
How To Use Minority In A Sentence

  • A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
  • Some may insist you sleep on mats on hard floors to straighten out the spine, but they are in a minority.
  • The situation reminds of other art items like netsuke or tsuba in the 50s when these items where collected only by a small minority.
  • The presence on an arts board of the occasional, often atypical artist from a minority does not do much for the community, other than condescend to him or her.
  • The White Shadow – A unique series that took a rather real look at urban life among predominately minority teen-agers. Hulu Awards: Johnny Jay’s Final Wrap Up and Best of Hulu
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  • Moreover, I can't think of any other 'minority' of which this is remotely true, unless it were to be the other minority from which I can claim descent: people of British or Anglophile provenance. Christopher Hitchens: Reinstate Rick Sanchez!
  • He allegedly said he would have continued bombing ethnic minority communities if he had not been caught.
  • Agencies that have thought their only remit was to address minority issues must reassess the way they work. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movement's admiration of non-European art unwittingly offered artists from minority cultures the opportunity to value their own visual traditions.
  • It says it wants 10 percent minority representation, and then they have to jigger the system to figure out how to reach that number.
  • It was created as an arena for the representation and expression of minority opinion.
  • The small minority of motorcycle riders that are involved in criminal activity should be able to be dealt with under existing laws against organised (or other) crime, we don't need more laws specifically targeting motorbike riders, or hysterical public discussion, about "bikie" terror. Central Midlands & Coastal Advocate
  • His primary directives are to slam the President, which is a better view black-on-black politically and hopefully cause some minority to switch parties. Steele says he has 'slimmer margin' for error
  • Whether Terence O'Neill was committed to promoting the sorts of reforms which might have satisfied the Catholic minority is unknown.
  • The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals.
  • The A-level of old had a specific function: to test the minority of young people who would go on to higher education.
  • Conclusion: The incidence of sexuality is high in minority nationality fe male college students and there exist the problem of promiscuity , pregnant and spread of STD.
  • It is the abuse of the filibuster that has been the issue here and that repugs have no integrity, no honesty in dealing, no sense of fairness or justice — there should be some way to preserve the filibuster in order for the minority to be heard, but something must be done to prevent the abuses of the repugs. Think Progress » Sen. Tom Udall Calls Reid’s Promise To ‘Take A Look At The Filibuster’ A ‘Warning Shot’ To Republicans
  • The special minority chapters in these peace treaties contained what became known as the guarantee clause.
  • For the sizeable minority still remaining, this question is dreaded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main and just about only beef I had heard from the minority of critics who at least kind of panned this was that the story was lacking, but I have to disagree. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Most central city schools serve primarily poor, working class and minority students.
  • However, Jenkins said demands for reburial were now coming from minority groups in Britain, including pagans and druids, while Manchester consulted the group Honouring the Ancient Dead, which campaigns for reburial of pre-Christian British remains, before removing the Worsley Man head. Museums avoid displaying human remains 'out of respect'
  • The courts do remand a significant minority of accused people in prison to await trial. The Prisons We Deserve
  • In a similar vein, the last three essays of the collection use the metaphor of the borderlands to highlight the representation of hybrid subjectivities in the works of notable American and post-colonial minority writers.
  • But truckers say those with new or retrofitted vehicles are a minority. Houston Chronicle
  • Socialists who stressed the struggle of the poor, like the poet Attila József, were a minority voice.
  • The task group also want a breakdown and analysis of how many ethnic minority workers have been successful after applying for jobs at the council.
  • In such circumstances, it seemed deeply repugnant that a hapless minority of Americans should again be exposed to mortal peril. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • Liberal democrats remained in a minority on the Legco, despite their success in the direct elections.
  • It will Bteach real estate agents about the customs of minority groups.
  • Schanzer's language bias is clearly demonstrated when he says that the "United Nations General Assembly partition plan ... endowed the Palestinian Arabs with a state that included an expanded Gaza strip, the West Bank, and much of the northern territory. [emphasis added]" How considerate for sure, to be "endowed" with only portions of your own homeland, while a minority of the population, immigrants at that, is given a majority of the land. Book Review - Hamas vs. Fatah
  • The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals.
