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How To Use Minuscule In A Sentence

  • Mrs Scott went across as a minuscule Great Lady - they should have seen Mrs Van L as she set off this morning! THE QUEST FOR K
  • The oil is trapped in minuscule cells of porous subsurface rocks in so-called sedimentary basins. What Lies Below?
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have not yet found a comparable party of Iranians, however minuscule, to defend the theory of the emancipationist bombing of Iran. David Bromwich: One More War, Please
  • Ed Overton -- who is a Ph. D, a professor emeritus at LSU, and who unlike yours truly is a scientist (in analytical environmental chemistry) -- spoke to us the next day and told us that the kind of dispersant used was not only not poisonous, but also that the amount, though it sounded immense, was minuscule, given the volume of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Rachel Ben-Avi: Dinner at Tara
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  • While the article vaunts the fact that men spend nearly 3.5 hours a week more on childcare now than they did in 1985, it glosses over the fact that women's childcare load has also increased - -and says nothing about the minuscule increases in men's contribution to housework and food preparation/cleanup. Joan Williams: Chore Wars and the Value of Work
  • What I'm saying - that it is minuscule compared to what Ken Lay did, compared to what Jack Grubman and the other analysts on Wall Street did that had a real impact on people's lives.
  • According to the latter, if you want to do it the Brazilian way, guys should be sporting nothing but a sunga, a tiny piece of square Lycra, and ladies need to invest in a tanga, a minuscule bikini.
  • Bacteria use the enzyme, called subtilisin, as a sort of food processor: After producing it internally, they release the enzyme into the soil, where it uses a minuscule "blade" to chop up proteins into digestible pieces. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • At another - possibly on the same night - it might be minuscule portions of conch ceviche on a bed of lime and chilli, drenched in aged balsamic and served in a trumpet fashioned from the re-frozen meltwaters of Arctic glaciers.
  • Speed of writing changed the appearance of many letters, however, and along with the introduction by the 4th century of loops and linking of letters this formed the basis for the development of minuscule scripts.
  • Nevertheless, in the ninth century, Danila, the scribe of the three-columned bible of La Cava, mastered capitalis, uncial, half-uncial, a slanting half-uncial with uncial admixture, and minuscule, all with equal elegance." (p. 99) December Books 11) Latin Palaeography
  • While the thylacine, the devil, and the eastern quoll had been lost altogether, two minuscule species the white-footed dunnart and the swamp antechinus, a couple of mousy carnivorous marsupials did maintain populations on some of the tiny islands. The Song of The Dodo
  • The medieval constitution of the town, with its minuscule political franchise, was frozen in place.
  • Its capitalization is minuscule, maybe about $20 billion to $30 billion.
  • Most of the works of the ancient Greek mathematicians which have survived do so because of this copying process and it is the ‘latest’ version written in minuscule script which has survived.
  • Not one of them is written in the type of small, utilitarian script, called current minuscule, which was the common form of handwriting used in liturgical handbooks and schoolbooks in the seventh and eighth centuries.
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is skeletal and scrawny with his minuscule bones poking through his clothes.
  • Currently these businesses contribute a minuscule amount to the total revenues.
  • When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
  • Reading a 5,000 word contract printed in minuscule print, full of legalese, is one thing, understanding it is a totally different thing. Think Progress » Pentagon Pushes For A Strong Consumer Agency To Protect Troops From Abusive Financial Practices
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the mid-1880s, Pierre Curie had used minuscule quartz crystals to craft an instrument called an electrometer, capable of measuring exquisitely small doses of energy. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • The configurational entropy of the human genome is minuscule, and if I had to define it, I would have to count the number of possible DNA base permutations of the human genome (easy) vs. all the permutations that leave a human essentially unchanged (hard). Sewell's Thermodynamic Failure - The Panda's Thumb
  • Water striders are covered stem to stem and toe to toe with a layer of tiny, waxy, feathery hairs in which countless minuscule air bubbles are trapped.
  • They'd long since outgrown his father's minuscule house where they looked after his sick mother.
  • Yes, it's true, I've won first prize in the Writer Online Minuscule Fiction Contest.
  • In the centre is a minuscule island housing a former monastery which dates back to the ninth century.
