How To Use Misconception In A Sentence

  • She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
  • It is a commonly held misconception, due to the informal traditions of electronic communication, that e-mails carry less weight than letters on headed notepaper.
  • gentled" him all over his miserable frame, as he lay panting and overpowered on the sawdust, conquered and convinced at last, all his mistakes and misconceptions of other people came before him, as plainly as if Taffy himself had spoken them; so plainly, that he wondered at himself. Parables From Nature
  • However, this misconception serves to desex women by denying them their right to freedom of sexual expression.
  • Two misconceptions about the Treaty of Maastricht have been allowed to gain currency.
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  • In other words, the name "governmentalism," while intended as a word of opprobrium for socialism, really indicates the amazing misconception which the critics have of the nation itself, and of the relation of the nation's life to its self-direction. The Arena Volume 4, No. 20, July, 1891
  • Misconception number two is that fat cells migrate to treated areas from other parts of the body to keep an even distribution of body fat.
  • We are now in a position to notice, without any danger of misconception, what is called the segmental theory of the skull. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • It appears, worryingly, that these misconceptions are shared by many of our politicians.
  • That said, I don't think your note was uncharitable, but generally sounded the normal problems and misconceptions Protestants have with the Faith.
  • The fact that he cites, in his defense, a first class degree from Cambridge ‘specializing in philosophy’ only makes more indefensible his howlers and misconceptions.
  • Another popular misconception has to do with Islam and terrorism.
  • The basic misconception was that caloric was a conserved substance, that is it could ‘neither be created nor destroyed’.
  • He wrote about perspective phenomena, but the etymological synonymity of optics and perspective has often led to the misconception that he wrote about perspective constructions.
  • There are many misconceptions about the technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • So while the Japanese infantryman preparing to meet his Soviet counterpart could be in high spirits, his misunderstanding and misconceptions about the Red Army were about to exact a terrible price.
  • There seems to be this misconception that she's a rampant self-publicist: the evidence I've encountered suggests precisely the opposite.
  • The first misconception is that legal study at university is exclusively for students who intend becoming solicitors or advocates.
  • She also corrects small misconceptions that have been propagated in the many existing potted biographies of Franklin.
  • Therefore the wider circulation of such policy statements needs to be a priority in order to correct that misconception.
  • Within Paganism, I think that there's a misconception that being pantheistic equals the absence of wrong.
  • One of the most common misconceptions about homosexual people is how our sexuality is determined.
  • A lot of the original points of view were based on misconceptions about the other side's point of view.
  • Many of the fears and misconceptions shaping our options and influencing our choices are by-products of this fallacy.
  • For the distribution of misconceptions, narrative misconceptions usually cluster on the Principle of Le Chatelier and Effective Collision.
  • It is a common misconception that students do not pay tax on earnings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suspicion and misconceptions about Zimbabwe can only be cleared when there is dialogue and openness.
  • Here we see a number of basic misconceptions about the nature of language and about what constitutes competence in a language, as they have been applied specifically to bilinguals.
  • By bringing together persons who have triumphed over the disease, the organisers expect to dispel several misconceptions about cancer.
  • Contrary to popular misconception, it is not a collection of gestures or mime.
  • The idea that play of any stripe is always an irrelevant diversion is a misconception. Archive 2008-04-01
  • There is a misconception he has always been a Palace favourite, that somehow he was destined to become manager one day. The Sun
  • There is a common misconception about anger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another popular misconception of Darwinian evolution is that its products must be genetically determined because their inheritance depends on genes.
  • His bulk disguised a sharp mind that was more than able to deflate those who believed the misconception of their eyes. THE MANANA MAN
  • Neither the promoter nor its agents can accept responsibility for any discrepancies, inaccuracies or misconceptions given or construed. The Sun
  • Classical music is still burdened by so many myths and misconceptions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are there many misconceptions about her? Times, Sunday Times
  • She has spoken recently of her desire to correct the many misconceptions she fears we hold about her. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a number of contributing causes to throat stiffness, but the principal cause is _throat consciousness_ and misplaced effort, due largely to current misconceptions regarding the voice. Resonance in Singing and Speaking
  • He knew everything that every one else had misconceptions about or misconstrued.