  • The force has pledged to hire 5,000 more ethnic minority officers by 2009.
  • Pope Benedict lauded himself for the respect and solidarity he gives to the minority groups, the emarginated and religious believers of other denominations while at the same juncture he was encouraging the Maltese majority to continue with its ongoing suppressive attitude towards the minorities.
  • It all comes down to ignorance though, fundamentally, if a substantial minority of the population is unable to even attempt an informed debate without resorting to pachydermal vitriol, then you will unfortunately be left with a corrupt, morally bankrupt set of lunatics. McCain's Lying Has Gone Too Far, According To ... Karl Rove!
  • Treatment professionals could rationalize their inattention to difference by citing underutilization of treatment resources by many minority groups.
  • Hand held speed cameras are deployed to facilitate enforcement evidence aimed at the minority of cyclists who flout the rules and who react in an aggressive manner, usually bewailing the breaching of their civil rights.
  • We spoke the same minority language, and understood the same underground symbols.
  • The organisation's role is to outlaw discrimination against minority groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there will be tough new measures for the minority of bankrupts who take advantage of their creditors.
  • In fact another minority Conservative government would not be a bad result for Canada: neither of the main party leaders has done enough to persuade Canadians that they deserve untrammelled power.
  • They claim a minority are resigned to renting permanently.
  • In general, ethnic Burmans live in the valley, and the minority ethnic groups such as the Karen, Karenni, Shan, and Kachin live in the sprawling hill country.
  • The disposal of a minority stake would raise about £17 million.
  • They promote social integration and assimilation of minority ethnic groups into the culture.
  • The Residency or Khengar Bhavan was built in 1882 AD as the residency of the British Resident in the ruler's minority.
  • The disruptive behaviour of a small minority of pupils can wreak havoc in the classrooms and corridors.
  • Whenever Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell might be tempted to act collegially, Tom Coburn (who asked America to pray that some senators — meaning ailing Sen. Robert Byrd — didn't make it to the chamber last month to vote), Jim DeMint (who hopes to "break" Obama), and David Vitter (whose adventures in New Orleans's brothels don't appear to have induced any humility) are there to set McConnell right. You Ain’t No Friend of Mine
  • The hardest part is definitely being in a minority opinion, then having to work on overdrive trying to persuade others to your way of thinking. Times, Sunday Times
  • As our area is not very multicultural at all, there weren't even any minority groups who could visit and share their culture.
  • While that may be true for a minority, most people with debt problems simply lost their job or suffered some other misfortune. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sierra LeoneEnglish (official, regular use limited to literate minority), Mende (principal vernacular in the south), Temne (principal vernacular in the north), Krio (English-based Creole, spoken by the descendants of freed Jamaican slaves who were settled in the Freetown area, a lingua franca and a first language for 10% of the population but understood by 95%) Languages
  • The Zionists tried to de-bourgeoisify Jews by creating a national economy in which Jews would hold all the jobs, including farmer and soldier, rather than just the bourgeois middle-man-minority jobs at which they made much money, but also elicited dangerous resentment from other peoples. Blog Articles » Print » David Brooks: The Tel Aviv Cluster
  • Once you assign someone the status of minority racial group, normal rules no longer apply.
  • And a minority of scientists, led by NASA's outspoken expert, James Hansen, say even that's not enough: they think the concentration limit is 350 ppm—and we're already at 387 ppm.
  • It's only a tiny minority of people who are causing the problem.
  • The U . N. administrator faulted ethnic Albanian politicians for not doing enough to reassure the Serb minority.
  • Minority rule is now the consensus notwithstanding the majority, and heretofore the laws hold differently.
  • Members of it are clearly trying to preserve a minority religion in a hostile world, trying to work out where they can afford to compromise with the mainstream and where they must remain inflexible.
