
How To Use Ministerial In A Sentence

  • Further appointments at a more junior ministerial rank are to come. Computing
  • But since there's nothing at all wrong with the statute that requires him to perform the ministerial task he has so far petulantly avoided, and because his malfeasance has been used to aggrieve the lawfully appointed Burris, White should be harshly condemned at the very least. Jeff Norman: Victory For Blago and Burris is Imminent
  • YTM provides theological, spiritual, and ministerial formation both to high-school students and to their teachers and ministers.
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • The President made clear he did not want to see the steel quota bill go through because the United States was going forward on further trade liberalization and progress at the WTO administerial in Seattle; did not want to see us in a position where we were passing a law that would be inconsistent with the rules of the WTO. Press Briefing By Sandy Berger And Gene Sperling
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  • This will entail government acting inter-ministerially - creating a conducive environment for the private sector investment in the provision of accommodation, hospitality and leisure. Discussion Documents for Commissions
  • In the next two sections he looks at issues in ministerial life and the wider church.
  • Their ministerial responsibilities, however unglamorous, matter to thousands of people, as the family credit fiasco showed.
  • Johnson at this period, the Latin poems which he contributed in praise of Cave, and of Cave's friends, or the Jacobite squibs by which he relieved his anti-ministerialist feelings. Samuel Johnson
  • I see his ministerial car waiting for him at 10 o'clock every night - whoosh, he is off into the night in his chauffeur-driven car!
  • A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms.
  • The decision on a 10-6 vote came just five days after the same committee agreed unanimously not to accede to Mr Dempsey's request to change the format of the ministerial session.
  • He was at that time "a vehement anti-ministerialist," but, after the invasion of Switzerland, a more vehement anti-Gallican, and still more intensely an anti-Jacobin: The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1838
  • Six ministerial aides who signed the same letter then also quit. Times, Sunday Times
  • He secured 11 ministerial jobs, including home affairs and justice, during the Fourth Republic.
  • His Cabinet reshuffle largely involved middle-ranking and junior members of his ministerial team.
  • During ministerial-level talks the two sides agreed to establish a joint co-operation commission.
  • With the curtain about to go up on the WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancún, there will be plenty of high-sounding statements calling for a successful outcome.
  • They then acquired all the rights and obligations of French citizens, including being able to vote and to hold ministerial office. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • He was called on to visit ministerially on the dying man.
  • Nor should the courts give a ministerial statement, whether made inside or outside Parliament, determinative weight.
  • Much of the present book is devoted to ministerial orders, with an essay on the diaconate and several extended discussions on the episcopal office and the meaning of apostolic succession.
  • He held various ministerial posts, and from 1983 supervised the organization of the 1988 Olympic Games.
  • The second reason is one of ministerial self-interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, many churches have been harmed by insufficient attention to ministerial training.
  • In addition to the postponement of the family reunions, North Korea also said it wants Mt. Kumgang to serve as the venue for a series of scheduled inter-Korean talks, including the ministerial parley.
  • He secured 11 ministerial jobs, including home affairs and justice, during the Fourth Republic.
  • He also plans a reshuffle to freshen his ministerial team. The Sun
  • Lands; a ministerialist; ill; correspondence with Lady Carlisle begins; advice to young men; at Richmond; reading Bampton George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • Indeed, in large measures, that could be identified as a central feature of Mr Major's ministerial career.
  • For now, she continues with her ministerial duties, serving the church she sees as part of her family.
  • Reply Obj. 2: The teacher enlightens outwardly and ministerially by catechizing: but God enlightens the baptized inwardly, by preparing their hearts for the reception of the doctrines of truth, according to John 6: 45: "It is written in the prophets ... Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • The way government works is that you get the ministerial office, the car and the red box. Times, Sunday Times
  • Adding to the incompetence is ministerial reshuffling - a move that seeks to resolve non-performance and curtail corruption.
