How To Use Minion In A Sentence
Stealing away, (whence, I suppose, the ironical phrase of trusty Trojan to this day,) like a thief — pretendedly indeed at the command of the gods; but could that be, when the errand he went upon was to rob other princes, not only of their dominions, but of their lives? —
Clarissa Harlowe
The favourite for the interdominion grand final will be decided by Monday's barrier draw.
Politically active conservative Christians rarely use the term dominionism as a self-description; many feel it is a loaded or pejorative term.
The Dominion through her Indian officers and her mounted constabulary is showing herself the inheritress of these traditions.
Memories of Canada and Scotland — Speeches and Verses
This dominion not only extends over the open seas, but also over all creeks, arms of the sea, havens, ports, and tide-rivers, as far as the reach of the tide, around the coasts of the kingdom.

Our mercenaries (Blackwater and Haliburton and their minion) will still be on the ground, interfering with the new government whenever it drifts from the preordained path carved out by the American government since The Carter Doctrine.
CNN Poll: Americans overwhelming support moving US combat troops out of Iraqi cities
The show presents its monumental architecture, its military might, the way it controlled and administered its dominions through provincial satrapies and the network of roads that traversed its vast distances.
Alone in her dominion, the inheritress entered the death-chamber, and there passed an hour upon her knees.
Look at you biting your knuckle orgiastically while your leather minion whips a defenseless Isabelle De Funès.
Happy Birthday, Carroll Baker
Commander of the Faithful, Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, who hath heard tell of the lord Solomon, son of David (on whom be peace!) and of that which the Most High bestowed upon him of supreme dominion; how he held sway over Jinn and beast and bird and was wont when he was wroth with one of the Marids, to shut him in a cucurbite of brass and, stopping its mouth on him with lead, whereon he impressed his seal ring, to cast him into the sea of Al – Karkar.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
These ruminations are chased from my mind like dustballs when the band takes the stage to the deafening approval of their awaiting minions.
And whereas some have attributed the Dominion to the Man onely, as being of the more excellent Sex; they misreckon in it.
The treasury mandarins and their minions are working overtime.
They truly believe they have dominion over us.
As for him, he believed the Quakers to be those agents of the devil foretold in the New Testament, who ‘despise dominion and speak evil of dignities.’
How immensely impertinent is the prejudice that forbids so natural a use of money! why should the better half of a man's actions be always under the dominion of some prescriptive slavery; 'Tis hideous to think of.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
Dominion States of America tramble the country from sea to shining sea? - Articles related to Capital gains tax: Obsorne 'looking to take sting out'
Far from trying to develop their targets for the long haul,[Sentence dictionary] the Milken minions broke them up for quick gain.
Can you send one of your minions to collect this file?
As a self-governing Dominion within the British Empire, New Zealand was not technically a sovereign state in 1939.
A Southam-Torstar deal; a Canadian Tire; a Seagram attempt to bring in nonvoting shares; a predatory takeover of a subsidiary (Dominion Glass, Keeprite, etc.) are all at the expense of my clients and diminish my performance.
Shareholder Democracy
Inarus, the author of the revolt, was betrayed, and perished on the cross, and the whole of Egypt once more succumbed to the Persian yoke, save only that portion called the marshy or fenny parts (under the dominion of a prince named Amyrtaeus), protected by the nature of the soil and the proverbial valour of the inhabitants.
Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
Farther west was the dominion of the Thraco-Phrygian Muski.
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
Most of his profits were gained by restoring to their owners the goods stolen by his own minions.
He that would know the operation of the herbs must look up to the stars astrologically," says this master; and so to him briony is "a furious martial plant," and brank ursine "an excellent plant under the dominion of the moon.
Apologia Diffidentis
I find it highly improbable, almost impossible, that poor minions who were duped into planting explosive fire extinguishers which ended up in mass murder of their fellow citizens would remain silent all these years for fear of their own, guilt-ridden lives.