  • A civil war in Sri Lanka, extending nowhere else, untainted on either side by even a whiff of Islamism -- a war in which a minority people, slaughtered mercilessly for decades, have come to identify (at least to some extent) with a brutal counterforce called the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, is now effortlessly connected to 9/11. Archive 2009-04-01
  • That may well be his personal preference and oblige a minority of other like-minded individuals. Times, Sunday Times
  • An influential minority report by Derek Senior advocated a map involving solely two-tier regional authorities, 35 in number.
  • And this minority stakeholder is interfering with “fair and balanced” coverage. Think Progress » Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’
  • Only a minority are cut into sawlog and made into high value furniture, flooring or building materials.
  • Minority voices on both sides will complain and accuse their governments of selling out.
  • The minority is subordinate to the majority.
  • It's a pity, then, that GCHQ is short of ethnic-minority staff who can actually eavesdrop on, for example, suspected terrorists. Michael Gove wears dunce cap over UK school buildings list fiasco
  • A small minority of the Atrypacea have smooth shells, others being rather finely costate or having medium to coarse plications.
  • These other groups that dispense unequal treatment to minority groups are usually called majority groups. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • In the middle of last decade, when Tom Delay and state Republican leaders redrew the Texas state map in a way that removed half a dozen Democratic seats, they didn't touch the minority districts already in place. Dylan Loewe: Debunking the Redistricting Myth
  • Elizabeth Anne Ford was thrust onto the national stage unexpectedly when President Nixon chose her husband, then the House minority leader, as vice president after Spiro Agnew resigned. Betty Ford: A beacon for women, addicts
  • Only a minority of insomniacs ever mentions sleep loss to a doctor, though, and then it's only in the context of other problems more likely to get addressed.
  • Unless supplemented and constrained by minority rights, state nation-building is likely to be oppressive and unjust.
  • A strategic alliance may take the form of an outright acquisition, minority stake, joint venture or brand franchise.
  • Nova Scotia's opposition MLAs voted down a finance bill Monday, prompting the fall of the minority Progressive Conservative government and setting the stage for an election. Archive 2009-05-01
  • He claimed those allegedly involved represented a very small minority of the district's Asian community.
  • Our numbers are legion and we're a large minority in American culture. Christianity Today
  • Government by majority rule can be a threat to minority rights.
  • I would like to point out that "storytelling" is more effective if it reflects a majority than the minority. Granholm: Dems need to sell banking and health care reform
  • Gaelic is still spoken in Ireland by a tiny minority.
  • A lot of national parks lie in the areas inhabited by minority nationality people.
  • FIGHTING WITH SIKHS BROTHER? bcs hindu want to make us minority in punjab (KHALISTAN) Leaders of Dal Khalsa have been arrested for sponsoring marches in Punjab in support of a free - Articles related to Gay travel to Lima, Peru: Easier than ever with LAN Airlines new service from SFO
  • Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers.
  • The Minority Movement, organised by the infant Communist Party of Great Britain, sought to organise militants in trade unions.
  • I recently posted an advertisement for a vacancy and want to avoid discriminating against minority groups.
  • In such circumstances, it seemed deeply repugnant that a hapless minority of Americans should again be exposed to mortal peril. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • Such laws exist only to conserve the privilege of this selfish minority.
  • It looked like a sop thrown to the minority, yet another hostage to fortune. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • America's blacks voted at a higher rate than other minority group.
  • It's on a minority channel at 10.00 pm tomorrow night - well after the watershed.
  • Most people seem to take one of two general points of view on the quest that rockets represent: A vocal minority is certain that humanity will colonize space, just as Europeans colonized the New World.
  • A separate Palestinian state would most likely remain unviable and impoverished, whereas a "Jewish" state with a rising non-Jewish minority will increasingly be at odds with the principles of democracy and equality. Letters to the Editor
  • On a more substantive point, the American public is so scunnered by politics that you can (almost!) make a case for arguing that it's better to be in the minority than the majority in Congress. The Problem With Contested Elections...
  • Minority shareholders in the beermaker are gearing up for a court battle in their continued em>offensive against the majority owner.