  • That has been borne out by our attendance figures this season, over which there have been many misconceptions and inaccuracies. The Sun
  • It is founded on a misconception of the role of consumption rather than production in the income determination process.
  • Let me set the record straight on the misconceptions contained in your article.
  • Beyond this, the editor made efforts to address and correct common misconceptions and biases found in ethnocentric texts and media coverage about the region.
  • We must value that reputation and work together to nurture it and remove any misconceptions that will put it at risk.
  • There are many fears and misconceptions about cancer.
  • Another common misconception is that adequate commercial technologies simply do not exist. David Shepler: What Does It Take to Achieve a Net-Zero-Energy Home?
  • Mullin understands the urgent need for education to lead to the eradication of these misconceptions.
  • One of the main misconceptions is about the fat content of milk, the spokeswoman claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are some misconceptions about the use of the term minimum unit pricing... - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • The doctors told him to "pityriasis rosea" is a "very serious sexually transmitted diseases", the man has the misconception that "pityriasis rosea" is AIDS.
  • There are also other sociocultural barriers that make health services "unfriendly" to poor and vulnerable households in addition to misconceptions about the safety of vaccination. Dr. Orin Levine: Vaccines for Children: Why We Need to Create Incentives Now
  • Your story contained so many misconceptions and falsehoods, one scarcely knows where to begin.
  • Fontinell deplores the misconceptions of Pragmatism which characterize the movement as “a kind of unfeeling, unprincipled, non-idealistic, expediental response to human problems”.
  • What's the biggest misconception about Russians? Times, Sunday Times
  • This argument is based on a number of misstatements and misconceptions.
  • His bulk disguised a sharp mind that was more than able to deflate those who believed the misconception of their eyes. THE MANANA MAN
  • Instead of dismissing creationsim as a misconception, teachers should try to explain why it had no scientific basis. Secular Inquisition at the Royal Society
  • We hope our work will help to change popular misconceptions about disabled people.
  • As a start on the road to understanding, Australians should demolish two misconceptions.
  • It is a misconception widely held by people who have read Das Kapital only cursorily that Karl Marx believed wealth should be redistributed more evenly.
  • Sultan Azlan Shah has spoken on the need to correct what he described as the misconception that the constitutional monarchy was just a symbol devoid of power. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • She said they hoped to overturn a number of misconceptions about saké. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of what we understand to be the truth are probably misconceptions.
  • They make him look so sweet and adorable and well, that's a total misconception if you really know Jake.
  • They make him look so sweet and adorable and well, that's a total misconception if you really know Jake.
  • A major misconception in contemporary American politics is that its representative duopoly - the Republicans and Democrats - is unworkably polarized; in fact, quite the opposite. SLEEPING GIANT
  • We are happy to make the position clear and correct any misconception in the original company report. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a lot of misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding feminism and feminists.
  • One common misconception many have about a warm standby configuration is that a warm standby machine is a waste of resource when solely dedicated to recovery operations.
  • There are so many misconceptions about this country. The Sun
  • The cabbie often harbours the misconception that he is a racing driver and your heart will be in your mouth as you see him weave and twist in the traffic.
  • Two popular misconceptions about this government should be dispelled. America Past and Present
  • But there is also a misconception that the European numerals are actually Arabic or that this is a change for the better or at least that it does not matter.
  • There is a misconception here, since Wagner's practice was rather to use such unstable sonorities to enhance the music's eventual arrival at points of tonal clarity and consonant harmonic stability.
  • May I, in the name of and for the sake of Empire solidarity and unity, which I assure you in all earnestness is as dear to me as I know it is to you, pray to you to try to see through the maze of misrepresentation, misunderstanding and misconception, often deliberately built around India, and to refrain from saying or doing that which may at this crucial moment of our history, when the fate of India hangs in the balance, harm the very interest so dear to our hearts. New India
  • Most questions on professional enquiry are procedural, and often arise because of a misconception of the process.
  • We have done this to correct a misconception. Times, Sunday Times
  • But to imagine that such a thing enters the heads of a great and growing majority of immigrants and their descendants is a ludicrous misconception, and a dangerous one to boot. Could Someone Please Explain This To Me ?