  • When a long, thick needle was inserted into a minuscule vein on the back of her teaspoon-sized hands and she didn't even flinch, I knew she was in the best place.
  • Bon..., cela dit, ... la prochaine fois que Kristin ira à Châteauneuf-du-Pape, j'espère qu'elle prendra quelques photos de maisons typiques, comme vous nous les décrivez - avec quelques marches, petit perron, grille de protection et plantes fleuries, minuscule porte au ras de la rue … La routine - French Word-A-Day
  • From the mighty to the minuscule, the cute and cuddly to the creepy-crawly, amazing adventures await budding young explorers with the Smithsonian Networks Kids Pack, available on DVD today from Infinity Entertainment Group. Giveaway — Smithsonian Networks Kids Pack
  • I imagine a world where any required communications hardware is minuscule and acts merely as a relay-- it could be carried on something like a keychain or necklace, or maybe implanted subdermally if you're more sci-fi inclined. Archive 2008-06-01
  • In fact, so bizarre are these minuscule penile structures that boffins will often rely on them to tell various insects apart.
  • The trick is to make more but smaller rooms within the same minuscule space. Times, Sunday Times
  • They gently transferred each minuscule mite to the host bee via the most delicate instrument available: an eyelash mounted to a small stick.
  • It wasn't too long ago that Dean was the Rodney Dangerfield of the Democratic race, the long-shot candidate from a minuscule state who didn't get much respect.
  • A further element of kintsugi is maki-e, the gradual accumulation of surface effects impressed, as it were, upon the dozens of thin coats of lacquer resin (although I think they are built up by means of the brush), for example a vibrant network of minuscule leaves and flowers. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Often what seems like a shallow reef is actually a shoal of minuscule sprats.
  • Some snakes, such as pythons, retain tiny leg bones, which may be visible as minuscule claws at the base of the tail.
  • The only discordant note in the amicable hubbub was the sound of customers fighting over the right to settle their minuscule checks.
  • A minuscule amount of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts say the scope of the testing and enrichment is minuscule, that to produce enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon, the regime would need to operate hundreds, maybe thousand more so-called centrifuge machines. CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2006
  • Many providers are paying minuscule amounts of interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • There, while hunting for the rare bog orchid, he stumbled on the minuscule, insectivorous sundew plant, Drosera rotundifolia.
  • People at the bottom of the income ladder bear a minuscule percentage of the tax burden.
  • There is a gross disparity between the size of the unemployment problem and the minuscule educational resources available to make adequate provision.
  • Main course was a minuscule caille guineau fowl and there were no vegetables, only salad. Death by stapler
  • Some snakes, such as pythons, retain tiny leg bones, which may be visible as minuscule claws at the base of the tail.
  • Ed Overton; who is a Ph. D, a professor emeritus at LSU, and who unlike yours truly is a scientist (in analytical environmental chemistry); spoke to us the next day and told us that the kind of dispersant used was not only not poisonous, but also that the amount, though it sounded immense, was minuscule, given the volume of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Rachel Ben-Avi: Dinner at Tara
  • The written and printed form of English has two interlocking systems of letters: large letters, known variously as capitals, upper-case letters, majuscules, and small letters, or lower-case letters, minuscules.
  • When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
  • Millions of tiny polyps have emerged from their limestone cells to stretch out their minuscule arms and grope for food.
  • I know there are some issues and problems, but they are minor and minuscule compared with a number of police forces around the world.
  • In his Parisian workshop, the elegant Bartholdi and truly minuscule workers pose next to a gigantic foot or an ear, of which the actual-size mold is shown with the photos.
  • When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
  • It is much larger than the average minuscule Japanese hotel room, with the convenience of a fully fitted kitchen but without the hassle of having to do the washing-up - dishwashers and housekeeping teams are on hand to take care of all that.
  • Because minuscules are generally later than uncials, and also because they were easier to produce, minuscule copies outnumber uncials of the New Testament in a ratio of ten to one.
  • a minuscule kitchen
  • Irish writings prior to the use of paper and print were written on vellum in a distinctive minuscule script which reflects 1,000 years of literary tradition.
  • I found perhaps a dozen minuscule errors in dates and such, which were passed on to Bill.
