How To Use Miraculously In A Sentence
She tapped her umbrella on the setts, calling haughtily for way, and way miraculously appeared.
At Swim, Two Boys
Miraculously, this is one of the paciest, easiest to read novels you could imagine.
Times, Sunday Times
She miraculously encountered the prison dungeon and entered to get some answers.
I suggest that we sit down for a moment on a nearby bench, which is miraculously free of dossers and bank clerks.
Miraculously, Posada managed to find the ball, whirl and throw a perfect peg down to second to impale the Impaler.
Another victim of the changing fortunes of war was Nedeltcho Bontchev, best remembered as the flier who miraculously survived a collision between his aircraft and an Allied bomber.
The wound in the shoulder is miraculously healing, without either blood-letting or cauteries.
To Have and to Hold
His tomb was discovered miraculously in the 5th century.
Times, Sunday Times
Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
So I feel very disquieted by any suggestion that this is a memoir showing people how possible it is to make the most of a bad start, how to love parents who have behaved atrociously, how to somehow miraculously rise above trauma out of sheer good will.
The Glass Castle « Tales from the Reading Room
The bowler bowled, the batsman, instead of backing further away, wafted at the ball, which looped up towards mid-off, who, miraculously, caught it.
Why Pakistan's poor slip catching is itself catching
But only a month later, she was miraculously let out of hospital, a feat which doctors put down to her strength of character and will to recover.
By the time my nurse reappeared, I was feeling miraculously chipper.
The Sun
He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.
The sensory hair cells in a human ear at 4600x, enfiled in marching crescent-shapes, are almost miraculously uniform.
A World Ready for Its Close-Up
Through his consummate technical skill and artistic vision, Botticelli brings this heroic progress brilliantly and miraculously to life.
It happened on the morning after the festival of Mahashivaratri-the Great Night of Shiva-when, weakened by fasting and loosened by a kind of spiritual hangover, Navin revealed to Kudra that he adored horses and that during his youth had entertained the impossible dream of miraculously transcending Vaisya, the merchant caste, and ascending to Kshatriya, the warrior caste, so that he might ride.
La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
It is old, rickety, and decrepit, and miraculously survives the nine-day trip.
But even viewed miraculously, Jesus' ability to endure torture in The Passion works against any spiritual exaltation that the film wishes to inspire.
Yet politicians of all parties like to pretend that there is a quick-fix solution that will miraculously transform the service into the envy of the world.
Thus, through the hands of Dumouriez, may Rouget de Lille, in figurative speech, be said to have gained, miraculously, like another Orpheus, by his Marseillese fiddle-strings (fidibus canoris) a Victory of Jemappes; and conquered the Low Countries.
The French Revolution
The search for this quark-gluon plasma has been long and frought with peril (CERN miraculously announced its discovery just before the turnon of RHIC - an announcement which later proved to be premature and a stretching of the truth).
Top Physics Stories
Biggs is enraged and beats the waiter aggressively. the rogues in the pub come to beat up biggs, but milo effectively uses his wit and manages to teleport biggs to the roof of the pub. biggs slips from the roof and falls facedown on the ground, but miraculously survives.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Avi’s Forum
Our 'recessionista' version of this dress is available in two-toned chocolate brown and is miraculously flattering and sexy.
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Though the bank was looted, the vault miraculously remained secure.
Another victim of the changing fortunes of war was Nedeltcho Bontchev, best remembered as the flier who miraculously survived a collision between his aircraft and an Allied bomber.
Any celebration of Stravinsky must include dance, and Mark Morris, whose choreographic work for a previous festival, "Mozart Dances," miraculously captured every musical shape and impulse in Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 11, is now offering Stravinsky's "Renard," a small theater piece based on a Russian tale about farmyard animals outwitting a prowling fox.
Stravinsky Crashes the Party
He landed with a sickening thwack on the hard pavement but miraculously was unhurt.
After several deadlocks among three frontrunners, miraculously his name appears on virtually every ballot.
Michael Giltz: Cannes 2011 Day Three: A Pope, A Pianist, A Philogoist and More!
It boasts medieval pink buildings that perch miraculously atop towering white limestone cliffs at Corsica's most southern tip.
The Sun
The brandade was a masterpiece, and Pardon had served a dry wine from somewhere around Nice, which went miraculously with the fish.