  • He also plans a reshuffle to freshen his ministerial team. The Sun
  • In November 14th of 2001, a new round multilateral trade negotiation was started, when the 4thministerial conference was held in Doha, the capital of Qatar.
  • The obvious interpretation put on each ministerial speech has been vigorously denied by Downing Street.
  • And this ruler is distinguished from him that exhorteth, and him that teacheth, with whose special work, as such, he hath nothing to do; even as they are distinguished from those who give and show mercy; that is, there is an elder by office in the Church, whose work and duty it is to _rule_, not to exhort or teach ministerially, which is our ruling elder. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • But in light of his political biography there can be no doubt of his preparedness to assume a ministerial office in a Union-led government.
  • It always amuses me when Liberal Democrats accuse me of having a ministerial career.
  • Many a politician has built a ministerial career on making otherwise contentious subjects stupendously boring. How local government cuts will damage the NHS
  • Regardless of their personal profile, all ministerial officials behaved in much the same way in relation to their own fiefs.
  • If the Court pleases, this matter concerns the transfer of mining leases from one of the BHP companies to the applicant, and the refusal of ministerial consent to that transfer.
  • The coalition government won the vote to treble fees to 9,000 a year despite three junior ministerial resignations and a backbench rebellion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do NOT allow a few sundry Lieutenant-Colonels or Grade Five public servants alone swing for this shameful abnegation of Ministerial responsibility.
  • This authorisation is obtained by way of ministerial decree.
  • But the real power will reside in 10 of the 15 ministerial cabinet posts and bosses of the parastatal corporations that will be divided up between the warring factions.
  • Let's hope that Bradford MP Gerry Sutcliffe, whose ministerial responsibilities now include fireworks, is sympathetic to that view.
  • On major occasions like a leadership election, Cabinet reshuffles, ministerial resignations, or the Budgets, the strip of turf opposite Parliament on College Green resembles a crowded marketplace.
  • U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell will attend a ministerial meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Monday on antiterrorism efforts.
  • First, it's being tied into a wider junior ministerial reshuffle.
  • The introduction of a new child support benefit follows the ministerially appointed Lund Committee investi - gation last year which found serious shortcomings in the present system. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • And the fact that there'll be the ministerial reshuffle is a mere co-incidence.
  • Kennedy attempted to ameliorate Southern Baptist opposition to his candidacy with his speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association where he reaffirmed his belief in the separation of church and state and pledged that no religious group in other words, the Catholic Church would receive government funds or political preference should he win the presidency. Neil J. Young: Evangelical Good News For Romney?
  • He did so by regular visitations to parishes for Sunday liturgy and other sacramental and ministerial activities, as well as to other institutions, such as hospitals, where his presence brought comfort and hope.
  • The inter ministerial group will forward the proposal to the cabinet committee on disinvestment for approval.
  • The present ministerial team at the Ministry of Defence has clung stoically to the traditional line that the negligence verdict was correct.
  • There were his own wishes both to find a ministerial post in Lusatia to serve Sorbs in their common language and to find a wife.
  • I will look also at some intriguing hints that Rome may be reconsidering its position that Anglican ministerial orders are null and void.
  • The shared services initiative also has to compete for ministerial attention with frontline policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whitehall officials have repeatedly defended MI6's actions, saying the agency was following "ministerially authorised government policy. Libyan dissidents sue MI6 officer over abduction and torture claims
  • A third task addresses continuing ministerial education and ongoing support for deacons.
  • However, Gecas can seek a judicial review of the ministerial decision.
  • He was in advisory roles before gaining ministerial office. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters.
  • He is trundling around the nation's roads in one of his two self-drive ministerial cars.
  • I even had one reply (force shall remain nameless) who wanted clarification on what I meant by “Response Duties” & “Administerial Functions”. The Smooth And Efficient Running Of A Police Station « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Mike Watson is accused of breaking ministerial code after condemning Executive plans to shake up Glasgow hospitals.
