How To Use Misdating In A Sentence

  • For the two 1887 storms to actually be just one storm counted twice requires a misdating by 5 days, while the other two require both mislocation and some amount of misdating. Atlantic Hurricane Track Versions « Climate Audit
  • Other examples abound, including the misidentification of the author of the Encyclopedia article on the slave trade and the misdating of the meeting of the Estates General.
  • But in any case Muller's listing of incorrect facts seem to me to be just the sort of thing that one would likely get wrong on the basis of memory, anyway, and of the sort of natural misdating that historians are very familiar with. The Panzer and the Hitler Youth
  • In our view, the misdating of the Baptistery was not just a blind spot in an otherwise lucid vision of the past, a breakdown of rationality explained by local patriotism and rivalry with Rome's antiquity.
  • In a few instances the unbridled desire to link maker and object has allowed distracting leaps of faith and, on occasion, caused the misdating of an object simply to attribute it to a maker who worked before or after the piece's real date.
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  • In an email to me concerning a possible one year misdating of U.S. bristlecones, Moberg said that their "reconstruction does not contain any information on timescales shorter than 4 years". Materials Complaint re Moberg et al [2005] « Climate Audit
  • While this can occur from misdating, it can also occur from signals that have different power in different frequencies. Hegerl Proxies: #1 – Mann PC1 « Climate Audit
  • We believe that most writers on the subject are guilty of misdating this event as a result of their distrust of the Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • As far as I know, there is only one factual error in it, misdating a photograph of Einstein and Bohr as being from 1920 rather than the correct date of 1930. Einstein & Bohr
  • Steve: Dude…I was right about Nature not being the right place to publish that Polar Urals misdating paper. Letter to NAS « Climate Audit
  • He at times repeats himself verbatim and gets a few details wrong (such as misdating Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1991, rather than 1990).
  • Ciesielski adds that Schipper, who seems to be miffed by the auditors' abysmal oversight, then asked if the auditors should have caught the misdating anyway in their audits of footnote disclosures option footnotes have been a fixture of financials since 1996, as the footnotes could have uncovered contracts with incorrect dates. Where Were The Auditors?
  • IMHO The likelihood of misdating increases with the length of the proxy. richardT Unthreaded #13 « Climate Audit
  • Nicosia tallies one point on my alleged ‘inaccuracies,’ misdating Dewey Canyon III; mea culpa.
  • I think Luke would have shrugged and said "Sorry, a small mistake of mine" if I had questioned him about his misdating of the census of Quirinius. There Is No Slippery Slope

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