How To Use Mingling In A Sentence

  • Dickens'works are also characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos.
  • The whole place was a riot of different voices and accents - I guessed the huge variety was due to so many different floors intermingling, all with their own fashions and traditions.
  • My pulmonarias have been lovely this year, clumps of frosted leaves and pink and lilac flowers throughout the garden hiding the dying foliage of snowdrops and mingling with forget-me-nots.
  • Anthropologist Lloyd Swantz, who began researching Zaramo societies as early as the 1960s, postulated that the intermingling of Swahili societies with an emphasis on patriliny might have influenced Zaramo societies. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • He was a psychologist rather than a philosopher, and his interest and zest in life, in the relationships of simple people, the intermingling of personal emotions and happy comradeships, kept him from ever forming cynical or merely spectatorial views of humanity. Ionica
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  • There's something incredibly satisfying about not paying hundreds of dollars and mingling with people who have. Times, Sunday Times
  • Steam rose slowly from cooling streets mingling with viscous fog, enshrouding lubricious night. Torn Among These Lovers
  • Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish, or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy?
  • As his voice resonated, mingling with the call of a distant koel, the mystery of the majestic edifice stood out.
  • I didn't just think all of this, I talked it through to myself, a mustardy mingling of words and ham. GALILEE
  • You will be mostly mingling with French tourists and overall costs are lower than in Alpine resorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sexual reproduction can bring about genetic commingling.
  • The chef and pround owner of Fusion, a restaurant whose specialty was a mingling of trendy food with soul food.
  • Two or three years 'growth will raise these plants above all grass and low vegetation, and a sprinkling of laurel, rhododendron, hardy ferns and a few intermingling colonies of native wild flowers such as bloodroot, false Solomon's seal and columbines for the East, as Studies of Trees
  • The intermingling performed by the act of anthropophagy, and the intersection of the past and present that occurs in the building of cultural identity, suggests that the time of this “meal” is, to borrow a phrase, “out of joint.” Archive 2008-02-01
  • We still don't know the decisive elements that went into that change from an older style of symbolism and writing poetry to the new style — the new style being a new type of visionariness but also a certain intermingling of prosaicness or a diminished fear of the difference between prose and poetry. An Interview with Harold Bloom
  • all the random mingling and idle talk made him hate literary parties
  • Ghislaine sang in a ravishing fashion, and Yves accompanied her on the clavecin that stood in the petit salon, mingling the grave accents of his baritone with her clear soprano. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • Morris men, lords and ladies and even Hobnob the hobby horse were to be found mingling among the stalls.
  • She felt the corner of her eyes prickle and her nose tingled as tiny tears slipped down her cheek, mingling with the blood.
  • All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
  • It was the hospital's first experiment with "commingling" a stand-alone, hospital-owned physician building outside the hospital's walls, in effect making it a hospital outpatient setting. - News
  • Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish, or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy?
  • This mingling of polluted and clean air is particularly evident from January to April of each year during the winter monsoon.
  • Also called "commingling," single steam recycling means sending all recyclable materials in one container to be sorted mechanically. Undefined
  • Roman empire! how countless the nations which swarm forth, in mingling and indistinct hordes, constantly changing the geographical limits — incessantly confounding the natural boundaries! The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Like Smith, he recognized that quality in her they each called "gameness," and even more than Smith he appreciated the commingling of Scotch shrewdness and Indian craft. 'Me--Smith'
  • SHE spends her days sipping champagne, splashing the cash in designer boutiques and mingling with footballers. The Sun
  • My long crawl along them sees bankers and backpackers alongside captains and cabin crew, all mingling in the steamy summer heat. The Sun
  • If only there were time for a mini-course in mingling! French Word-A-Day:
  • A spirit is distilled from the stalks thus prepared, by first fermenting them with water and either mingling bilberries with them or not.
  • Corker became a Senator by running that heinous ad against Rep. Ford suggesting he was 'commingling' with a blonde white woman. Senator's daughter is carjacked
  • In Phèdre voice becomes the place where nocturnal phantasies commingling sexuality, death, and violence are embodied in verbal images.
  • The goat-men moved in and out of the shadows, their cries and calls mingling one with another into a low but threatening murmur. Virginity
  • It smells fantastic, the sweet but fresh zing of pineapple mingling with lime and the deep, honeyed richness of mango. Times, Sunday Times
  • Based on traditional mingling, a new mingling, tree species diversity mingling, has been put forward.
  • Soon she was mingling with the stars. The Sun
  • He joined Michelle on the bridge, relief commingling with a confused pride at his own bravery.
