
How To Use Miocene In A Sentence

  • For 10,000,000 years during the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs this area was a fiery inferno of constant volcanic activity and magnificent giants such as the Grizaba, La Malinche, Iztaccihuatl, Popocatepetl, Volcan de Toluca and Volcan de Colima, along with thousands of smaller volcanic cones, came into eruptive existence. The geology and geography of Lake Chapala and western Mexico
  • Because the Miocene is closer to the present day than most other periods of geologic time, it is easier to see the effects of events, and to interpret patterns.
  • More specifically, there are Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene marine and Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks. Santa Monica Mountains (Bailey)
  • The oldest fossils of parrotfishes, including one eroding species, are all of Miocene age.
  • Both the perissodactyls and artiodactyls underwent a period of rapid evolution during the Miocene.
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  • South American Miocene Charactosuchus, while gharial-like, has been regarded as a highly unusual crocodylid of uncertain affinities (Langston 1965, Langston & Gasparini 1997), while Euthecodon – a uniquely African taxon, some species of which approached 10 m in length – is also a crocodylid, and perhaps a close relative of the living dwarf crocodiles (and we’ll discuss those more in a moment). Even more recently extinct, island dwelling crocodilians
  • This is problematical however as the type genus for this group, Palaeochoerus from Oligocene-Miocene Africa and Europe, almost certainly is a suid proper and not a peccary, Old World or otherwise. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Thylacinus macknessi, a specialised thylacinid (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) from Miocene deposits of Riversleigh, north-western Queensland. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
  • We propose that the ancestors of the four extant river dolphin taxa were inhabitants of Miocene epicontinental seas.
  • During the Miocene the shelf was intermittently emergent, and the submarine canyons were extended to the shelf area through headward erosion.
  • Professor Heer has not ventured to identify any of this vast assemblage of Miocene plants and insects with living species, so far at least as to assign to them the same specific names, but he presents us with a list of what he terms homologous forms, which are so like the living ones that he supposes the one to have been derived genealogically from the others. The Antiquity of Man
  • The researchers kept digging and uncovered one of the most complete skeletons ever found from this time period, the middle Miocene epoch.
  • Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
  • Beginning in Early Miocene time, southward extrusion of the Greater Himalayan Slab has had a profound influence on the geological and geomorphological evolution of the Himalaya.
  • The fine sandy and silty loams are formed from weathered Oligocene and Miocene sandstone (Ogallala and Arikaree Formations, and upper White River Groups). Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • During this period 11 to 16 million years ago, known as the Miocene, there was an evolutionary split between the great apes and the lesser apes, which include modern gibbons and siamangs.
  • In this case the folds found within the Miocene sediments have been interpreted as extensional folding in the form of the ramp anticlines and drag folds.
  • Neogene" of Hörnes (1853) included the Miocene and Pliocene periods; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Both thrust and normal faults initiated synchronously with Miocene prograde metamorphism and melting, and have moved episodically since then.
  • Diverse phocine seals – some apparently resembling the extant Pusa** seals – are known to have inhabited Paratethys during the Miocene (Paratethys was a brackish inland sea that covered much of south-east Europe and south-west Asia during the Miocene) and, according to the Paratethyan hypothesis, it is phocines from this region that managed to invade the Caspian Sea, later getting as far east as Lake Baikal. The most inconvenient seal
  • These units have been strongly folded and thrust during the Miocene.
  • In general, species richness in the Miocene and Pliocene was high whereas Pleistocene and Recent diversity is very low.
  • The Upper Miocene evaporite basins in the Mediterranean region – a study in paleo-oceonography. Eastern Anatolian deciduous forests
  • Tonni & Tambussi (1988) described the foot morphology of the Miocene psilopterine Psilopterus and showed that its foot claws were nearly identical to those of the living seriema Cariama cristata. Archive 2006-11-01
  • The Villavieja Formation is the uppermost portion of the Honda Group, a 1250 meter thick collection of Miocene rocks located along the Magdalena River in the badlands of central Colombia.
  • This subsection contains mainly Mesozoic granitic and mafic plutonic rocks, Jura-Triassic volcanic rocks, Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks, and Eocene and Oligocene marine and nonmarine and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks. Coastal Hills (Bailey)
  • Towards the end of the Miocene, modern cats and the first elephants arrived on the scene.
  • Since the Early Miocene, thermal decay has led to the subsidence of Cavalli Seamount and other, volcanic, seamounts in the South Fiji Basin.