Maigret's Revolver
Having spent much of her life until she was 40 as an invalid, travel miraculously cured her ailments.
By the time my nurse reappeared, I was feeling miraculously chipper.
The Sun
The infant pulled through miraculously after having been severely burned.
When, according to "Jimbo", the lake dried up, the climate would change and the valley with its dried up lakebed would become unbearably hot and cold and unlivable and almost immediately after Mr. Bentein left for Mazatlan, the lake miraculously refilled and now Jim is experiencing a water crisis in Mazatlan.
Water in Chapala
Miraculously, Andrew arrived inside ten minutes, dispensing TLC and pain killing injections like manna from heaven.
Miraculously he never burned himself or set the house on fire.
Miraculously we were ready to leave at seven o'clock sharp each day.
A schoolboy miraculously survived a 25 000 - volt electric shock.
In the intervening years the youth appeared miraculously to have flooded back into him.
Of course, Ms. Blanchett, the archfiend with the bad accent, who miraculously survived the nuclear blast in Nevada (which is now referred to as New Mexico), wants Indy to translate for the Soviets, so she can discover the power of spiritual energy and control the universe.
Implausible <i>Indy</i>: Ike-Era Ford Fights Russians, Aliens
Our champagne glasses were miraculously topped up at every opportunity and I'm so hopelessly out of practise at the heavy drinking lark now, that I was hopelessly sozzled by about 4pm.
He slammed into a dumpster, denting the side before dropping to the hard asphalt bruised, but miraculously unbroken.
my hand grasped the gun that was, miraculously, lying on the ground beside my finger tips
Mary moved about the fittings and furnishings like she was returning to a room she'd left years ago, but which had miraculously remained unchanged.
The burros, dull and harmless as they look to me, frighten Irineo's llamas so much that half bolt above and below the narrow trail, miraculously clinging to the steep slopes without rolling to the bottom.
On that day Couples' tee-shot to Golden Bell, the treacherous par three, clung miraculously to the bank of the Creek.
In the blinding glare of its detonation, everything seemed miraculously clear.
At one stage it ripped through a flock of sheep, miraculously missing every one of the panicking beasts.
And it records the moment his life was miraculously saved by his own fountain pen.
The Sun
Yet wave upon wave of Royal Air Force bombers, engines humming gently, miraculously avoided the flak fired into the dark night sky.
Freeman's troops rallied, held the Chinese off and miraculously survived.
A show that has miraculously survived through low ratings and critical bashing for as long as it has deserves a better finale than this.
He took up drinking in earnest as a young artillery officer on his way to World War I when he discovered that alcohol miraculously transformed him from an awkward quarryman's son to a sophisticated boulevardier.
This means that instead of a flour-based gravy as accompaniment, pot-roast meat can be served with the cooking sauce that has miraculously thickened all by itself.
And, for God's sake, do not give in to that miserable fancy that because these stories are what you call miraculous, therefore they have nothing to do with you -- that Samson's strength came to him miraculously by God's Spirit, and yet yours comes to you a different way.
Twenty-Five Village Sermons
It boasts medieval pink buildings that perch miraculously atop towering white limestone cliffs at Corsica's most southern tip.
The Sun
He calls me back in ten minutes, having miraculously spoken to the previously uncontactable vendor.
Ora recounts in charming detail her 20 miraculously unscathed years of family life, when she and her husband and boys were like a little underground cell in the heart of the 'situation.'
Mother tries to stay ahead of grief in David Grossman's "To the End of the Land"
Miraculously, the group of 15 Indians managed to elude the dragnet that was forming and escaped with the aid of local residents.
A goose miraculously survived when two bolts fired from a crossbow went through its neck.
Ursus nodded cheerfully, his expression miraculously purged of any bloodlust.
Smart Dragons, Foolish Elves
Lost in the jungle for several weeks, she miraculously survived its privations (hunger, thirst and multiple insect bites), although her two brothers and a nephew did not.
Two hours later, what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal – porter turned miraculously white, was now no more than a medley of disjected members; the quadragenarian torso prone against the pedestal; the lascivious countenance leering down the kitchen stair; the legs, the arms, the hands, and even the fingers, scattered broadcast on the lobby floor.
