How To Use Minyan In A Sentence

  • As a consequence, participants in women's tefillah groups omit any davar she-bi-kedushah, i.e., any part of the service which requires a minyan. David Suissa: 10 Men, 10 Women: The Challenge from Feminist Orthodox Jews
  • While traveling, I was forced to have to pray on my own, and without a minyan.
  • My perspective on these issues is that of an striving to be observant Jew that regularly davens at an egalitarian Conservative shul as well as occasionally at a liberal Orthodox “Indie Minyan” at a local university. Actually, Not Sure What’s For Dinner | Jewschool
  • They have been prominent in the establishment of alternative minyanim (prayer groups) and in lobbying for the improved status of women in issues of halakhah (Jewish Law). Pelech Religious Experimental High School for Girls, Jerusalem.
  • As stated in Yanzhou Shihfang Minyan, according to Local Chronicles records, but also from sculpture "Day Activity Days praised" Square Hacken Lee, Li Kejian brother's hands.
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  • This shift toward more ritual practice, as well as the intensified search for spirituality demonstrated by the rise in independent minyanim (prayer groups), might suggest that the greatest rift in the Jewish community is between religious Jews (of all denominations) and the non-religious, or believers versus non-believers, or perhaps between the synagogue-affiliated and the unaffiliated. Paul Golin: What Is the Biggest Divide in the Jewish Community?
  • He joined a morning minyan and started putting on tefillin.
  • He said that when he committed himself to three things - praying everyday with a minyan, daily Torah learning and outreach to fellow Jews - his success at work skyrocketed.
  • The only time he really got suddenly interested in reading something was when his mother died, and he tried to get a minyan together to read Kaddish for her.
  • His next exploit was to fight and conquer the Minyans, who had been exacting a burdensome tribute from the Thebans.
  • I told them all not to worry, and ‘Hey, it's a good thing maybe now I can get to morning minyan.’
  • Indeed, many of those participating in 'partnership minyanim' are among our most engaged and valued congregants. Times, Sunday Times
  • I always find it inspiring to see minyanim gathering in airplanes and airport terminals.
  • My rabbi has a hard time getting a minyan together on Saturdays.
  • Finally, after years of ignoring this yearning deep inside, I made the decision that just for one day I would do the right thing and make it to minyan.
  • The Conservative and Reconstructionist movements allow women in a minyan; the Reform movement does not require a minyan.
  • Even in Israel, you'd be hard-pressed to find a minyan of people still composing and performing original music in Yiddish.
  • Fortunately, someone pointed out that Ackerman keeps copies of the Old Testament and other Jewish prayer books in his office, where he often hosts minyanim, assemblies of 10 or more men required for Jewish community prayer. FLASHBACK: Federal Official Was Sworn In On Koran Seven Years Ago
  • In 1267, he arrived in Jerusalem, where there were so few Jews at the time that he could not find ten men for a minyan in order to pray.
  • The recession has prompted more groups to lower or get rid of admission fees, a practice championed by independent minyanim -- worship communities -- and the ultra-Orthodox Chabad Lubavitch movement. High Holidays: Synagogues Reconsider High Price
  • But at dawn both sides perceived the fatal and cureless error; and bitter grief seized the Minyan heroes when they saw before them Cyzicus son of Aeneus fallen in the midst of dust and blood. The Argonautica
  • Yet he vowed to stay in Berlin so long as even a minyan was left, kept his vow, hence was deported to the Nazi Musterlager, Theresienstadt.
  • The Kaddish is to be recited only in the presence of a duly constituted quorum, a minyan, which consists of ten males above the age of Bar Mitzvah.
  • When praying without a minyan, begin with the following three-word formula.
  • I am a heathen but will help make up a minyan if required, and said kaddish for my mother when she died.
  • Saturday morning, on the other hand, we're lucky if we can get even ten people for a minyan. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • Even the simplest routines are hard to return to after shiva, such as attending the first minyan in shul or the first P.T.A. meeting at a child's school etc.
  • The distinction appears to be maintained in only a few ritual realms such as aliyah, minyan and tefillin. Feinstein, Rabbi Moses.
  • Therefore, the regular Orders of Service should be recited, if possible, with a minyan of participants, defined in tradition as ten or more male Jews of the age of 13 or over.
  • The family lives in the Mount Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia, a diverse area known for its ethnic diversity and vibrant Jewish life, home to rabbinical students and faculty at the nearby Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, a thriving Pnai Or congregation, and the lively Germantown Jewish Center, where three minyanim meet and work together on many social action projects. Ellen Frankel.
  • I couldn't believe that the year was almost over and of all things - being on the way to Israel to visit my widowed mother - I wasn't going to be able to find a minyan to say Kaddish.
  • The Shtibl Minyan (of which she was a very a very active member when she lived in L.A.) has set up a form so that all six orders of the Mishnah will be learned during her shloshim (the initial 30-day mourning period.) Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Danya Ruttenberg
  • I get upset when I look around at egalitarian minyanim full of liberal Jews davening mostly from ArtScroll siddurim. Warning: Artscroll Women’s Siddur | Jewschool
  • The halacha enjoins respecting the minhag hamakom, specifically in order to maintain peace—and this with respect to totally normative practices, which women wearing a tallis, and having a “minyan” are surely not even if special dispensation can be found for doing these things privately. Chesler Chronicles » Khomeini-ism Comes to Israel: Women of the Wall vs. the Jewish State
  • It has been increasingly difficult for the synagogues to attain a minyan - the 10 men required to conduct a service.
  • In Mark's grandfather's apartment building, filled as it is with old Jewish residents, a minyan is not easy to come by: too many people are sick or atheists.
  • During the shiva, the rabbi visited or called every day and the daily minyan came to our home.
  • I personally applaud the newer "egalitarian" minyanim that are springing up in Israel, although, prohibiting women from leading shacharit because of "divrei she-b'k'dushah" is equally frustrating... Chesler Chronicles » Khomeini-ism Comes to Israel: Women of the Wall vs. the Jewish State
  • I now have another reason to pray with a minyan each day.
  • The hospital's synagogue is on the same floor as Plastic Surgery, only a few steps from the department, and the boys have already been making an effort to attend minyanim.
  • The minimum number required for Jewish worship, a minyan, is ten.

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