  • The strata next below the Pleistocene gravels and cave deposits are ascribed to the "Pliocene age" -- older than these are the "Miocene" and the "Eocene," and then you come to the Chalk, a good white landmark separating newer from older strata. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • In the gastropods groups I surveyed, 124 taxa at the subgenus and species-group level occurred in the Gatunian Province during the late Miocene and early Pliocene.
  • The two living seriema species are South American, but members of similar, closely related groups (the bathornithids and idiornithids) inhabited North America from the Eocene to the Miocene and Europe from the Eocene to the Oligocene. Terror birds
  • More specifically, this ecoregion is composed of metamorphosed Mesozoic greywacke sandstone, siltstone, and marine volcanics overlain by Miocene intrusives, Pliocene marine and terrestrial fine-grained sediments, and Quaternary lavas and pyroclastics. Southeastern Papuan rain forests
  • It was well worth the detour, as they have a very nice museum with impressive mounted skeletons of an entelodont, a towering chalicothere, and some smaller denizens of the Miocene savannah.
  • This subsection contains mainly Mesozoic granitic and mafic plutonic rocks, Jura-Triassic volcanic rocks, Pre-Cretaceous metamorphic rocks, and Eocene and Oligocene marine and nonmarine and Miocene marine sedimentary rocks. Coastal Hills (Bailey)
  • The Tertiary sedimentary rocks are Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene. Santa Cruz Mountains (Bailey)
  • A thin (a few decimetres thick) conglomerate, with Miocene carbonate clasts bored by bivalves, and volcanic cobbles, occurs at the base.
  • Deep drilling in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea floor revealed a continental and oceanic substratum covered by upper Miocene and younger sedimentary successions.
  • Mortillet or cognisance of his views, he suggested in 1859 that the lake-basins were not of pre-glacial date, but had been scooped out by ice during the glacial period, the excavation having for the most part been effected in Miocene sandstone, provincially called, on account of its softness, "molasse. The Antiquity of Man
  • The figure was drawn from a specimen obtained from the indurated sand beneath the miocene bed at Elizabethtown, Bladen county, and is referred to the centenaria but with doubt. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Abstract: For the first time, at least for the Lisbon Miocene series, uncommon ichnologic evidence has been recognized, i.e. mammalian footprints in coprolites. No joke: someone stepped in it - The Panda's Thumb
  • A cover of undeformed Middle-Upper Miocene to Pliocene rocks is present in all the Tertiary basins.
  • The Rexroad Formation of Pliocene age is composed of silts, sands, consolidated gravels and numerous caliche zones, and overlies the Miocene Ogallala Formation in the Borchers Badlands.
  • By the Miocene, whales of both lineages are relatively common fossils in many marine deposits.
  • The hominid fossil record shows a very clear progression in all of the key human traits - brain size relative to body size, bipedality, dentition, the use of tools, and cultural sophistication - from the miocene primates to modern humans.
  • On the origins of Hippopotamidae together with descriptions of two species, a new genus and a new subfamily from the Miocene of Kenya. More on what I saw at the zoo
  • The details of regional geology together with extensional folds in the Alasehir graben are enough to refute a short lived contractional tectonics in late Miocene to Pliocene in western Turkey.
  • Rainfall increased, too, called the Miocene pluvials. News
  • Miocene basalt, andesite, pyroclastic, and marine sedimentary rocks predominate in this subsection. Northern Channel Islands (Bailey)
  • Marine mudstone and sandstone of Miocene-Pliocene origin form two hilly areas in the west. Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
  • Volcanism in the Pliocene epoch overtopped the existing Miocene volcanics of Ecoregion 4b. Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
  • The rocks exposed in the central Aegean region, in the area of the Cyclades, are generally Alpine metamorphic rocks and Miocene granites, which were unroofed by extension and erosion, being exhumed by the end of the Miocene.
  • We have been in this setting pretty much since the Miocene, with the exposed roots of volcanoes the coast maountain plutonic complex as evidence. Sinking river delta could mean trouble along Fraser « Stephen Rees's blog
  • John, D.A., Thomason, R.E., and McKee, E.H., 1989, Geology and K-Ar geochronology of the Paradise Peak mine and the relationship of pre-Basin and Range extension to early Miocene precious-metal mineralization in west-central Nevada: Economic Geology, v.84, p. Where in the West - January
  • Trilophosuchus rackhami gen. et sp. nov., a new crocodilian from the early Miocene limestones of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland. The small, recently extinct, island-dwelling crocodilians of the south Pacific
  • First Captain Miocene hires a drifter named Pamir - the umpteenth identity of a former captain that has been hiding for centuries - to find the killer. REVIEW: Down These Dark Spaceways edited by Mike Resnick
  • One example is the Nile, which was rejuvenated when the Mediterranean Sea dried up in the late Miocene.