  • USCKitty-the great misconception is “what would laborers do without the unions”. Think Progress » Beck To Headline Texas Event With Rick Perry, The Man He Once Said He Wanted To ‘French Kiss’
  • It is a common misconception that, if swing does damage, the pitch must be blameless. Times, Sunday Times
  • One common beer misconception is that this fermented malty brew flavoured with aromatic hops is indestructible. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a popular misconception that too much exercise is bad for you.
  • Our world will appear to crumble as we know it, as distractions, false voices, illusions and misconceptions will be taken away from us.
  • A popular misconception is that plastic is a hazard to the environment.
  • Another misconception about skating is that it is somehow not a proper sport, in the way that tennis or golf are perceived to be.
  • Despite a common misconception, microprocessors are not single-chip computers.
  • There are many misconceptions about what this would involve. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a popular misconception that the Conestoga wagon played a role in the great westward migration towards territories like Oregon and California during the 19th century.
  • Christianity is not, as David implied, about escaping eternal damnation by following pages of strict legalism (which is another very common misconception).
  • Sadly, in both the media's portrayal of frats and the public's common misconceptions surrounding the fraternity system, this definition is often forgotten.
  • Sinclair's work is not complex and explodes the popular misconceptions of who pays what.
  • However, he perpetuates a common misconception that the battle has been nature versus nurture.
  • Good job in debunking some of the misconceptions about Cloud Computing. 6 Half-Truths About the Cloud
  • It is a common misconception that a landlord can charge what he likes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A popular misconception is that plastic is a hazard to the environment.
  • This may be because of misconceptions among patients and reluctance among patients to use inhalers.
  • His primary concerns are the first-order issues, such as dispelling the misconceptions about the peace process.
  • The problem here lies with a basic misconception about the nature of genes and what they do. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • But it's a misconception she's a big drinker. The Sun
  • Instead of possibly freeing people from their misconceptions and misapprehensions, we solidify them and, in fact, remove the conditions under which true personal growth and rapprochement are possible.
  • The disappointment in the cases may be due to a misconception about the office and authority of the President.
  • Thinking that the books are frivolous trash of no value is apparently an out-of-date misconception common only to those who have never read them.
  • A common misconception is that nothing grows back once rainforest is cut. Warming-gate
  • The misconceptions include black magic, witchcraft, evil eye and being possessed by a spirit.
  • One common misconception many have about an idle standby configuration is that the idle standby machine is a waste of resource when solely dedicated to recovery operations.
  • And still all of you stick to your misconceptions of savage butchery.
  • The problem with success too often is it creates expectations, or even misconceptions among critics and fans alike.
  • It is necessary, at the outset, to correct some misconceptions about the issue of corruption.
  • It is not an unusual misconception that this organic change in the government involved the simultaneous extinction of the tribunitial office and title. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • There is a strange misconception about you and you will do well to correct it.
  • Actually, it's a misconception, agoraphobia is more a fear of being somewhere outside a person's control and then having a panic attack but even so I think the Canadian Wilderness would still seem to fit the bill. 57 entries from March 2007
  • Well what are the most common faults or misconceptions that you find among average adult swimmers, John?
  • There is no reason why the views and misconceptions which exist in the workplace should be any different from society generally.
  • Apparently, misconceptions abound as to the nature and purpose of bilingual education.
  • The misconception, however, is that once a legitimate grievance has been dealt with, the violence will end.
  • With their considerable age and style they challenge a host of misconceptions about older people. Times, Sunday Times
  • How can we categorise the blogosphere and where do common generalisations fall down or turn into misconceptions?
  • He says: 'There is a misconception that nominees know the results in advance of the awards ceremony. The Sun
  • For some reason, many women operate under the misconception that treating the men in their lives disrespectfully is cute or somehow scores them social points.
  • These misconceptions have come not from people whose intentions include malice or discourtesy but from friends who are simply curious.
  • It aims to raise awareness of the business potential created by this new commercial vista, and to combat some of the misconceptions which perpetuate about doing business with eastern Europe.
  • It would, therefore, be a misconception to speak of tropism as of reflexes, since tropisms are reactions of the organism as a whole, while reflexes are reactions of isolated segments. Manhood of Humanity.
  • Their soil must contain sufficient humus and be rich in calcium, but the idea that cyclamens need a lot of moisture is a misconception.
