
How To Use Minster In A Sentence

  • The somnolent Hampden conference suddenly started to come alive as he laid into Labour as a waste of space in Westminster.
  • He might have caused a storm in a teacup in the corridors of the Westminster press lobby as journalists squabbled over who had the story, whether it was attributable and who had told The Sun anyway.
  • There is an increasing feeling that MPs say one thing to constituents and something else in Westminster. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a lively public speaker, a governor of two schools, and a member of Beverley Minster parochial church council.
  • And Bob and uh others … I was pointing a usage of the word enjoy in a specific way … made possible by todays culture of "enjoy" that is distinctly different from the way the Westminster catechesim uses the word. Reclaiming the Mission
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  • They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
  • Expenses figures from Westminster show he has resumed a busy schedule in the Lords.
  • A premature grab for a safe Westminster seat would be seen as naked opportunism. The Sun
  • This was the last mill, the brook now wending its way towards the Severn at Minsterworth.
  • The drawings themselves will be used to produce the zinc templates from which workmen in the Minster stoneyard will work when they begin to carve the replacement stones.
  • Allthough it could be just prudent housekeeping ahead of the expected cuts and the hootsmon is spinning it as a "rammy with westminster" article, we all know Westminster are going to be scrooge and cant afford it after Browns disaster. The SNP Myth of the £500m cut and related matters
  • Back on the waterfront, the most senior man among Reservists, Major General His Grace the Duke of Westminster, paid a visit to the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Reservists at the Royal Naval HQ Merseyside in Liverpool.
  • Irish Toryism was the dominant political creed down to 1859, at least in terms of Westminster seats.
  • His own farces and burlesques have faded into obscurity, but this contributor to the ‘gaiety of nations' lies buried in Westminster abbey.
  • He stressed he was not implying wrongdoing by anyone connected with the Minster.
  • The tide is running with us and we make good speed down-river around the bend from Westminster and from there to the opposite shore of the river. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • The hotel's location is perfect, not only is it a short walk from some of London's major tourist attractions, such as Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Kensington Palace, and the Londonist
  • Successive Westminster governments are responsible for the above problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have no restrictions on where residents or their family members can dine," said Daniel Nimon, vice president at Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay, in nearby Virginia Beach, which is also near capacity. NYT > Home Page
  • Derby is often viewed as a dilettante leader who would rather have been racing his horses at Newmarket than taking part in debates at Westminster.
  • And it will confirm the opinion of many Tories inside and outside Westminster about his poor judgment. The Sun
  • For more than a quarter of a century National Cat Shows have been held at Crystal Palace and the Westminster Aquarium, which have given great stimulus to the breeding of fine cats, and "catteries" where high-priced cats and kittens are raised are common throughout the country. Concerning Cats My Own and Some Others
  • It therefore came to light that Mr. Jobbles had found that his clerical position was hardly compatible with a seat at a lay board, and he retired to the more congenial duties of a comfortable prebendal stall at Westminster. The Three Clerks
  • The MPs angered the party leadership in June by resigning the whip at Westminster in a row over policy.
  • He died in comparative poverty, but was buried in Westminster Abbey, where Lady Anne Clifford, countess of Dorset, paid for his handsome monument.
  • Paddlers of all ages and abilities are now getting into the last stages of training for the gruelling 125-mile marathon that is the Devizes to Westminster Canoe Race.
  • In all likelihood, the debt was incurred on Lord Petre's ‘iorney to Axminster’ exactly twelve months earlier, a year being a round term for a loan.
  • NEW YORK — A bobbing little pompom put on a peak performance at the Westminster Kennel Club. Westminster Best In Show 2012: Malachy The Pekingese Wins Dog Competition
  • Since Edward Heath took us into what we were led to believe was the European free trade area, various governments have surrendered our Westminster Parliament's monopoly of making and unmaking laws in this country.
  • After all, Alex Salmond is both a MSP and an MP and so there is no reason why Lamont should he win the Westminster seat, it's a fair assumption that the seat will be Roxburgh, Berwick and Selkirkshire due to the fact he's faught it twice, then he will be covering virtually the same constituency for both Parliaments, much like Alex Salmond, no? The Fickle Mind of a Tory
  • These skills had been honed during the late 1950s and early 60s at Cambridge, which he entered from the choir school at Southwell Minster in his home county of Nottinghamshire, where he was born the son of a collier and a teacher.