  • Even if I thought that I had some moral or good manners responsibility to use the label preferred by a strong majority of the group, I see no basis for accepting such a responsibility to use the label preferred by a vocal minority, or even half of thegroup. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another Word I Will Gladly Continue To Use:
  • What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?
  • There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities.
  • The Prime Minister pledged to do all that was necessary to root out the criminal minority behind the campaign of terror.
  • James Hughes, have "fetishized" democratic decision-making over the protection of minority rights. Ethical Technology
  • San Francisco Unified is not alone in trying to find ways to address the dearth of minority teaching candidates.
  • Television cameramen in San Diego were given color coded maps to help them spot minority faces on the convention floor.
  • The market is underpopulated, and there's much more demand for capital than supply," said Mauro Moretti , a manager for Hutton Collins with a €600 million portfolio that does two or three investments a year in Italy, although it focuses on taking minority stakes in larger companies with at least €200 million in annual revenue. Italian Fund Goes on Buying Spree
  • I myself incline to the minority view that science alone cannot assuage our craving for human contact.
  • If you look to Kennedy’s 1963 civil rights speech, you’ll note that the civil rights act was very much a bismarckian reform in that it as much a response to fear of violent revolt for equal rights as it was a benevolent act to improve the status of a minority group. The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion, Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class.
  • Under such circumstances, the customary law of ethnic minority also plays a realistic role, to a great extent, to adjust civil order at the basic level besides constitutional law.
  • The Democratic Party demonstrated its abandonment of any pretext of opposition by foregoing the traditional response of the minority party to a presidential address to Congress.
  • It was the minority view that the appeal to the fifth commandment instead of to Chapter 31 of the Westminster Confession (which defines and limits the powers of synods and councils) was incorrect.
  • Disabled drivers are an ever-growing minority group.
  • One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for Chancellor Kohl.
  • Only a tiny minority of holidays are affected.
  • The fact that a party can be voted into power by a minority of the electorate calls into question the country's electoral system.
  • Pluto's advocates were not asleep -- we were blindsided by a tiny minority of the iAU that violated the group's own bylaws and conducted a vote on the last day of the two week conference on a resolution that had not first been vetted by the proper committee, as IAU rules require. Victoria Advocate stories: News
  • From the time he left Oxford he was acclaimed and backed by a small minority of passionate admirers whom I have called his fuglemen. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Bad teachers are a tiny minority .
  • However, I fear they are retreating, and minority indulgences such as cribbage are going the same way as dominoes, shove ha'penny, bar billiards, and the very jolly, unpretentious boozers in which they used to be played day and night. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?
  • The minority is subordinate to the majority.
  • At the same time, only a minority of Americans support a constitutional amendment opposing gay marriage.
  • Many minority groups are struggling to maintain their cultural identity.
  • We need a two-term governorship to solve the problem of institutionalized short-sightedness and lack of long-term accountability, we need to support bipartisan restricting and not just when we are in the minority, we need even stricter ethics rules and increased transparency in campaign financing, etc. Greg Werkheiser: Thoughts on the DPVA Chair Job
  • The pacifist option was followed by only a small minority.
  • Radu Sigheti/Reuters A Roma woman brought a roasted piglet to the table during a gathering of the ethnic Roma minority in Costesti. Emerging Europe: The Week in Photos
  • He excelled as a pupil and, like the minority of his generation who received schooling, he was taught through the medium of katharevousa - the archaic pure form of the Greek language.
  • But who knows – after all, the Darwin hypothesis is a minority viewpoint, but and the lack of physical evidence leaves considerable doubt. An Amazing First Century
  • Throughout this period, there had always been a minority of rebels who challenged the rule of the clock.
  • Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.
  • In a two-page order, judges Thomas Griffith, Rosemary Collyer and Beryl Howell wrote that Texas "used an improper standard or methodology" to determine which districts give minority voters the ability to elect their preferred candidates. U.S. Court Challenges New Texas Districts
  • But becoming a passive minority shareholder in a larger, unquoted regional entity, with an option to exit at a later date, carried no appeal for Michael Buckley.