The Wrong Box
Miraculously, the droop in one of the leaves is gone.
He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.
Then, miraculously, one of the sentries ' heads bobbed up in the trench.
Those fields didn't miraculously appear there - they were lovingly hewn from the obdurate landscape by men like Willie Corduff and his ancestors.
Almost miraculously, these structures were spared the ravages of the 1906 earthquake.
Miraculously, no one was in the weeds; the roundsman, who stepped in wherever he was needed, did his job seamlessly; orders came up on time; the front and back of the house were perfectly in sync.
Georgia’s Kitchen
And the sharp suits they miraculously acquire for their court appearance look the business, so it does not do to enquire too closely where on earth they materialise from in 'choky'!
Or, the other little girl named Winnie, all of eighteen months old, but miraculously yanked from a small air pocket under the concrete slab that had crushed and killed her parents next to her.
Archive 2010-02-01
He is cast or casts himself on a pyre, but is miraculously saved by Apollo and translated to the land of the Hyperboreans.
‘I - I, I,’ I stuttered out pathetically, being miraculously cut off by a doctor who just exited the emergency room.
An object rolled over on to the blotting-pad and miraculously became alight.
In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
Beneath him, miraculously confounded with the seat, flies a speeding horse on which the man perches side-saddle.
Miraculously, even the telegraph wires along which Morse code messages once pulsed still dangle in the breeze.
By clinging to a bannister he miraculously managed to land safely.
Freon and the other brand-name chlorofluorocarbons were once thought to be miraculously unreactive and now prove to be lethal to Earth's stratospheric ozone layer.
The Empress of Ice Cream
This miraculously changed the word "ramrod" in paragraph seventeen of chapter twenty-three, into the word "benediction" trust me on this and utterly transformed the story from dogshit into a song of the divine.
Archive 2006-11-01
A seven-year-old boy miraculously escaped with only slight bruising and cuts after a brick thrown through a bus window hit him in the face.
I go in search of the beautyberry receipt, which I had miraculously saved and found a week or so ago but now it is nowhere to be found.
2000-04-17 01:16:34
Care was taken, however, this time to make fast the halliard rope with a proper "belay"; and although Snowball might have deserved a caution to be more vigilant for the future, it was not deemed necessary to administer it, as it was thought the peril out of which they had so miraculously escaped would prove to him a sufficient reminder.
The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
Vast and powerfully armoured divisions, miraculously supplied, would appear and drive up from the south to relieve the stricken army.
The saint and the leper embrace and the leper is miraculously healed.
Some guy on the radio said so, obviously all of my problems are cured and all of that social pressure he mentioned in passing is miraculously lifted!
ATTENTION LADIES!! « Love | Peace | Ohana
His tomb was discovered miraculously in the 5th century.
Times, Sunday Times
He saw comrades cut down around him and endured innumerable sufferings in the trenches but miraculously survived.
Beneath him, miraculously confounded with the seat, flies a speeding horse on which the man perches side-saddle.
With nothing to lose at this stage, Truss gave the patient a known anticandida medication, and almost miraculously the symptoms disappeared and the man quickly recovered.
Chicago Reader
Perilous, found his name miraculously inscribed on it in letters of gold, and was told he alone should occupy that place at the Round
The Book of the Epic
Miraculously, they floated ashore, were nursed by a she-wolf, and then reared by a shepherd.
We looked in vain expecting the area to miraculously improve but alas, no such luck.
The unsaved were fixed at a point before the happy ending - before, at the 11th hour, rescue miraculously arrived.
Times, Sunday Times
A groundsman miraculously walked away unscathed from a cricket pavilion that was turned to rubble when a boiler exploded.
But, after teetering at the edge of the precipice, he woke up one morning feeling miraculously restored.
She makes her nest on the woodland floor, and her marbled brown plumage blends miraculously with the dead leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
Miraculously, the guards escaped death or serious injury.
LUDWIG: Well, this was not quite neonaticide, because the child miraculously survived.
CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2006
Almost impossible to cure the terminal illness miraculously recovered.
The office was above the street level, all of the windows miraculously kept intact.
Perhaps having just miraculously avoided stepping on a banana skin?
Times, Sunday Times
Miraculously, he came out alive and unharmed downstream at the bottom of the falls.
