How To Use Mirror image In A Sentence
The prints made from such a plate are of necessity mirror images of the original drawings.
Responding correctly to a mirror image requires the creation of a rather peculari form of dual representation or 'mental diplopia', and this subtle ability may be compromised by the right parietal lesion.
I Can't Reach It; It's Inside the Mirror.
Mobile clubbing is a mirror image of a terrorist outrage.
Mobile Clubbing Hits the Streets | Impact Lab
Giant cell, fourth mitotic division showing replicated mirror image dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments (arrows).
His home is two terraced houses knocked together, each the mirror image of the other.

Defying age and heat, marathon man Andre Agassi outlasted a buffer, younger mirror image of himself in baseliner Robby Ginepri to win a third straight five-setter at the U.S. - Sports News, Scores & Stats
His career and his personal life were a grotesque mirror image of decay.
Times, Sunday Times
Many carbon-based molecules have a property called 'chirality'-they can exist in two forms that are mirror images of each other
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Most alkaloids are also chiral molecules, meaning they have nonsuperimposable mirror images.
Otherwise, you will become mirror images and the relationship will get boring.
The Sun
In this regard they are a mirror image of one another.
Times, Sunday Times
A molecule is said to be symmetrical if it can be divided into equal mirror image parts by a line or a plane.
Pasteur grew crystals of a compound including the tartaric acid and noticed that they came in two nonsymmetric forms that were nonetheless mirror images of each other.
First Contact
On the one hand we have the nationalists with a lot of xenophobia, people who want to live with their mirror images; on the other hand there are the cosmopolitans, people who are willing to live with others coming from different backgrounds.
He looked around and saw his twin, who was the mirror image of him, and broke down.
It is, however, the wrong stereoisomer mirror image - this no links thing is getting really annoying; isn't this the point of comment moderation?
Mind Hacks: Drug tampering for fun and profit
Pasteur grew crystals of a compound including the tartaric acid and noticed that they came in two nonsymmetric forms that were nonetheless mirror images of each other.
First Contact
His career and his personal life were a grotesque mirror image of decay.
Times, Sunday Times
It must be said, however, that the Fogg portrait is not absolutely coherent as a mirror image because the cameo bracelet the marquise wears is not shown reversed.
Any object that is not superimposable onto its mirror image is chiral.
There are the obvious similarities of glitz and showiness, but there are other not-so-obvious mirror images too.
Times, Sunday Times
Otherwise, you will become mirror images and the relationship will get boring.
The Sun
The figure allegedly appears when the 15th Century mural painting is superimposed with its mirror image, and both are made partially transparent.
I saw in him a mirror image of my younger self.
These two narratives are mirror images of each other.
The Times Literary Supplement
The figure allegedly appears when the 15th Century mural painting is superimposed with its mirror image, and both are made partially transparent.
The jagged geometry of supersmooth Europa; the idiosyncratic surfaces of the other orbs floating serenely in space; the pristine interstellar vacuum; the inscrutable emptiness of intergalactic space, that immense, echoing, absolutely featureless void enveloping the spinning galaxies: it all serves as a perfect philosophical mirror image, reflecting back the quandary of the species, the limitations of human knowledge.
A Space in Time
His career and his personal life were a grotesque mirror image of decay.
Times, Sunday Times
The key to their collaboration is that they have made a virtual mirror image of the salvaged ship 's side and visually pulled the halves apart.
Times, Sunday Times
I saw in him a mirror image of my younger self.
The return journey was almost a mirror image of the outward one .
Manet even kept the screen and drapery of Boucher's painting, but transposed them from right to left, as in a mirror image.
I turn now to that commentary: a series of moments when the encounter of well-heeled bibliomaniac and shabby-genteel minor Romantic seems to make them each other's mirror images, united by a common unwillingness to conceive of books as something we might assimilate as pure mental phenomena, and a readiness to allow literariness to be effaced by the volumes that lodge it.
"Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
Charity was a mirror image of her twin.
Fiction audiences have often had appetites for young, audacious male writers and their attendant alter egos and mirror images.
Times, Sunday Times
The key to their collaboration is that they have made a virtual mirror image of the salvaged ship 's side and visually pulled the halves apart.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a view is called into question by Jacques Lacan's understanding of the subject's relation to the mirror image.
So she is your best friend, your closest confidante, your mirror image, or even the bane of your existence.