  • Growing up in a manse, in a ministerial household, provided me with experiences which I could recognise later in my life for their folkloric significance.
  • He had worked his way through a large number of ministerial positions before finally landing the top job. Times, Sunday Times
  • An amiable chat about everything but the matter at hand would begin at an administerial office, typically in the late morning, over a glass or two of the local vintage. Outlet Stores? The Gall!
  • No, your Honour, you can exclude them by respect of a ministerial decision not to grant them a visa.
  • Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
  • If ministerial answerability cannot be adequately established, the question cannot be accepted and would ultimately be disallowed by the Speaker.
  • And it was also clear that the teaching unions needed something of a bruiser in the ministerial office to deliver change.
  • Over the next six years green belts fell out of ministerial favour, but rehabilitation followed in 1970.
  • In the thirteenth century the dignity of palsgrave was raised form its original ministerial character to complete independence, and the count palatine, largely in consequence of the union with Bavaria, became one of the powerful territorial magnates, subsequently the foremost of the secular princes of the empire. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The contract claim turns on clause 17 which may be described as payment in accordance with ministerially determined rates.
  • March would have seen the First Minister and Deputy First Minister and executive confirmed by the Assembly with a plenary meeting of the North South Ministerial Council.
  • A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms.
  • The ministerial advisory committee must consult the public - that is a very strict requirement.
  • You cannot separate what you are from what you do; you cannot separate the effect of truth upon your own relationship to God personally from the effect of truth through you ministerially.
  • About 40 presidents and royalty, ten prime ministers and 43 ministerial delegations have been billed to attend.
  • As a result he not only arrived on time but he also avoided the usual cheap jibes that we journalists are wont to make about ministerial limousines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each now has its own ministerial council, meeting weekly and reporting back to the full Cabinet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The coalition government won the vote to treble fees to 9,000 a year despite three junior ministerial resignations and a backbench rebellion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the plans do not as yet have ministerial approval, it is expected that the Government will argue that actual Welfare Officers will continue to work in Wales - on a homeworking only basis, but all admin jobs will be moved. Welsh administration to be moved to England?
  • Hopes rose for a deal on global trade talks after the world's leading negotiators said an outline settlement could be agreed at a ministerial meeting this Easter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Six weeks before the big gabfest in Cancun, the reality of the present situation is clear: the upcoming ministerial is in serious trouble.
  • That drive was undone by the ballot box, but it is unfortunately the case that bureaucratic ordinances are usually more permanent than ministerial fiats.
  • He gave the impression of being a romantic rebel rather than a person of prime ministerial stature.
  • The duties of this "hard-worked" functionary consist of the checking of the Parliamentary voters list of his ward, once every two years, and of acting as chief canvasser and election agent for the Ministerial candidate, who, however, is usually returned unopposed; and for these onerous duties he is rewarded by an ungrateful Government with the "beggarly" salary of �0 a year. Chapter XXIV
  • Each agency has defined responsibilities, and clear aims and objectives, set out in a Ministerially-approved Framework Document.
  • This would surely shame councillors into doing their duty by the poor more effectively than any prime ministerial chastisement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principle of ministerial responsibility has been debauched by its invocation on any conceivable occasion, to the extent that it has become almost meaningless.
  • In both countries, ministerial offices are larger and more powerful, with four or five times as many political staff as here. Times, Sunday Times
  • The London Gateway, a £1. 5bn project to build a giant deep-water port and logistic park on the banks of the Thames near Thurrock, Essex, received its latest ministerial delegation last week. How pension funds can plug the investment gap
  • It concerns the whole matter of judicial control over ministerial discretion.
  • The MSP began a new line of attack in talking of a bloated bureaucracy, the need to reduce the size of government and a promise to cut back the ministerial payroll.
  • It seems unlikely that they will all go off on holiday for the duration of the election campaign or adopt the equivalent of the ministerial purdah.