  • It would not further confuse a public who already find the machinations of Westminster almost unfathomable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He added that any surplus cash is reclaimed by Westminster and given to other organisations that are short of money.
  • The commitment to boycott Westminster would hardly cause a 'Sinn Feinner' like H.R. Jones to frown too much, and it's possible that demanding a monoglot Welsh speaking Wales would have been to his taste. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Edward the Confessor granted the land to the Abbey of Westminster, and it was disafforested in 1218. Mayfair, Belgravia, and Bayswater The Fascination of London
  • Some time back in the `fifties, Enid said - when he was a Canon of Westminster. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Brown, who is based at Battlesbury Barracks in Warminster, identified himself as the driver and said his vehicle skidded on the wet road.
  • Two hundred and fifty years ago it was numbered tickets to Westminster Hall that were in demand: two Jacobite earls and a lord were on trial there.
  • There was no doubting the style from the Minstermen, especially in the first half, but the substance was missing and after the brightest of openings there was no va-va-voom, no oomph, no spark.
  • There are two Churches; Ely minster is a Curious pile of Building all of stone, the outside full of Carvings and great arches and fine pillars in the front, and the jnside has the greatest variety and neatness in the works. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • Community officers working in Warminster are now urging residents to look out for elderly relatives and raise the alarm if they see suspicious callers.
  • Cathleen Cline of Los Angeles holds her vizsla, Marlo Classic That Girl, while watching competition at the 136th annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2012, in New York. Front Page
  • Towards the end of the twelfth century, stone from Caen was used for the rebuilding of Canterbury Cathedral, and in the mid-thirteenth century freestone from Caen was used for mouldings and carvings in Westminster Abbey.
  • Given such a groundswell of popular support, it may be little wonder that powerful forces in Westminster have endorsed the project. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may be stepping down after 18 years in Westminster at the next general election, which is expected in May, but his passion for socialism remains undimmed.
  • He is unencumbered by owing favours to one master or another in London, and he will measure his success by standards set in Scotland, not Westminster.
  • The plea came from Lincoln cathedral succentor - the priest responsible for singing at the ancient minster - who is also warden of Edward King House, the Lincoln diocesan conference centre.
  • He plans to publish diaries about his years in office which will spark a storm in Westminster.
  • Gervace, Abbot of Westminster, natural son of King Stephen, aliened the Manor of Chelchithe; he bestowed it upon his mother, Dameta, to be held by her in fee, paying annually to the church at Westminster the sum of £4. Chelsea The Fascination of London
  • He went because, in all of London and Westminster, the barber 's vied with the chandler's as the best place to gather news. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • The dog, who's known as Vivi, won an award of merit at this week's Westminster Kennel Club show, at $150,000, disappeared today around noon. CNN Transcript Feb 15, 2006
  • The Convention drew up a list of principles to guide the Parliament, including the aim to move away from the adversarial nature of Westminster and towards a model based on power-sharing and public participation.
  • Westminster will welcome six more breeds next year, including the bluetick coonhound, best known to sports fans as the Smokey mascot at the University of Tennessee. Sadie The Scottish Terrier Wins Westminster Dog Show; Protesters Disrupt Events (PHOTOS)
  • The Government's commitment to changing the law became clear in October, when Home Office officials left a sheaf of confidential papers in a Westminster pub.
  • Warminster town councillor Les Rose said the closures would hit the elderly hardest.
  • After his death, I trawled through all of his speeches I could locate, from his maiden speech at Westminster to the verbatim report of proceedings at Holyrood.
  • In fact the Scottish government is cribbed, cabined and confined by Westminster, so that London will indeed be responsible - and blameworthy - for many of the difficulties the Scottish government will encounter in the future.
  • The only award they both deserve is a length of hempen rope and tall tree - are there still spikes on the Palace of Westminster where traitors' heads can be displayed?
  • They discussed their plan to blow up Parliament House, and shortly afterwards leased a small house in the heart of Westminster, installing Fawkes as caretaker, under the alias of John Johnson.
  • Obviously, if collapse to a fullerene occurs before the cluster has accumulated 60 atoms, buckminsterfullerene can not be produced.
  • Obama's minster is truning on him now and more will be revealed. Clinton, Obama dead even for fifth straight day
  • A rescue plan to keep Warminster Community Hospital open to inpatients is expected to be announced to staff today.