  • Why do you even bother electing a president if you want the office to remain powerless and only accountable to a slim partisan minority? Sources: White House considers drafting health care bill
  • Most people get only one attack of shingles, but for an unlucky minority it can be a recurrent problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suddenly realized that here I, like the tinkers of whom Della had been so suspicious, was part of a persecuted minority.
  • The monthly event, stewarded by the cruisers themselves, aims at driving away the minority of troublemakers who race each other and perform dangerous, screeching wheelspins.
  • Multiculturalism can be invoked by minority groups to attack the conformism and conservatism of the larger society, and to pressure it to accept the new realities of openness and pluralism.
  • At any rate, with spending caps plus the elimination of big donations, the minority parties had more of a chance.
  • Boehner referred to Democrats as Defeatocrats, going on to accuse the minority of embolden terrorists.
  • They were from all over the map -- "complete hooey" from _Minority Report_, "buncombe" from _The New Republic_, "as truthful as Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound" from an article on pedagogy in the _Sun_. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • To suppose that the influence of a minority of party activists will not in the end prevail is to delude oneself.
  • But a minority still hold views that would disgust their neighbours. The Sun
  • Minority students make up just over half of new freshmen at the University of New Mexico for the first time in the school's history.
  • Although both Sanlam and Rembrandt became associated with the so-called verligte wing of the National Party, the differences they had with verkramptes in the party were not over whether, but rather over how best, to maintain control by the apartheid regime and with it minority white economic privilege. African National Congress
  • But what happens when the right-wing minority decides that they've had enough of this liberal claptrap about integration?
  • ‘Preparing minority students for the rigors and rewards of a career in journalism has been her lifework.’
  • The serifs, though distracting to a small minority, allow the reader to glance over words at an alarming pace.
  • We knew, though, that we were a minority swimming against a powerful tide of patriotic pomposity.
  • The conference adopted a resolution on minority rights.
  • Edward displayed shrewdness and ruthlessness in the way he turned on nobles who had usurped his power during his minority.
  • Glass cliff A situation in which a woman or member of a minority group gets a leadership position where the risk of failure is high. Times, Sunday Times
  • That must surely give comfort to minority groups or to non-whites who feel disenfranchised.
  • Mustafa Kemal understood history's lesson in that regard: He sealed the borders, dug a kind of psychological trench between his country and its neighbors and tried to mute minority identities. The Turkey-Iran Nuke Deal
  • Yet, extant research suggests that a significant minority of these individuals may choose to discontinue all sexual relations and become celibate for at least some period following their diagnosis.
  • Finally, I find the attempt to link this issue to ‘an unrepresentative minority’ incredible!
  • A university education shouldn't be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich.
  • At the undergraduate level, U.Va. already has a successful peer mentoring program in which third- and fourth-year minority students mentor freshmen and sophomores, she said.
  • Government by majority rule can be a threat to minority rights.
  • S.-born and minority students to consider careers in science and technology.
  • So it is unique minority sculpt and posy different from mid-region bronze culture at hte same age.
  • Today, as a minority Republican group of tired Senate lackeys wields their only weapon left, the filibuster, and even more sycophantish democrat Senators with all the power to call a vote and win, will subsequently hand over the crown jewels of the economic stimulus replacing substantive community economic growth with defense industry ‘violence’ based funding. Want True Economic Stimulus, Obama? Replace Trickle Down With Bottom Up Community Driven Economic Models
  • The developmental trend of religiousness has differences on gender and grade of the Muslim adolescents who live in the local minority municipality.
  • Their remain a minority of Catholic children aged 5-16 and a majority aged 16-19 who do not attend Catholic schools.
  • The group is regarded as a fundamentalist organisation representing the views of the minority of Muslims.
  • The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament.
  • The minority are much more Anglicized Creoles centered in and around the capital city of Freetown.
  • Easy to say and easy to understand but the media are surely aware that there will always be an idiotic minority who do not comprehend this simple truth.
  • We are accustomed to English players being in the minority. Times, Sunday Times
  • Timor-LesteAustronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), Papuan, small Chinese minority Ethnic groups
  • However, the extension to minority groups elicits the potential for internal (cultural or economic) autonomy.