1000 Architects and Engineers
Rome was still the lawful mistress of the world: the pope and the emperor, the bishop and general, had abdicated their station by an inglorious retreat to the Rhone and the Danube; but if she could resume her virtue, the republic might again vindicate her liberty and dominion.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Settling down has been the Turks' secret to asserting their dominion. Traditionally a nomadic people, they have at last adopted a system of centralised rule to form the Seljuk Empire.
The cost will have been, when completed, about $700,000, and it is now waiting only for the entrance caisson, which is being made at the Dominion Bridge
Canada and the States
There are reasons to defend a poor people, to revolt against an evil government, seize dominions, disagreements, holding land, invasion, self-defense, and so on and so forth.
For his villain-in-chief, however, Garner repurposes a name filched from the Norse pantheon - originally, Nastrond signified the underworld Shore of Corpses, but in Garner's Alderley he is the unseen Great Spirit of Darkness, moving against the child protagonists by means of minions like the "svart alfar".
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They are all operated by the Navy League Divisions, but are financed from the Dominion Council in Toronto.
The Merchant Navy: The Fourth Arm of the Fighting Services
Alas for Satan, I keep no ordinary water in my watering can, but Holy Water I had put thereinto, for it can never be guessed at which times the Devil may send his minions to undo you.
Rev. Jasper Pickery and Three Manifestations of the Devil
Gollum is a murderer and liar, but he is also a broken-down, pathetic creature, whose torture at the hands of Sauron's minions atoned for many sins.
Overall, the heavenly hierarchy moves from the freedom and might of contemplative adoration (by the seraphim, cherubim, and ophanim) through principled order and sovereignty (ruled by the dominions, princedoms, and powers) to active service toward others in a spirit of compassion and care (by the virtues, archangels, and angels).
Archive 2007-09-01
No one blamed the father, the king, the president for mistreatment by his minions.
The Tribes Triumphant
Robert was succeeded by his sons Roger and William, to whose dominion not only was Naples added, but all the places interjacent as far as Rome, and afterward Sicily, of which Roger became sovereign; but, upon William going to Constantinople, to marry the daughter of the emperor, his dominions were wrested from him by his brother Roger.
The History of Florence
Corks's eyes shot open as a heavily damaged Dominion Interceptor barreled toward them out of control.
Age old tricks like supergluing coins or other treats to the ground will easily fool the Uni minions.
It is never quite free from the old atavistic type of the trifoliolate leaves, and invariably, when external conditions become less favorable, this atavistic form is apt to gain dominion over the more refined varietal character.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
But they had by their sin forfeited both the love of God and dominion over their neighbours.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The stone pages of the law have, by definition, become the absolute of literature, thus achieving a dominion over the literary world of which everyday insufferable literary critics can only dream.
As a consequence, whatever the result the Dominions would be disappointed and disgruntled.
They truly believe they have dominion over us.
While the Old Dominion Pub has closed down, the brewery is still making some fantastic beers … » Blog Archive » MicroBrewed: A Flashback to the First Meeting
The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to be Lord God. Isaac Newton
The three-time interdominion champion has drifted out.
How can Ministers, mandarins, and minions be kept away from cricket matches meant for the paying public?
the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring
The one thing that he accomplished was to depict the ruin of an heroic nature through an insatiable ambition for supremacy, doomed by its own vastitude to defeat itself, -- supremacy of conquest and dominion with Tamburlaine, supremacy of knowledge with Dr. Faustus, supremacy of wealth with Barabas, the Jew of
The Theory of the Theatre
On this latter point the earl of Shelburne rcmonftrated veiy warmly with his colleagues, urging in forciUe language the fupinenefs, the cowardice, the tij-eachery, the befotted ftupidity of permitting Lfiwis to rob the Corficans of their ina« lienable rights, and to overturn the balance of power by annexing to his dominions an ifland that would give him coniiderable in - fluence in the affiurs of Italy, and a dangerous extenfion of con - troul over the trade of the Mediterranean.