  • If accepted, DUP proposals would subject ministerial decisions to a veto by no more than thirty Assembly members, a situation not followed elsewhere.
  • The ministeriales, laymen of servile origin, were used to replace the clergy in many administrative posts; regalian rights were retained and exploited. D. Germany
  • Some of these will use their new-found freedom and their ministerial experience to cause difficulties. Times, Sunday Times
  • They claimed that I was just following the party line or that ministerial office had bought me off (which to anyone involved in Westminster is clearly nonsense).
  • In return, however, it has taken 17 of 30 ministerial posts, including the key positions of foreign affairs, defence and interior.
  • He reached ministerial level in the Diplomatic Service.
  • Since joining the party on a promise of a junior ministerial post, he has assiduously courted his parliamentary colleagues and concentrated on building a support base among the membership.
  • Sunaparant had mercilessly attacked Ravi Naik for usurping the chief ministerial gaddi (throne). Behind the News: Voices from Goa's Press
  • Decisions to approve amendments to the Multilateral Trade Agreement in Annex 3 shall take effect for all Members upon approval by the Ministerial Conference.
  • The large parties did nothing to block such tendencies, instead investing their efforts and resources in winning the grand prize, the prime ministerial position.
  • First, the holder of a high judicial office is taking his colleagues to court over a relatively minor slight: The Chief Justiceship carries some extra power, chiefly the power to assign opinions to other Justices, some administerial duties, some extra pay, and some prestige, but no extravote. The Volokh Conspiracy » A Matter of Principle — Or Whining?
  • _especially since the capital article of the ministerial programme_, i.e. _electoral reform, was not realized, nor near being realized_. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • For Tsawang Dumi, his yak is the equivilent of Rhodri's ministerial car. Rhodri and Tsawang
  • That, however, was where the suggested alternative remedy was a ministerial default power rather than a statutory appeal process.
  • He emphasized that he had chosen ministers on grounds of expertise - only three members of the Cabinet had previous ministerial experience.
  • Think of all those ministerial jobs and promotions. The Sun
  • John BaxterBerkhamsted, Hertfordshire• Nick Clegg and his Lib Dem ministerial colleagues must be dangerously naive if they think that a quick volte-face, with the imprimatur of Clegg's "personal" authority, on the key ingredients of the health bill, is going to wash with their outraged foot soldiers. Letters: Thoughts and reflections on the NHS
  • She failed to declare the lunch on the official list of ministerial meetings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Privacy groups broadly welcomed the report and criticised the government for looking to dismiss the recommendation to curb ministerial powers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a routine "administerial" filing is usually performed by someone in-house, perhaps even at the paralegal level, he said. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • Eleven of the 17 junior ministers have previous ministerial experience.
  • In short, the presbyteral priesthood was at the center of the sacramental understanding of ministerial order.
  • Jerry Falwell uses the phrase ministerially speaking to joke about his exaggerations of audience size and other numbers. Prime Time Preachers: The Rising Power of Televangelism; with an Introduction by T George Harris
  • Moreover, they fulfill the office of mediator, not indeed principally and perfectively, but ministerially and dispositively: whence (Matt. 4: 11) it is said that Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • ‘It will be up to the administrations in those areas to decide,’ he remarked after chairing a ministerial meeting on political and security affairs.
  • He also plans a reshuffle to freshen his ministerial team. The Sun
  • I did say that not all ministerial resignations lead to an urgent debate.
  • In Scotland such shires were administered by a class of ministerial tenants known as thanes.
  • We entrust the Ministerial Council with the further steps which may be required to implement them.
  • Ministerial colleagues were briefing against him.
  • Of these, 1293 had been lost to recruitment by the police, resignations, arrests for serious crimes, ministerially approved discharges and desertion. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It raises the question of whether the full rigour of the penalty points system will be brought to bear upon speeding civilian ministerial drivers.
