was an admittedly misguided, but initially private, prank between friends?
  • I do not personally know any of the recipients of your attacks, yet I seem to find myself in agreement with some who did bother to respond to your selfish and misguided diatribes.
  • Is it possible to see a misguided trajectory in certain of the developments, e.g., the silent recitation of the Canon of the Mass, infrequency of reception of holy communion, the retention of Latin? Critiquing the critics
  • But if he won't, then we truly don't need his ill-informed and misguided opinions to try to say otherwise.
  • His intentions are good, if tragically misguided.
  • His untidy clothes give one a misguided impression of him.
  • But the out-half shanked the conversion, perhaps a fitting post - script to a French performance that was strangely misguided.
  • We favor management of the forest by trained professional foresters using approved forestry practices as has been done in the past and without interference from well-intentioned but misguided advocates of single-use concepts. The Good Fight
  • Regrettably, politicians are using the misguided comparisons with Lehman Brothers as an excuse to ignore and perpetuate Europe's real problem: an unhealthy, undercapitalised banking system and a monetary union based on the premise that political leaders' commitment alone could make economic and democratic realities disappear. Greece is no Lehman Brothers | Raoul Rapurel
  • The Clinic was a terrible place where a group of misguided scientists attempted to use electrotherapy to ‘rehabilitate’ Rob.
  • And with all due respect, to read Russo in an effort to unravel soap opera elements is as misguided as James Wood making the charge that all of Richard Powers's novels contain a boy-meet-girl subplot. Deep-Hearted
  • In this way, religious believers who are accused of being closed-minded and small-minded, if not misguided souls, are actually more open-minded and large-minded because they are willing to admit, as Hamlet put it to Horatio, that "there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. TEXAS FAITH: Misunderstanding (my) religion | RELIGION Blog |
  • They've learnt to band together in secret underground groups, occasionally breaking out to form pressure groups demanding action against prejudice and misguided legislation.
  • It was hilarious nightmare fodder on a grand scale, the kind of misguided kiddy show that startled more pre-adolescents than it satisfied.
  • Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum or your thoughts on the Israeli government, this boycott is a misguided and dangerous effort that threatens the entire filmmaking community and, indeed, freedom of speech and artistic expression. Controversy at the Toronto Film Fest « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • All this makes the following statements promoting recent seminars on online database systems not only misguided, but silly!
  • A misguided strategy, but not, I think, a malign one.
  • But if misguided privacy alarmists have their way, the benefits of the next generation of bar codes may be denied or delayed.
  • A lawyer who does that is probably one who is going to force my company’s contract into some misguided boilerplate from a giant formbook. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for Abolishing the Bluebook
  • To paraphrase 18th-century statesman Edmund Burke, all that is needed for the triumph of a misguided cause is that good people do nothing.
  • Scenes of smoking, violence and drinking can misguide the public, especially the youngsters.
  • They view the minority who are still church members as hypocrites or antiquarian oddities; or misguided worshippers of an illusion.
  • It is indoctrination Misguided pride leaves us impervious to any version of success that does not bear the patent of our system.
  • Perhaps it was not a case of misguided chutzpah after all.
  • Near 1,800 budding business owners responded, pitching ideas displaying ambitiousness, earnestness, smarts and yes, even misguided drive and planning. Facing the challenges of starting a small business
  • (link) Ugh, from a retail perspective the word "tween" is used to classify sometimes grossly misguided attempts to market to that age group. Slayground: Books for the Ages: or, Why I Don't Use the Term MG
  • Which partly explains why, out of some misguided notion of loyalty, we continued to employ Marshall on an informal, part-time basis. CHAMELEON
  • I agree with Dr. N about using suck-ups as human shields - if she penetrates that line of defense or if you get shoved forth by some misguided prof expecting you to "shmooze" just shove a bunch of cheese cubes in your mouth and chew...nodding sagely from time to time. Dilemma
  • The biggest damage to health has instead come from hypochondria and well-meaning but misguided attempts to help people.
  • He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.
  • Politicians or other misguided do-gooders won't be able to meddle.
  • She calls his droll accusations stupid and misguided, just about.