When Queequeg miraculously recovered, he carved exotic designs on his coffin and used it as a sea chest.
A warm tingle seemed to have sparked in my every cell; my headache was suddenly miraculously cured.
Only some months ago, in the face of an epidemic of heroin deaths, they miraculously produced mobile vans and suddenly found extra places for addicts.
If the slug miraculously survives the gamut, it will then strike the appropriate totalizer arm causing a ratchet wheel to rotate once for every
The Official Phreaker's Manual V1.1 by The Jammer and Jack the Ripper Part II
The woman landed in the middle lane of the eastbound carriageway, but, miraculously, she wasn't hit by a vehicle.
For, as I say, we moderns believe in nothing: the nothingness of the will miraculously giving itself form by mastering the nothingness of the world.
And so we evacuated and just miraculously got to a nearby town, the largest town, called Galle, which are pictures that you're showing right now.
CNN Transcript Dec 26, 2005
No doubt the whole 'corpus dogmatum,' so supported, will, by the entire body of such believers, be eaten up; just as was the Mahometan hog, so humorously referred to by Cowper; but even that had not all its 'forbidden parts' miraculously shown to be 'unforbidden' to different minds!
The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death.
And so, as K takes up the camera on my behalf, my face miraculously elongates itself.
To save his life, the rabbi withdrew with his son to a cave in Galilee where, miraculously, a carob tree grew and a water well appeared, so that he never lacked for food or water.
Suddenly, he was floating in space, miraculously not asphyxiating from lack of oxygen.
From the explosive beginning, fighter sharks zoom like supersonic aircraft through shoals of fish that gracefully and miraculously reform again and again in tight protective circles.
They flipped over twice, landing right side up in a ditch, miraculously unscratched - on the surface, at least.
Miraculously, the whole process only takes a millionth of a second.
Miraculously, the skies opened up on Saturday afternoon and golden rays of sunlight dried the stage by curtain time.
That victory made the Patriots a nice story as the underdogs that overachieved and miraculously had their dreams come true.
The woman exists or doesn't exist in the maelstrom and miraculously is saved.
Michael Jones: Life After Death: Hereafter
But a nearby river miraculously rose, cutting off the soldiers and allowing Perdiccas and his brothers to escape to the hills of Pieria north of Mount Olympus.
Alexander the Great
Perhaps having just miraculously avoided stepping on a banana skin?
Times, Sunday Times
He miraculously walked away unhurt from the horrific lunchtime crash.
The Sun
Miraculously, the victim was merely treated for skinned knees, while Simon was arrested and fined for violent conduct.
I discovered the balata balls last year in my basement, miraculously preserved in their unopened package from the mid-1990s.
Testing the Technological Edge
Miraculously, the semi-detached house next door, where pensioners Ron and Phyllis Allain < cor > were getting ready for bed, remained virtually untouched, save for one cracked window pane.
This legend of the "miraculously created ellwand standard" was afterwards duly attested by a weekly service in the Church of St. John of Beverley.
Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
A virgin by nature and aptitude, as well as by years, untroubled by the bodily agonies that tore most men, but miraculously aware of them and tender towards them, as few are to pains that leave their own flesh unwrung.
An Excellent Mystery
As shooting stars flew earthwards in the upper right-hand corner of the monitor, I felt music in my ears as the web site came into focus and miraculously appeared.
Similarly, on other occasions, pictures or images of gurus and saintly people have been seen miraculously to produce holy water or ash.
Miraculously, both drivers walked away without a scratch.
Miraculously, both my eyes were untouched, but though Mahulda rinsed them with boric acid, I could not rid my vision of a faint roseate tint.
Though on many occasions Harvath had been tempted to suggest an alternate two-syllable code name that might more suit the man such as dipshit, dumbass, dumbfuck, or dickhead, he had miraculously managed to keep his mouth shut and thereby had refrained from doing damage to a friendship that was still very much in its infancy.
State of the Union
Vast and powerfully armoured divisions, miraculously supplied, would appear and drive up from the south to relieve the stricken army.
The volatility and febrility of the piece demands such flexibility from every section, not least the strings, and Bychkov miraculously had them achieving a lightness of touch and quickness of response that was tantamount to producing a sleek sports car from a juggernaut.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
‘The Sixties did not start, miraculously, with the beginning of the new decade,’ she says.