  • The minority should submit to the majority.
  • Both argued that irrespective of the form of government, be it monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy, a relatively compact minority always ruled.
  • Hobson was the associate deputy administrator for government contracting and minority enterprise development.
  • Leyburn points out that since the Scotch-Irish were never a "minority," in the sense that their values differed radically from the norms of their areas of settlement, they never suffered the normlessness which Durkheim calls anomie -- the absence of clear standards to follow. The Fair Play Settlers of the West Branch Valley, 1769-1784 A Study of Frontier Ethnography
  • Prior to the recent cease-fire, the PKK had stepped up attacks after their jailed leader, Abdullah Ö calan, said he was calling off talks with Turkey's government because he said Ankara's stated goal of improving conditions for Turkey's large Kurdish minority wasn't going anywhere. Attack on Minibus Kills 10 in Turkey
  • Instead of a simple "No," she took a page from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's slimy playbook, averring "I take him Obama at his word. Michael Sigman: Note to GOP: Sometimes an Opinion Isn't Just an Opinion
  • An Egyptian-educated scholar, Nik Aziz said non-Muslims had nothing to fear from strict sharia punishments, known as hudud, and a lot to gain from them, especially Malaysia's large and wealthy ethnic Chinese minority. Now, here's a political platform....
  • Mangrove Capital Partners, a Luxembourg-based venture capital firm which has backed Skype and Nimbuzz, has invested $4 million for a minority stake in Global Online Apparel, a holding company of Indian shoe e-tailer, as well as other e-commerce sites across the globe. Deals India: Morning News Roundup
  • ‘Out of all the statements police take from witnesses, only a minority of those go to court,’ he said.
  • She reaches the conclusion that, because some students (the vast minority) misbehave, it is acceptable to treat all students however the city pleases.
  • It is an important exercise that can not be left to the minority few who have registered thus far.
  • Certain parts of Bolton are dirty and scruffy, caused by a minority of dirty people and neglect.
  • Minority cultures within the United States often raised issues of cross-cultural conflict.
  • Minority rights, an independent judiciary and a free press were established in Britain long before full universal suffrage arrived. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is recognition of the right of the minority group to become a partner in the nation-building process.
  • His death made him a martyr to the cruelties of minority white rule and racial separation.
  • Moreover, most of the existing ethnic minority units managed, with Rosenberg's assistance, to elude Vlasov's control.
  • The only freedom modern “libertarians” seem to promote is the freedom of deregulation, the freedom to support the second and only the second amendment, the freedom of minority oppression and the freedom to tell you what your freedoms are. Think Progress » Army Secretary says Gates has placed a de facto moratorium on DADT discharges.
  • The minority should submit to the majority.
  • This may turn out to be the case when the minority calls the shot and be the power broker.
  • A boundary extension would require new electoral boundaries and these could not easily be adjusted soas to retain Unionist minority control.
  • Many of the unemployed youth who were recruited into the army as cannon fodder in its vicious war against the country's Tamil minority have deserted.
  • The early part of the 1990s, when monarchism dared not speak its name and supporters of the Crown felt as though they were a beleaguered minority, seems like a bygone age.
  • It was only a minority, such as a few church figures at Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education, who questioned the morality of apartheid.
  • The students argued that the school discriminated against them by applying more lenient standards to minority applicants.
  • A small minority voted against the motion.
  • Following the announcement, Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, told senior editor Simon Frantz why Herta Müller's uniqueness comes from the double experience of being part of a minority language while being under an oppressed society. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2009 - Prize Announcement
  • There are also anti-Taliban fighters from the Hazara ethnic minority who control parts of the exquisite, ravaged Bamiyan valley.
  • In order to increase the minority carrier lifetime, the mechanism of phosphorus gettering is studied.
  • Financial exigency, familial, societal and cultural pressures, and educational deficits force many minority law students to make hard choices about whether they should study law.
  • Some minority groups dispute the final census tallies, saying their members are underrepresented. Globe and Mail

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