  • The huanaco is a small camel -- small, that is, compared with its existing relation -- without a hump, and, unlike the camel of the Old World, non-specializad; doubtless it is a very ancient animal on the earth, and for all we know to the contrary, may have existed contemporaneously with some of the earliest known representatives of the camel type, whose remains occur in the lower and upper miocene deposits -- Poebrotherium, The Naturalist in La Plata
  • It was chiefly in its middle and latter, or Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene ages, that the myriads of its huger giants, -- its dinotheria, mastodons, and mammoths, -- cumbered the soil. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • A thin (a few decimetres thick) conglomerate, with Miocene carbonate clasts bored by bivalves, and volcanic cobbles, occurs at the base.
  • More specifically, there are Cretaceous, Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene marine and Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks. Simi Valley - Santa Susana Mountains (Bailey)
  • By the Early Miocene, deinotheres had grown to the size of a small elephant, and had migrated to Eurasia.
  • Descriptions of the skull and non-vestigial dentition of a Miocene platypus (Obdurodon dicksoni n. sp.) from Riversleigh, Australia, and the problem of monotreme origins. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
  • The Miocene volcanic rocks are mostly andesite, basalt, and pyroclastic rocks. Santa Monica Mountains (Bailey)
  • A new rhinoceros from the lower Miocene of the Bugti Hills, Baluchistan, Pakistkan: the earliest elasmotheriine. Are Sumatran rhinos really ‘living fossils’?
  • Instead, a widespread planation surface of presumed mid-Miocene age is recognized across western Britain, western Wales, Ireland and potentially northern France.
  • Alvarenga & Höfling (2003) grouped phorusrhacids into five subgroups; the small, gracile psilopterines, known from the Palaeocene to the Pliocene and including the oldest of all phorusrhacids; the mid-sized, shallow-skulled, gracile-legged mesembriornithines of the Miocene-Pliocene; the mid-sized patagornithines of the Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene; the gigantic, robust brontornithines of the Oligocene and Miocene; and the mostly large, gracile-legged phorusrhacines of the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene. Archive 2006-10-01
  • So, two years ago, Miocene anomalies looked important, now not so clear – looks like CO2 and temperature do track. 2009 December | Serendipity
  • The thickening of the crust beneath the Cordillera Blanca was by magmatic accretion since the Miocene.
  • The argillaceous and lignite-bearing strata, more than 100 feet in thickness, rest unconformably on highly inclined and sometimes vertical Miocene molasse. The Antiquity of Man
  • I read, first "The aquatic sloth Thalassocnus (Mammalia, Xenarthra) from the Late Miocene of North-Central Chile: biogeographic and ecological implications," and then went back to the long-neglected Victorians and the Prehistoric: Tracks to a Lost World. Pictures That Move, and Pictures That Have Ceased Moving
  • But the Miocene and Eocene periods were certainly warm, and these alpine plants could hardly have migrated over tropical forest lands, while it is very improbable that if they had been isolated at so remote a period, exposed to such distinct climatal and organic environments as in Madagascar and Abyssinia, they would have in both places retained their specific characters unchanged. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
  • That’s good news, because Ikanogavialis (best known for I. gameroi from Upper Miocene* Venezuela [a jaw segment from this taxon is figured at left]) is – while not the same thing as Gavialis – still undoubtedly a member of the gharial family, Gavialidae. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Lothagam is a more restricted area and its strata are older-late Miocene to early Pliocene, overlain unconformably by Quaternary sands, gravels, and coquinas.
  • Riversleigh's late Oligocene to early and middle Miocene (possibly 25-12 my) assemblages have been interpreted by Archer et al. (1989) and Archer et al., (1991) to represent rainforest communities. Australian Fossil Mammal Sites, Australia
  • However, during the Oligocene to late Miocene, a time period spanning approximately 20 Myr, the development of cursorial limbs in predators and in prey appears to have been decoupled.
