How To Use Minnesotan In A Sentence
As we try to maximize the assistance we can give, many of our Minnesotan friends have asked whether they can donate through us.
�The number of Minnesotans without health insurance jumped nearly 30 percent over the past three years� The percentage of Minnesotans without health insurance jumped from 5.4 percent in 2001 to 6.7 percent in 2004�fewer Minnesotans are getting health coverage through their jobs, another sign that employers are cutting or scaling back health care benefits, because of the rising cost of those benefits�� Blog Articles
On the bus, someone behind me was speaking with an accent which was definitely not any kind of Minnesotan I could recall hearing.
Dark matter, coal-fueled jets....
Tim Pawlenty, who has lagged behind in national public-opinion polls, came out swinging: He jabbed front-runner Mitt Romney, mocking his wealth, and he criticized surging fellow Minnesotan Michele Bachmann for what he called her lack of experience and successes.
Debate Jolts Republican Race to Life
A Missouri man and a Minnesotan are among three facing charges in a plot to funnel money to Somali terrorists.
What's News: World-Wide
As a Minnesotan in exiled to WI I still remember when I was spending the bucks to shoot the big bucks.
Wisconsin Hunters Debate 16-Day Deer Season PLUS More Whitetail Headlines
Yes, people like "The Nonplussed Minnesotan Commuter" may scoff, but our local media is already dubbing this storm the "Snowpocalypse," or "Snowmageddon," or "God's Dandruff," or any number of irritatingly hyperbolized sobriquets, and life here has slowed to a virtual trackstand.
Blizzard of Odd: Pedaling to the Bitter End
He also has some infatuation with Tolkien, as might be guessed from the name, lives in California, and has a fondness for taunting snowbound Minnesotans with photos of blooming flowers.
The semi-documentary movie traces the odyssey of a young Minnesotan who journeys to Roswell for the annual alien festival.
Unfortunately, the flash in the following photo misses what I was trying to capture - that being the fact that Minnesotan women can be quite fetching.
The shutdown, in other words, was expected to outrage Minnesotans enough to get them to stand up and fight for their government goodies.
Minnesotans Shrug Off the Shutdown
And Minnesotans seem adjusted to the taxes, calling their state high tax, high service.
The introverted Minnesotan in me began to panic.
Some of us actually do say "you betcha," and the worst irony is that when you say "Minnesotan," you inevitably sound Minnesotan.
You Can't Get There from He-ah
I changed a few things in the recipe, so whatever made them "Minnesotan" might not be there anymore, but no matter.
Archive 2005-09-01
He was one of a multitude of Minnesotans digging, plowing and blowing their way out from under Saturday's ripsnorter of a storm. rss feed
And chase Wanderscheid did, but all that got the Minnesotan was a comfortable gap over third-place Malcolm Chartier, a past Pro Stock 600-class champ.
And coming to the aid of the addicted is Alan Klein, a Minnesotan who three years ago launched the McRib Locator, a site that tracks appearances of the Yeti-like sandwich.
The McRib locator: Tracking the Bigfoot of McDonald's sandwiches
I sure hope Minnesotans remember this ridiculous drawn-out death scream from the Repub Norm Coleman when it comes time to re-elect Franken.
BREAKING: Minnesota's highest court rules for Al Franken
View Answers combines hockey with magic combines Scottish ballads and Chinese mythology combines Minnesotans with Sidhe combines outstate characters with characters from the Twin Cities is written by the likes of us is written by the likes of * you* -- who's this "us"? features somebody's combative elderly relatives is any fun at all.
Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
The Minnesota tradition in law [is] to enfranchise people, and their decision disenfranchises many Minnesotans whose votes have been wrongly rejected," said Coleman legal spokesman Ben Ginsberg.
Interestingly, I heard just this morning on MPR that Franken, a native Minnesotan, is considering moving back to Minnesota (he currently lives in New York) to run for the senate in a couple of years.
Al Franken « So Many Books
As a Minnesotan, her kind of nasally twang reminds me of a far northern MN accent -- which I also find very irritating.
Biden: Palin Must Condemn Ugly Slurs From Supporters
Great huge gobs of white stuff -- they're predicting 10 inches, which, of course, to a Minnesotan is chicken feed.
Day in the Life of an Idiot
Bly is a native Minnesotan and the roster of Minnesota poets of any accomplishment is not long.
You know as a Minnesotan, I am always saddened when I see Coleman as our Senator.
SurveyUSA: Coleman Leads Franken By 10 In Minnesota Senate Race
Many of the Deanies I spoke to in Iowa referred to his candor and contrarian stances in terms that would be familiar to Minnesotans who felt similar ties to Paul Wellstone or Jesse Ventura.