  • It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.
  • This article from Pedigree Dynamics, Conception and Misconceptions: a lightheaded look at breeding theories of the past (PDF format), tells how, despite scientific acceptance elsewhere of Mendelian genetics, theories such as telegony and 'mental impression' survived in the thoroughbred horse breeding industry well into the 20th century. Archive 2004-09-01
  • The first and most common reason for recycling, that we need to conserve landfill capacity, seems to stem from the misconception that we are running out of space in which to bury our rubbish.
  • There are a lot of popular misconceptions about jujutsu. Interview with Jonathan Maberry, author of Patient Zero
  • It is a common misconception that, if swing does damage, the pitch must be blameless. Times, Sunday Times
  • From this misconception have come all the unfounded charges that Buḍḍhism is an "atheistical," that is to say, a grossly materialistic, a nihilistic, a negative, a vice-breeding religion. The Life of Buddha and Its Lessons
  • Alas, Sophia!" he ingeminated, "how liable to misconception -- though doubtless wise on the whole -- are the rulings of Providence, which in one short hour has torn me from your soft embrace to follow a calling which I foresee I shall detest! The Blue Pavilions
  • Once again we're treated to that "he died for us" dogmatized misconception. "The homosexual agenda has been carefully crafted and packaged to change the way Americans think about homosexuality."
  • There is a popular misconception that too much exercise is bad for you.
  • The most common misconception is that the second flag raising was staged. Interview with James Bradley
  • It is a misconception to assume that the two continents are similar.
  • The public has a great misconception that a bakkie is a safe alternative for transporting people instead of using a more suitable vehicle such as a minibus," said van der Walt. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Summer jumps racing has been a misconception this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clarke is always at pains to point out errors and misconceptions in earlier writings, and he does so convincingly.
  • With the lecture, the focus, inevitably, fell squarely on the anthropologist with his pointer, but it's a misconception that the 1921 film cedes authorial control to untutored and unself-conscious primitives.
  • It was clear to me that profound misconceptions were widespread.
  • One of the main misconceptions is about the fat content of milk, the spokeswoman claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first task, then, is to pinpoint the principal reason for France's ‘ungreen’ reputation, and to show why this reputation rests on a fundamental misconception.
  • A common misconception is that a patient must be comatose to be diagnosed with myxedema coma.
  • But the idea that people oppose media intrusion is based on misconceptions that are rarely challenged.
  • The dismantling of misconceptions and hype often starts not with a lacerating bite, but with tiny nibbles that are easy to ignore, laugh at and explain away.
  • And without the game, thousands of youths would still be holding on to the misconception that a brazier is a support undergarment. From the Dungeon to the Dictionary « Isegoria
  • Every conversation outside her house, from the classroom to the cafeteria, became about correcting Every misconception or mistruth from Iraq to palestine, from liberation to occupation. A Country Called AMREEKA
  • She quickly corrected that misconception. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a misconception he has always been a Palace favourite, that somehow he was destined to become manager one day. The Sun
  • The problem is the popular misconception that these seasonal predictions are either right or wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • The concluding chapters seek clues to the enigma among a maze of misconceptions and misinterpretations, and occasional intimations of conspiracy.
  • Previously, the effects of dielectric confinement have been investigated theoretically for the role they play in defining the optical properties of nanostructures, such as exciton binding energies, while the impact on electrical characteristics has largely been neglected partly due to the misconception that the relevant length scale still falls into the Nano Tech Wire
  • Chips Ahoy: Once again we're treated to that 'he died for us' dogmatized misconception. "The homosexual agenda has been carefully crafted and packaged to change the way Americans think about homosexuality."
  • They were not just priests, as is a common misconception, but would have fallen into the class of bards, judges, teachers, etc … According to the Roman, Pliny the Elder, the Druids believed in animism (the belief that animals have souls) and reincarnation. Five Things You Might Not Know About Summer Solstice | myFiveBest
  • So we thought as well, but let's thank Shirley for breaking down the walls of stereotypical misconceptions about this touchy subject.
  • This fallacy is based on the misconception that the Holy Prophet was ordered to be obeyed in his capacity of a ruler, and not in the capacity of a prophet or messenger.
  • This may be because of misconceptions among patients and reluctance among patients to use inhalers.