Memoirs of the right honourable edmund burke
Gath is omitted, being at this time under the Jews 'dominion.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Advocates of out-and-out conquest argued that Indians were either subhumans or heathens and were therefore incapable of having dominion over themselves or over property.
In truth they are animated by nothing but their own lust for power and their desire for dominion over others.
Probably he did, but Henry VIII won instant popularity for beheading his father's minions.
On the other hand, Canada enjoys an advantage, as all the Dominions do, which the Mother Country does not possess, but which now the Mother Country very much envies, that is, of being a long distance from Europe and I am not at all sure that the Dominions would necessarily be wise-it is not for me to express an opinion upon this-at least it is conceivable that a Dominion might be wise in refusing to adhere to the Locarno agreement.
Certain Phases of the Empire
The acknowledging of this truth has a respect not only to the manifestation of his justice, but also of the wisdom, holiness, and dominion of God over his creatures: for that justice which, in respect of its effect and egress, we call vindicatory, which, as we have before demonstrated, is natural to
A Dissertation on Divine Justice
His dominions included all the lands from the Baltic to the country beyond the Carpathians, and from the River Oder to the provinces beyond the Vistula.
There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars!
Archive 2006-03-01
Here in Linovia they were in Swedish dominions, but there was little to be purchased, for the peasantry had been brought to ruin by the foraging parties of the Russians and Poles.
A Jacobite Exile Being the Adventures of a Young Englishman in the Service of Charles the Twelfth of Sweden
It identifies the restoration of dominion over the powers in the new humanity.
However, in spite of the beautiful woman who insists she wants to help him and the assaults from the assorted rabid minions, Jon and Lobo agree rescuing the child is the mission.
Slanted Jack-Mark L Van Name « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
Not only that, but the power is above all other principality, power, dominion, or might.
Essentially, this involved the welding into a composite monarchy of those territories ruled by medieval kings as ‘parcels’ or dominions of the English crown.
Friday we were without a car as Scooter Boy and his minions worked to install a chair lift in the trunk.
One Dominionist I know has said (aside from calling anybody interested in preserving God's earth an "ecoterrorist") that there's no way humans can possibly destroy the ecosystem.
Not My Tribe
Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion.
In discussing Hegel, Voegelin also brands him a "Gnostic, " and then offers the following: "Gnosis desires dominion over being; in order to seize control of being the Gnostic constructs his system.
There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars.
Norman Horowitz: A Lion Is Chewing my Foot off, Somebody Call a Cop! 2
Now his control over his dominion is complete.
Times, Sunday Times
Even as his minions were, with his approval, flingingsuspected agitators into the Fortress of Peter and Paul, raiding the houses of liberal noblemen, and condemning writers andintellectuals to Siberian exile, a part of Alexander was still the sensitive Sasha, the boy with the mild, lamblike eyes.
He and his friends, pursuing “a nobler destiny,” felt “no disposition to truckle to the petty usurper, who came into power against the wishes of the great men of his own party, and whose personal character was unworthy of the favor of the meanest minion that shouted in his train.”
A Country of Vast Designs
This is his sixth Interdominion title and the crew's third.
MR. THOMPSONS Gentlemen, the Empire Club of Canada is again honoured by the presence of a Dominion Cabinet Minister; on this occasion we are privileged to have with us the Minister of National Defense for Air
The Development of Air Power In Canada
Inspired, however, by the spirit of hereditary obstinacy, Charles preferred a useless resistance to a dignified submission, and, by a series of idle bravadoes, laid the French court under the necessity of arresting their late ally, and sending him to close confinement in the Bastille, from which he was afterwards sent out of the French dominions, much in the manner in which a convict is transported to the place of his destination.
When the Glorious Revolution deposed James in 1689, rebellions in Massachusetts and New York overthrew the Dominion of New England and unseated the proprietary government in Maryland.
With no one to keep the burning braziers lit, these, too, burn out soon after, and the entire palace grows dark, cold, and empty of any movement except for the Red Death that ‘held illimitable dominion over all.’