  • There are, though, pointers to be found in minuscule changes of facial expression that may last as little as one twenty-fifth of a second, in speech and tone of voice and perhaps most of all in unconscious gestures.
  • When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
  • But if you look at the studies, it's pretty hard to make out a case for women in pregnancy experiencing all but the most minuscule possible risk to themselves or their infants.
  • Irish writings prior to the use of paper and print were written on vellum in a distinctive minuscule script which reflects 1,000 years of literary tradition.
  • Here, single hillsides are known by a dozen names, each broken down into unmanageably small plots based on only minuscule differences in soil composition or their angle to the midday sun.
  • There should be consistent family characteristics in minuscules and majuscules and between the two.
  • The military budget is minuscule compared with some other government spending. The Sun
  • A sanding process introduced between each application of thin pigment produces colorful sweeps of minuscule dots that evoke barnacles and algae as well as the millefiori patterns found on Venetian glass paperweights.
  • From the late 8th century onwards a new script, Caroline minuscule, swept throughout Europe along with the Carolingian Empire.
  • Bosses today are hostages to the minuscule attention span of modern society, where fans get bored easily and often want change for change's sake. The Sun
  • We, this people, on this minuscule and kithless globe University of California, Riverside Campus News
  • In the golden 80s and 90s we told you micropayments and content protection would work; that you would be able to charge minuscule amounts of money whenever someone listened to your music or watched your movie.
  • On human timescale (101 years), we can directly observe only a minuscule segment of the geotectonic weathering cycle and measure its rates mostly as one-way ocean-ward fluxes of water-borne compounds. Global material cycles
  • Only a minuscule amount of the salt is actually absorbed into your body, the owners say. The Sun
  • Their problems are minuscule compared with United's. Times, Sunday Times
  • A process of turning the old unspaced capital scripts into minuscule began and much of the mathematical writing which have survived have done so because they were copied into this new format.
  • Their counterparts are the more poetically named lacecaps, whose papery bracts (flower-like modified leaves) circle a mauve to pink head of minuscule flowers.
  • Bosses today are hostages to the minuscule attention span of modern society, where fans get bored easily and often want change for change's sake. The Sun
  • The paralyzing narrowness of American political life, with its minuscule differences between two big business parties, can be traced back to this period.
  • Small tufts of tall grass were scattered throughout the flat plain, blades waving slightly in the minuscule breeze.
  • Potential examples include switches in optical communication devices and pumps that move solutions though minuscule channels for mixing and analysis.
  • I don't mean to be sacrilegious here, but in a small, minuscule way trying to keep your own personal opinions out of your reporting is the goal, and it's a goal that one has to continue to be trying to achieve.
  • This August the number of Americans genuinely undecided is minuscule compared with previous years. Times, Sunday Times
  • True, the progress so far is minuscule compared with the problems created by decades of capital flight, abysmal schools, and drug abuse.
  • It is much larger than the average minuscule Japanese hotel room, with the convenience of a fully fitted kitchen but without the hassle of having to do the washing-up - dishwashers and housekeeping teams are on hand to take care of all that.
  • e.e.cummings's poetry is written all in minuscule letters
  • Or, on that minuscule patch of the planet covered by artificial turf.
  • The Nineties price war was like the First World War - you were slogging it out for minuscule movements of market share.
  • By the minuscule numbers who make it to the top? Times, Sunday Times
  • Car nuts will appreciate Capsule Tomica, a series of tiny-but-detailed toy cars that measure about 1.5 inches long and come inside equally minuscule boxes printed with Japanese text.
  • Sponge cells called choanocytes each project a minuscule filament.
  • While the absolute amounts may seem minuscule, they still clear the bar for an economically viable mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not a minuscule scrap of faded black cotton, it's my Preen skirt - which, incidentally, looks great with the Gucci boots I bought while a taxi waited outside en route to a lunch.
  • Trainers like them because it means they can justify keeping the horses in their yard and though the prize money is minuscule it's still better than nothing and there's always the chance of a wee betting coup to inflate the income.
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dragging a fine-meshed net known as a manta trawl, he discovered minuscule pieces of plastic, some barely visible to the eye, swirling like fish food throughout the water. PACIFIC OCEAN PLASTIC STEW ( BPA ) STILL ENDANGERING HUMANS
  • That seems a minuscule figure to me - can it be right? Times, Sunday Times
  • The predominant building height is between one and three storeys with higher residential flats accounting for only a minuscule proportion of the dwelling stock. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
  • Or, on that minuscule patch of the planet covered by artificial turf.