  • If the national health ministry does not have the administerial powers to fulfil their duties, they should hand the power to us so that we can buy and distribute condoms ourselves," he said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He reached ministerial level in the Diplomatic Service.
  • As a result he not only arrived on time but he also avoided the usual cheap jibes that we journalists are wont to make about ministerial limousines. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the visit was not a success, either publicly or in ministerial meetings. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • What are the non response administerial departments within your force? The Smooth And Efficient Running Of A Police Station « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Despite one minister relinquishing his ministerial portfolio, the country is still not confident that there is integrity in public life.
  • For now, she continues with her ministerial duties, serving the church she sees as part of her family.
  • MR. STEINBERG: I think it is administerial level, but I'd have to double check on that. Press Briefing On Kyoto
  • Another article explaining the ministerial use of reason in general is Loving God With All Your Mind: Logic and Creation.
  • Success is being redefined so that it no longer depends on holding ministerial office. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a particularly obscene excuse when you consider the huge amounts of money spent every year on increasingly bloated budgets for ministerial and departmental media advisers.
  • Huw Irranca-Davies, shadow minister for the marine and natural environment, asked the Speaker even more unimaginatively whether ministers meant what they ministerially said, and was assured by John Bercow: "Ministers are responsible for what they say and I must assume that they speak on behalf of the government. What was Nick Clegg really thinking? Only God knows
  • That prime ministerial statement had no vision; nor did it have any clear-sighted sense of purpose.
  • This November in Miami, thousands are preparing to resist the ministerial meetings on the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
  • When he recorded a short speech condemning hooliganism, it was broadcast simultaneously on three national TV networks like a prime ministerial address.
  • In that respect, I am disappointed in Parliament, but we will no doubt get another chance to debate it, and it is as it should be that Parliament, ultimately, decides these things, not a bunch of ministerially appointed experts.
  • She failed to declare the lunch on the official list of ministerial meetings. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is this kind of ecclesiology that will lead to a ministerial leadership and ecclesial structures that will equip believers for their callings.
  • This body should be moved elsewhere and given considerable ministerial clout. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the latest reshuffle, it bears even less resemblance to ministerial portfolios.
  • He also plans a reshuffle to freshen his ministerial team. The Sun
  • Navarrot, the ministerial claqueur, was already applauding His Excellency the Minister
  • The first test of his growing strength will come when the ministerial team is reshuffled today.
  • The "sacerdotal" or "ministerial" priesthood, which is a manifestation of the hierarchy's Petrine charism of teaching, sanctifying, and governing authority, exists solely to serve and facilitate the Marian charism of all believers. Archive 2006-04-01
  • He reached ministerial level in the Diplomatic Service.
  • In the last weekly Downing Street meeting for parliamentary private secretaries, the cabinet office minister, Oliver Letwin, was lampooned for telling ministerial aides: "If this goes well we'll have nothing to legislate on in two years' time. David Davis takes up challenge to prepare next round of Tory policies
  • For the first time in the history of the Italian republic and for the first time in a democratic country of post-war Europe, some neo-fascists acquired ministerial portfolios.
  • Detailed policy papers, letters and ministerial submissions are taped and listened to late into the evening, absorbed at double the normal speed.
  • The "hostie" could not provide him with a special non-red-meat meal, apparently, so he reportedly spat out the prime ministerial dummy and reduced her to tears. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • He said: ‘The concept of prime ministerial infallibility has been dented.’
  • Farm supports will be central to salvaging the talks and averting a collapse in the process when the 145 member states of the WTO meet at a ministerial conference in Hong Kong in December.
  • When I first took up the Ministerial role, back in 2003, I recall the sector - not so much Maori or Pasifika peoples but the general sector - calling on Government to support research into generating a wider understanding of what volunteering means for Maori and Pasifika peoples. NZ On Screen
  • With any luck this story could carry us right through until the next ministerial reshuffle, and beyond. Times, Sunday Times
  • ministerial duties
  • One of the most ambitious of the Presbyterian preachers who embodied the new ministerial style was the Reverend Lyman Beecher.
