
How To Use Misalign In A Sentence

  • Besides, correction effect of fundamental variables in the model to RMB rate misalignment is also elaborated.
  • In the face of "misalignment," the very existence of a "currency imbalance" would be sufficient to open the door to trade sanctions -- whether or not that imbalance resulted from a deliberate attempt to manipulate the market. News
  • However, they also believe that many health problems can be caused by poor posture and misalignment of muscles and joints (and, with chiropractic, particularly the spine).
  • Surely it was just a quirky reading from a misaligned instrument, right ?
  • The cause could be as simple as an ill-fitting seal, or more serious, such as bodywork misalignment. Times, Sunday Times
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  • For the companies in the latter category, raising money from VCs who expect the big exits can misalign goals. Fred Wilson: What Is A Revenue Based Loan?
  • It produces circadian misalignment — when workers need to be wide awake while their body is telling them to sleep. The Sun
  • Chiropractors who believe that slightly misaligned vertebrae can cause disease often use machines or small hand-held spring-loaded mallets to tap misaligned vertebrae back into place.
  • Those who align with Thaler suggest that privatizing social security would further misalign securities prices from value by bringing more irrational investors into the market. Fama vs. Thaler, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The biggest risk comes from measures linked to China's supposed exchange - rate misalignment.
  • Improper support can cause the hull to distort, causing cracked bulkheads, engine misalignment or broken stringers.
  • A simple method has been introduced for analyzing VHF omnirange radio beacon errors caused by deficiencies in and misalignment of its antenna system.
  • Misalignment is rapidly spotted and is immediately damaging to the reputation of the organisation and its leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electron microscopy was used to examine ultrastructural evidence of injury, including sarcomeric disruption, disorganisation of myofilaments, misalignment of adjacent sarcomeres, and distortion or absence of Z-lines.
  • SA Reserve Bank governor Tito Mboweni on Thursday said there was concern about the "misalignment" of power relations in the global economic system, as reflected in the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A child's vision should be checked for conditions such as: misaligned eyes, cataracts, and problems that need correction with eyeglasses.
  • In still another embodiment, visible spectrum detection of our out-of-phase digital watermark provides a clue as to whether a printing process needs calibration or is misaligned.
  • These are couples who, somehow, have become misaligned, displaced by their compromises, 'living in the shade of one another'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • With early detection, vision can be restored by patching the properly aligned eye, which forces the misaligned one to work.
  • Small misaligned number plates make it difficult to identify speeding motorcyclists and therefore they remain a danger on our roads.
  • In some cases, where the jawbones are misaligned, oral surgery may be necessary in addition to orthodontic work.
  • To regain mutual understanding, we attempted to make sense of this misalignment in 37 and 38 and bring it back on track.
  • Sometimes the decoration was misaligned, possibly because the decorator was overworked or distracted.
  • They are full of cracked or misaligned paving slabs or kerbstones, running fissures and uneven surfaces everywhere.
  • If your bite is misaligned, you will clench or grind as a reflex response, which can cause the deep facial muscle that controls the jaw to go into spasm.
  • These poses also help mobilize your knee joints by correcting the misalignment that occurs if your muscles are too tight.
  • The group agrees that there has been a misalignment of risks and rewards in fund management. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smaller white spots mar a self-portrait by van Gogh and are comically misaligned with his facial features.
  • In an environment characterized by globalization, the developed countries are urged to foster stable and sustainable financial policies to avoid exchange rate misalignments and volatility among major currencies.
  • We'll hear about detonation, secondary explosion effects, metal fatigue or misalignment of the planets.
  • This energy field can become unbalanced, misaligned, obstructed, or out of tune.
  • Morris has been bothered by minor back spasms his last two starts, perhaps caused by a misalignment from a chiropractor. - Three NL pitchers opt out of All-Star Game
  • A person with strabismus, a person with misaligned eyes doesn't make those vergence movements. Do You See What I See? A Scientist's Journey Into 3-D
  • It is shown that under the action of misaligned asymmetric first-order optical systems AGSM beams do not preserve the closed property.
  • Since no two lines actually rendezvous, a shifting pattern emerges from their misalignment that evokes the nervous scrawl of a polygraph test.
  • What I find kind of funny about your polemics is that your tribalism is misaligned. Sound Politics: Darcy Burner Wants More Rights for Terrorists
  • The rear cone decentration and compact leg tilt can both result in a phase shear and twist on the optical field, and lead to phase jump and tilt along the misalignment direction.
  • The misalignment is a result of companies decentralizing their talent, yet centralizing their talent management and human resources HR organizations. News
  • Engineers found a host of problems: damaging misalignments, cracked welds and broken webbing on the end-turn windings.