  • Another is a minuscule, dead-end space that was rescued from oblivion by a wall fountain and a pond.
  • But he acknowledged global deaths from climate change were minuscule compared with the total number of deaths a year, which the WHO puts at 56 million.
  • Upon entering, however, there was a man on a minuscule stage, reading from a tiny index card.
  • The development of Carolingian minuscule had, although somewhat indirectly, a large impact on the history of mathematics.
  • Yes, it is traumatic for those involved, but the numbers are minuscule in relation to the number of homeowners. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trick is to have the most minuscule amount. Times, Sunday Times
  • People at the bottom of the income ladder bear a minuscule percentage of the tax burden.
  • A further element of kintsugi is maki-e, the gradual accumulation of surface effects impressed, as it were, upon the dozens of thin coats of lacquer resin (although I think they are built up by means of the brush), for example a vibrant network of minuscule leaves and flowers. Broken China
  • But Ward, and other scientists, caution that the tsunami risk is minuscule: No such tsunamis of this type have taken place in recorded history.
  • Although the odds of a temporary confirmation not being confirmed on the Blockchain are minuscule, Litecoin eliminates the problem entirely.
  • Our election outcome predictor shows the odds on him winning outright are a minuscule three per cent. The Sun
  • Mrs Scott went across as a minuscule Great Lady - they should have seen Mrs Van L as she set off this morning! THE QUEST FOR K
  • The matter focuses on an order of minuscule hexapods called collembolans, or springtails, which includes thousands of species.
  • There is a gross disparity between the size of the unemployment problem and the minuscule educational resources available to make adequate provision.
  • Minuscule script, which developed around 800 AD, consisted of lower case letters and was much more compact and easy to read.
  • True, the progress so far is minuscule compared with the problems created by decades of capital flight, abysmal schools, and drug abuse.
  • The grasshopper seemed quite minuscule in comparison to the beast towering high above him, who could easily toss the gangling spindle-legged insect to one side with a single gesture of his monstrous paws.
  • It was really a bedsitter, but had an attached bathroom, an electric kettle and a minuscule electric stove.
  • The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule. Times, Sunday Times
  • Uncial continued to be used for high-grade books, especially in Italy and Gaul, but throughout much of the West minuscules emerged influenced by Roman cursive, with attendant problems of lack of consistency and legibility.
  • The matter focuses on an order of minuscule hexapods called collembolans, or springtails, which includes thousands of species.
  • While at the moment the proportion of the human genome being inserted into the genome of nonhumans is minuscule, at what stage will we start ascribing transgenic animals carrying human genes, the same values we ascribe to humans?
  • It used to be that professors proudly wrote about topics so minuscule that not even their fellow scholars could work up an appetite for the unnourishing results. An Exquisite Slogger
  • Solare şi a surselor de energie gravitationala nu apar ideală, deoarece lumina stelelor şi de gravitatea sunt varia în întreaga galaxie, scădere în jos pentru o resursă minuscule în vaste spatii goale între stele. »2007» martie
  • There is a gross disparity between the size of the unemployment problem and the minuscule educational resources available to make adequate provision.
  • And even this minuscule probability will diminish to the vanishing point as researchers improve nonnuclear interception technologies.
  • The letters of the new script, called the Carolingian minuscule, were written in upper and lower case, with punctuation and words were separated.
  • Mike Griffin, owner of Honey Martin's on Sherbrooke W., went through a five-year battle to keep music alive at his minuscule bar (which is large enough for a musician or two).
  • The minuscule creatures toil endlessly completely unaware that they are being watched and that, with a simple tap on the glass by the giant undetected observer, what would amount to half a life time's work for an ant could be destroyed.
  • As in Rome, this development ended with graffiti that used script in an unstructured and disorganized way, in which ‘aristocratic’ scripts stood side by side with uncials or minuscules of various derivations.
  • New cursive is the form that Roman minuscule assumed in about the fourth - fifth century in the documentary, administrative, and common writings of the empire, and it became the most widespread and free style of late ancient Latin writing.