Just the pampered young minion of any Tuscan court, a precocious wrappage of wit, good manners, and sensibility, he looked what he spoke, the exquisite Florentine, to these broad-vowelled Venetian lasses; did not smile, but seemed never out of temper; and was certainly not timid.
Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
Happily, the verso of the title page tells us why: it's printed in 11.75 point on 15.5 point Minion, with 33 lines to the page in Royal Octavo size.
The 'Carnatic' was a dominion that extended over the territory that is now included in the Collectorates of Nellore, North Arcot, South
The Story of Madras
On 18 January William V embarked for England as groups of patriots ousted his minions from power in town after town across the country.
As far as quoting notorious self-hating Jews like Noam Chomsky, yimakh shmo, and that great but thankfully deceased champion of Arab dominion, Eddie Said, such verbiage will only appeal to the ignorant.
Could There Be a One-State Solution? - The Lede Blog -
He holds all the aces in this year's high-stakes interdominion slugfest.
As a middle-ranking minion in a large organisation, I am compelled to go to a lot of meetings.
The Dominion reveals Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) decided to replace the leadership of Barriere Lake First Nation, which officials considered "dogmatized," with a chief and council offering "improved collaboration.
The Dominion: All Stories
First, that all marchants of the sayd kingdomes and countreys may come into our kingdome of England, and any where else into our dominion with their marchandises whatsoeuer safely and securely vnder our defence and protection without paying wharfage, pontage, or pannage.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
While you cheer for one and deride the other watching the show, their minions are walking out of your back door with a wheel barrow full of cash.
Poll: Will Obama visit help Corzine ?
The observations above suggest that, whilst he may have been correct in writing about a decline in donnish dominion in the universities, he was over-hasty in proclaiming an end to that dominion.
And forces with an interest in subverting the sanity of this Dominion may be readying themselves to celebrate that anniversary.
Minor minions also decided to get in on the act of being totally dumbfounded as to what to do.
Our country's dominion is very vast.
Not, however, because we are too strong and proud, lusting for global dominion.
I cherished the symbols of dominion so soon to be objects of ridicule or subjects of parody - the plonk of the cricket ball, the stamp of the sentry's boot, the hymns and the silly rituals that spoke of old certitudes.
Schaeffer and other premillennialists picked up themes of dominionism from the postmillennialist Rushdoony, and adapted them to premillennial theology.
For some it was enough to attain dominion over other rulers, in effect establishing satellite or vassal states.
To further empower corporate dominion over nation-states, it gives private corporations and investors ‘legal standing’ to sue sovereign governments.
They truly believe they have dominion over us.
For decades he has behaved as though he were God-incarnate, carrying a royal staff, ruling autocratically over his minions, consolidating power, eliminating opposition.
Judie Fein: Mubarak: Modern-Day Pharoah of Egypt
Realmes, lands & dominions hath bene of old times hitherto continued nor nothing by our said soueraigne Lord the king or his people to be attempted or done whereby such amities by reason of any dissensions, enemities or discords might be broken: by the aduise of the Lords spintuall & temporall & of the comons of his said Realme of England, assembled in this present
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Chapter 1's command that humanity "subdue" the earth and "have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth" now yields to chapter 2's description of Adam's mission "to dress . . . and to keep" the garden of Eden.
Mother superior
Probably more to the point, he was in charge, and didn't want comments from any minions who might happen to notice.
I have felt my intellect lose dominion, and learned that I was only a garmented beast, for all the many inventions very like the other beasts ungarmented.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.
To consider work and the worker in the light of humanity's dominion over the earth goes to the very heart of the ethical and social question.
The British North America Act created the Dominion of Canada by 1867.
Is it the unadorned simple man that you welcome to your bosom, or a thing of stars and garters, a patch of parchment, the minion of a throne, the lordling of twenty descents, in which each has been weaker than that before it, the hero of a scutcheon, whose glory is in his quarterings, and whose worldly wealth comes from the sweat of serfs whom the euphonism of an effete country has learned to decorate with the name of tenants? '
He Knew He Was Right
No one blamed the father, the king, the president for mistreatment by his minions.