  • Here he was, mingling with sporting stars and worshipped by them because he had made them rich overnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mingling the best of old and new, the renovated saltbox remains faithful to its humble origins while accommodating the personality of its residents.
  • Â Astra and her beau travel into space to view something called “The Gordian Knot,” which consists of millions of universes all agglomerated together, existing in a strange quantum state of intermingling, thanks to Astra and her powers. Review: Rapid Fire Reviews - Stale Candy Edition! | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • It smells fantastic, the sweet but fresh zing of pineapple mingling with lime and the deep, honeyed richness of mango. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love the savoury smells of fresh herbs mingling with the earliest crop of stone fruits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are the book fairs, with their new kind of commingling, sending out a hint - perhaps an unintended one - about the timeliness of such initiatives to their organisers? Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • The inversion of sacred to profane suggests a downward transformation from the spiritual to the material plane, a profane commingling of the human and divine, the flesh and the spirit.
  • The commingling of transparency and opacity is handled with remarkable skill.
  • When inspecting vegetable packing operations, I evaluate the risks of contamination by prohibited substances and commingling with non-organic products.
  • Dogs darted among the crowd with the children, their barks mingling with the yowls of cats in alleys and on rooftops and the coos and flutter of pigeons taking flight.
  • I looked to Kyle, seeing his eyes widen with mischief as he began to chase her, their squeals of laughter mingling in with the rumbling thunder.
  • Harbinger was aware in his every nerve of the sweetish, slightly acrid, husky odour of the loosebox, mingling with the scent of The Patrician
  • The word apomixis is from the Greek apo, with the short a, meaning ‘without,’ and mixis, meaning ‘mingling.’ Day of the Dandelion
  • We see athletes mingling with fans, and handing out autographs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gossamer sails -- "a faint, recedent measure, and intermingling with it the sound of a boy's voice singing gaily on the misty hills: Sally of Missouri
  • Commingling is defined as ‘physical contact between unpackaged organically produced and nonorganically produced agricultural products during production, processing, transportation, storage or handling‘
  • Indeed, this formulaic, strategic intermingling of text and image accentuates the use of the seated dynasts as so many redeployed archaic motifs.
  • The small feed and tack room door was slightly ajar; the fumes of oats and hay mingling in the warm, moist air of the summer afternoon.
  • And though there are no discernible physical barriers to prevent intermingling or interbreeding, I have never seen mixed herds or any individual that looks like an intermediate form, or hybrid.
  • The chef and pround owner of Fusion, a restaurant whose specialty was a mingling of trendy food with soul food.
  • Its grotesque and threatful character was greatly increased by the mingling of its one substance with its many shadows on the wall behind it. St. George and St. Michael Volume I
  • Asking questions, sharing ideas, and generally mingling with other cybrarians will keep you buoyant.
  • We see athletes mingling with fans, and handing out autographs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was flanked by a long-necked bottle of Florence wine, by which stood a glass enarly as tall, resembling in shape that which Teniers usually places in the hands of his own portrait, when he paints himself as mingling in the revels of a country village. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • In mid-summer, it oozed out a heavy vegetal odor mingling fertility and rot. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • New York's young'uns, including Tumblr's David Karp (No. 80); Jordan Goldman of college review site Unigo (No. 91), who was profiled in The New York Times Magazine; and party boy Charles Forman, founder of iminlikewithyou. com and Gawker's person of interest (No. 97), were also seen mingling. Only Connect: Silicon Alley Insider Honors Silicon Alley 100
  • A column of black smoke marched into the sky, growing taller and taller, mingling with the smoke closer at hand: some released afrit joining its fellows. The Fortress of the Pearl
  • The Queen's mingling of the old and new religions (the 'Elizabethan Settlement') perturbed reformers and conservatives alike.
  • I can close my eyes and hear them tinkling yet, sixty years after, and feel the pine-needles under my knees, and smell the wood smoke mingling with the musky perfume of her hair and the scent of the wild flowers outside her bower ... the soft lips teasing my ear, murmuring "Make my bells ring again, pinda-lickoyee* (* Literally," white-eye "; a white man ....) Isabelle
  • Fans say they are overcome by intermingling feelings of sheer joy and admiration when they finally get to see in the flesh the celebrity they have come to know from videos, photographs and articles in fanzines.