  • Tholen, 53, wouldn't say much more about Von Bergendorff or the discovery Thursday of several vials of ricin, which is deadly in minuscule amounts, at the man's extended-stay hotel room on Valley View Boulevard near Flamingo Road. Ricin Man Identified-- Home, Warehouse to be Searched
  • The minuscule zooplankton feed on ocean algae which, like all plants, use carbon dioxide to photosynthesise.
  • Caroline minuscule, especially in its calligraphic English form, formed the basis of Protogothic book script.
  • Our election outcome predictor shows the odds on him winning outright are a minuscule three per cent. The Sun
  • Bon l'medecin m'a fait un arret d'travail mais j'y retourne quand meme cet apres midi vu qu j'v deja manqué deux jours a cause de l'hospitalisation ... j'v vraiment avoir une paie minuscule - _ - Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • He weighed his reasons on scales that could count not just gross weight but the minuscule grammage of real worth.
  • The thought of Pakistan unleashing only theatre nuclear weapons (hence, nuclear safety rooms) is absurd, given the minuscule distances that separate the two countries.
  • When our efforts seem minuscule compared to the enormity of the world's problems, we can end up feeling small and insignificant or bitter and angry. Christianity Today
  • The Caroline minuscule, however, had a relatively weak impact on the writing habits of Italian notaries, who remained faithful to the cursive style.
  • At such minuscule scales, particles such as atoms are known to behave differently from matter at the macroscale.
  • Popular culture exerts massive levels of negative energy, especially on young people, which overwhelms the minuscule attempts by the aerospace and high-tech industries.
  • In honor of all the politicking, I give you one of my favorite political poems, this by e.e. cummings, of the famous minuscule vs majuscule debate. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Medicare does its job better than any private insurer in the U.S. The overhead for Medicare is minuscule in comparison to any private insurer, and it covers beneficiaries without half the bureaucratic rigamarole of the private sector. Medicare Gives Good Results, Is Relatively Easy to Use
  • The trick is to make more but smaller rooms within the same minuscule space. Times, Sunday Times
  • My heart rose, in the slight minuscule chance that it was a dream.
  • Average yields are minuscule once the grapes have been raisined, but the results are luscious in the extreme, and are invariably bottled in a half-bottle.
  • Thus can a minuscule particle tip the scales one way or another.
  • Deep in the old Alabama cotton belt, Mason's Bend is a minuscule hamlet tucked into a backwater of the Black Warrior river.
  • There is a gross disparity between the size of the unemployment problem and the minuscule educational resources available to make adequate provision.
  • With a number of top-notch sides potentially lying in wait for Scotland in next month's play-offs, yesterday's success may yet prove a minuscule mercy.
  • Only 2 percent of all taxpayers possess enough wealth to pay an estate tax, and more than half the tax is paid by a minuscule 4,000 families a year.
  • How depressing is that minuscule slice labelled "reading"? Boing Boing
  • Thanks to solar panels that soak up energy during the day to power the wheel, those extravagant light shows have a minuscule carbon footprint.
  • It was like looking down at a rock pool: the cockabullies squirting away from under a rock, the crabs, the minuscule life.
  • a minuscule amount of rain fell
  • The cottages were so minuscule, they must have had some sort of stacking arrangement for sleeping.
  • Now a toughie: Why in its main business of peddling computers does this same company have so much trouble elevating its minuscule single-digit market share?
  • Deprived even of the minuscule readership she had once been able to count on, unable to obtain news of her husband and daughter who had been summarily arrested, Tsvetaeva hanged herself two years later, in 1941.
  • When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.
  • Bon ..., cela dit, ... la prochaine fois que Kristin ira à Châteauneuf-du-Pape, j'espère qu'elle prendra quelques photos de maisons typiques, comme vous nous les décrivez - avec quelques marches, petit perron, grille de protection et plantes fleuries, minuscule porte au ras de la rue … La routine - French Word-A-Day
  • I can see them perfectly from six feet, their minuscule petals and flecks of yellow stamen. MOON PASSAGE
  • We see the same hypocrisy when the U.S. military, after dislocating millions of people from their means of sustenance by threatening war, drops a minuscule amount of food packets onto ground riddled with landmines.

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