
How To Use Misdo In A Sentence

  • In Butch Cassidy, for example, there were a couple of scenes misdone. The Movie Business Book, Third Edition
  • I had said to her, perhaps that very day, 'I know not whether this book is worth anything, nor what the world will do with it, or misdo, or entirely forbear to do (as is likeliest), but this I could tell the world: You have not had for a hundred years any book that came more direct and flamingly sincere from the heart of a living man; do with it what you like, you -----!' Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • “I misdoubted me that there was something quick in the meal when I first fell to kneading of it, but I have kneaded it all up together, both the meal and that which was therein, whatsoever it was.” The Story of the Volsungs
  • And the virgin commanded that he should not misdo him, but let him go, and anon he was converted, and ran through the city, and began to cry that Daria was a goddess. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • Neverthelesse, having so solemnly ingaged your faith to me, and no way misdoubting your faithfull secrecy, I shall instruct you in some meanes to be observed; and it appeareth plainly to me, that being furnished with such plenty of Bookes, as you are, and other rich endowments, as you have before rehersed, you cannot but attaine to the full period of your longing desire. The Decameron
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  • Should Olivia share her information about possible medical misdoings at the hospital?
  • And when His Highness Messer Astore heard this thing he at once raised his camp and came and entered into Perugia, for he misdoubted that they were minded to come up against Perugia, forasmuch as they had a great part of the citizens friendly to them and faithful allies.
  • Dame Hersent," said the lady, "thou wert best let such words be; for I have no desire to misdo of my body, of no such blood am I come. Old French Romances
  • They had arrived at the straw pallet on which Philip lay, so still and mute that Cadfael's heart misdoubted for a moment, and then caught gratefully at the sudden shudder and crepitation of breath. A River So Long
  • Gareth, and said: Sir, I cry you mercy, and all that I have misdone Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The government should be beyond and above any misdoing or scam, but time and time again these incidents come to light, make you wonder whatever next?. and also makes you wonder about the other things that have not come to light. Archive 2008-01-01
  • He used to interdooce 'em smooth ez ile athout sayin 'nothin' in pertickler an 'I misdoubt he didn't set so much by the sec'nd Ceres as wut he done by the Fust, fact, he let on onct thet his mine misgive him of a sort of fallin' off in spots. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866
  • He defended freedom of speech on the ground that ‘though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously to misdoubt her strength.’
  • Now a certain thrall, who had misdone against his lord and was fleeing from his wrath, haps on the said treasure and takes a cup thence, which he brings to his lord to appease his wrath. The Tale of Beowulf Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats
  • I have never misconstrued or misdoubted your affection to our house. The Abbot
  • But yet let mee tell thee withall, that I knowe my Lord to be wise and judicious, and having committed all his affaires to my care and trust: never blame mee to misdoubt, least my Ladie (by his counsell and advice) make thee the messenger of this motion, therby to call my Fidelitie in question. The Decameron
  • When Sir Tristram heard them say so he sent for his shield and for his spear, and lightly within a while he had overtaken them, and bade them turn and amend that they had misdone. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Sir," saith Lancelot, "Your amends love I much, and your love more than of any other; but never, please God, will I misdo you for aught that you may have done to me, for it is well known that I have not been in prison for no treason I have done, nor for no folly, but only for that it was your will. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • On the contrary Mr. Coddington was a keen, direct person who came straight to a point in a few terse sentences; predominant in his character was an unflinching sense of justice which was, however, fortunately tempered with enough kindness to make a misdoer mortified but never afraid in his presence. The Story of Leather
  • The remembrance of our misdoings is grievous to us; the burden of them is intolerable.