  • This psychiatrist entered into what we call a dual relationship by traveling with Anna Nicole, mingling with her friends. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2007
  • For the ruffianish pages of Jack London, the pungent, hospitable smell of a first-class bar-room -- that indescribable mingling of Maryland rye, cigar smoke, stale malt liquor, radishes, potato salad and _blutwurst_. Damn! A Book of Calumny
  • There is no intermingling of vehicles from opposite directions as the two-way movement was separated by a median strip.
  • Normally, you'd find Mary mingling with fellow parishioners at All Souls Church in Salford.
  • Long strips of colour zigzag across the landscape like a patchwork quilt, reds and yellows mingling with purples, pinks and lilacs.
  • There's something incredibly satisfying about not paying hundreds of dollars and mingling with people who have. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, to be a young believer in Philadelphia right now, where the spirit of Christian activism is mingling vigorously with an apparently unkillable strain of old-school countercultural Jesus-freakery. Sing to the Lord a New Song
  • Japanese love a good obento, which is a select assortment of traditional delicacies served in a bento box, a compartmentalized tray with high walls to prevent intermingling of foodstuffs. - Business News
  • Individuals of both, mingling with the citizens, disseminated principles of union among them.
  • The incorporation of food taboos linked distinctly to one's patrilineage, an institution not customary among matrilineal Bantu people but subscribed to by many Gogo speakers, probably also resulted from this intermingling. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Several of the guards, mingling among the inmates, flicked off the safeties of their own weapons in preparation of any trouble.
  • She could hear lots of laughter, endless and melodious, mingling with sweet beautiful music and songs sung by heavenly voices.
  • The album leads the listener through a sonic tour of the ether on a radio ship picking up the most interesting sound tidbits floating about, bouncing around and intermingling with each other.
  • The old days of mingling with the riff raff is over. Think Progress » Rewriting history.
  • My long crawl along them sees bankers and backpackers alongside captains and cabin crew, all mingling in the steamy summer heat. The Sun
  • Near the water's edge, mingling with sedges, flags, marsh-mallows, bur-reed, and alisma, were the golden flowers of the shrubby lysimachia in dense multitudes, while from the canal itself rose many a spike of water-stachys, with here and there blossoming butomus, near the fringe of the banks. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, alleges that Sentinel Management Group Inc. misused customer segregated funds by "commingling" its assets with its customers 'assets and using as much as $444 million in customer funds to securitize a loan with the Bank of New York. Regulator Sues
  • Forty-second Street had been a sort of Hell's Gate, a place for the grotesquely amative intermingling of species. Gone for Good
  • There was a strange feeling of spite mingling with the familiar atmosphere of anger now. Richard Temple
  • The coat is termed pily or pencilled, the effect of the natural intermingling of the two types of hair. Undefined
  • They approach the piece like a musical score, mingling solo parts with duets, trios and quartets.
  • There were people, crowds of people, clearly visible at the office windows of the upper stories of the casino and cathedral looking out over the crowd: the casino itself might be closed, but either the rest of Billy Fairchild's empire was open for business, or he'd offered it up as a coign of vantage for those interested in seeing the concert but not mingling with the groundlings. Music to My Sorrow
  • We had passed through long walls of piled skeletons, with casks and puncheons intermingling, into the inmost recesses of the catacombs.
  • She could sense his disbelief and excitement at her suggestions, mingling with the smell of his blood, adding a sharp tang much like a spice on food.
  • Rod went on, with a kind of shamefaced mingling of jest and earnest: Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise, Volume II
  • It is the middle class which is intermingling with all sections and castes of the society, working together in offices, industries, business and government.
  • In a plush suite, its air heavy with the scent of hothouse flowers, record company bosses are mingling with agents and photographers. The Sun
  • We see athletes mingling with fans, and handing out autographs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly they won't be able to forget him - he's on the official team photo, having evaded tight security and got on to the pitch in full kit by mingling with photographers until moments before the photocall.
  • Here he was, mingling with sporting stars and worshipped by them because he had made them rich overnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Played out against a backdrop of the infamous club, their romance develops as we meet the high life and the low life, slumming aristocrats and the fashionably rich, mingling with workers, artists, Bohemians, actresses and courtesans.
  • And thus for a time I was occupied by exploded systems, mingling, like an unadept, a thousand contradictory theories, and floundering desperately in a very slough of multifarious knowledge, guided by an ardent imagination and childish reasoning, till an accident again changed the current of my ideas. Chapter 2
  • It is possible, therefore, that something similar may be the case with the mixture of flame and air in pneumatic bodies, which, though not readily mingling by simple commixture, yet seem to be mingled together in the spirits of plants and animals, especially as all animate spirit feeds on moist substances of both kinds, watery and fat, as its proper food. The New Organon
  • My friend Spruner had business at Herisau, and spending one more evening together, our prayers mingling for the last time, we parted. Scenes in Switzerland
  • All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
  • The descent into the Etruscan tombs must have let him feel he was commingling with his father, father and son consubstantial.