  • It is being discussed on the diplomatic circuit and it will no doubt bubble up at Westminster.
  • It was the minority view that the appeal to the fifth commandment instead of to Chapter 31 of the Westminster Confession (which defines and limits the powers of synods and councils) was incorrect.
  • The photographs will help conservators at the Minster carry out restoration work more effectively.
  • Well, it's not too hard to see that Alex Salmond is employing the same pasta method in his plans for 'cooking' Westminster. The I Word
  • In 1795, during a period of high food prices and severe public agitation, stones were thrown at the King's carriage as he went to Westminster to open a new session of parliament.
  • According to the history books, Carus died before the minster was built on Church Street and is buried under the new altar.
  • Dr David Hope praised the Queen's ‘unstinting service, profound wisdom and unswerving faith’ during her 50-year reign at a special festal evensong at York Minster.
  • The arrival of the Black Death brought social and economic chaos, from which not even the Minster was immune.
  • So it's not good enough for us to sit back in Westminster and simply try to shout them down.
  • The advertisement, featuring gargoyles superimposed on top of York Minster, was due to be shown on Yorkshire and Tyne Tees tonight and will be aired throughout the week.
  • That was the inference being drawn in Westminster from a job advertisement for his spokesman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe the TIC ` s posters and forcewide emails have arrived in the weekly postbag from the Westminster Policing Head Office. Invasion Of The Numbersnatchers « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Burpee Seed Company, Warminster, Pennsylvania (I commercial cultivar; tampala) Chapter 10
  • Election fever mounted today as the official deadline passed for Westminster hopefuls who want to throw their hats in the ring.
  • Far below, beneath shreds of glistening cloud, York is laid out like a map: the Ouse glinting in the sun, the Minster rearing above the clutter of buildings around its feet.
  • Stratford-upon-Avon, stands in all probability on the site of an Anglo-Saxon minster, established by the 8th century.
  • The right of MPs to use a decades-old rule that entitles any member outside the inner London constituencies to claim interest on the mortgage for a home near Westminster remains untouched.
  • Some of our activists are somewhat demotivated by having to defend the record of the coalition," admitted a Lib Dem official in Westminster. Liberal Democrats try not to blink at the threat of a thrashing
  • Congratulations on winning a Westminster seat, Peter, but - if I may be so bold - choose your friends wisely before parking your btm on the green benches ;- ! Sleep-walking to disaster?
  • There are a Great Many pretty Churches 16 in Number, but the minster is a noble building and holds in view at Least 30 miles before you Come to it. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • He said that officers forced demonstrators into such a tight "kettle" on Westminster Bridge that they were in danger of being seriously crushed or pushed into the freezing River Thames.
  • The Liberals will hope to do as well as at the general election and the Scottish Nationalists to gain from mid-term Government unpopularity at Westminster.
  • The Abbot's Apparitor drew forth his roll and read aloud: -- 'Sir Robert de Shurland, Knight banneret, Baron of Shurland and Minster, and Lord of Sheppey. Half-Hours with Great Story-Tellers
  • The politicking at Westminster is extremely intense.
  • British kings are crowned in Westminster Abbey.
  • The map shows the route from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, where the couple are to marry April 29. Royal wedding procession route mapped
  • Firefighters from Amesbury and Salisbury, and an emergency tender from Warminster, began making sure the front of the pub was secure.
  • In her youth Queen Victoria listened with rapture to the impressive and glorious music of the great oratorios rendered in the Minster.
  • The Minster was packed with 800 spectators, who watched a candlelit procession of more than 100 Viking guards, Bloodaxe's Viking Queen, and her ladies-in-waiting.
  • The selection process for the Conservatives and Unionists candidates for the various N. Irish Westminster constituencies is presently trundling along - Chekov echoes a few of my own doubts about the possible final outcome in this post over at Open Unionism. May the best (or loudest) Conservative and Unionist win?
  • This way the DUP and SF would have been left to fight it out, pushing their own narrow tribal agendas - and a candidate with the support of both communities campaigning on real and important issues being returned to Westminster rather than the abstentionist Pat Doherty. "THE SDLP’S CHALLENGE"
  • A later King, Cynewulf by name, granted land to the minster by the Great Springe they call Wells and the whole cathedraling business began.