  • The latter, a series of ferruginous shelly sands, are the only preserved in situ product of the late Miocene-early Pliocene marine transgression.
  • Miocene-Pliocene volcanic rocks have a calc-alkaline character which gives way to a predominantly alkaline character in late Pliocene to Quaternary times.
  • This subsection contains mostly Miocene volcanic rocks, Tertiary subvolcanic (hypabyssal) rocks, and, on San Clemente Island, marine sedimentary rocks of the Franciscan Complex. Southern Channel Islands (Bailey)
  • It further contributed to Paleontology as many vertebrate fossils were collected, most often by workers, from late lower and early middle Miocene sand units that correspond to regressive, mainly fluviatile events in an otherwise essentially marine series. No joke: someone stepped in it - The Panda's Thumb
  • Miocene littoral and sublittoral deposits on the western side of the Atlantic showed the continuation of the transgression had begun in earlier times.
  • The Early Miocene Gachsaran Formation is composed of evaporites (salt and anhydrite), marl and limestone.
  • Both thrust and normal faults initiated synchronously with Miocene prograde metamorphism and melting, and have moved episodically since then.
  • In fact, it has been thought by a number of great scholars that man had not yet made his appearance upon the earth in the miocene age, and that all the marvellous chipped flints of that age belong to semi-human pithecoid apes of wonderful intelligence. The Human Side of Animals
  • The basalt, inferred to be of Miocene age, appears to be an alkali basalt that contains xenoliths of ultramafic rocks (peridotite and pyroxenite) up to a few centimeters in size.
  • Fossils of the earliest hominoids (21 million years ago) and the cercopithecoids (Old World monkeys; 19 million years ago) are known from the early Miocene.
  • In accompanying notes, a geologist identified as W.J. Hunter boasted of a rock formation from the Miocene Epoch that gleamed with boulders of "tourmaline-actinolite-quartz plutonites. The Derrick Next Door: Suburb Explores a Crude Solution to Its Budget Woes
  • The present study was conducted entirely in U2 plutonic rocks, which, in the Bonifacio area, are locally covered by Miocene transgressive marine sediments.
  • By this time, both groups were abundant and diversified globally, so much so that diatomite is a common marine sediment of the Miocene.
  • Furthermore, recent discoveries from the Oligocene and Miocene of Queensland have revealed a fossil history for Mekosuchus extending well back, on mainland Australia, into the Neogene (Willis 1997). Archive 2006-09-01
  • “The Miocene was my father’s main interest when I started in this business,” Richard explained. Ancestral Passions
  • The upper miocene evaporite basins in the Mediterranean region: A study in paleo-oceanography. Biological diversity in the Irano-Anatolian
  • The origin of the currently recognised genera can be dated to the Late Oligocene-Miocene, and their diversification can thus be traced to Miocene ancestors fully adapted to subterranean life, with no evidence of extinct epigean, less modified lineages. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Basement rocks consist of Tortonian volcanic rocks unconformably overlain by Messinian (uppermost Miocene) marine marls, coral-reef limestones and carbonate breccias.
  • Recent studies proposed that the Cretan detachment is a shallowly north-dipping normal fault, which formed subparallel to the subjacent subduction thrust in the Early Miocene.
  • Antarctica became isolated from the other continents in the Miocene, leading to the formation of a circumpolar ocean circulation.
  • In the Miocene period especially, the similarity of the types of phanerogamic plants with their present offspring, becomes so striking that in a large number of cases specific distinctions rest in greater part on theoretical conceptions rather than on real facts. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • This resulted in a number of spectacular mountain-building events which climaxed about the Early Miocene.
  • The term Miocene (from Greek meion, less; and Greek kainos, recent) is intended to express a minor proportion of Recent species (of testacea); the term Pliocene (from Greek pleion, more; and Greek kainos, recent), a comparative plurality of the same. The Antiquity of Man
  • A proboscidian came next with four short tusks, and in the Miocene there followed a Mastodon (Fig. 346) armed with two pairs of long, straight tusks on which rested a flexible proboscis. The Elements of Geology
  • The Australian fossil record of monotremes also includes some quite good Miocene and Pleistocene fossils of giant echidnas.
  • Discovered in Miocene rocks of Comallo, Argentina, it appears to be a phorusrhacine closely related to Devincenzia, another of those obscure taxa known from pretty good remains. Terror birds
  • Most groups of the living cyprinid have appeared in the Miocene although very few belong to the living genera. - latest science and technology news stories

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