  • And herefrom we may gather what mingling of forces is needed to produce the great ages and results in literature. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Soldiers in their various uniforms strolled along the promenade, mingling with Greeks from the mountains in their long white pleated skirts they call the fustanella.
  • Negro blood certainly appears in strong strain among the Semites, and the obvious mulatto groups in Africa, arising from ancient and modern mingling of Semite and Negro, has given rise to the term "Hamite," under cover of which millions of Negroids have been characteristically transferred to the "white" race by some eager scientists. The Negro
  • You will be mostly mingling with French tourists and overall costs are lower than in Alpine resorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result of the genre-mingling is a diverse mix of stories that either hint at or have feet firmly entrenched in whatever your own personal definition of space opera might be. September 2006
  • The buzzing and roaring noise given forth by the naphtha lamps, the monotonous chanting of the prisoners, the perpetual "All's well" of the sentries, and the intermingling notes of the bugle calls suffused the air with their distracting sounds and made me feel as if my head were in a maëlstrom. My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War
  • If the idea of commingling bodies with the Earth makes you feel a little squeamish, some of the methods used by conventional cemeteries to keep bodies boxed forever aren't much nicer. Terrain Magazine
  • And thus for a time I was occupied by exploded systems, mingling, like an unadept, a thousand contradictory theories and floundering desperately in a very slough of multifarious knowledge, guided by an ardent imagination and childish reasoning, till an accident again changed the current of my ideas. Frankenstein
  • There's something incredibly satisfying about not paying hundreds of dollars and mingling with people who have. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the random mingling and idle talk made him hate literary parties.
  • Christine has heard her name mingling in the air with that of her whose son is one day to be King of France. The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X
  • What was the need, then, for a specific text to prove the permissibility of mingling wool and flax in zizith?
  • His long bushy eyebrows, mingling with his coarse black hairline, made him appear to have no forehead at all.
  • The Nordic version, known as glogg, is blended the day before to get the flavours mingling and calls for a floating garnish of raisins and blanched almond slices. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Freewheeling through such scenery, with the smell of pine intermingling with woodsmoke in the breeze, one feels an irrepressible high.
  • It seemed quite filled with large bright clouds, resembling immense banks of snow, piled on each other in massy numbers, of the purest white; wreathing their ample folds in various forms and devious convolutions, and mingling in one vast embrace their shadowy substance. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • I recollect only the sword-fish, a local speciality, and (as crowning glory) the _cassata alla siciliana, _ a glacial symphony, a multicoloured ice of commingling flavours, which requires far more time to describe than to devour. Old Calabria
  • They will spend the first two nights mingling with minstrels and musicians at the fairytale, medieval-style Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas.
  • The ballet's action is overcomplex, mingling the real, the imagined and the symbolic. Times, Sunday Times
  • This commingling is seen by many reformers as a grotesque reduction to the base material level of human corporeality.
  • His office at the Duma had pictures of him in a military uniform, mingling with soldiers and civilians.
  • The result is a mingling of million-dollar condos and sleek wine bars with creaky, rent-controlled buildings and graffiti-pocked bodegas. Prospect Heights Edges Into Crown Heights
  • But is it the mixing of religion and politics in general that Americans oppose, or could it be what R. R. Reno, editor-in-chief of First Things, identifies as "mingling certain kinds of religion with certain kinds of politics? Jonathan D. Fitzgerald: The Necessary Mix Of Religion And Politics
  • He was middle aged with a bit of gray hair mingling with the brown and was currently chugging a tankard of beer.
  • They straddle both worlds, commingling the values of each.
  • It was a social evening with a high turnout of regulars mixing, mingling and conversing.
  • He is in every respect a republican pig, going wherever he pleases, and mingling with the best society, on an equal, if not superior footing, for every one makes way when he appears, and the haughtiest give him the wall, if he prefer it. American Notes for General Circulation
  • Their cloudscape consists of 99.9% air formed by modular balls that congregate to make areas for sitting, playing, mingling and even swimming! BIG's Bubbly Cloudscape for PS1 Can Be Recycled as Messenger Bags | Inhabitat
  • All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
  • Beyond rose hills -- hill upon hill lit patchily by the sun, so that their contours were a mingling of brilliant purple heather, red-brown bracken, and indigo shadow. The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • I felt a drop of water land on the tip of my nose with a plop, mingling with the dirty sweat already on my face.