The Tribes Triumphant
III. therefore, chap. 37. the exportation of gum senega from his majestys dominions in Africa was confined to Great Britain, and was subjected to all the same restrictions, regulations, forfeitures, and penalties, as that of the enumerated commodities of the British colonies in America and the West Indies.
VIII. Book IV. Conclusion of the Mercantile System
Mr. Pickwick and Mr. Tupman, when the latter gentleman proposed induing himself with one, on the occasion of Mr.. Leo Hunter's fancy-dress breakfast, -- for this integument, I say, these minions of the moon had blankets round their shoulders, thrown back in preparation for actual service.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
It's a non-conscious process, " said Tom Cash, a psychologist at Old Dominion University. "They assume that more attractive people have an array of valued characteristics.
So he began Know then, O Commander of the Faithful (Allah prolong to thee glory and dominion!), the report of the folk; that I am known as the Lazybones and that my father left me nothing, is true; for he was, as thou hast said, nothing but a barber-cupper in a Hammam.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
And a combatant could choose more propitious venues for the slugfest than the steps of the Hotel Ukraine in the heart of Moscow, hard by Lenin's tomb where minions of the Red Army goosestep in jackboots at all hours.
Come from your dominions of decay; gather to greet the enemies who mock you.
The root of the word is liber, meaning free, something we Americans believe we have a special dominion over.
Shira Levine: Jesus Was a Commie: An Interview With Matthew Modine
There can be no doubt from the relation sent, as to the attitude of the king of China; for the three greatest magistrates whom he has in the province and dominion of Oquen (to which belongs the province of Chiencho) -- that is, the viceroy, the inspector-general and the eunuch -- write this, each one of them, in two letters, one of which is for the said archbishop and the other for the said governor of these islands.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
All states and dominions which hold or have held sway over mankind are either republics or monarchies.
In order to do that we believe the right way to proceed is to try and secure such organization of producers, both in the secondary industries and in the primary industries as will be able to talk to those in other parts of the Empire and agree to a line of development that will not unduly conflict with what is taking place in the other Dominions; to be able to interchange as many products as we can and be sure the ultimate conflict that may take place when we become fully productive, be as long deferred as it possibly can.
Australia and the Empire
In sum, the rights and consequences of both paternal and despotical dominion are the very same with those of a sovereign by institution; and for the same reasons: which reasons are set down in the precedent chapter.
The flat focused inwardly upon the study; Andrew reigning there, a bumbling royalty, to whom they became cheerful minions.
For besides the persecuting of the foresaid Thomas archbishop of Canturburie, he would not suffer the legats sent from the pope, to enter within the bounds of his dominion, till they had sworne that they should doo nothing preiudiciall to the customes of his kingdome, neither by prescribing orders, nor any other maner of act or meanes.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
Herebie may such as altogither be not blinded plainlie see, that God, by his sentence, hath deiected all woman frome empire and dominion aboue man.
The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women.
But we in the Dominion of Canada speak of something called Anglo-Saxonism.
The West and Canada's Problem
Claim your creation, dominion, abundance and joy because they are yours by divine right.
Italy; notwithstanding that two hundred years before the Romans became so powerful that the said Tuscans lost the Dominion of that country which today is called Lombardy: which province had been seized by the Gauls, who, moved either by necessity or the sweetness of the fruits, and especially of the wine, came into
The proclamation, which took the form of a fatwa, was endorsed by religious leaders throughout the Sultan's dominions.
In terms of taking dominion, we don't - we wouldn't want to - we use the word dominion, but we wouldn't want to say that we have dominion as if we're the owners or we're the rulers of, let's say, the arts and entertainment mountain.
NPR Topics: News
The spiritual dominions, princedoms, and powers execute the love, knowledge, and power of God relative to the general structure, order, and governance of the cosmos.
Archive 2007-09-01
Burgundy joined to Provence — a dominion from the German Ocean to the Mediterranean!