Nature produces many chemicals in two forms that are mirror images of each other - so-called left-handed and right-handed molecules.
Dr Xu said that a fossil in a private collection in China contains the mirror image of the tail of the alleged Archaeoraptor.
In education , author teaches the method of mirror image vanish point for expanding display area.
The easiest way to tell whether a molecule is chiral or not is to try to superpose it on its mirror image.
The combustion chamber of a four-stroke engine is designed to induce turbulence through the addition of ‘squish’ areas in which the top of the piston is the mirror image of a corresponding area of the cylinder head.
Nevertheless, sinistral and dextral Pb elements are virtually mirror images, that is, they are more alike than the corresponding elements in L. variabilis.
The current economic situation is a mirror image of the situation in France a few years ago.
It must be said, however, that the Fogg portrait is not absolutely coherent as a mirror image because the cameo bracelet the marquise wears is not shown reversed.
So perhaps the best advice for those who want to justify this or claim that others are being too militant and yes, some are likely being too pushy and thus come across as being little more than mirror images of those they want to excoriate is to just stop settling and just continue exploring.
I'm Perfectly Happy with My Reading Habits, Even If You Aren't
The return journey was almost a mirror image of the outward one .
In Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys, a Caribbean writer, employs a variety of symbols and images, especially the mirror images, to interpret the identity crisis of the heroine.
Since the image is raised on the coin adhering to the die, the image on the brockage is incused and reversed - a true mirror image.
In the reaction shown below only one of the mirror image forms of a Corey-reagent is used.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1990
When they did, they were faced almost with a mirror image of themselves.
Times, Sunday Times
As metaphysical mirror images, Yalis remind us we have various animal instincts rolled into this human form.
But a miser is the mirror image of a miner—what the miner digs up, the miser at least figuratively, and sometimes literally buries right back in the ground.
More Sex Is Safer Sex
Charity was a mirror image of her twin.
Geschke and Warnock are mirror images of one another, right down to the silver beards.
So, for example, we'll be looking at "Rappaccini's Daughter" and "The Erl-King" together because they can be interpreted as stories that are mirror images of one another.
Archive 2008-07-01
This is a mirror image of the picture suggested by Labour.
Times, Sunday Times
A graph showing this decline is almost a mirror image of the one showing the rise in pet ownership.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr Harding says the henges are a mirror image of Orion in its highest position with the southern entrances framing Sirius as it appeared over the horizon.
The return journey was almost a mirror image of the outward one .
Otherwise, you will become mirror images and the relationship will get boring.
The Sun
The cats are arranged so they create patterns, like a kaleidoscope, forming mirror images of one another, folding and unfolding along lines of convergence.
There are 24 ways to do it - make 12 pentagons, so that the mirror images are on each side of the pentagon.
All three pachyderms sized up their mirror images by inspecting behind the mirror, rubbing their trunks the length of the mirror, or probing their mouths with their trunks to see if their reflections did the same.
I saw in him a mirror image of my younger self.
Fiction audiences have often had appetites for young, audacious male writers and their attendant alter egos and mirror images.
Times, Sunday Times
Otherwise, you will become mirror images and the relationship will get boring.
The Sun
Otherwise, you will become mirror images and the relationship will get boring.
The Sun
These two narratives are mirror images of each other.
The Times Literary Supplement
Dated 10 November 1918, it shows the artist hedged in by the surrounding objects in his studio, as he stands, as though trapped, behind the back of his easel and looks across the darkness at his mirror image.
Chirality in the amino acid alanine is illustrated with models of its two forms, which are mirror images of each other.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
His home is two terraced houses knocked together, each the mirror image of the other.
Today, we invert the stability and order of our world into an unstable and dangerous mirror image.
It is cute, astute, cerebral football, a mirror image of their studious manager though with an added dash of style and panache.
To put it another way, the infinite sea of quantum potential is a kind of exteriorized mirror image of God's interior. this article, noting that the Vatican maintains that the theory of evolution is fully compatible with the Bible: "In 1950, Pope Pius XII described evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans, a view that was reiterated by Pope John Paul II in
One Cʘsmos
This is a mirror image of the picture suggested by Labour.
Times, Sunday Times
The situation is a mirror image of the one Republicans faced 25 years ago.
The fatty acids have no chirality; their mirror image is the same molecule.
Fiction audiences have often had appetites for young, audacious male writers and their attendant alter egos and mirror images.
Times, Sunday Times
These two narratives are mirror images of each other.