  • Meanwhile Ikrimah returned to his own house and found that his wife had missed him and asked for him, and when they told her of his riding forth, she misdoubted of him, and said to him, “Verily the Wali of Al – Jazirah rideth not abroad after such an hour of the night, unattended and secretly, save to a wife or a mistress.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The state machine's entire mechanism is now involved in repressions, and any hint of misdoing is considered as a “Hunt!” signal. Global Voices in English » Kazakhstan: “Statistical Error”, a new corruption scandal
  • Inquiries into WHO misdoing are likely to plunge deep into the statistical methods for data collection, however, it takes no expertise to see that health agencies 'data about H1N1 was wildly misleading. Swine Flu Didn't Fly
  • I'm no 'gaun to burke ye the nicht; but I canna sleep; I'm sair misdoubtful o' the thing. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • But she spake at last: Meseemeth as if there is a woman in the isle besides you three; some misdoer that I was minded to punish. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Then the king avaled his visor with a meek and noble countenance, and said, Madam, there shall none of my subjects misdo you nor your maidens, nor to none that to you belong, but the duke shall abide my judgment. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The chairman of the grievance committee, furthermore, had uttered fearsome threats: the slightest whisper of misdoing would find the Green licence in the bin. The Elvis Latte
  • misdo one's job
  • Then he invited a deputation of the people to come in and search his house if that they misdoubted his word.
  • While the sentiments seem heartfelt, there are probably much closer-to-home ways women can warn other women of a guy's misdoings, or vice versa.
  • He may have been weak in body, but his mind was strong, his position impressive, his own faults or misdoings unpunishable by law.
  • Meanwhile, Biancofiore, finding that Salabaetto had left Palermo, began to marvel and wax misdoubtful and after having awaited him good two months, seeing that he came not, she caused the broker force open the magazines. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • When the night came, the Merchant tasted somewhat of the powder and found it nauseous of gust; nevertheless he misdoubted not of it, but swallowed it all and therefrom found ease that night. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I have to admit that I had thought the Bush Administration has been much too soft on corporate misdoings and the harm it has caused America.
  • If any here misdoubts my veracity, see, here is a letter received by the last packet from my honored father.
  • For present purposes, however, what is critical is that the Federal Magistrate, having examined those questions of alleged professional misdoing, went on to hear and determine the matter on its merits and dismiss the proceeding.
  • Prince, Kinge Richard the Third; who albeit I shold guilde with farre better termes of eloquence then I have don, and freate myself to deathe in pursuite of his commendations, yet his disgrace beinge so publicke, and the worlde so opinionate of his misdoings, as I shold not be able so farre to justifie him as they to condemne him. Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850
  • This will create more sanctions, more quickly if there's bonafide misdoing. McDonnell defends his changes to ethics legislation
  • But I think most of them are related to financial embezzlement, financial misdoing and some misuse of public funds.
  • I just dont want to see these characters treated like ass or totally misdone. mchops Joe Johnston’s Captain America Sounds Rather Angst-Ridden; Director Suggests New Jurassic Park Trilogy | /Film
  • Sir," saith Lucan, "Lancelot well knoweth that and you had taken no counsel but your own, he would not have been thus entreated, and I dare well say that never so long as he liveth will he misdo in aught towards you, for he hath in him much valour and loyalty, as many a time have you had good cause to know. The High History of the Holy Graal
  • So saying, he let him pass, and Calandrino fared on, all misdoubtful, albeit he felt no whit ailing; but Buffalmacco, who was not far off, seeing him quit of Nello, made for him and saluting him, enquired if aught ailed him. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • You have seen how they treat a misdoer there in the jail; now you see how they treat the innocent and the worthy. The Mysterious Stranger; A Romance by Mark Twain [pseud.] with illustrations by N.C. Wyeth.
  • If we, the press and the people, refuse to avert our gaze from the misdoings of the BCCI, it might be forced to mend its ways.
  • Inquiries into WHO misdoing are likely to plunge deep into the statistical methods for data collection, however, it takes no expertise to see that health agencies' data about H1N1 was wildly misleading. Niko Kyriakou: Swine Flu Didn't Fly
  • So she took the cup and drank of the water, looking kindly on him, while he wondered at the beauty of her hand, and misdoubted him. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • They also wanted to get the message across to employees and authority members that they had a duty to report suspected misdoing and not ignore it.
