

[ US /ˈmɪndʒ/ ]
  1. vulgar term for a woman's pubic hair or genitals

How To Use minge In A Sentence

  • Pachycephalosaurus wyomingensis reveal a dense structure composed of metaplastic bone with a variety of extremely fibrous and acellular tissue. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Were he still in power, he would note the profound difference between Chairman Mao's retromingent Great Leap Forward and what Beijing's new entrepreneurial technocrats have in mind. Lawyers, engineers and scientists: comparing Chinese and American politician bakcground
  • 'Zut alors, what a lardy old minger,' he observed wisely to himself. The Mystery Of The Vanishing Man
  • i looked up urban dictionary for the word minger and look what it says: The Guardian World News
  • Larval and 0-group cod and capelin, as well as species such as haddock, wolffish, tusk ( '' Brosme brosme ''), and ling ( '' Molva molva '') may also be carried by the western branch of the Irminger Current across to East Greenland and onward to West Greenland [18] (see Fig. 13.6). Fisheries and aquaculture in the Central North Atlantic (Iceland and Greenland)
  • We have started a multicenter replication study in which we will recruit 320 young people in eight cities in Europe and Australia, " Amminger told Psychiatric News.
  • Aquatic communities include camalotes, primarily of the genus Eichhornia and Reussia, onagraceae like Victoria cruziana (irupé) with large plate-shaped leaves and white flowers with many petals; we also find Cyperus giganteus (pirí), Typha latifolia and T. Domingensis (totoras) and the beautiful blue-flowered pontederiacea Pontederia lanceolata (cucharero). Paraná flooded savanna
  • The crustacea copulate like the retromingent quadrupeds, fitting their tails to one another, the one supine and the other prone. On the Generation of Animals
  • The best argument against it is the kind of microstate counting from string theory pioneered by Strominger and Vafa — they were always looking precisely at the extremal case, and found a non-zero entropy. Where Does the Entropy Go?
  • The scale insect Paracerostegia kunmingensis Tang et Xie is an important pest which harms the deconative plants Pittosporum tobira(Thunb.
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