  • Given the perpetual fear/reward roller coaster of his world, Cheswick has committed his real but misguided passion to a fight which, by virtue of its vagary and volatility, can only end in his defeat. Steven Weber: Tea Party in a Cuckoo's Nest
  • Respect for minority rights is definitely important, but she was being overly sensitive in censuring this community-building event with her flimsy, misguided affirmative action notions.
  • It's ninety percent uneducated guesswork and ten percent misguided sincerity.
  • I realize that that's not what the author chose to focus on, but my God, choosing to base an identity politics ( "tragi") comedy on a slaver is about as misguided as the warm-family-tragicomedy-in-Nazi-death-camp peesashit "Life is Beautiful" was. SeeLight:
  • Sure, we can call all those parents misguided for standing in line on Black Friday just to buy their kids a $10 fuzzball that -- for an additional $12.99 -- can have his very own skateboard. The Zhu Zhu conundrum
  • Their approach to the problem is fundamentally misguided.
  • It is terribly misguided to equate Alcoholics Anonymous -- which encourages its adherents to admit that they have no control over their drinking, except by the grace of a higher power -- to the sheer, white-knuckled suppression of innate feelings by those who find themselves affectionally oriented to persons of the same gender. Bishop Gene Robinson: Yes, We Do Need Separation of Church and State: Repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Maintains These Boundaries
  • Of these people, misguided as they may be, few are actual racists.
  • Of course there exist caricatures of a misguided humility and a mistaken submissiveness, which we do not want to imitate. Chrism Mass in Rome [Update]
  • But the blood about to flow was French; it was therefore for these misguided people, already guilty of rebellion, to embrue their hands in the blood of their countrymen by striking the first blow. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • There has certainly been too much misguided media management, some hypocrisy and even sleaze.
  • While no major change in strategy is expected in December, critics could use the latest assessments to argue that the continued investment of American resources and lives is misguided, particularly when the main impediment to progress that analysts cite is beyond American control. Taliban unscathed by U.S. strikes
  • ‘Moral issues are our bread and butter and we will not be starved out of this activity by such misguided and poorly grounded legislation,’ said Father Norden.
  • Who can honestly say that Essex man was completely misguided?
  • I don't know whether you are misguided, clueless, a patsy, or a fool.
  • At worst, it can be highly offensive; a horror of sexist trappings and misguided tensions.
  • (To the objection that this thesis of indefiniteness is itself an opinion, it may be replied that doxa, ˜opinion™, is regularly used in earlier Greek philosophy, especially in Parmenides and Plato, to refer to those opinions ” misguided opinions, in the view of these authors ” that take on trust a view of the world as conforming more or less to the way it appears in ordinary experience. Picnic
  • But fraise is misguided if she doesn’t know cheating people in contemporary France. The Tea Gown | Edwardian Promenade
  • The average joe watching Channel 9 would think the whole thing involved a bunch of misguided dreadlocked hippies trying to tear down fences.
  • The best solutions are market-led and not ones misguidedly introduced by the Executive.
  • I'll mock someone or something for the same honesty or misguidedness that I'll demonstrate myself several weeks later.
  • He was shot as he made a misguided attempt to stop the robbers single-handed.
  • President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was re-elected last month by a wide margin, largely because of support from the country's Sinhalese majority, said Tamil leaders should not "misguide" people or harbour political ambitions based on ethnicity or region. News
  • It was McKenna's goal which was chalked off by the misguided assistant referee and it obviously still irks the Canadian as he has never sat down to watch the goal that might have been.
  • How misguided can you be to choose to eat your lunch in a place that has always been noted for pigeons?
  • They note that the MUSE artists such as Graham Nash and Jackson Browne are "misguided" and maybe worse than that, tend to be "sexagenarian. Steve Heilig: Nuclear Energy: Unsafe at Any Age?
  • Contrary to some misguided beliefs, kicking drugs may be the key to unleashing the true rock and roll spirit.
  • It would be very, very bad advice - sometimes crazy, misguided bad, resulting in wacky, embarrassing Three's Company-like scenarios - sometimes viciously, heinously bad resulting in devastating, life-crushing misery. Dear Slimbolala
  • In the 1940s and 1950s, another estrogen, diethylstilbestrol, was widely given to Western women early in their pregnancies in a misguided attempt to prevent miscarriage.
  • But at least it had the benefit of honest if misguided passion.