  • Mr Morris emphasised the importance of a consensus between the three parties being reached, rather than a ministerial dictum imposed.
  • Methodists do not believe in the ministerial priesthood; Stanley does.
  • He, the doughty champion of justice for himself, spoke as if his cabinet superiors, his ministerial colleagues and fellow parliamentarians were all offering unstinted support for his staying on in Government.
  • Bilateral relations have come to a virtual deadlock since the last ministerial talks ended in failure in November last year.
  • It felt both humbling and a bit nostalgic to lecture, in God's providence to 240 ministerial students in the place I was once called to serve.
  • Hopes rose for a deal on global trade talks after the world's leading negotiators said an outline settlement could be agreed at a ministerial meeting this Easter. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is now common knowledge that she expected to be appointed to a ministerial office as soon as Labor was returned to government.
  • The decision was confirmed by OPEC President Wilson Pastor following a ministerial meeting Thursday afternoon.
  • Often, their good work on the political battlefield was rewarded with party preselection, or cushy jobs as ministerial aides, and careers in politics.
  • With any luck this story could carry us right through until the next ministerial reshuffle, and beyond. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Prime Minister has no ministerial responsibility for the Labour list.
  • Supposing Blair is correct, and parents do espy special, precious things that childless adults never can, it would still be reassuring to know that these are not outweighed by the associated burdens of exhaustion, continual interruption and prime ministerial anxiety about how to blag a first-class education without going private. Surely Dave and Nick have got better things to do? | Catherine Bennett
  • I LOVE Greg, but an organized woman like Lisa will get some administerial things done. NC's Taking Power? Greg Nelson weighs in
  • He was on the French interministerial committee that eventually rejected confederation as likely to loosen political links between France and the new states.
  • Nonetheless, the prime ministerial panstick may have been there to hide the worry lines of what happens next. Times, Sunday Times
  • That man, who had pleaded guilty to forging and uttering, filled out his electoral return wrongly, took money that he said he would not take, and filled in his ministerial return as being nil.
  • The old convention of ministerial accountability has become a charade that allows incompetence and waste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, the church has the good sense to know that, in placing a person in a position of ministerial leadership, he or she is exposed to a unique array of temptations.
  • The convention of ministerial responsibility is not enforced by the judiciary.
  • A Teagasc spokesman said its board had sanctioned a proposed increase in fees but this requires ministerial sanction, which is in the process of being sought.
  • Ideas that raced through his head, as a backbencher, became concrete legislation once he held the Ministerial reins.
  • Other changes include an end to the requirement that ministerial meetings with lobbyists should be recorded. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Macmillan steps up the ministerial pecking order from Housing to Defence to Foreign Minister and Chancellor, the politics become more interesting.
  • The chief agent for infusing ministerial faces with enthusiasm and for making policies stick must be the prime minister himself.
  • I will look also at some intriguing hints that Rome may be reconsidering its position that Anglican ministerial orders are null and void.
  • These days, representatives of China, Japan and South Korea attend all ASEAN summits and ministerial meetings.
  • A new round of global trade negotiations is moving closer to being launched, as the six-day ministerial meeting in Doha draws to a close.
  • If anybody actually believes that the ministerially appointed committee will honour the agreement, or that promise, given all those years ago, he or she is dreaming.
  • They had declared the presidency and all ministerial posts vacant.
  • A spate of ministerial resignations, followed by a horribly panicked and botched reshuffle, is another piece of evidence.
  • This body should be moved elsewhere and given considerable ministerial clout. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first unenforced reshuffle of the coalition is likely to see widespread changes to middle and junior ministerial ranks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A campaigning MP will call today for a ministerial summit to be convened to help save the hedgehog. Times, Sunday Times

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