  • Now it seems issues can start in the sticks and land on Westminster's doorstep, fully formed.
  • The Minster was probably never seen by ordinary people as their principal place of worship.
  • The politicking at Westminster is extremely intense.
  • At dinner afterwards, I found myself sitting between Lionel and my fellow Aularian, Mark Field MP (Conservative, Cities of London and Westminster), while opposite was Sir Trevor McDonald, whose son is currently an undergraduate at the college. Jonathan Fryer
  • It was a shape which inspired all sorts of philosophical and scientific speculations (Kepler's cosmography, the carbon atom, Buckminster Fuller's geodesic structures ...), and the art department constructed models of various sizes which were set in African and lunar landscapes. Tin
  • We proceed to Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, and The Houses of Parliament.
  • With ears pricked, eyes were focused just two days later for Minstermen watchers of BBC's less sedate They Think It's All Over.
  • As well as Warminster there are plans to upgrade buildings at camps across the county, including Tidworth, Durrington and Bulford.
  • I blogged today about the need I feel to federalise the Labour party throughout the UK, because I feel Senedd Labour wastes too much intellectual bandwidth on having to defend the nat attacks on the Westminster party. Labour fantasies
  • Yet in the hallowed halls of Westminster mentioning revaluation is taboo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Westminster could change the position but this might be against the will of the devolved administrations, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • The thwack should have been an early wake-up call but the Minstermen continued to stumble and fumble thereafter.
  • None the less, as Miller reminds us, devolution does not mean absolute separation from Westminster and the creation of independent new nations.
  • The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster.
  • One angry Tory MP accused the Liberal Democrat leader - who is in charge of the Government constitutional reform programme - of trying to "stoke" the vote in favour of introducing the alternative vote (AV) system for Westminster elections. Evening Standard - Home
  • His early experience in Long Chamber, the collegers' dormitory, and his previous harsh experience at Ilminster influenced his later thinking on educational reform.
  • Educated at Westminster and Oriel College, Oxford, he was an early casualty of the Oxford movement.
  • Jim Murphy, HMG's Europe Minster, a peddlar of the particularly psittacine mantra about the constitutional concept being abandoned, has written a defence of the EU Constitution here for the Spectator. Archive 2007-09-16
  • In 1612, her son and the now king of England, James, brought his mother's body to Westminster Abbey where she was buried in a magnificent tomb.
  • He could return a blow as fast as any bully, a word as loudly as any fishwife in Westminster. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • In 1968 she made a speech in Westminster at the fiftieth anniversary celebrations of the granting of votes to women.
  • But, unluckily for Beorminster, he was dead and his relict was a mourning widow, who constantly referred to her victim as a perfect husband. The Bishop's Secret
  • THE row at Westminster over green energy is producing enough hot air to drive a thousand windmills. The Sun
  • York Minster recently began charging visitors an admission fee after a voluntary charging scheme failed to generate enough cash.
  • They resigned the party whip at Westminster last month in protest at party policy.
  • A stunningly colourful inauguration service marked the enthronement of the 97th Archbishop of York at the city's Minster yesterday in a ceremony which broke from traditions dating back more than 1,200 years.
  • Yesterday crowds lined the Thames to see the boats make a voyage to Westminster. The Sun
  • The first public gas company in the world was set up in London in 1812, and Westminster Bridge was the first public thoroughfare to be illuminated by gaslight.
  • Massed pipes and drums from 14 regiments accompanied the gun carriage bearing the Queen Mother from Westminster Hall to the Abbey in a moving spectacle of pomp and pageantry.
  • Among the exhibitors were model steam engine fanatic Gordon Woodham from Warminster, walking stick maker George Russell from Sutton Veny, and The Wylye Valley Tree Group.
  • They were fawned over at Westminster Abbey, greeted warmly at No. 10 Downing St. and, finally, lauded at the first state dinner thrown here for a U.S. president in eight years. Obamas get royal treatment in Britain
  • When 12 of buckminsterfullerene's 60 carbons are replaced by nitrogens, it can link up with other ‘buckyballs ‘to form a strong and springy material.’
  • It was quite common in Anglo-Saxon England for one church to act as a minster for a town community, handling all funerals and gathering all the dead into its graveyard.
  • Zhang told the all-party parliamentary China group in Westminster todaythat Beijing's stimulus package was already showing signs of re-energising the Chinese economy.