After previously reading the reliable not "cryptid" information that the 18th century French "Beast of Gevaudan" attacks were potentially caused by miraculously late-surviving Eocene predators called mesonychids, such as Andrewsarchus, I featured this in July.
Beast of Gevaudan - A Hyena?
The intricacy of the music and the audacity of the joint improvisations take the explorations close to the edge, with changes of tempo and harmonies miraculously reaching resolution.
She just wanted some huge natural catastrophe to sweep through the bedroom and miraculously carry her two hundred thousand miles away.
A goose miraculously survived when two bolts fired from a crossbow went through its neck.
A rare sight in the streets of Monrovia, Liberians know only too well they've miraculously been pulled back from the edge of the abyss.
But for this movie, where a high school basketball star gets into all of these and then miraculously reverts back to his age of 17 with some weird antics is bound to be a comedy that everyone will be talking about.
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day Movie
This opening sprint is called the "joust," and if the respective jousters miraculously don't decapitate each other in the jockeying for first possession, the game is on. stories: News
By the time my nurse reappeared, I was feeling miraculously chipper.
The Sun
Guess you've heard by now that Jackson showed up to his child molestation trial wearing his pajamas, apparently, down in the back, while Judge Rodney Melville threatened to have his bond forfeited -- in other words, land him in jail and Jackson miraculously was healed and showed up.
CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2005
If I cut according to my cloth and didn't get excited at around thirty I would find myself miraculously Mister-Righted.
But Captain Nemo was before me; his axe disappeared between the two enormous jaws, and, miraculously saved, the Canadian, rising, plunged his harpoon deep into the triple heart of the poulp.
Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Miraculously, I believe, the vehicle remained intact and unharmed for nearly three weeks.
Two hours later, what had been the erect image of a gigantic coal-porter turned miraculously white, was now no more than a medley of disjected members; the quadragenarian torso prone against the pedestal; the lascivious countenance leering down the kitchen stair; the legs, the arms, the hands, and even the fingers, scattered broadcast on the lobby floor.
The Wrong Box
Clusters of miraculously bright spectators cheered unreservedly, even though standing thigh-deep in undrained typhoon water.
Times, Sunday Times
The skirt opens out down to her ankles, miraculously transforming the tarty little frock into an elegant and sophisticated full-length evening gown.
He tells himself that Violet really is an extraordinary woman, miraculously in harmony with his own philosophy of life and in no way likely to disarrange his ordered existence.
The barn has been miraculously transformed into a luxury hotel.
A set of unseen Michael Jackson pictures is reportedly set to be sold at auction later this year, and miraculously, Joe Jackson doesn't even have a hand in it!
St. Aidan, because he is said to have miraculously saved a stag from hounds, is invoked as protector of hunted animals.
The dance instructor was given weeks to live in 2013 after her body rejected the first transplant, but miraculously a donor was found within hours.
The Sun
I thought my mood would miraculously lift once I didn't have to deal with hate mail and evil comments.
That is the case no longer - miraculously enough, the roundball has somehow caught up with the pigskin.
But some animating vision nevertheless seemed miraculously to have penetrated the dense green wall, to the obvious enlivenment of the company.
The Convert
He seems to have been miraculously transformed into a first-class player.
The handful who grasp this concept or, miraculously, remain unseduced by it, do very well.
Times, Sunday Times
The earth's miraculously complex environment has remained in balance for thousands of years, allowing human beings to thrive.
Miraculously, a small grove of Wollemi pines hung on in the deep and humid chasms of the mountains west of Sydney.
A Kenyan warrant of arrest against Deya over his claims he helps barren women conceive miraculously, is still in force.
UK pastor who claimed to produce ‘miracle babies’ another step closer to extradition
Air bubbles seem to float just before your eyes, the planes of perspective are miraculously separated, and the layering is remarkably deceptive.
The children froze'then stumbled to their feet and surrounded her, clinging to her sweat-sodden robes, and crying as if their hearts had been broken, then miraculously remended.
Fiddler Fair
Most irritating were the German rocket launchers, which miraculously decimate infantry and armour alike with impunity.
His tomb was discovered miraculously in the 5th century.