Anne of Geierstein
I then said, that if the motion made by the noble Lord was persisted in, I should most undoubtedly not oppose it, because it was impossible for me to give opposition to any measure which had even the appearance of adding strength to the exclusive rights of Ireland; that I was of opinion myself that the jurisdiction in question was not, by any means whatever, conveyed by the Act referred to; that the statute of Henry VIII. was not intended to affect any part of the King's dominions was clear to a demonstration, from the subsequent statute of the same King in explanation of it -- the preamble of which, referring to the former Act, does expressly speak of treasons committed out of this realm, _and other the King's dominions_; and that the circumstance of the adoption of the former Act by the Irish
Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of George the Third From the Original Family Documents, Volume 1 (of 2)
Feast of Dedication, also known as the Feast of Lights or by its transliterated Hebrew name of Rome, Jerusalem came under the dominion of a family of Idumaeans.
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Dominions, they make a decoction or drinke, which is in the stead of Wine to them, and generally sold in all their tappe houses, called by the name of _Caova_; _Paludanus_ saith _Chaova_, and
All About Coffee
I did point out to the minion who rang me that come next spring we were likely to be in a position to have a balance somewhere around the quarter million mark.
Free Cable* TV cubbyhole boss cytology b's bracket nation gauntlet chairperson trustworthy hendrick praise pubescent bookbind aflame archival resolution laminate dehumidify centrex christoffel inflict autocracy stupid minion bravo consecrate clutter middleweight version bash dogwood lavabo term beechwood chaparral poseur begetting deviate margaret caliphate obstinacy chablis bestirring bevel abstain aberdeen cavil audiotape scurrilous rupture tomb schelling slug loudspeaker tame barnhard rotten chatty barbudo cyanide bach bethlehem redstone
Catpewk Diary Entry
Our cousins across the line, with their population of one hundred million, are still forlornly looking for the great American novel, and remembering the age and character of this Dominion I very much doubt if you will ever have the great Canathan novel, for the author of any such master-piece would have to have the geographical restlessness of a Casey Jones and the lyric fervour of an Archibald Lampman and the diligence of an Arnold Bennett and the humour of a Cervantes and the realism of a Zola and the fantasticism. of a Wilson MacDonald and the scholarship of a Charles G.
The Interpreters of Canada
For uncounted centuries the goal of tanjian adepts was to form Shuken, the Dominion.
Seeking clues, the Black Panther returns to the scene of yet another earlier murder, in a nearby cemetery and is immediately attacked by the corpselike minions of Baron Macabre.
Retro-View: Jungle Action Featuring The Black Panther #10 (Marvel Comics)
The tone of his voice suggested that he was talking to a feeble-minded minion who couldn't be trusted to tie his or her own shoe laces.
Officialdom decides to employ their minions to deride the credibility of all who oppose them.
Ultimately he is a universalist who believes that all souls will be reconciled to God, including the souls of Satan and his minions.
All, I may remind you, a reflection of sea power and of the immense importance of the dominant role played by His Majesty's navies from the homeland and from the Dominion of Canada.
The Plans Unfold
To foreign dominions, which belong to a prince who succeeds to the throne of England, this Court has no power to send any writ of any kind.
The tone of his voice suggested that he was talking to a feeble-minded minion who couldn't be trusted to tie his or her own shoe laces.
If ministers and their minions will just stop pursuing their petty vendettas through their proxies in the press, then the successes of this government should get through.
For he created all things that they might have being; and the generative powers of the world are healthsome, and there is no poison of destruction in them, nor hath Hades royal dominion upon earth: for righteousness is immortal.
Select Masterpieces of Biblical Literature
But they are also fully aware that all the powers and dominions of the earth are arrayed against them and regularly torment them.
And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
The Republic is a dominion of the Brazilian people.
Ladies of the dominion dressed in full-length gowns that touched the floor.
The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to be Lord God. Isaac Newton
It was especially interesting to see how these minions went into overdrive after the recent Loyalist riots.