  • In this sense, the Scottish system has turned Westminster's elective dictatorship upside down.
  • His speeches could go on for hours and caused great disruption to what were seen to be the sacrosanct ways of Westminster.
  • In this image, the photographer combined two famous London features: a London taxicab and Westminster Abbey.
  • In 1979 an operational researcher was brought in from the academic world to look at the use being made of Exminster.
  • Westminster politicians, meanwhile, seem strangely reticent. Times, Sunday Times
  • By then, after eight and more hours of conversation with the people around them, there is nothing left to say as they inch closer to the white marquee that marks the entrance to Westminster Hall.
  • For instance, Linacre, the personal physician of Henry VIII, had the been rector of four parishes, a canon at three cathedrals and precentor at York Minster.
  • The theory is that Fraser recoiled from the idea of blaming a widely revered figure, and fellow Westminster alumni, especially one who cannot now defend himself.
  • Old Swan, and there to Michell and staid while he and she dressed themselves, and here had a 'baiser' or two of her, whom I love mightily; and then took them in a sculler (being by some means or other disappointed of my own boat) to W.ite Hall, and so with them to W.stminster, Sir W. Coventry, Bruncker and I all the morning together discoursing of the office business, and glad of the Controller's business being likely to be put into better order than formerly, and did discourse of many good things, but especially of having something done to bringing the Surveyor's matters into order also. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 49: January 1666-67
  • Warminster Community Radio unveiled its plans for the centre at Kingdown School on Monday evening.
  • He added that any surplus cash is reclaimed by Westminster and given to other organisations that are short of money.
  • We shall also know then whether the remarkable new chamber encourages the spirit of constructive dialogue which Miralles sought, or whether it is back to yah boo in the worst traditions of Westminster.
  • While he has never served at Westminster, he has been enmeshed in politics for most of his adult life.
  • Westminster coroner's court heard he had taken an overdose in 2006 and been sectioned twice. The Sun
  • Just one of his guiding principles, that nothing should be built higher than the clerestory of the Minster, has insured that it remains a resolutely low-rise city.
  • I noticed out the window an absolutely stupendous view over Westminster.
  • The bearer party lifts the coffin from the catafalque in Westminster Hall and carries it to the gun carriage outside the North Door.
  • Ye shall vnderstand, [Sidenote: What mooued the abbat of Westminster to conspire against the king.] that this abbat (as it is reported) vpon a time heard king Henrie saie, when he was but earle of Derbie, and yoonge of yeares, that princes had too little, and religious men too much. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • It is always wise in Westminster to keep an eye out for reptiles and snakes of all description, many of which are poisonous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent
  • The Minster has a skilled team of masons ready to begin.
  • At Westminster, a series of written questions has produced singularly evasive answers.
  • Reverend J.T. Becher, prebendary of Southwell minster, who objected to what he considered the too voluptuous coloring of the poem Fugitive Pieces
  • The City and Westminster used to groan under the weight of excess blubber. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the first page of the Catalog, the full corpus of Fuller's works was generously presented under the inscription: “the insights of Buckminster Fuller initiated this catalog.
  • Eliot's admixture of praise and sharp criticism of Dickens's work first surfaced publicly in the essay on realism that she published in the Westminster Review in July 1856.
  • The county within which the sheriff exercises his jurisdiction is still called his bailiwick, while the term bailiff is retained as a title by the chief magistrates of various towns and the keepers of royal castles, as the high bailiff of Westminster, the bailiff of Dover Castle, &c. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The long recess between the Trinity and Michaelmas terms empties the colleges of Oxford, as well as the courts of Westminster. Memoirs of My Life and Writings
  • Last night somewhere between Fulham Broadway and Westminster I was musing upon the fact that there was a point when I didn't even go on trains, let alone take three-change journeys.
  • Her viscera were buried in Lincoln cathedral but the body was returned to Westminster, and at each of the twelve places where the funeral cortège rested Edward had a memorial cross erected.
  • Some plaied at the football as boldlie there, as if it had been on the drie land; divers of the Court, being then at Westminster shot dailie at prickes set upon the Thames, and tradition says, Queen Elizabeth herself walked upon the ise. Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
  • At the Fabian Society's summer reception at Westminster he was among friends and looking relaxed and comfortable.
  • The couple hope to marry next summer at the Minster Church in Warminster.
