
How To Use Mischievously In A Sentence

  • When I asked if he knew the location of the real Stone of Destiny he smiled, twinkled mischievously, and said all would be revealed in the fullness of time.
  • We stand where we stand, in our impossible and often mischievously idle jobs, on a boundary of opposing urgencies where there is often not space enough to set one's feet.
  • He sometimes mischievously locked her inside with a lock that, reportedly, could only be accessed from outside the room.
  • ‘We've already lined up squads of volunteer signature gatherers,’ she says mischievously.
  • Even his book jacket photo polarizes: is that the Dark Prince leering mischievously into the camera, Andy Warhol on drugs, or a dashing rebel smiling beneficently as he prepares to smash the state? April « 2007 « Bill Ayers
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  • She raised her eyebrows questioningly, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
  • Overhead, tempting us with its promise of warmth, the sun glints mischievously along the summit cornice.
  • He faces teacher to accompany an ugly face mischievously, several steps sneaks in the classroom.
  • The titles were borrowed from the lyrics of a George and Ira Gershwin song mischievously called "Blah, Blah, Blah."
  • One rereads him and finds perfect insight into what would drive his sister to violate him so mischievously, to misread him so completely.
  • The humor ranges from sophomorically vulgar and ingeniously witty to uproariously racist and mischievously violent, but always ruthlessly dark.! » 2008 » July
  • I begin to protest, but then I see the jest in her mischievously jaded gaze.
  • Jairam Ramesh, the AICC economist heading its election affairs, told TOI that Advani was mischievously quoting the upper side of the approximate figures on capital flight from India -- which stretch from a relatively not-so-significant $4.7 billion to a staggering $22.7 billion between 2002-06 -- as put together by Global Financial Integrity Project, a US-based think tank. Election Digest: BJP Will Have Newer Allies After Polls, Says Advani
  • The conniving South Block mandarins silently rejoice over SL tiring out Delhi by dragging out on the Accord delivery to mischievously further estranges Delhi-Chennai relations. Delhi���s Indo-Sri Lankan policies in a disastrous log jam of its own creation.
  • That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.
  • That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.
  • Just today, trotting down Hollywood Boulevard on camelback with two fellow members of the CIA that's what we mischievously named our Communist Islamic Alliance! John Eskow: Commie Sharia Law IS Coming to America. So What Exactly is the Problem?
  • A young barmaid brought Doran a drink, grinning at him mischievously, but he didn't even glance at her.
  • Sundew in toxical quantities, developed hoarseness, with expectoration of yellow mucus from the throat and upper lungs, as well as a hacking cough, and loss of flesh, this combination of symptoms closely resembling the form of tubercular consumption which begins in the throat, and extends mischievously to the lungs. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Enlightenment scientism is beautifully burlesqued here, both Austen and Mary Shelley coming in for gentle mockery, the worldliness of the one interweaving mischievously with the emotional extravagance of the other. Financial independence via munchkinland
  • That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.
  • Not a endearingly ignorantly one, if discount car rental are pottery petrifying and panderer homostyled on the polygala that we all haul on. new trogonidae on the lamarckian of hot number tacky cabo san chiroptera and congius, are mischievously isolationistic cordaites. Rational Review
  • Words, for her, are characters that own themselves, and which might at any point strike out on their own, behave mischievously, and get into trouble.
  • In fact, he sometimes smiles mischievously when remembering escapades from his wild years.
  • 'And merchet of women?' queried his cousin mischievously. Border Ghost Stories
  • She was clad in pink, with a wide-brimmed straw hat ornamented with a mousquetaire plume, and was laughing mischievously. Yvette
  • Of course, she may have been misinformed or even mischievously led astray.
  • The question of what was faux and what real in this show - or, where history ended and fiction began - was deftly posed, and its answer mischievously deferred.
  • Instead of a mischievously lovable old coot, we get this barely Irish, youngish, oafish dude.
  • She doesn't laugh much but does grin mischievously from time to time.
  • He put is arm around her waist and drew her close to him, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
  • Her eyes were glittering mischievously and I knew well enough by now that that look meant she knew something we didn't.
  • She's wearing a skintight vinyl dress, chewing gum and grinning mischievously while rubbing her arms vigorously against her sides to make the dress creak and squeak. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lyrics gloried in sometimes using the original phrases in a hilariously new context, or mischievously punning on them.
  • An evil gleam came into his eyes and he grinned mischievously at Tara.
  • That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.
  • They poked at her mischievously, while most likely sharing insults in their own language.
  • he behaved badly in school; he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister; behaved naughtily when they had guests and was sent to his room.
  • ‘I ran away to become a fly boy,’ he said mischievously.
  • Mischievously, we hatched a plan to refill our near empty glasses in the toilets, thus saving ourselves both a wait at the bar and a few quid.
  • he mischievously looked for a chance to embarrass his sister
  • And yet, he went on to argue mischievously, are we not the victims of a comparably narcissistic delusion?
  • Giggling, Rebecca flicked her hair over her shoulder, her dark eyes dancing mischievously as she nattered on to Blake.
  • His eyes met her blue ones and watched as they shone mischievously.
  • Every frame bears his signature: the theatricality, the mischievously effective suspense, the adventures in identity and sexuality.
  • In the extreme case, managers really did cook the books mischievously, thereby boosting the stock price and allowing them to dump high-priced stock.
  • An aggrieved Ahtur mischievously demanded: "Sing us one of your shepherd songs, Samson."
  • He goes on to sum up Medea's fate in a sanguine little couplet, made even more mischievously dramatic by caesura and dash: "Else had we seen a parent's hand embrued,/Suffice the horrid thought, in filial blood --" The effect here, whether the poet intends it or not, is firmly to separate the temporal elements of his narrative from the static ones in the picture. Shelley, Medusa, and the Perils of Ekphrasis
  • But viewers will hear some flat lines, some predictable lines and, well, some memorably awful lines, such as "Music is magic and magic music" or "You were so young then, mischievously playing in my puddles" or -- brace yourself -- "See their songs suckle on society like the stained lips of rape children to their wavering mother's breast. On HBO, poetry's 'Brave New Voices' are engaging -- if less than artful
  • If they offered you the Irish manager's job would you take it, I ask mischievously.
  • I p.418 It was renegade Lin Biao who during the 9th Congress of the CPC when he had wrongfully usurped power in his hand, mischievously imposed the term Maoism and said that “Mao Zedong Thought was Marxism-Leninism of the era”. Archive 2006-06-01
  • "Maybe I can give him some sort of disease," she thought mischievously, "so that we can all get on with our lives."
  • It is Anna who mischievously conjures up the dead.
  • He faces teacher to accompany an ugly face mischievously, several steps sneaks in the classroom.
  • One might mischievously suggest that it's terribly unfair for one girl to get free tutoring from a supersmart economist who used to be president of an elite university and assert that Larry Summers is a hypocrite unless he takes steps toward the socialization of his own brain. The Obamaklatura
  • In ‘The Battle of the Trees,’ the fruit trees are ‘mischievously’ badmouthed: the raspberry is said to be ‘not the best of foods’; the plum is ‘a tree unbeloved of men’.

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