He reached out with almost omnipotent power and smote his enemies, remaining impervious to their counterattack (only some of the minions died).
I would never send my hypothetical daughter to a co-ed primary school, boys that age are bilious green minions of evil.
Ah, they told themselves, Reaper, the Minion of Death, is back in town.
The two exist in the same space, both geographically and intellectually, Palestine and Israel, homelands of the dispossessed, holy lands of mosque and synagogue, inimically opposed it seems because each claims dominion in the name of their God.
Bin Laden's Speech - Part One
Princes] _shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion_.
Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
Indeed, with this powerful haptic and aural dimensions, it dethrones the classic dominion of ‘sight’ (with its correlatives of omniscience and surveillance).
Very important were the relationships with Venice and with the signories of Malatesta and De Polenta, before the dominion of Papal State, from 1509 to 1859.
Day 6, I was filled with fantasies of my new child-free life, a life of travel, financial laissez-faire, and total dominion over my own space.
Constantius soon experienced the truth of the prediction which honest indignation had extorted from his injured lieutenant, that as long as such maxims of government were suffered to prevail, the emperor himself would find it is no easy task to defend his eastern dominions from the invasion of a foreign enemy.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Fryed chikkin…*2minions waykes up Chef Kimberley to frize teh chikkin…no, nawt the Little Fuzzee Lump*
SK8TR CHIK - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Hall is relying on the West Australian runner to launch his bid for interdominion history.
He suffered damage to his heels in last Sunday's interdominion final.
Among the besieged was a monk named Schmidt, probably one of the Low-country men to whom the Franche Comté was then a sort of home, as forming part of the dominions of Spain; and this monk was the most active supporter of the defence, against the large party within the walls which was anxious to render the town.
Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
Soon the whole country was under his sole dominion.
It testifies that women are daily gaining in self-reliance; that the methodical training their minds receive to fit them for professions and for business positions, tends to render them, even in general matters, more accurate in conception, more precise in execution, less under the dominion of the sudden impulse and instinct, more capable of reasoning, and of judging of things as reason, unimpassionedly, presents them.
Womanliness as a Profession
In the end - both badly wounded by the Dark One's minions - they both sacrificed themselves to ultimately slay that evil fiend Galaax forever.
The title hero is more aligned towards typical vampire behavior as an arrogant haughty alpha leader used to obedience until his dependant is abducted showing a rare weakness and then meeting the sleuth showing that rarity is a little more common than his minion thought.
Raphael-D.B. Reynolds « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
There's bad news for the bookies heading into tonight's radically changed interdominion heats.
He is in any case at thy mercy and the slain of thy sword, if his wife be not found in thy dominions; and whensoever thou desireth his presence, I can bring him back to thee.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Just as oil and water do not mix, neither do art and life: They are separate and sovereign dominions that coexist without mixing, each with its own idiosyncrasies, values, and morality.
Back at the ranch, burgers and dogs are fired up, a keg of Old Dominion Pale Ale is tapped and points are tallied.
No, there had always been routes through from Earth into the Dominions, other than that at the Retreat.
Dallas's oil and gas barons who routinely denounced JFK as a "comsymp" had unbottled the genie of populist rage and harnessed it to the cause of radical ideology, anti-government fervor and corporate dominion.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Tucson: Time for Another Examination of Conscience
They preach to their minions’ half-truths, falsities, and destructive examples that inflate egos, separate people of differing beliefs and life-styles, and they do so with a high and mighty commanding declaration that their mutterings are the truths that their congregation was heretofore denied.
...And God Said
From public schools to elementary schools, the history of the empire was still little taught, while for most young people Empire Day meant an extra holiday rather than a commitment to dominion over palm and pine.
The chief's son would inherit all his dominions.
She was large and had an ugly face, and looked powerful - she had a smaller lady minion hovering behind her - but the three women did not stop their angry tirades.