  • The way we've done it has actually made things worse because it creates what economists call misalignment of incentives. CNN Transcript Feb 24, 2009
  • Just by touching the delicate surface of the sensor you risk permanent damage or misalignment, which is why some DSLRs now offer dust detection and removal software - they basically say don't touch the dust, the computer will interpolate the missing portions of the image. TechCrunch
  • There is a wider problem of misaligned incentives in the banking sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was also a remarkable amount of misalignment - about 70% of the time, the dialogue was a few frames earlier than the picture.
  • As often, perception and reality are misaligned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depending on the design of the optical system, misalignment can be a problem in lens applicator systems, particularly among those employing interchangeable lenses, where loose or worn lens couplings may allow the lens to move.
  • It is also a 70-year-old jumble of bureaucracy and inefficiency and misaligned incentives. Times, Sunday Times
  • The team calculated that children who sucked on dummies or their thumbs - non-nutritive sucking - were twice as likely to have misaligned teeth as those who did not.
  • The consequence of this misalignment will be damage to the structure, either chronically (over time) or acutely (over a short period).
  • the elements of the turbine were misaligned
  • Because my misaligned pelvis is spreading about as gracefully as a giraffe on ice skates, I hurt a lot. 2008 January « A Bird’s Nest
  • If the wheels are misaligned, it can cause excessive wear on your tyres.
  • Thrust vector misalignment is an important factor, which causes trajectory scatter and affects missile reliability.
  • Cue headlines on misaligned programmes under-delivering while their costs spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • The squares are misaligned with each other across different rows. The Sun
  • But some of the doors on the 14-year-old telescope could be warped; one was misaligned and difficult for an astronaut to close a full decade ago.
  • If that was the cause, and it seems the most likely, then the misaligned burner is something which has not arisen as a result of anything my client's company did.
  • I think one of the main problems with the current state of Muslim/American relations is that nobody gets the other side's symbols and when meanings misalign, messages misfire. Dr. David Liepert: Muslims, The Quran And The Importance Of Understanding Symbols Of Faith
  • Their propensity for misalignment and poor passing was only exceeded by their ability to kick good ball away.
  • DNA replication is known to introduce short insertion and deletion mutations through various forms of strand misalignment.
  • These bearings typically offer high thrust load capability and dynamically compensate for any misalignment.
  • Adjustments can help you maintain your full range of motion, which protects against muscle strain during workouts and reduces joint dysfunction by ensuring that your joints aren't misaligned.
  • I think one of the main problems with the current state of Muslim/American relations is that nobody gets the other side s symbols and when meanings misalign, messages misfire. Dr. David Liepert: Muslims, The Quran And The Importance Of Understanding Symbols Of Faith
  • Many couples are ill-matched, and expectations are misaligned. Times, Sunday Times
  • They either misaim the clubface, misalign the body or stand poorly to the ball. Find Your Own Fundamentals
  • And so, the primary adaptation to having misaligned eyes, a condition also called strabismus, is to suppress the input from one eye, and then you don't have to worry about double vision or visual confusion. Do You See What I See? A Scientist's Journey Into 3-D
  • The most common causes of amblyopia are misalignment of the eyes (crossed eyes) or significant differences in refractive error, such as farsightedness or nearsightedness, between the two eyes.
  • As a rough rule of thumb, we can estimate that because this system has the least power, it likely will have the least aberration residuals, the least sensitivity to mis-spacing and misalignment, and the lowest fabrication cost.
  • The hard times we are experiencing today, due to the misalignment of over-consumption financed by debt, are severe.
  • Mild to moderate cases of misalignment can usually be fixed in six to 12 months, but more severe cases can require up to two years of treatment, with regular check-ups on a four - to six-week basis.
  • Woods tendency to warp and twist can cause any gate design to become misaligned.
  • Improper support can cause the hull to distort, causing cracked bulkheads, engine misalignment or broken stringers.
  • It's common for a baby's eyes to sometimes appear misaligned or crossed at birth.
  • The area of zygomaticomaxillary suture (joint between the cheekbone and upper jaw) showing the "nick," that is, the misalignment of bones owing to the fact that some fragments, such as the jugal crest shown here, are badly stuck together. Not Philip II of Macedon
  • The best intentions evaporate if incentives are misaligned and conflicts exist, in this case between shareholders and creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has avoided the serious risks of prolonged exchange rate misalignment associated with fixed exchange rates.
  • The rear suspension is susceptible to wheel geometry changes and any misalignment shows up in the handling of the car.
  • In addition, larger numbers of repeats provide more opportunities for misalignment during the reannealing of the nascent strand.
  • His skull was so misaligned that his back teeth had clamped together the duty nurse told a reporter ‘it was as if his face had inverted.’
  • The lead-in chamfer in the design compensates for any misalignment during tube insertion.
  • The facet joints (small stabilizing joints between and behind adjacent vertebrae) may become misaligned and eventually wear out with age.