The Times Literary Supplement
One thing to note is that positions such as combatant and addorsed may fit our modern notions of symmetry by being mirror images.
The premise is that another habitable planet has been discovered and it seems to be a mirror image of Earth.
Times, Sunday Times
It makes for good teaching, because I can be a mirror image to all of my right-handed students.
The seemingly ageless marathon man had more energy than a buffer, younger mirror image of himself in baseliner Robby Ginepri to win a third straight five-setter at the U.S. - Agassi, Federer will face off for U.S. Open crown
This antipolitical insistence is the mirror image of those on the right who wanted a forced vote to shut down the government, no matter that they controlled neither the presidency nor the Senate.
America's Dog Days
In vain she tried to recall Faisal's warm smile and liquid eyes, but as though he had worked a spell upon her, all she got back was a mirror image of
Falcon's Prey
Radial symmetry The arrangement of parts in an organism in such a way that cutting in any plane across the diameter splits the structure into similar halves ( mirror images).
Charity was a mirror image of her twin.
A mirror image of my army; only their armours are a pristine white while mine is clad in a dull, faded black.
Charity was a mirror image of her twin.
These two knights of the realm are mirror images, roughly the same age and both enduring embodiments of masculinity.
If you squint to take a closer look at the eyeshadow you just 'applied', you’ll see it on the screen; turn your head slightly to see how that blusher looks and your mirror image will do likewise.
A second type of stereoisomerism are not mirror images of one another.
With a few strokes of my mental paintbrush, I altered Gus's features until the gargoyle was the mirror image of myself.
Myth Conceptions
I find it really great having an almost mirror image of me I can discuss things with or work through problems.
Times, Sunday Times
They searched the valley in vain, but they kept coming across luminous pools of water, throwing back at them mirror images of trees, mountains and clouds.
Specifically, people unfamiliar with reverse characters seem to have difficulty distinguishing mirror images.
It is cute, astute, cerebral football, a mirror image of their studious manager though with an added dash of style and panache.
However, from this year some of the chocolate makers have been promoting 逆チョコ, gyaku choko, reverse chocolates, which come in a mirror imaged box.
Saint Valentine’s Day in Japan
The departure leg would be the mirror image of the inbound path ( a hyperbola or parabola ).
You place the coupler like a mirror image against a telephone handset, strap it in place, plug the other end into your modem and dial.
A split along national lines, whereby England's vote comprises a mirror image of that north of the Border, looks set to trigger a political row which could test the mettle of the new parliament.
The term chiral is used to describe an object or molecule that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, with the two objects being referred to as enantiomers.
LabTechnologist RSS
This is the dark mirror image of Roberts' fantasies about domestic bliss with Sue.
There is a mirror image of this view among right-wing ideologues, who have their own airtight, smug, and self-satisfying view of the world.
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The rise of financial and business services and the relative decline of manufacturing are almost mirror images.
Times, Sunday Times
Their grief was really for their own lost youth, seeing in Presley's corpulent and decadent collapse a mirror image of their own sad journey from optimism to Jimmy Carter.
They are doctored-up mirror images, innocuous illustrations of everyday events in which skill of execution utterly predominates over imagination.
The mirror image-or, condensed into a single word, the "mirage" - is not only whole and non-human as opposed to fragmented, turbulent and human, it is an "exteriority," an outside that is also inside.
These two narratives are mirror images of each other.
The Times Literary Supplement
The return journey was almost a mirror image of the outward one .
One headshot is a symmetrical mirror image of one half of their face, the other unedited as nature intended.
The Sun
The vinyl methyl and the gem dimethyl groups are reversed in the mirror image forms.
His career and his personal life were a grotesque mirror image of decay.
Times, Sunday Times
The houses on both the right and left edges of the composition form mirror images of one another; their small round yellow windows strongly suggest jaundiced eyes peering at the homes between them.
Art can be seen as a mirror image of society.
In the centre, an ornamental pond displays more fountains and more light, water reflecting off water to create an infinite array of mirror image distortion.
While he writes normally with one hand, he produces a mirror image on the facing page with the other.
With the exception of the Maronites and Byzantine Italians, each Eastern church has its mirror image on both the Catholic and Orthodox side.
The current economic situation is a mirror image of the situation in France a few years ago.
The mirror image signifies a real threat to social relations in this play as the body looks only upon itself and does not make links with the bodies which surround it.