  • The Abbess's Norman pride of birth, and the real interest which she took in her niece's advancement, overcame all scruples; and the venerable mother might be seen in unwonted bustle, now giving orders to the gardener for decking the apartment with flowers -- now to her cellaress, her precentrix, and the lay-sisters of the kitchen, for preparing a splendid banquet, mingling her commands on these worldly subjects with an occasional ejaculation on their vanity and worthlessness, and every now and then converting the busy and anxious looks which she threw upon her preparations into The Betrothed
  • The intermingling of the light from these various jewels produces a color unexcelled among all colors.
  • Soon she was mingling with the stars. The Sun
  • All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
  • It smells fantastic, the sweet but fresh zing of pineapple mingling with lime and the deep, honeyed richness of mango. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had no choice but to stay on in Asia, intermingling with the local peoples, and leavening Indian learning with Greek philosophy and classical ideas.
  • The trail does not appear again until 1917 when Lillie, not content with mere descriptions, dissected the placentae of several pairs of freemartin cattle and noted the placental intermingling of blood between these differently sexed twins (11). Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
  • You see in his face an extraordinary mingling of the peasant, the visionary, and the dandy: the long hair and beard, the sensitive mouth and nose, the fierce brooding eyes, in which wildness and delicacy, strength and a kind of stealthiness, seem to be grafted on an inflexible peasant stock. Figures of Several Centuries
  • We talked to a Councilman in Chicago, Illinois today who stated "Politicians do this because utility fee increases don't carry the negative connotation like taxes do." he continued, "Aside from the politics, this kind of commingling of utility fees and taxes prevents the public from knowing how their money is being spent. Election 2009-Lehi, Utah Where is My 4.25 Million Dollars? Robert Paisola Reports for NBC GR
  • So the mingling dinosaurs spread diseases and wiped each other out.
  • The smell of the sweet South Pacific sea air mingling with vivid island flowers excites the passions.
  • Whether it is sultry, as in lilac, or cool, as in lady's smocks, this mingling of fierce red and saintly blue has an elfin quality. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Though vulgarly called a "Negress," her skin was almost as fair as a Saxon's; and because of the mingling of Negro blood -- more beautiful in color. Hanover; Or The Persecution of the Lowly A Story of the Wilmington Massacre.
  • The call-and-response dynamic in this scene allows discrete space for dialect and uninflected speech, but clearly emphasizes the mingling of the two voices in a communal speech act.
  • Plessy, the purpose was to prevent "commingling" between the races. South Dakota Politics
  • And yet mingling with these cries of delight, of jubilation, I record also, as I read, the repetition in the bass of one word intoned over and over again by some malcontent. The Death of the Moth, and other essays
  • Soon she was mingling with the stars. The Sun
  • Though not a place where interclass mingling happens regularly, Bethel nonetheless serves as an important agent of wealth redistribution in the black community. American Grace
  • In the slow mingling of the made and born, the organic is a dominant trait, while the mechanic is recessive.
  • It was like a really good party: everyone was mingling, dancing and smoking ciggies.
  • It was a vast and happy intermingling of nationalities that settled down in China in 1982 and the years that followed — a tremendous and successful experiment in cross-fertilization. THE UNPARALLELED INVASION
  • The ban covered all friendly mingling with former enemy nationals, but the term "fraternization" quickly became synonymous with illicit and adulterous sex. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • And in a Bakhtinian mode, she uses, in her more recent writings, polyphonic voices intermingling as an interface that brings out various jostling ideologies from various levels of psyche and history.
  • The popular college remedy for disprized love had always been an instantaneous mingling of conflicting alcohols -- calling a large policeman a big blue boob seemed to produce the same desired result of bringing one to one's senses by first taking one completely out of them without the revolving stomach and fuzzed mind of the first instance. Young People's Pride
  • The hills were darkening on their eastern slopes; the shadows of the few poplars that sparsedly dotted the dusty highway were falling in long black lines that looked like ditches on the dead level of the tawny fields; the shadows of slowly moving cattle were mingling with their own silhouettes, and becoming more and more grotesque. On the Frontier
  • One consequence of this potential intermingling of contribution can be the difficulty, if not invalidity, of art historical attempts to attribute authorship to an individual artist.