Times, Sunday Times
In the biblical account, Christ miraculously feeds thousands with just a little bread and a few fishes.
Several years after he died and was buried in China his body was disinterred and found to be miraculously intact.
I spent two hours yesterday throwing a 7 then an 8 lb bowling ball around and miraculously woke this morning to find my elbow completely painfree and working perfectly for the first time since January.
Progress and stuff
Flying over Edinburgh, they miraculously hear the sound of wafting bagpipes.
Times, Sunday Times
He took up drinking in earnest as a young artillery officer on his way to World War I when he discovered that alcohol miraculously transformed him from an awkward quarryman's son to a sophisticated boulevardier.
He can leave the gel at home for once as the shock stands his hair on end - but miraculously he feels no pain.
The Sun
Nevertheless, this nasty revelation was worth the pleasure of watching a house finch manipulate a sunflower seed in its beak and -- without hands or teeth -- miraculously unshell it.
Wild Birds In Winter
Both storms and calms at sea are said to be dangerous, and they chanced on this occasion to come very near destruction, and miraculously escaped, for in a calm off the Aeolian Islands they were assailed by Liparian triremes, who took them for pirates.
Plutarch's Lives, Volume I
Flying over Edinburgh, they miraculously hear the sound of wafting bagpipes.
Times, Sunday Times
Miraculously, while there had been flood damage the building was structurally undamaged.
The quartered oak paneling, high barrel-vaulted ceilings, and luxurious marble fireplaces remain miraculously intact.
A Brand-New Olmsted
I slopped the stuff on and miraculously the ashen timbers of our bench and table suite turned slowly back to a healthy brown.
Miraculously, a tree broke his fall.
Miraculously, I don’t think one has ever been cut down by the lawnmower, but that may have more to do with the fact that the lawnmower is so seldom in use.
The Prodigal Blog Returns « Looking for Roots
By now, Michelle had miraculously gained entry and was driven to the front porch of the mansion.
The vernicle ‘is the cloth on which the features of Christ are said to have been miraculously impressed when it was used to wipe his face as he went to Calvary.’
She still believed that somehow she could be miraculously cured.
It wasn't that his sparse acne had miraculously dispersed into clear skin, or that he had suddenly buffed up overnight.
Miraculously at midnight in the pitch dark a tugboat crew that had heard the broadcast found Hunter adrift in the shipping lanes and picked him up unhurt.
As a young man in the Navy he had once made ships himself, full-rigged ships inserted miraculously into whisky bottles.
In Spite of Their Declaration of Bombs
Dinners appeared miraculously on our doorstep every day, in a cooler, with instructions for reheating.
Musharraf miraculously escaped harm when an antijamming device fixed to his vehicle delayed the blast for a few seconds.
The Scorpion’s Tail
‘I was beautiful before,’ she says, touching a pretty, elfin face miraculously unscathed by the blaze that engulfed her body last summer.
Her voice, miraculously, seems practically undiminished after six decades in the business.
Times, Sunday Times
There was the satisfaction of making a neat landfall off Cape Ortegal, and flying along the Biscay coast just within sight of the harbour of Ferrol, where Hornblower had spent weary months in captivity — he tried vainly to make out the Dientes del Diablo where he had earned his freedom — and then rounding the far corner of Europe and setting a fresh course, with the wind miraculously still serving, as they plunged along, close-eauled now, to weather Cape Roca.
Hornblower And The Hotspur
He can leave the gel at home for once as the shock stands his hair on end - but miraculously he feels no pain.
The Sun
But soon after the well was capped, these voices got occluded by a national media that was quick to give BP an assist and declare that the oil had miraculously vanished.
Bob Dudley, BP CEO, Blames Media For Creating "Climate Of Fear" In Gulf
After the therapist had finished massaging the oils into her skin, Josephine looked in the mirror to find that the acne she had suffered from most of her adult life had miraculously disappeared.
He has no memory of the terrible events that lie buried in his childhood - until he absorbs a massive dose of gamma rays and miraculously lives to tell the tale.
Though the bank was looted, the vault miraculously remained secure.
Payne puts little Michael on the transplant list, and sawbones Turner mucks in to do the messy stuff when a suitable donor miraculously wraps her car around a tree with just minutes to spare.