  • They say that a man shall make his confession only to God, and not to a man; for only to him should man yield him guilty of all that he hath misdone. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • He may have been weak in body, but his mind was strong, his position impressive, his own faults or misdoings unpunishable by law.
  • Then he shut the door on me and went away; and I misdoubted me he had heard of the reward offered for me, and said to myself, ‘He hath gone to inform against me.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I beg you by all that is holy to listen to me; and if there be found any guilt in me, let me not leave this place till I have paid the penalty of my misdoing; but if my accusers are found guilty, treat them as they deserve. Anabasis
  • Thought it was his own choice, his own misdoings.
  • One party's misdoing is another's political opportunity.
  • And the most dread is, that God will take vengeance then of that that men have misdone against his will. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Forsooth," said Sir Robin, "my wife is not come of such blood as that she shall misdo against me, and I may not believe in it nowise: Old French Romances
  • Many obstacles to deinstitutionalisation still exist: psychiatrists have a very low threshold for hospital admission as they are held legally responsible for any misdoing by their patients.
  • Surely, an evil misdoing as such should not be rewarded in this way.
  • Now that I'm unemployed - thanks to the misdoings of a certain Internet media company that may or may not host this site - I've been pretty bored.
  • The deer was ravaging the man's fields, and he had killed it in sudden passion, and not for gain; and he had carried it into the royal forest in the hope that that might make detection of the misdoer impossible. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • And yet I misdoubt me that thou wilt not bring this about, because of the frowardness of them that follow thee.
  • “I misdoubted it when I saw that your honour didna put on your hat — And yet I can hardly believe it, even when I heard her speak it herself.” The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Would that every misdoer among the provincial governors had thus been followed up by the law! The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • As the glass lowered he peered inside, scanning the cabin for any blatant misdoing.
  • Voters can't be bothered to look closely enough to find misdoings, while politicians trumpet their every success.
  • The cowardly writer of this perfidy had assumed the mantle of anonymity to cloak his misdoings!
  • When he saw me, he misdoubted of me with exceeding doubt, and said to his suite, ‘Hasten and bring me yonder handmaiden who is faring forth.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And when the time came to regret for my misdoings, he was gone.
  • Worth far more, I should say (Hippias answered), for many a man with justice and right on his lips commits injustice and wrong, but no doer of right ever was a misdoer or could possibly be. Memorabilia
  • They had arrived at the straw pallet on which Philip lay, so still and mute that Cadfael's heart misdoubted for a moment, and then caught gratefully at the sudden shudder and crepitation of breath. A River So Long
  • The Rabbis understand the word “tohen” as meaning sin, specifically sexual misdoing, which they deduce from Job 31: 10: “May my wife grind [tithan] for another, may others kneel over her!” Women in Samson's Life: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • Thou hast spoken out very plain to me, and misdoubted me, Susan; I love thee so, that thy words cut me.
  • Skadi misdoubted the tale of Sigi, and deemed that this was a guile of his, and that he would have slain Bredi. The Story of the Volsungs
  • Grimm explains the principle of this test by tracing it to an old heathen superstition that the holy element, the pure stream, would receive no misdoer within it. The Customs of Old England
  • When I served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Legal Counsel and Counselor for International Affairs at the Meese Justice Department, I was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury investigating misdoing by an associate of then Attorney General Edwin Meese with regard to kickbacks on a pipeline that was to have been built from Baghdad to Aqaba. Allan Gerson: Giving Libby the Benefit of the Doubt
  • What mighty men misdo, they can amend -- these are the fresh and original types on which our little poet is compelled to fall back for support and illustration to a scene so full of terrible suggestion and pathetic possibility. A Study of Shakespeare

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