  • A popular misconception is that plastic is a hazard to the environment.
  • Two misconceptions about the Treaty of Maastricht have been allowed to gain currency.
  • It is a common misconception that quality is an unaffordable luxury in architecture, yet good design doesn't always cost more. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a common misconception that a bad headache is a migraine.
  • A major misconception in contemporary American politics is that its representative duopoly – the Republicans and Democrats – is unworkably polarized; in fact, quite the opposite. SLEEPING GIANT
  • Let me respond to a few knee-jerk misconceptions.
  • A popular misconception is that plastic is a hazard to the environment.
  • One of the most common misconceptions about our penis is the average size of the male member.
  • It is a popular misconception that the Conestoga wagon played a role in the great westward migration towards territories like Oregon and California during the 19th century.
  • President Swain was so galled that he made an elaborate reply to what he called misconception and misrepresentations. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
  • This is pretty much what Ratzsch's "counterflow" is all about, so your source has the same misconception as me apparently. A brief sidebar about design and evolution
  • It seriously under-represents the quantity, extent and significance of the archaeological remains and perpetuates misconceptions about the region.
  • The error that could trip the party up here is the eternal misconception that students demand trendiness.
  • Their soil must contain sufficient humus and be rich in calcium, but the idea that cyclamens need a lot of moisture is a misconception.
  • There is a common misconception about taking risks in sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another misconception is that race-conscious admission policies somehow shame or harm underrepresented students of color.
  • Neither the promoter nor its agents can accept responsibility for any discrepancies, inaccuracies or misconceptions given or construed. The Sun
  • A common misconception is that a pegmatite is granitic in composition.
  • The key to Afghanistan's future thus lies not in forging an unholy alliance after breaking the back of the Taliban, but rather in first smashing asunder devastating assumptions beginning with the misconception that Afghans would ever choose to live under a regime of corrupt Westernized bureaucrats and religiously psychotic warlords who espouse belief systems anathema to thousands of years of Afghan tribal sensibilities. Michael Hughes: Saving Afghanistan Requires Smashing Dangerous Delusions
  • Let me set the record straight on the misconceptions contained in your article.
  • One of the main misconceptions is about the fat content of milk, the spokeswoman claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should've been something that sold at half the price it did and was never treated as a "AAA game", because that just leads to misconceptions about it being a competitor to Rock Band. Singing A New Song
  • So you can see the paper still has some serious misconceptions about what's important.
  • It's a real misconception these days that poets lead some reckless, bohemian lifestyle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, I wonder a little that the authors, who must have known better, should have helped to perpetuate the popular misconception by which the German word "Kultur" is regarded as the equivalent of our "culture. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, March 22, 1916
  • It should've been something that sold at half the price it did and was never treated as a "AAA game", because that just leads to misconceptions about it being a competitor to Rock Band. Singing A New Song
  • A misconception as to what species of cocoa pests constitute 'capsids' was settled between farmers and scientists using a cage experiment on capsid damage.
  • As another so-called expert, I feel compelled to address some of the misconceptions.
  • For the distribution of misconceptions, narrative misconceptions usually cluster on the Principle of Le Chatelier and Effective Collision.
  • The belief that civil disobedience succeeded by converting the opponent was perhaps a misconception, one held by Gandhi himself.
  • I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions regarding this matter.
  • Neither the promoter nor its agents can accept responsibility for any discrepancies, inaccuracies or misconceptions given or construed. The Sun
  • Of course, the idea that there really were boy knights fighting in the Middle Ages we now know to be a misconception.
  • There is a popular misconception that too much exercise is bad for you.
  • The misconception here is the belief that coaches are somehow akin to orchestral conductors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the fears and misconceptions shaping our options and influencing our choices are by-products of this fallacy.
  • The misconceptions include black magic, witchcraft, evil eye and being possessed by a spirit.
  • This is a potentially lethal misconception. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teachers should also take a lead in helping correct the misconception of the now wayward pupils.
  • More than 60,000 people play ringette across Canada, and she says that number is growing, despite the misconception that ringette is just hockey for girls.
  • Your story contained so many misconceptions and falsehoods, one scarcely knows where to begin.
  • The idea that if it's legal then it must be safe is a very common misconception.

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