  • (FYI - Aunty Flow is the v. fond nickname we girls give our periods .... she sounds cute that way, so maybe she'll spare us the wrath of cramps, back aches, shoulder aches, dizzy spells and 'misalignment') Moschikat Diary Entry
  • Cracking or distortion on the deck around the chainplate may indicate a misalignment problem and or a deck leak.
  • A gyrating engine results in a misaligned propeller shaft.
  • The store is misaligned across two cache lines such that the upper eight bytes span a cache line boundary.
  • As protracted exchange-rate misalignments are a recurrent phenomenon in global currency markets, may we conclude that the ‘euro puzzle’ represents just another incidence of their malfunctioning, a clear-cut market failure?
  • The attainment of the carpenter is that his work is not warped, that the joints are not misaligned, and that the work is truly planed so that it meets well and is not merely finished in sections.
  • According to the National Institutes of Health, most misaligned bites (technically known as malocclusions) are so minor that they do not require treatment.
  • The tracking ability performance depends on vehicle factors such as the arrangement of trailers and connections, vehicle length, suspension and tyre properties, operator steering, speed and misalignment of the axles.
  • Boards often fail to spot misaligned development processes and weak talent pipelines. Times, Sunday Times
  • This proposed rule will help address a key safety and soundness issue which contributed to the recent financial crisis — that poorly designed compensation structures can misalign incentives and induce excessive risk-taking within financial organizations," FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair said before the vote. Big Banks Confront New Bonus Onus
  • They are full of cracked or misaligned paving slabs or kerbstones, running fissures and uneven surfaces everywhere.
  • Then you take your unacclimated gun from beside the fire at camp out to 20 F will this not change the stock and thence the barrel orientation proving to misalign your shot. How To Replace A Rifle Stock
  • However, as the disease progresses, cardiomyocytes show deterioration in some mitochondrial as well as myofibril features, evidenced by swelling of mitochondria, misalignment of myofibril structure, and blurring as well as breakage of Z-lines. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • This is one of many examples of misalignment between the documented strategy and the actual behaviors of the company, which ultimately undermines realizing the benefits a well constructed strategy, can provide.
  • Trouble is, now a couple of my keys are not working so well - probably just misaligned, but my backspace, and my enter and delete and arrow keys don't want to work.
  • The area of zygomaticomaxillary suture (joint between the cheekbone and upper jaw) showing the "nick," that is, the misalignment of bones owing to the fact that some fragments, such as the jugal crest shown here, are badly stuck together. Not Philip II of Macedon
  • So misalignment between strategy and force structure decisions can have greater consequences.
  • Suppose the screw is misaligned, there may not be a second chance as reorientation will reduce the hold of the screws.
  • Too often players subconsciously misalign their shoulders to compensate for their usual hook or slice.
  • His rugged-model good looks make it all the more painful when he's shouting at us to hurry, or discovering a minutely misaligned seam on an otherwise perfect cake.
  • Such a philosophical misalignment can lead to poor staff relations, high turnover, low productivity and a culture riddled with growth and profitability challenges.
  • For the country, there is a colossal misalignment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Change detection by this method is a challenging task because soft tissue takes on different shapes at different imaging sessions, resulting in misaligned mammograms.
  • Scope mounting misalignment is a problem with every brand mount I've used, Leupold, Burris, Weaver, etc. A Savage Attack on Scopes
  • Seminiferous tubules showed disruption of the normal spermatogenic cycle with abnormal acrosomal development on round spermatids, clumping of acrosomes, misaligned spermatids and the absence of normal elongated spermatids in Ehd1 -/- males. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • However, Adam suffered from a rare form of the disorder called paralytic strabismus, in which the eye's misalignment results from paralysis of the muscles on one side of the eye. UCLA Newsroom: UCLA Newsroom
  • A child's vision should be checked for conditions such as: misaligned eyes, cataracts, and problems that need correction with eyeglasses.
  • A new analytical method of designing two-aspherical-mirror anastigmats was developed and applied to searching solution groups of soft X-ray microscopes of a large misalignment tolerance.
  • While standing, form and position of both feet were inspected with regard to potential misalignment, deformity, asymmetry, and swelling.
  • But the problem of misalignment of private and social incentives is more fundamental. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The door swung open with a squeal of misaligned hinges and I squinted into glow of the lantern on the wall opposite.
  • Under current law, Treasury also has to determine that the misalignment is a willful attempt to gain a trade advantage before it can cite the country. International Political Economy Zone
  • I have wonky lips and a slightly misaligned jaw, but both were made symmetrical with clever contouring techniques. Times, Sunday Times
  • A combination of polarizers, interference filters, and lenses was used between light source, sample, and photomultiplier to avoid artifacts from depolarization and misalignment.
  • But there is a sense of misalignment, or misapprehension, in this. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They are full of cracked or misaligned paving slabs or kerbstones, running fissures and uneven surfaces everywhere.
  • Where misalignment between the inner and outer rings exceeds 1 minute of arc, the action of the load on the flange changes considerably.

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