  • And there are many soliloquies from self-assured executives operating under the misguided impression they are the world's most interesting men. The Rise of ESPN: Now in Book Form
  • The red hunt was misguided because the equation that came to define the McCarthy era (to be a liberal is to be a pinko is to be a red is to be a spy) was misguided.
  • The misguided husband believes that he is going to live a plain unsophisticated life, according to nature and common sense, in company with one whom the hollowness and trickishness of society has never infected. Modern Women and What is Said of Them A Reprint of A Series of Articles in the Saturday Review (1868)
  • Misguided though this might have been, my grandfather was motivated by altruism and a deep belief in human dignity.
  • Then he was a misguided fool, his brain maddened by impending death. A DARKENING STAIN
  • China had given him the misguided notion that I was the devil's own fire-eater, and just the chap to have on hand when Fuzzy charged the square. Watershed
  • She said that these sanctions were not against the people of North Korea, who she said had suffered too long because of what she called the misguided priorities of their government. Clinton Announces New North Korea Sanctions
  • Nearly 1,800 budding business owners responded, pitching ideas that displayed ambitiousness, earnestness, smarts and yes, even misguided drive and planning. Month 2: For business owners, finances are on their minds
  • The vicar from York who advised the destitute to shoplift is to be hauled before the Archdeacon of York to be told that his advice was misguided. Top stories from Times Online
  • Parody and satire work best when the target is worthy, with some fundamental flaw in their thinking or action that when exposed via a skilled humorist reveals them for the misguided buffoons that they are.
  • These misguided criminals are groomed for success, not failure, and they expected to die.
  • There were three phrases which aimed not just at his theoretical misguidedness but at his very person. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or some one in the palace misguides thy noble husband, the chief of the Athenians, by secret concubinage in thy bed. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • Their passions, tumultuous and merciless as the Tyrrhene Sea, raged indeed with the danger, but also with the uses, of naturally appointed storm; while ours, pacific in corruption, languish in vague maremma of misguided pools; and are pestilential most surely as they retire. Val d'Arno
  • Celebrity false advertising not only misguide even threated life or health.
  • And in this expectation, even were it to be misguided, there is certainly more human dignity.
  • Law enforcement comes across as awkward and misguided, yet it looms, ubiquitous and unexamined, in the film's margins.
  • This was an England full of rich and idle people whose mostly misguided attempts to get married, avoid getting married, and so forth, could be made richly comic - if you like that sort of thing.
  • After noting Carter's earlier skepsis concerning the viability of elections in unstable Iraq, Hindrocket bizarrely concludes: Jimmy Carter isn't just misguided or ill-informed. Archive 2005-02-01
  • I know it must be some accident of history, or some poor, misguided attempt to contain Soviet aggression.
  • With a misguided step, Darien tumbled down a steep hill.
  • I would like to link images to this post, but the Met is misguidedly stingy with their Web site.
  • Which brings up another point: our modern calendars are quite misguided in suggesting that ‘summer begins’ on the solstice.
  • The mother is remonstrating with her daughter who is disfigured by lameness and in more pain than usual because of a recent misguided attempt to climb a mountain.
  • He's a spiritual person who is very misguided, but represents to you a very positive thing.
  • Broadly speaking, technophobia, misguided technophilia, and dysfunctional bodies and relationships emerged as thematic constants.
  • And mostly it is the busy bodies who are misguided by minority people they fear, who may themselves actually practice religionism against Christianity, that make up these stupid rulings. It Is Christmas in Ruralshire. Say It And Be Proud. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Generally speaking, I find the critique to be constructive and useful though largely misguided.
  • However, it is at the same time both impractical and misguided.
  • Well, for a lady who thinks she can accuse the CIA of lying to her and not expect repercussions, I guess this sort of misguided doublespeak is par for the course. dreamer Pelosi: There will be public option in House health care bill
  • But Shaun Donovan, secretary of Housing and Urban Development, largely blamed their failure on what he called a misguided attempt by the mortgage-finance giants to regain market share from Wall Street firms. Democrats and GOP Argue Over Fannie, Freddie Collapse
  • A string of fiascos define Surrey's infamy in the media: home invasions, racial tension, murders, drugs, and a horribly misguided school board.

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