He told the French ambassadors a month after the arrest that Barneveld had been endeavouring, during and since the Truce negotiations, to bring back the Provinces, especially Holland, if not under the dominion of, at least under some kind of vassalage to Spain.
Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland : with a view of the primary causes and movements of the Thirty Years' War, 1618
They send their minions to incite and encourage lewd behaviour in attempts to take their cash.
Their dominions were bounded by the Adriatic and the Tigris; and the whole interval of twenty-five days’ navigation, which separated the extreme cold of Scythia from the torrid zone of
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Acceptance - learning to live within the dominions of your entire person - is the ultimate goal.
In an essay last month, Director of Research and Reconstructionist American Vision and son-in-law of Gary North Joel McDurmon drew lines between "traditional dominion theology" and that which the NAR embraces, basically arguing that Reconstructionists' view of dominion is a "bottom-up" transformation preceded by a postmillennial transformation of the world through evangelism.
Julie Ingersoll: C. Peter Wagner: Dominion Theology And Postmillennialism On NPR
The supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect; but a being, however perfect, without dominion, cannot be said to be Lord God. Isaac Newton
European powers no longer rule over great overseas dominions.
-- At the close of the seventeenth century, a new dawn arose in the history of Italian letters, and the general corruption which had extended to every branch of literature and paralyzed the Italian mind began to be arrested by the appearance of writers of better taste; the affectations of the Marinists and of the so-called Arcadian poets were banished from literature; science was elevated and its dominion extended, the melodrama, comedy, and tragedy recreated, and a new spirit infused into every branch of composition.
Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
France held undisputed dominion over vast areas of Africa
Whenever the director needed more information, his minions were sent scurrying in all directions to obtain it.
All activities by which we shape and maintain our world, in all of its many complexities, also are an expression of the power of dominion over the world.
And whereas some have attributed the dominion to the man only, as being of the more excellent sex, they misreckon in it.
The British Government and the Governments of the Dominions are furnishing dollar for dollar-or the British Government more-towards putting British migrants into Empire territories instead of having them dispersed all over foreign nations in adventurous fields of investment and settlement.
The Ties of Empire
England and Spain were, he declared, at peace, and no official could deny an Englishman the right to travel peaceably in Spanish dominions, unless a law expressly excluded them.
Sea-Dogs All! A Tale of Forest and Sea
October 4, 2009 at 5:33 am ohai 2 minions! awn a unrelaytid note…did teh linkee wurk sew u cud see teh HH sawng? wuzza ryot, ai fowt!
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The last two lines of the second verse stated that the Father had entrusted to Christ, as His right, "absolute dominion over the peoples" Cui iure sceptrum gentium Pater supremum credidit.
The Reign of Christ the King
It was his heavier leg, the biosynthetic prosthesis that he had been stuck with since the Battle of AR-558 during the Dominion War.
Star Trek The Next Generation®
Humans can labour with their hands and brains, can plan and develop productive techniques, and have amassed centuries of culture and knowledge that have enabled them to control and hold dominion over the rest of nature.
In fact, he was one of Satan's minions, disguised as a bumbling idiot, tempting me with the sweet nectar of life in the form of an unpassable deal.
One Cent Baby
Both writers describe natural, divine and civil checks upon the power of the sovereign who must respect the natural dominion of his subjects.
Venice, Zante, Candie, and Zephalonia, and other the dominions of the Segniorie and State of Venice, and thereby haue made and mainteyned, and doe make and continually maintains diuers good shippes with mariners skilfull and fitte and necessarie for our seruice: and doe vent out of our Realme into those partes diuerse commodities of our Realme, and returne hither into our sayde Realme many good and necessarie commodities for the common wealth thereof:
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
So far as I can perceive, the "Christian dog" is no more the slave of his word than the True Believer, and I think the savage -- allowing for the fact that his inveracity has dominion over fewer things -- as great a liar as either of them.
A Cynic Looks at Life
Though she was taken in tow by the steam tug Dominion, she was filling rapidly and in two hours, before they reached water shallow enough to beach her, the tow had to be cast off.