  • The site, formerly a warehouse and distribution centre sold by Challis to Northminster in 1997, has already attracted five companies.
  • And Savage was too disordered to remember if he had already mentioned his room in Westminster or not. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • For years, Best painfully articulated that the form in outward appearance may be Westminster but the content is pure, unadulterated governorship.
  • In 1905, when the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan were formed with the fourth meridian as the boundary, Lloydminster as a townsite found itself divided between two provinces.
  • On 22 December 1135, Stephen was crowned and anointed king at Westminster.
  • [Westminster] near the said church, with a soler and chamber at one end of the hall, and with a buttery and cellar at the other. English Villages
  • It's about the under-employed Westminster numpties trying to assert themselves because they've nothing else to occupy their time.
  • The first fullerene, a sixty-atom cage called buckminsterfullerene, was discovered in 1985.
  • A similar daintiness animates the statues added around 1300-22 to Strasbourg Cathedral, the minster at Freiburg im Breisgau, and Cologne Cathedral.
  • Successive Westminster governments are responsible for the above problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was today starting a seven-year jail sentence exactly one month after the raid at the high-class jewellers near York Minster.
  • A Warminster soldier has been killed while serving in Iraq just months before he was set to marry his fiancée.
  • The party's ruling council has been convened to debate disciplinary action against three MPs who have defied party policy and have resigned the whip at Westminster.
  • When the Archbishop elect made his formal entrance to York Minster later in the day, his first act was to kneel in silent prayer with head bowed for more than 10 minutes.
  • It is to be also remembered that female attorneys-at-law were unknown in England, and a proposition that a woman should enter the courts of Westminster Hall in that capacity, or as a barrister, would have created hardly less astonishment than one that she should ascend the bench of Bishops, or be elected to a seat in the House of Commons. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • Axminster, not a mile away, was in Leland's day 'a pratie quik Market Devon, Its Moorlands, Streams and Coasts
  • Together with many of his old comrades and his wife, Stella, Peter will be at a ceremony in Westminster to commemorate the anniversary of the battle.
  • Westminster could change the position but this might be against the will of the devolved administrations, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only have they revolted against the attempts by the whips to nobble select committees, they're starting to talk out of turn in Westminster.
  • It should have proved a warning shot to the City defence but it obviously went unheeded as within minutes Kidderminster had snatched the lead.
  • The MPs incurred the wrath of Mr Trimble and his supporters in June when they resigned the whip at Westminster in a policy row.
  • It is in a deep ‘financial crisis’, says a canon of the ancient minster in the December issue of the cathedral magazine.
  • Most people outside Westminster will take a dim view of their arrogant disdain for democracy. The Sun
  • The purebreds that competed in Best In Show last year are widely acknowledged among fanciers to be the greatest single lineup in Westminster history, according to Frei.
  • Purcell was appointed "copyist" of Westminster Abbey, whatever post that may have been. Purcell
  • It was not so much the hand of history as the great clunking fist that hit Westminster at 5pm yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heroes who have won the highest honours for their bravery now have a permanent memorial at Westminster Abbey.
  • The Minster has also made clear that they want the book holdings to continue to be a ‘living library’ and not a ‘frozen’ collection.
  • And just as it never rains but pours, so it could be said the conditions also conspired against the Minstermen.
  • The Welsh club are still expected to send a representative to the Minstermen's game but an immediate transfer now seems less likely.
  • They were in Westminster, safe from the eyes of the outside world and London's many drinking dens and fleshpots.
  • A backpacker from Warminster has been battered to death while travelling across Thailand.
  • If he ever does return from Westminster he might find the ideological landscape altered beyond recognition.
  • The parliament makes laws without reference to Westminster, and the executive decides its own spending priorities and policies without reference to the UK cabinet.
  • In an address at York Minster, the Archbishop of York paid tribute to the unstinting service, profound wisdom and unswerving faith of the Queen.
  • They plundered and burned the market town of Leominster.
  • The Lion Crest of RICHARD II., sculptured _statant guardant_ upon his helm, with a chapeau and mantling, and with the Badge of two Ostrich feathers, in Westminster Hall, is without any crown: No. 199. The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Earlier this year, the Minster authorities launched the Development Campaign.
  • It is usually only when an element of criminal dishonesty is involved that there follows a removal, in disgrace, from Westminster.

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