  • The historical development was not a quiet and uniform one; there were continual migrations and remigration, conquests and inter - mingling. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Officers also have miniature cameras fitted to their helmets and sniffer dogs are mingling with punters. The Sun
  • Ugh! And the gassy effervescence that rises from the thin pipes of the little boys! and the street tunes eructed in a hiccough, like the run of a lamp-chain when you pull it up, mingling with the noisy bellow of the basses! The Cathedral
  • Hanging on the walls, hints of Buckminster Fuller's efficient geodesic domes can be detected mingling with M C Escher's delicate figurative tessellations and traditional Islamic arabesques.
  • Gradually, the pagan and sexual passions the moon inspires demonstrate that these inhibitive prisons cannot prevent the transgressive mingling of sacred and profane love.
  • In the slow mingling of the made and born, the organic is a dominant trait, while the mechanic is recessive.
  • Her head thrashed against the ground, her blood matting her hair and mingling with the dirt and blades of grass.
  • Adeena Williams was my newspaper's former food editor. The chef and pround owner of Fusion, a restaurant whose specialty was a mingling of trendy food with soul food.
  • In another "House," I have seen the children take the entire box, empty the sixty-four colour-tablets upon the table and after carefully mixing them, rapidly collect them into groups and arrange them in gradation, constructing a species of little carpet of delicately coloured and intermingling tints. The Montessori Method
  • Here he was, mingling with sporting stars and worshipped by them because he had made them rich overnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Lenox, still watching the man's movements with a strange mingling of indifference and triumph, saw the miracle-worker -- of whose powers he knew far more than the Pathan -- disappear unhindered into the folds of the man's kummerbund; saw himself once more a free man, -- captain of the soul and body given into his charge. The Great Amulet
  • The authors seamlessly weave the life stories of each character throughout the book, commingling events of the past, present and future.
  • I'd been wondering what kind of impact the much-ballyhooed, first-time mixed seating – senators and House members breaking the tradition of sitting on separate sides of the chamber by party, and mingling for the first time – would have on the theatre of this event. The state of the union: Obama's appeasement strategy | Michael Tomasky
  • Mingling up the two can construct a nice class environment for music teaching.
  • I have a collection of beanie babies on top of my wardrobe mingling with the collection of bottle trophies from my lush men!
  • Community-focused businesses like barbershops and post offices are scattered throughout the ground floors of various buildings as well, to encourage mingling.
  • False account names, the use of financial intermediaries, and commingling of funds for legitimate and illegitimate purposes are the rule.
  • In a plush suite, its air heavy with the scent of hothouse flowers, record company bosses are mingling with agents and photographers. The Sun
  • The bar was noisome and smelly, the stench of unwashed bodies and foul beer mingling with the rotten fish smell of the port.
  • Both groups are intermingling without any hostility or altercations.
  • Previous work also has documented the presence of two distinct magma compositions beneath Nevado del Ruiz, one andesitic and the other dacitic, with mixing and mingling between the two during the November 1985 eruption.
  • However, other variances are yellow elephant taxies and humans mingling with such beings as vampires, goblins, and shapeshifters, on my; having the same rights as humans have. Stalking the Vampire-Mike Resnick « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • This wine is bold and rich, featuring mouth-filling flavours of peachy fruit sweetness, intermingling with toasty vanillin oak.
  • A spirit is distilled from the stalks thus prepared, by first fermenting them with water and either mingling bilberries with them or not.
  • There was no ornament else about her, except on her slippers, which were one mass of gleaming emeralds, of various shades of green, all mingling lovelily like the waving of grass in the wind and sun.
  • Still less do they care to expose their daughters to mingling with that crowd of questionable females, coming from all parts of the world, and constituting what M. Planchut calls the 'monde interlope,' which assembles every winter at M.nte Carlo and Nice. Fair Italy, the Riviera and Monte Carlo Comprising a Tour Through North and South Italy and Sicily with a Short Account of Malta
  • He remembered the odor of those rooms, a sultry mixture of cinnamon and spices, kef and coffee, warm black hair and female musk, the scent of rose and jasmine, mingling with the fragrance of vanilla that wafted in from the tubs of white oleanders that stood on the turquoise-patterned tiles of the central courtyard. Lace
  • The CD is a more personal affair, deep cogitative blues mingling with the bleaker registers.
  • They add that the mingling biological components in electronic circuits could enhance biosensing and diagnostic tools, advance neural prosthetics such as cochlear implants, and could even increase the efficiency of future computers. News
  • I felt a drop of water land on the tip of my nose with a plop, mingling with the dirty sweat already on my face.

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